How to Grow a Garden in a Bottle. A bottle can be recycled to function as a miniature greenhouse.

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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A bottle can be recycled to function as a miniature greenhouse.

This is a great project. It is creative, easy and fun to make. The result can make for a unique decoration.

Select your Bottle

The bottle should be large enough to allow room for plants to grow.

Clean it and allow the bottle to dry thoroughly before using it.

The larger the opening, the easier it'll be to maintain the garden.

Turn the bottle right-side up.This will form the base of the bottle garden

Place pebbles and sand on the base of the bottle.

This will provide a good drainage base for the plants. Wet the sand before putting it in place.

Adding a thin layer of coal on top of the drainage layer will minimize any smell.

Cover the sand and pebbles with soil. The soil should be good quality and pre-dampened. If you accidentally get soil on the sides of the bottle, obscuring the view, you can tie gauze or cotton to the end of a pencil and reach in to wipe off the soil.

Plant the garden. Choose seeds of small indoor plants.

Put the seeds in different spots to make it an interesting arrangement.

Watch the plants grow. The plants will need air and moisture. Be sure to perforate the lid or cap of the bottle or jar, or don't put it on at all. Use a water sprayer to put moisture into the bottle. Only water when no condensation is observed on the glass--it's always better to under water than over water.