How to improve self competence in the era of aec

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Are You Ready in

AEC 2015?

Where do you want to go?

Where you will be?

What is the competence?

Meaning of Competence according to (Spencer & Spencer, 1993: 9) is competence is a fundamental characteristic of an individual, which causes associated with the reference criteria of effective performance.

Competence closely on performance.

If we competence good then we will be a good performance and achieve good results, but if we competence bad then we will be bad performance and yield results that are not in line with expectations.

Reference criteria (criterion-referenced) means that the actual competence predict who is doing something good or bad, as measured by specific criteria or standards.

Competence-You should be expert in the three things:

You will now ask yourself if you have a good competence and bad competence when the era of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 applied simultaneously throughout the ASEAN region

AEC has a wider space because it concerns not only about trade issues but also about human mobility who live in the ASEAN region. AEC’s opportunities wider and bigger for everyone to work and work in the ASEAN countries.

The quality of human resources will create a superior good competence to be able to compete in the era of the AEC. One of the competency standards that will be seen is the English language proficiency for each individual in communication and writing.

Because English is the language of communication in the business world. AEC more towards prospects in business. Therefore if a company will create a network to ASEAN countries and opening offices in all countries of ASEAN, then all levels must be able to level in spoken and written English is good and right.

We must make SOWT to ourselves first, SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate (strengths), (weaknesses), (opportunities), and (threats).

We should know in advance what we are and what advantages and weakness ourselves.

If we already know the advantages ourselves, for example We are a computer programmer so we can improve their skills in the program attend classes and seminars on programming, it is a positive step to improve our competence. If our weakness is that we do not have good English language skills for communication and writing then we must learn to achieve the standards set by the company we work.

The bottom line is we have to prepare ourselves and we can not act half, because it concerns the future of ourselves, where we will go and in the place

where we will work and work.

AEC should be seen as a great opportunity and not as a threat. If we look at it as a chance to eat we will motivate us to improve ourselves competence to be able to compete with the professionals from countries other ASEAN.

But if we see it as a threat then we will see the AEC as a scary thing and will make us less confident in the face of competition from professionals ASEAN countries other.

Good education will create good human resources and ready to adopt wherever they live and work. Know the potential of ASEAN countries is very necessary because it is our place to work and work to earn money to support our lives today and in the future.

When you are having the best competence you can go where you take your dream in your job