How To Improve The ROI Of Your New Product Launch

Post on 30-Apr-2015

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The successful launch of a B2B product or service requires more than an excellent concept. It requires an effective strategy and an implementation plan.

This webinar will cover: • The five steps to take pre-launch• The key elements in positioning and messaging• How to leverage the social web to gain exposure• How to create pre-launch, launch and post-launch

excitement • How to measure the effectiveness of your launch


You’ve invented a better mousetrap – now what?

The Top 5 Pre-Launch StepsSep #1: Get Your Positioning Right

• Unless you properly position your product, no one is going to care

• Don’t put all the focus on features – those are secondary – focus on the benefits

• Play up needs that your product will meet, or problems it will solve

• Be prepared – have your key spokespeople well schooled in facts, features, benefits, etc.

• Be here now – make sure you’re available to respond to any media inquiries

Step #2: Define the Audience

• Who are the target buyers?• Where do they hang out? Twitter? LinkedIn? Blogs?

Pubs?• What is important to them?• What drives their purchases?• Who are the influencers? Who can help get your story

told in the media?• Do you have (happy) beta customers? If possible, line

them up ahead of time for inclusion in media outreach

Step #3: Develop Collateral In Synch With Your Audience

• Identify the messages that will resonate most with your audience

• Keep the messaging consistent across all collateral materials

• Determine how best to tell the story: demos, visuals, webinars, case studies, (if beta testers), video, etc.

• Are there any cultural issues to consider (region, country, etc.)?

Step #4: Line Up and Prepare Your Spokesperson

• If possible, choose someone with media experience• If not, take advantage of media coaching services – do

media role-playing, mock interviews, scenarios, what ifs• Determine ahead of time what is within the scope of

media conversations, and what is out of bounds• Have the spokesperson well versed in all product

knowledge – sit him/her down with a product engineer or other in-house expert

Step #5: Develop an Effective Announcement Strategy

• Determine the most effective vehicle or vehicles to trumpet your product: press release, bloggers, social media

• Offer an exclusive to a key, influential reporter or editor• Hold a series of pre-launch briefings• Make embargoed version of the release available to a

select group

Best Practice: How to Go from AnonymityTo Fame in One Tweet

• Read all about it here in Fast Company magazine:

• In the recent past, when major news broke, bloggers would follow suit after the mainstream media, but this pattern is reversing itself

• The recent death of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy is a prime example: first reported on blogs, then mainstream media

• Even if blogs are simply “regurgitating” what they picked up from mainstream news sources, you can still create an effective “echo chamber” for your product news by getting pick-ups in key blogs

Best Practice: Take Advantage of As Many Low-Cost/Free PR Tools As Possible

• Free services like PR Leap and PitchEngine will get your release into the main search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL)

• Use the for-pay distribution services (PR Web, Marketwire, etc.) sparingly, weighing “news value” in the decision process

• Use your customer and prospect list as a marketing machine – sent them a note about your product news with a link to your release

• Be sure to copy/paste your news into the body of the e-mail; spam filters hate attachments

• Send a note on your product news, with a link to the release, to all your online groups/friends as appropriate (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

Best Practice: How To CreatePre-Launch Excitement

• Develop a teaser campaign; seed LinkedIn/Twitter/RTs• Brief key analysts/influencers• Develop a landing page with an offer/demo• Create a thought leadership video; post on YouTube,

Viddler/Vimeo• Offer exclusive to key media outlet

Best Practice: How To CreateLaunch Excitement

• Send a press release to targeted media. Research who has written about similar products/services.

• Include a quote from an analyst firm or other key influencer and a client quote if possible

• Blog about your launch; comment on high-profile blogs• Announce your launch on Twitter/LinkedIn/Facebook• Create links in your release to white papers, demos, video podcasts• Email clients/prospect list. Create a special offer

Best Practice: How To CreatePost-Launch Excitement

• Send a note to your customer/prospect list including links to any media pickups or mentions of your product news

• Toot your own horn: Talk about the success of your launch on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

• Consider a follow-up release with client success or case study• Create a video or podcast including client testimonials – nothing

sells your product like a happy customer

Best Practice: Measuring the Effectiveness Of Your Product Launch Campaign

• Create a separate landing page for your new product, so it’s easy to measure web traffic

• Provide something of value as a vehicle for capturing downloads: white paper, offer, demo, etc.

• Use analytics (Google, etc.) to determine the sources of the web traffic

• Measure Twitter “retweets,” as well as comments posted online about the launch

Questions and Answers

Thank you for your time

Marx Communications

Wendy Marx, 203-445-2850

Michael O’Brien, 203-377-4047