How to keep clear of plagiarism

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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How to keep clear of plagiarism

As a student at university, you are expected to produce original work based on your own experimentation, investigation or research. With so many sources of information out there, it can be easy to accidentally use someone else’s wording. This guide will make understanding plagiarism easy, so you know how to avoid it in the future.

Plagiarism explained

• When you’re submitting your assignment do you ever have a moment of doubt when asked whether your work is completely in your own words? Understanding plagiarism is key to putting those fears at rest.

• To put it simply, plagiarism is the use of another person’s work without full and clear referencing and acknowledgement.

• Any time you use someone else’s wording or ideas you must reference correctly to keep clear of plagiarism. This skill is really handy because it shows respect to the original author and it also allows the reader to trace where you found the information in case they want to find out more.

Some examples of what you need to reference include:

• direct quotes from another person, word for word

• paraphrasing or summarising ideas or data obtained from another source

• statistics obtained from another source

• images, tables, figures, diagrams or cartoons created by someone else

• controversial facts, opinions, or dates from another source.

Not sure where to start?

Follow these 3 steps and you’ll keep clear of plagiarism.


• Make sure you keep track of the details of each source you use as you go. That way, you won’t have to spend a lot of time later trying to go back through your research.

• Details you will need include: » Author » Title » Publication date » Publisher

» Place of publication » Journal title » Volume, issue » Page numbers

» Date viewed or accessed » URL » Database, etc.

• USQ offers a free referencing, bibliographic or citation software that can save you hours of typing, called EndNote. You can find out more about how EndNote can save you time on referencing by reading USQ student Tania’s blog.

Take notes as you go


• The referencing style you need to use can vary depending on your degree, so find out which you need by checking USQStudyDesk or talking to your lecturer or Faculty Librarian.

• Both Harvard and APA referencing styles require in-text citations as well as a list of references at the end of your assignment. It may seem like a lot, but mastering this will guarantee good results for the referencing criteria of your assignments.

• To learn more about the different referencing style guides you may need, visit the Library website.

• If you’re unsure how to use the referencing style guide for your degree, check out the Finding Information Tutorials or get in touch with a Librarian.

Use the correct style


• A great way to keep clear of plagiarism is to write well-constructed paragraphs including a clear main point written solely in your own words. From there, you can explain and elaborate using paraphrasing or by directly quoting from research.

Write well-constructed paragraphs

It is an important part of university culture that you acknowledge the use of other people’s work through employing a standard referencing system.

Following these 3 steps when researching your next assignment will

help you keep clear of plagiarism.

Not sure what the difference between paraphrasing and a direct quotation is? Keep reading for a clear explanation and examples of how to use each

in academic writing, so you can keep clear of plagiarism!

What is paraphrasing?

• Paraphrasing is putting someone else’s ideas into your own words. Make sure any ideas that you take from another source are referenced so the author can be acknowledged.

• A useful way to paraphrase is by reading a paragraph containing the idea you want to put across, putting it aside, and then re-writing the idea in your own words without referring to the original text.

For example:• Original: It is an important

part of university culture that you acknowledge the use of other people’s work through employing a standard referencing system.

• Paraphrase: Using a stand-ard referencing system for your university assignments that acknowledges the original author of a quote, statistic or thought, reflects the importance of authenticity and respect in academic culture.

What is a direct quote?

• A direct quote is when you take a piece of information word for word from the original source. After using someone else’s wording it is a good idea to explain and elaborate on the issue in your own words in the following sentences to show that you understand the topic and to give it context within your assignment. Show the marker you have chosen that quote for a reason.

• Don’t forget to reference! Check your faculty’s style guide for how to correctly indicate direct quotes and keep clear of plagiarism.

• Remember: Direct quotes usually aren’t included in your word count!

For example:• Original: It is an important

part of university culture that you acknowledge the use of other people’s work through employing a standard referencing system.

• Direct quote: The University of Southern Queensland states on their website, ‘It is an important part of university culture that you acknowledge the use of other people’s work through employing a standard referencing system’ (2015, para. 2).

By taking detailed notes as you research, understanding how to use the correct

referencing system for your faculty and writing well-constructed paragraphs utilising

both direct quotes and paraphrasing, you will be able to keep clear of plagiarism when

writing your uni assignments.

If you need to brush up on your researching and referencing skills, check out the Finding Information Tutorials, chat to a Librarian or check out our referencing video.

Looking for more ways to make referencing easier? Discover USQ student Joy’s 3 top tips for developing this important academic skill.

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