How to laugh everyday

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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Laugh, Laugh &


Are you really as happy as you want to be?

A big mystery:Why do

we laugh?

Have you ever noticed, how you feel relaxed after laughing?

Laughing provides powerful, uncensored insights into our unconscious.

Reduces the levels of certain hormones, which are associated

with stress response.

Activates many parts of the body.

It helps relieve tostress, depression, anxiety

grief, Anger, irritation

lower the blood pressure to normal

Laughing enhances our ability to connect with others

Laughing also offers many social benefits.

It makes us energized and increases our interest in daily activities.

Ways to laugh

When you feel too stressed to laugh out loud, reach for a humor tool.

Humor tools don't have to be props. A funny picture or an object that makes you smile or laugh works just as well.

"On my desk I have little flat glass circles with smiley faces on them," says Britten. "Every time I walk into my office ... I see those smiley faces, and I immediately feel better."

•Don't forget that funny people may be around you. "You build your sense of humor when you hang around with people who laugh at the same things you do,"

•Find those things that always make you laugh

•Remembering those things during times when they are not present.

•Laugh about how you didn't laugh on time.

•Express Yourself

The best way to cheer yourself up is

to try to cheer somebody else up.” -

Mark Twain

Ways to make people laugh

•Relax! Make sure you aren't trying too hard or forcing yourself to laugh.

•Search online for jokes or funny stories.

•Don't think of the same stories too often

•Try to keep a few stories on hand so if one doesn't work you can always use the next one in line.


•Just laugh—it's contagious

•Pay attention to your surroundings so you can judge when it is appropriate to laugh.

•Don't laugh at everything, especially the things that aren't funny.

•If you do laugh a lot at the wrong time then thats really bad.

•Pick your times carefully when to laugh.

keep laughing and make your

each day a great

