How to Leverage Content to Increase Revenue

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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How to Leverage Content

to Increase Revenue Laura Pastore

Ways to Leverage Content

o Collaborateo Expand Product Lineso Exploit Existing Products o Create Accompanying Products o Customize Existing Products


• Look at existing products and services • Find something that complements your product• Pool resources • Can move company in a new direction and opens

company up to new markets• Share the expenses • Double the marketing

o First travel book was published in 1973o Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, published

travel guides, including regional and city guidebooks, for around the world

o Then expanded to thematic guidebooks. o photography, food guides, language guides, travelogues and

walking guides

o Have now become a travel destination site

Lonely Planet

Have now

Expand Product Lines• Provide accessories or services that complement

the original product• Capitalizes on reputation• Creates a comprehensive experience for

customers• Builds sales • Creates a coherent, stronger brand identity

National Geographic • First published in 1888• Transformed from a scientific journal to a

magazine featuring exclusive photographs• Became famous for its maps, after it provided

a supplemental map in its magazine in 1918 for overseas military personnel and soldier's families

• Television channel launched in 2001• Store opened in 2008

Exploit Existing Products

• Use the same products, however promote them through various outlets

• Adjust the content to meet the needs of the different avenues

• Caters to the needs of all potential consumers

Hay House Publishing

• Founded in 1987, when Louise Hay self-published two self-help books- Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life

• Publishes books, eBooks, audio books and videos o Self-Help, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Alternative Health, Food

and Nutrition, Finance, Education, Business, Astrology and New Age

• Launched internet radio station in March 2005

Create Accompanying Products

• Use the core features of the product and expand the content

• Must be different enough that it encourages fans of the original product to purchase the new product

• Unique attraction that draws consumers

Wonders of the Universe

• 2011 television series produced by BBC, Discovery Channel and the Science Channelo First aired in the UK in Marcho Aired in the United States in July

• Hosted by physicist Prof. Brian Cox. • Harper Collins released an accompanying book in

March 2011• App released March 2012

Customize Existing Products

• Use existing products, and adjust them so they are unique to the marketplace

• Cannot be found anywhere else• Carry greater value that mass produced products • Shifts the focus from price to benefits • Increases customer loyalty

Chronicle Books