How to look for journal articles using ebsco host_1011S

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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How to look for journal articles using EBSCOHost

Go to:

Hover your mouse on Search & Find

Hover your mouse on Search & Find

Click on Databases by Platform

Click on Databases by Platform

Click on EBSCOHost

Click on EBSCOHost

Choose appropriate databases

Choose the appropriate databases:•Academic Search Premier•Africa-Wide Information•Business Source Premier•Econlit

Click on Continue

Click on Continue

EBSCOHost search screen

Type in your search term(s)

Type in your search term(s)

Click on Search


Click here to download full text

Full text article

Click on SFX to check availability

If full text is not available, clickon SFX to check for availability

Click on GO

Click on GO

Journal appears

Download full text article

Click on Full-text Article to download

Full text article

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