How to make a ham sandwich

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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How To Make a Ham Sandwich

By Drew

Step One

Grab your Vermont Bread Company© Soft Whole wheat Bread

Also good for PB&J’s not just ham sandwiches

Step 2

Grab your Hannafords Sweet Honey Mustard

Step 3

Grab Your finest Hannaford ham cuts

Step 4

Very Key Step one might argue more important then ham itself

Grab some cheese

Any cheese will do but American preffered

Step 5

Lay ham on bottom bun (base) and prepare to do the same with cheese

Step 6

Place cheese on top of ham and place in micro wave for approximately 30 seconds

Step 7 Apply Honey Mustard to top bun (cover) of the sandwich, you may also put this in the microwave

Final Step

Cover the now heated bottom bun sandwich with top bun and insert into sandwich bag and enjoy