How To Make A Scientific Revolution

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by CompasswallahTwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

Fermat's Last Theorem :

Pythagorean Theorem :

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History Fermat completed a re-construction of Appolonius' lost work

on "Plane Loci" (250BC), and Fermat himself said that this effort led directly to his development of what we now call analytic geometry.

Conic Sections

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

Euclid's Parallel Postulate Non-Euclidean Geometry

“Circle Limit IV” By M.C. Escher

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

Still talking to Euclid...

Omar Khayyam, 12th centuryIbn Al- Haytham (Alhazen) , 11th centuryNasir Al Din Tusi, 13th centuryGirolamo Saccheri, 18th century

Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1813Janos Bolyai, 1830Nikolai Lobachevsky, 1830Bernhard Riemann, 1854...Minkowski, Einstein.

Giordano Vitale (1668)

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

Platonic Solids

A Brief Story Of Polyhedra ...plate on the right fromMax Bruckner, "Vielecke und Vielflache" (Leipzig, 1900)

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

History as experimental data..(Needham question, India, Newton)What is a scientific revolution?Copernicus, Ptolemy, Fourier..Many paths of historyWhat led to previous awakenings?

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

(The Bretheren of Purity)Ikhwān a - afā , ṣ Ṣ ʾ8th Century CE, BasraIraq

Islam & geometry, facing Mecca

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History Quasicrystal type pattern in decagonal strapwork

above an arch in the Abbasid al-Mustansiriyya Madrasa in Baghdad, Iraq, which dates to between 1227 and 1234 CE.

Penrose tiling ( quasicrystal )

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

Newton calculates the area under a hyperbola To 55 decimal places. Manually...

Prisca sapientia “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”- Newton, 1676

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

The Missed Revolution ofMaharaja Sawai Jai Singh(1735)

A view of the Jantar MantarSolar Observatory

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

“If there be an order in which the human race has mastered its various kinds of knowledge, there will arise in every child an aptitude to acquire these kinds of knowledge in the same order....

Education is a repetition of civilization in little.”

- Herbert Spencer, 1861

Theory of limits, calculus.

Controversial drawings by Ernst Haeckel of the human embryo

Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

“ going back to the original you can bypass the way of thinking that history has somehow decided to take. Sometimes you get too influenced by the way people have thought about something for 200 years, that if you learn it that way that’s the only way you know how to think.

If you go back to the beginning, forget all that new stuff that happened. Think about it in a totally new way and develop your own path.

There’s a freedom yes, the freedom of that ignorance in fact, and just knowing how something happened but not knowing anything else.”

- Manjul Bhargava, Fields medalist in 2015

Plimpton 322, 1800 BCBabylonian tablet

How To Make A Scientific Revolution

by Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

Lessons From 3000 Years Of History

“Fire, once under human control, brought the heat of the sun into the night. This power led to an entire different line of technological progress, starting with the ability to boil food, and ending with nuclear energy.

In this last line of development, solar power, and especially the rhetoric behind it, is an interesting reminder of the fact that we are in the end, still struggling with making the most of the Sun.”

- Wilfried Hou Je Bek, “Sundial & Computers”

What kind of scientific revolution is this? Or journey from ape to astronomer.

Engraving of a sundial made By Isaac Newton

One Sundial Per Child?

Oriental Scientific Curios, Estd 2012 Twitter: @fadesingh