How To Make Long Distance Work

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Using Your Emotions to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

Preparing for a long distance

relationship will be tough for

anyone, especially if they have

not gone through this

experience before

Being apart from the one that matters most to you is a

challenging thing to have to take on

In order to help your relationship

survive during this difficult time,

Kartikeya Sharma Pro

Wrestling explains a few things

that you and your partner can

do to make it work

Express Your Emotions

There will be times when it seems like your long distance

relationship is not going to work out.

You are going to miss them

more than you realize and

there will be nothing you

can do about it

You can’t simply drive to where they are to see them if you

are having a bad day. Unfortunately, there is not a lot you

can do about this

The best thing to do is to

realize that it is going to

happen so that you are at

least prepared for it

When you are feeling upset and alone, it is okay to cry and feel sad.

There’s nothing wrong with missing your partner and letting your

emotions go because of how you feel

Be Open With Your Feelings

As much as you are

going to miss your

partner, they will

miss you just as much

When you miss them, make sure you tell them that. This

will help them feel better during those times that they are

missing you as well

By sharing your feelings and not

holding anything back, it will

help both you and your partner

feel less alone during these lonely

times. Yu can read more on this

at Kartikeya Sharma profile

Plan A Surprise Visit

For one, it will allow you to reunite and see each other


The other benefit of a surprise visit is that it gives you something to focus on

A surprise visit can be used to help you handle a long distance

relationship in two ways

You can plan your visit and keep yourself occupied as

opposed to focusing on how lonely you are and how

much you miss them

To top it off, your partner will

be thrilled when the time

finally comes and you are


Read more on How To Make Long Distance Work..Visit: