'How to manage staff effectively without costing the earth', Real People HR

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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How to manage your staff effectively without costing the earthLuke Watkeys, Business Manager, Real People HR

Call 0207 710 0626Email info@realpeoplehr.co.uk


About Real People

• A social enterprise: 100% of profit gift-aided to St. Mungo’s Broadway who work with 25,000 homeless and vulnerable people a year

• HR support and training for SME organisations• Experience based on being practitioners within the

sector• We work in partnership with our clients to empower

them and boost their own capability

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1. Recruit effectively without costing the earth

• Always ask yourself if you need to replace a leaver like-for-like. Often work can be spread through the team or re-arranged.

• However, if you do need to recruit…– Previous experience is over-rated– Look for people who are:

• Intelligent enough for the role• Conscientious• Are able to perform under pressure• Well-motivated

– Then grow your own– Good people will stay even if salary lower if they love their daily


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Let the right one in

• Only allow the best in – recruit for attitude and competence; train for knowledge and skills

• No automatic promotions• Tough pre-employment

screening – be clear what you need to “select out” as well as “select in”

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The ‘reverse person specification’

• Manipulative• Dishonest• Not a team player• Bully• Always off work with one thing or

another• Took no responsibility for their

actions• Aggressive• Put other people down• Didn’t pull their weight

Can you describe in a

few words the worst

person you ever worked


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Be savvy about your recruitment advertising

• What is your brand? What people actually say about you ‘on the street’

• Very closely linked to employee engagement

• Use word of mouth to attract staff• Find out what people actually say about

you• Entrant questionnaires asking brand-related


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2. Manage day-to-day effectivelywithout costing the earth

• The two most important factors in staff motivation:– Line manager behaviour– Senior management behaviour

“Most people don’t leave their job, they leave their boss!”

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Prevention is better (and cheaper) than cure

• You and your managers should learn about all aspects of people management

• Agree with your staff clear performance objectives, standards and competencies. Have a competency focused on being money-wise!

• Induct them into the organisation and the job• Be explicit about ‘the deal’• Hold regular one-to-one supervision sessions• Have probationary appraisal and regular

annual appraisals, ideally with 360 degree feedback

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‘The deal’ – things that motivate employees and don’t cost the earth

• To be challenged by and proud of the work you do.

• To be valued, respected and recognised for the contribution you make.

• Encouragement for you to be creative and innovative.

• A co-operative team-based approach to work.

• A wide range of opportunities to develop your skills and career.

• A supportive and empowering line manager who will be there to coach you.

• Managers who lead by example and treat others as they would wish to be treated.

• To be consulted on and have opportunity to fully participate in changes that affect you and your work.

• To work with people who are as committed, positive and professional as you are.

• To be part of an ethical organisation, driven by our values and commitment to our clients.

• To work within a culture of continuous improvement in everything we do

• Support to achieve a healthy work-life balance

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What you should expect of staff in return

• A full commitment to give of your best.

• A positive, can-do attitude and a consistently professional approach

• Understand the needs of your clients (or other customers) and strive to exceed their expectations.

• Creativity and innovation: experiment with new and better ways of doing your job and share your ideas with others.

• Use your initiative and judgement.• Take personal responsibility – for

yourself, your actions and for improving the way we do things

• Be open to constructive feedback and to take responsibility for your own learning and professional development.

• Be flexible in what you do as service needs change.

• Be open and honest with your manager and with the organisation if you have ideas or concerns.

• Promote a culture of diversity, inclusion and respect.

• Positively uphold and follow our Code of Conduct – the behaviours we all sign up to in order to best serve the interests of our clients and as an organisation.

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How do you make managers deliver on ‘the deal’?

• Don’t employ the wrong line managers• Performance management of line managers:

– Competencies– Performance standards

• Line manager induction• Upwards appraisal

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Set objectives

• Ensure they know the link between individual & organisation objectives to aid understanding & motivation.

• Set SMART objectives, with measures:– quantitative measures: Income against target / %

arrears collection – qualitative measures or standards: positive

feedback from customers / accuracy– target deadlines for completing objectives or

milestones: business strategy drafted by x date– target turnaround times for key processes:

invoices processed within x days’ of receipt

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Set performance standards

• Think about developing a core set of standards linking the work of your organisation

• Generic customer services standards

• Performance standards for routine and regular aspects of management roles

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3. Address issues effectively on a shoestring

• Ensure all staff receive a line-by-line induction in Code of Conduct when they start

• If issues occur, tackle it early – don’t ignore it!• Prepare thoroughly – itemise using

competencies and objectives as themes – Is it can’t do or won’t do?– If you have a combination of performance and

conduct issues, use both Capability and Disciplinary Policies in parallel

• Most cases should be dealt with informally in the first instance – but don’t come in too late with informal warnings

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Constructive feedback

• It is:– Information specific– Focused on a specific issue.– Not ‘right or wrong’ but based on

observation.– Objective– Direct– Two-way – encouraging discussion

and dialogue.

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Good management practice

• Rigorous monitoring during probation• Make tough decisions if needed• Regular supervision and monitoring• Early informal intervention in problems• Write everything down – keep notes• Remember that your staff are not your clients• Be fair - ensure consistent treatment of all staff• Check treatment of previous comparators.• Be a paragon of virtue yourself

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Ongoingmeasurement of


Clearcommunication& involvement



engageability:tough selection

of managersand staff

Good learningand development


Managertraining &


Clear HR policies –


Monitoringof consistencyand fairness





‘the deal’

Performance management


Visible and approachableleadership –the personal

touch Military precisionin planning

communications before,during and after

changeActivelistening, delivering on promises, closing

thefeedback loop

Well-being andwork lifebalance

Willingness and capability to tackle

bad behaviourand under performance


of absence

How to manage your staff effectively without costing the earth:

Clarity of purpose and plansShared values

Fair pay

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How do you know if you are gettingit right?

• Upwards appraisals• Staff surveys• Focus groups• Exit interviews