How to market and sell yourself in the digital age

Post on 21-Sep-2014

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Personal Branding: How to Market and Sell Yourself in the Digital Age



Personal Branding How to market and sell yourself in the digital age



“Starting today you are a brand.”

- Tom Peters, “The Brand Called You”, Fast Company, 1997


What Makes You Different?


Personal Brands


What Is a Personal Brand?

• Your brand is not what you say you are…• Your brand is how others perceive you and who they say

you are.


Why Do You Need a Personal Brand?

• Your personal brand tells your story in a way that is meaningful and understood by your customer.


What Is the Goal of Personal Branding?

• It’s more than just being visible• It’s getting your customer to say, “I want you”


How to Build Your Personal Brand • Define your target (“ideal customer”) • Use LinkedIn as your personal branding hub

– Complete your profile: photo, headline, summary, job profile (relevant key words) improves search visibility

– Post updates, comments on discussions extends your reach– Increase endorsements and recommendations improves search

visibility, builds credibility and expertise– Grow your network extends your reach

• Attend “targeted” business networking events– Meet and interact with potential customers and peers extends your

reach, shares knowledge• Join professional associations and groups

– Opportunities for networking, knowledge transfer extends your reach, builds credibility and expertise


How Brand Impressions Are Formed

“Every single interaction a customer has with… [you or your brand] has the potential to strengthen or dilute the

customer’s brand impression.” - Steve Yastrow, Brand Harmony, 2003


Some Personal Branding Interactions


Why Brand Impressions Are Important

“Brand impressions… drive the customer behaviors that fuel results.”

- Steve Yastrow, Brand Harmony, 2003


Increase Your Opportunity to Make an Impression • Start blogging

– Post frequent and regular updates improves search visibility, builds credibility and expertise, creates emotional connection

– Share stories, pictures and video builds credibility and expertise• Establish a Twitter or Facebook presence

– Engage customers in short conversations improves search visibility, extends your reach, creates emotional connection

– Share content and experiences with your customers via text, pictures, video builds credibility and expertise

• Establish a Pinterest or Instagram presence– Tell your story in pictures improves search visibility, extends

your reach, builds credibility and expertise


Determine Which Channels Work Best for Your Personal Brand

Every personal brand is different. Choose the optimal channel mix that works best for

your unique personal brand.

In short, figure out where your customers are and engage them there.


Your Personal Brand Should Be Authentic• Your brand can be anything you want it to be…

• But people will see through attempts at misrepresentation.

Source: Dilbert Comic Strip 11/6/2011


Your Personal Brand Should Tell Your Story in a Simple Way

• Focus on topics and communities that are of interest to you

• Use #hashtags to make your content searchable and to find relevant conversations on Twitter and Facebook


Your Personal Brand Should Be Consistent

• Your profile and the content you post should be consistent across multiple channels, both online and off

• Post content frequently and in areas where you want to be recognized as a thought leader


Your Personal Brand Should Be About Building Relationships• Personal branding is not about you• Be proactive and responsive to engagement


How to Measure Your Success• Use tools like Kred to measure online influence and outreach in

your communities of interest


Your Personal Brand and the 3 Reasons Customers Buy

• Why do customers buy?1. Have a problem need a credible answer2. See a problem coming need help from an expert3. See an opportunity to shine need help from

someone they trust

• How does your customer perceive your personal brand?

• Is your customer saying, “I want you?”


My Personal Brand…and What Makes Me Different



Thank you.