How to Negotiate at Work — Dr. Deborah Kolb

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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How to Negotiate at Work

This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Dr. Deborah Kolb is an authority in the fields of negotiation, leadership, and gender. She is the Deloitte Ellen Gabriel Professor

for Women in Leadership (Emerita) and co-founder of the Ford Foundation funded Center for Gender in Organizations at

Simmons College School of Management.

Dr. Deborah Kolb@thishandle

Expert in Negotiation, Leadership and Gender

Savvy negotiators make it their highest priority to enter a negotiation with at least one

principle that all parties can agree; it guides the discussions and minimizes friction.

Insight #1

Insight #2

In preparing for your next negotiation, prepare just enough to be able to listen, for when you over-prepare, you tend not

to hear what’s being said.

Insight #3

Just a world class athletes, mental preparation distinguishes shrewd negotiators:

• They have higher aspirations because they know what they want

• They understand that the parties is negotiating because they want something they have

• They understand and use their points of leverage

Insight #4

In organizations, negotiations are a way to solve problems. When raising a problem, an-

chor it with options, so that you’re not perceived to be that problem.

Insight #5

The one characteristic bad negotiators share is underestimating the gaming component within each negotiation. Come prepared to counter-move.

Insight #6

Every time you make your values visible and congruent with the ethos of the organization,

you increase the odds of getting to yes.

Insight #7

Beware of tactics designed to throw you off. Next time someone pins you in a defensive

position, change the dynamics of standing up or pausing in silence for a few seconds.

Insight #8

When you’re presented with an opportunity at work that doesn’t align with what you want, reframe from immediately saying “no” and opt instead for “yes, and …. “ approach that gets

you closer to what you want.

Insight #9

Knowing the person with whom you’re negotiating is your

best defense. Start by understanding:• How she negotiates

• How she likes to hear things• What’s her highest objective

Insight #10

If you put a small value on yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price. Be clear on what you want.

Reflect: Do you pause before you react?

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