How To Overcome Shyness-naturally

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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How How To Overcome Shyness - naturally

● Being naturally shy, quiet or having a reserved nature about oneself, is quite a normal characteristic for some people, and does not impede on the individual living a fulfilling life.

Shyness Is not uncommon!


● Even though feeling shy occasionally is not uncommon, Shyness can also be associated with being, Insecure and or lacking,



For some people, shyness can be so intense! that it may keep them from interacting with others, even when they want or need to – and this may lead to problems in forming relationships and at work.

So What Is Shyness?

● Shyness is a feeling of discomfort, awkwardness, tension or inhibition during social encounters, especially with unfamiliar people.

● Shyness keeps you from pursuing your goals, either academic or personal.

● Shyness results in excessive self-focus and worry, often preoccupation with your thoughts, feelings or physical reactions.

● While sometimes you can grow out of shyness, sometimes it can stay with you.

● Generally, shyness is associated with new situations and can often pass.

● It is common to feel shy on your first day of school or when you start a new job where you do not know anyone.

● Over time you might start to make friends and your shyness may start to go away as you become familiar and comfortable with your new situation or with new people.

Let's Continue;

Some situations you may find yourself being shy in:

Public speaking Talking with work colleagues

Attending Job Interviews

Speaking To The Opposite Sex

Physical Symptoms Of Severe Shyness May Include:● Blushing

● Sweating

● Dry mouth

● Feeling faint

● A pounding heart

● Shaking

● Upset stomach.

Here are 10 tips on How To Overcome Shyness


Prepare Your Conversation

Tip #1

We can all find something to Talk About

YES! Shyness can prevent you from talking to others. You

may think that you have nothing to say and that people

will find you boring.

If this is the case then change this negative behaviour by

preparing your conversation.

This step will help boost your confidence levels and ease

that shyness.

Let’s Start. Thinking about what you might

talk about with new people can

really help the conversation

and any awkward feelings. It

will help a lot if you pick a topic

that you are confident talking


Here are two examples of: Preparing your Conversations.

1Interview Shyness

Maybe you're Shyness is holding you back from attending job Interviews?

You can overcome the

Interview Jitters! ● By doing some background

research and learning about the company.

● This knowledge not only shows your interest in the job, but makes conversation at the interview easier.

● Putting you on common ground with the potential future employer with confidence.

2Shyness at Work!

Communicating with others at work helps build good working relationships with your fellow workers, and aids in establishing you as a team member.

● If you feel shy at work and not knowing what to say! then try keeping up with interesting topics and talk about it at work the next day.

● This helps break the Ice.

● Show an interest in discussions and join in.

Focus Outwards:Shyness makes you self-absorbed. Turn your focus on others.

Tip #2


● You don't need to tell amazing stories in your conversations to socialize.

● People like to talk and they will love you when you are interested in them!

Shy People Think They Have Nothing Interesting To Say!

By asking questions about the people you're talking to:

● Gives you something to talk about.

● Gives other people a chance to talk about themselves.

● Takes the attention off yourself.

Rehearse Being Confident.

Tip #3Create the right mindset

Mentally Rehearse yourself

being more outgoing and relaxed. This action can have amazing results.

● Imagine yourself being a confident and outgoing person full of life .

● Rehearse this positive Thought Preparation over and over in your mind.

● Create the right mindset! and change any negative thoughts and emotions that is causing you to be


Tip #4

Looking GoodThe Lifestyle change

● Shyness can also be attributed to the way we look and feel about ourselves.

● Loss of confidence through shyness can see your lifestyle deteriorate.

● Consider a few lifestyle changes.

Regular Exercise

Healthy Diet New Clothes

Lifestyle Change

Look Good, Feel Good, and watch your CONFIDENCE boost through the roof.

Tip # 5

The Power Of a

Simple Smile

Practice the art of a

simple smile.

If someone smiles at you then return the


A SMILE lets others know that you have a

friendly and approachable nature

about yourself.

Tip # 6

Keeping EYE Contact

Try not to let your eyes wander; People may get a negative feeling about you. Practice this

with family, friends or someone you feel comfortable being around.

Eye Contact is important in conversations and part of developing good social skills.

Tip # 7

Don't Be Afraid Of Rejection!

There Are Times When People Will Reject You!

Guess what? You are not alone! It happens to everyone of us at some point in our lives.

Don’t be afraid! and let this stop you from socializing.Sitting At Home Will Not Help Overcome Shyness!

Tip # 8

Let Others Know Of Your Shyness

● Letting other people know that you are shy can sometimes make the situation more comfortable.

● Generally, people are understanding, caring and patient, so they will help support you.

Hey! I have something to tell you!.........I’m Shy!

Tip # 9

MeditationTime to relax!

Meditation, deep breathing exercises or just simply listening to soothing music prior to

any event CANhelp relieve nervousness, tension and

anxiety relating to shyness!

Tip # 10Nature’s WayNatural remedies that utilize natural ingredients to soothe nerves and promote calmness are easily available.

Natural Ingredients

Some herbs such as

● Passiflora incarnate ● Kava● St John's Wort ● Rhodiola ● Scullcap ● Chamomile and ● Valerian can calm your

nerves when you feel


If your shyness is keeping you from doing things that you - want to do, then it can be really useful to talk to someone.

Consider talking to:

● Family members.● Friends.● Counselor.● Reading Self Help Manuals.

Let’s recap The 10 tips on how to overcome shyness - naturally

● Prepare Your Conversation.- we can all find something to talk about.

● Focus Outward - shyness makes you self -absorbed

● Rehearse Being Confident- create the right mindset.

● Looking Good - the lifestyle change.

● The Power of a Simple Smile.

● Keeping Eye Contact.

● Don't Be Afraid - of rejection

● Let others know of your shyness.

● Meditation - time to relax

● Nature's Way - Natural Ingredients.


Shyness is - not a medical disorder, but rather a behavior pattern that you can change!

Being shy is not necessarily bad and feeling shy from time to time in new situations and with new people is allright.

Thanks for watchingthis presentation!How To Overcome Shyness - naturally

You can discover more holistic methods on how to treat shyness, social anxiety and low self esteem issues by visiting the mindfixology website at.

To your health and wellbeing.