How to perform right to rent checks

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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How to perform the new right to rent checks

The new Legislation

In most cases you will not need to contact the Home office. (Phew)

And you dont need to carry out the right to rent check if:

The tenancy agreement started before 1 December 2014.


The property is not a private residential.


Who has an unlimited right to rent?




People with an unlimited right to rent should have of the following documents:

A passport (current or expired) showing the holder is a British citizen or a citizen of the UK and Colonies having the right of abode in the UK.

A passport or national identity card (current or expired) showing the holder is a national of the EEA or Switzerland.

A Registration Certificate or document (current or expired) certifying permanent residence issued by the Home Office, to a national of an EU country, EEA country or Switzerland.

A Permanent Residence Card, indefinite leave to remain, indefinite leave to enter or no time limit card issued by the Home Office, to a non-EEA national the family member of a national of a EU country, EEA country or Switzerland.

A valid Biometric Residence Permit issued by the Home Office to the holder indicating that the person named is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.

A passport (current or expired) endorsed to show that the holder is exempt from immigration control, is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, has the right of abode in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.

A valid immigration status document issued by the Home Office to the holder with an endorsement indicating that the named person is permitted to stay indefinitely in the UK or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.

A certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen.

and breathe

If the tenant does possess one of these documents, then they have the unlimited right to rent.If the tenant does not possess one of these documents, then you must move on to further checks and ask for documents from the following:two


A full birth or adoption certificate issued in the UK, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland, which includes the name(s) of at least one of the holders parents or adoptive parents.

A letter issued within the last three months confirming the holder's name issued by a UK government department or local authority and signed by a named official (giving their name and professional address) or British passport holder (giving their name, address and passport number) or issued by a person who employs the holder (giving their name and company address) confirming the holder's status as an employee.

Evidence of the persons previous or current service in HM armed forces.

A letter from a UK police force, issued within the last three months, confirming that the person is the victim of crime, personal documents have been stolen and stating the crime reference number.

HM prison discharge papers or a probation service letter.

A Disclosure and Barring Service certificate issued within the last three months.

A current full or provisional UK driving licence (both photocard and paper counterpart must be shown).

Benefits paperwork issued by HMRC, local authority or a Job Centre Plus, issued within the last three months.

A letter from a UK further or higher educational institution confirming the holder's acceptance on a course of studies.Still struggling?..

Possessing two of these documents proves a persons unlimited right to rent.


Make sure you check the validity of any documents, keep a copy, record the date of your check and retain the documents for 12 months after the tenancy ends.

However, if the tenant does not possess any two of these documents, there is a final form of evidence you can look for:

Does the person possess of the following documents?:

A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is allowed to stay in the UK for a time limited period.

A current Biometric Residence Permit issued by the Home Office to the holder, which indicates that the named person can currently stay in the UK for a time limited period.

A Residence Card or a Derivative Residence Card issued by the Home Office to a non-EEA national who is either a family member of a national of an EU country, EEA country or Switzerland or has a derived right of residence in the UK under EU law for a time limited period.


A valid Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office to the holder with a valid endorsement indicating that the named person may stay in the UK for a time limited period.Almost there...

If the person does have one of these documents (validated), they have a limited right to rent.

This means you must perform a follow-up check within 12 months or before the individuals leave has expired.

Still no documentation?

You should not rent a property to this person until they can provide you with the documents.This person may not have the right to rent.

If they have an ongoing immigration application or appeal to the home office, you can ask the home office to conduct a right to rent check.

For this you will need the individuals:NAMEDOBNationalityHome Office immigration or appeal reference number

Good Luck!Production: OddSphereMusic: BenSound