How To Plan A Perfect Trip

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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How To Plan A

Perfect Trip?

Planning a trip by yourself can be an overwhelming process.

But with the help of few tips, the process can become easier and less overwhelming.

Step – 1 : Decide where you want to go

The first step of planning is to set your destination

People have different motives to travel like some people want to escape from winter/ to discover new place and culture etc.

Whatever the reason maybe, choose a destination as per your budget.

Step - 2 Decide the length of your trip

You can't calculate the amount until you don't decide how long to travel.

If you are going on a road trip then it will take more time than other transport options.

After finalizing the travel duration and destination, you will know how much to save for your future needs.

Step -3 : Calculate The Trip Budget

The next task is to do a thorough research on the costs of traveling, accommodation and food.

Are you a luxury traveler or backpacking ----- Backpacking will definitely cost you lesser than luxury


Step 4 - Check the travel advises for the destination you planned:-

Make sure to check the government sites to see the information on

:- security :- Entry and exit requirements

:- Health conditions :- local laws and culture

:- Natural disasters and climate, and :- How to find help when you are there.

Some visiting places also need tourist visa and getting the visa takes more time---sometimes several weeks


So here the advance planning help you to decide whether to wait for so many days for visa or to change the destination.

Step – 5 Look for online deals :-

The best way to travel within a budget is to search for online deals on different trip planning sites.

If you start your travel in different festive seasons, you will get discounts and cash back offers in flight, train or

accommodation bookings.

Sometimes you will also get good deals on offbeat places that you had never heard of.

Step – 6 :- Book your transportation in advance

Never book your transportation in hurry rather do a comparison of rates in different sites then make an informed


Also check out the local transportation options within your chosen destination and select the most viable option for you.

Step - 7 Book your Accommodation

Most of the backpackers find their accommodation after arriving the place, but a pre-booking of the accommodation at least for the first night is always a good decision for new


Step – 8 Plan your activities :-

Make sure to prepare a to-do-list where you will add the activities that you want to enjoy on the place and what

will be the cost for it.

This pre-planning also helps you to know whether you need to do an advance reservation for these activities or not.

Step – 9 Buy Travel insurance :-

Travel insurance is not only a health cover but also it covers the travel things like

:- when your camera breaks :- if flight is canceled or

:- something is stolen etc.

Step – 10

Now time to pack your things and go have fun