How To Plan the Perfect Inbound Marketing Strategy

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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"Companies are 3x as likely to see higher ROI on Inbound marketing campaigns than on outbound" - HubSpot

Statistics show that Inbound Marketing is the way forward in the modern marketing world.

But before campaigns can begin, considered planning is required to ensure performance, the best lead quality possible and definite ROI.




Importance of Planning Inbound Campaigns Properly


Importance of Planning Inbound Campaigns Properly

Why are some Inbound Marketing campaigns ineffective?

1. Buyer Personas Are Not Data Backed

"Only 25% of the leads you generate are ready to buy in the next 12 – 24 months; the other 75% need nurturing" - HubSpot

2. Marketing & Sales Are Not Aligned

3. Directionless Content Produced

4. Lack of Content Hubs

5. Poor Channel Promotion

6. Lack Of Lead Nurture


Importance of Planning Inbound Campaigns Properly


Lead Volume & Revenue Targets: Planning For Success


Lead Volume & Revenue Targets: Planning For Success


Lead Volume & Revenue Targets: Planning For Success

If financial goals are unclear and lead generation targets undefined, Inbound campaigns won’t be able to deliver on ROI or timelines.


Lead Volume & Revenue Targets: Planning For Success

To plan a financially successful Inbound campaign:

1. Identify revenue targets

2. Consider sales cycle length to define timescales

3. Define % of total revenue that Inbound is responsible for

4. Consider conversion rates through the funnel

5. Understand how to attribute channels


Buyer Personas & Data


Buyer Personas & Data

To ensure you get more of the clients you want, persona development must be based on actual data:

Get it wrong and your campaign will deliver poor quality leads and ROI.


Content Hubs: Planning Campaigns For SEO


Content Hubs: Planning Campaigns For SEO

Content campaigns face multiple challenges:

1. Digital noise means it's increasingly difficult to get content seen

2. It’s hard to consistently create quality, targeted content

3. Readers don’t know what content they want; they simply search for answers


Content Hubs: Planning Campaigns For SEO

The solution? Campaign content hubs. "A content hub is a

destination where website visitors can find branded, curated, social media, user generated, or any type of content related to a topic." - Kissmetrics

In a content hub, you build multiple content assets around one umbrella topic or keyword. The sum of this content then helps to build rank.


Planning Inbound Campaigns For Your Buyers


Planning Inbound Campaigns For Your Buyers

Every buyer looking for a solution progresses through a three step purchasing process, known as the Buyer's Journey.


Planning Inbound Campaigns For Your Buyers

If content is tailored to challenges buyers have at each Buyer’s Journey stage, content will resonate and quality lead nurture will result.

"90% of consumers find custom content useful and 78% believe that organisations providing custom content are interested in building good relationships with them." - SmartBug Media


Planning An Inbound Content Calendar


Planning An Inbound Content Calendar

When planning an Inbound content calendar:

1. Start with persona development

2. Align content to address the persona challenge

3. Create an overarching content hub

4. Buyer map your content

5. Consider editorial outreach

6. Promote content to buyer-active channels


Digital Channel Promotion


Digital Channel Promotion

It's crucial to action a digital channel promotion strategy, comprised of channels your buyers frequent, to ensure your work is seen by your target audience.


Inbound Lead Nurture


Inbound Lead Nurture

"79% of marketing leads never convert into sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the common cause of this poor performance" - MarketingSherpa

It's important to nurture with email workflows to increase conversion. To do so:

1. Define the persona you are targeting

2. Consider your campaign goals

3. Buyer map content

4. Understand sales cycle length


Key Inbound Takeaways


Key Inbound Takeaways

1. Keep personas front of mind at every stage

2. Base activity on realistic financial and lead targets

3. Base personas on real data

4. Plancontent in hubs

5. Map content to the Buyer’s Journey

6. Align marketing and sales departments

7. Design a digital channel promotion strategy


About Strategic Internet Consulting

Strategic Internet Consulting is a full service Google & HubSpot certified B2B Digital Agency, specialising in Inbound marketing and open source web development, (including content marketing, social media marketing, analytics & CRO.

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