How to Predict Using Jaimini Chara

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How to Predict Using Jaimini Chara DashaBy Yuvraj on December 30, 2014 • ( 0 )

This article presume you !o" the basics o# $e%ic &strolo'y aimi!i *hara Dasha, i# !ot youca! 'o throu'h the #irst 2 lesso!s "hich are there o! this blo'+

Step 1: ar all the Seven *hara -ara a.s e/clu%i!' ahu -etu ar Kar a!sha a'!a ouse a%a.s spl+ "papada

Step 2: ea% a!% u!%ersta!% the chart "hile mar i!' the various yo'a.s #orme% by these *hara-ara a.s+

Step 3: 5ee the placeme!t o# curre!t *hara Dasha #rom the Birth a'!a+

Step 4: Treat the curre!t Dasha ashi as a'a! a!% chec ho" the -ara a.s have bee! place%,i!clu%i!' various yo'a.s i+e the promise o# the particular ashi Dasha+

Step 5: &!aly6e each sub7perio% i! the same "ay as the step 4 but eepi!' the promise i%e!ti#ie%i! 5tep 4 i! the mi!%+

#ote: %o eep in the !ind the %esh&'lace()Kaal&*i!e( + 'aatra&#ative( in !ind.

How to find the focus area of soul for the particular Dasha.

8ote the placeme!t o# ,K #rom the very #irst Dasha lea%i!' to the curre!t Dasha+ You "ill seethe broa%er #ocus area o# you #or that particular Dasha+


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%asha Se uence: ,ries 1 2-1 7) *aurus & 1 7-1 () e!ini & 1 -200 () ancer &200 -201 (

8ote the positio! o# &-75atur! #rom the Dasha perio%s+ &- si'!i#icator #or 1st ouse75el#,;%e!tity, 5oul,Bo%y etc+

;! &ries Dasha , &- "as place% i! <th house+ The #ocus area #or the soul "as to mai!tai! healthas the !ative #ell ill !umber o# times+ &lso, cha!'e o# resi%e!ce a!% loss o# sibli!' ( that "as a

birth chart promise "hich ma!i#este% i! this Dasha)+ &- bei!' i! %ual si'! aspecti!' 3r%,=th a!%12th "hich clears the picture+

;! Taurus Dasha , &- "as place% i! >th house+ The #ocus area #or the soul "as e%ucatio! a!%recreatio!+ Di% "ell i! stu%ies a!% sports+&lso, birth o# seco!% sibli!'+ &- aspecti!' ?th,11th 2!% house+

;! @emi!i Dasha , &- "as place% i! the 4th ouse+ The #ocus area #or the soul "as homee!viro!me!t, e%ucatio!, mother+ &- aspecti!' 1st,Ath 10th+ e" !o!7li#e threate!i!'acci%e!ts+ ather ha% a almost #atal acci%e!t+

;! *a!cer Dasha , &- "as place% i! the 3r% house+ The #ocus area #or the soul have bee! stru''le overcomi!' hur%les, traveli!' cha!'e o# resi%e!ce, i'her e%ucatio! i!clu%i!' #orei'!,

%ebts7stu%e!t loa!,career pro'ress cha!'es+ &- aspecti!' <th, =th,12th+

i e this "e ca! ju%'e #or every Dasha the mai! #ocus area #or soul+ Cbviously, other *har-ara a.s play their parts but i! hi!%si'ht, "he! you "ill loo bac , these "ill be the #ocus area#or the soul+

*he rite-ups to 5ollo ill be on 6o to judge about ducation) 8arriage) hildren) areer) 'roble!-6ealth + ,ccident etc.

@o% Bless+ ope you ha% a 'reat lear!i!'+


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Chara Dasha- Part 2By Yuvraj on December A, 2014 • ( 0 )

Chara Dasha- Part 2

Alternative Lagna’s, Arudha System and Raj oga !om"inations

ith Cbeisa!ce to or% @a!apathi a!% 8av'raha or%s, ; %e%icate this article at the holy #eet o#5a'e aimi!i, the #ou!%er o# aimi!i astrolo'y+ ay he accept a!% bless this article+

This article is i! co!ti!uatio! #rom "here "e le#t i! *hara Dasha7 art 1+

A ternati!e "agna#s Used in Chara Dasha

$ara%amsha: ;! the Birth chart, the rashi occupie% by &tma -ara a (&-) i! 8avamsha becomes the -ara amsha a'!a "hich is really importa!t #or ju%'i!' the chart a!% the pre%ictio!s+ &ll the eve!ts shoul% also be veri#ie% by usi!' the -ara amsha as a'!a speciallye%ucatio! a!% career+ e shoul% also use 5"amsha, "hich is the rashi co!tai!i!' the &tma-ara a (&-) i! 8avamsha a!% co!#irm the #i!%i!'s #rom birth chart, -ara amsha+

Ar&dha "agna: &ru%ha mea!s aya (;llusio!E;ma'e)+ ;t is also !o"! as a% a'!a+ 5o&ru%ha a'!a mea!s aya associate% "ith the a'!a i+e+ sel#+ ;! other "or%s, throu'h &ru%ha

a'!a, "e ca! ju%'e ho" others vie" us or thi! about us+ e calculate &ru%ha a'!a i! the

#ollo"i!' "ay:

1+ 5ee ho" #ar #rom the a'!a, the a'!a lor% has 'o!e, cou!ti!' the !umber o# houses bet"ee! the a'!a a!% the a'!a lor%+

2+ rom a'!a lor% cou!t as ma!y houses a!% you reach the &ru%ha a'!a+

9': 5uppose, #or &ries a'!a, the a'!a lor% ars sits i! $ir'o (the si/th house)+ 8o" cou!t si/houses #rom ars i+e+ &Fuarius "hich becomes the &ru%ha a'!a+


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e ca! a!% shoul% %o it #or each house a!% mar the pa%a.s o# all the houses o! the chart "hich"ill help us i! pre%ictio!s+ 5ome authorities as us to use e/ceptio!s rules #or ju%'i!' the pa%ao# houses but let us 'o by the teachi!'s o# 5hri -+8+ ao by !ot usi!' a!y e/ceptio! a!%calculate the pa%a.s o# each house the same "ay "e calculate% #or a'!a+

et.s u!%ersta!% ho" &ru%ha "or s+ 5uppose, "e see a 'uy "ith a #lashy erce%es *ar a!% #eelho" luc y that 'uy is+ hat i# that @uy %oes!.t #eel the same a!% "a!t eve! bi''er car+ 8o" the

probability is that i! the chart o# that 'uy, the &ru%ha o# 4 th house may co!tai! a be!e#ic or!umber o# be!e#ics li e $e!us a!%Eor upiter "hich is 'ivi!' us the illusio! o# the 'uy bei!' soluc y a!% must be very happy "ith his bi' e/pe!sive car but the 4 th house %eposits somemale#ics li e 5atur!, ars, ahu, -etu etc+ "hich %o!.t allo" that 'uy to be satis#ie% "ith "hathe has a!% "a!t eve! bi''er car+ That.s ho" &ru%ha "or s+

Upapada "agna: ;t.s the &ru%haE a%a o# 12th ouse+ ;t.s very importa!t #or ju%'me!t o#marria'e timi!'s a!% also marria'e success or #ailure+

'oga#s in Jaimini S(stem

e %o!.t #ollo" the re'ular Yo'a.s o# arashari system i! aimi!i+ ;t has its o"! set o# ajYo'a.s "hich are a!y !umber o# combi!atio!s, throu'h co!ju!ctio!s a!% ashi aspects, bet"ee!&-, &m-, -, D- a!% > th or%+

5ome special yo'a.s are as #ollo"s:

1+ oo! a!% $e!us co!ju!ct or aspecti!' each other+

2+ oo! aspecte% by ma!y pla!ets+

e also have to see all the aj Yo'a.s i! 8avamsha (D7=)+ 5ee i# they %ecreasi!' i! !umber ori!creasi!'+ The e##ect "ill be accor%i!'ly+ &lso, see i# the ara a.s have aspects #rom be!e#ics ora##licte%, both i! ashi chart a!% 8avamsha a!% ju%'e ju%iciously+

et.s ta e a! e/ample chart to illustrate all the co!cepts "e have lear!e% above:


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Chara $ara%a#s (Desce!%i!' Cr%er o# De'ree)

A$: 5atur! )$: ars P$: 5u! D$: oo!

Am$ : upiter *$: ercury +$ : $e!us

Jaimini ,a 'oga#s

1+ 5atur! (&-) upiter (&m-)

2+ oo! (D-) upiter (&m-)

3+ 5u! ( -) $e!us (> th or%)

$ara%amsha "agan: ;! 8avamsha (D7=), &- is place% i! isces+ e!ce, the -ara amshaa'a! becomes isces o# Birth *hart (D71)+


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Ar&dha Pada#s

Ar&dha "agan: The a'a! or% G ercury, is place% i! the =th

ouse+ 5o "e cou!t = houses#rom =th house a!% reach > th ouse ( ibra)+ This becomes our &ru%ha a'a! (& )+

5imilarly, "e calculate &ru%ha a%a #or remai!i!' houses+

Ho&se "ord P acement .romHo&se


1 = >th2 1 2!%3 ? >th4 < 2!%

> < 3r%< > 2!%A < >th? 10 2!%= = 1st10 3 2!%11 12 =th12 11 ?th

The !e/t part "ill sho" us ho" to use "hat "e have lear!e%, i! the #irst t"o parts, #or #i!er pre%ictio!s

Periods of Happiness & Unhappiness


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By Yuvraj on Cctober 1>, 2013 • ( 0 )

+reat Happiness "ill come to pass i! the Dasa or 5ub7 erio%s o#:

1+ 8avamsa(D=) %ispositor o# a'a! or%

2+ la!et poste% i! the si'! to'ether "ith the Ath or%+

3+ 8avamsa(D=) %ispositor o# >th or%+ e ca! also chec #or =th lor% 8avamsa %ispositor+

4+ Dasa o# the star lor% o# a'a!(&sc) 'ives rise i! career+

>+ Dasa o# the star lor% o# Yo'a ara a "ill also 'ive rise i! career+

pect Pro ems i! the #ollo"i!' perio%s:

1+ 8avamsa %ispositor o# 5atur!

2+ 8avamsa %ispositor o# a!%i

3+ 8avamsa %ispostor o# the pla!et i! "hose si'! the ?th lor% is place%+

ea est o# the above three "ill %estroy the !ative happi!ess+

&lso, chec #or these perio%s :

1+ Dasa o# star lor% o# !atal -etu may 'ive mis#ortu!es+

9udicious use o5 the above techni ue should be done. Sages have given us hint and they had 5aiththat only the intelligent or the one destined to use the particular rule ill be able to decipher it.

believe that every rule ritten in lassics is true) it is the astrologer ho is not able to decipher or use it correctly. *hey ere not 5ools to right such rules.

C# course other rules may apply "he! you apply these rules+


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Sat&rn ransit ..ectBy Yuvraj on &pril 1>, 2013 • ( 0 )

#ote $ *hese ;ules are 5ro! !y notes collected 5ro! di55erent boo s over a period . 8ost o5 the! see!s to or . <bviously) %asha=s should support the event) as in all cases. ,l ays re!e!berthe i!portance o5 %esh& 'lace() Kaal &*i!e + ircu!stances( +

'aatra&>ac ground) ircu!stances o5 #ative(. ?ill eep on adding !ore.

1+ he!ever 5atur! Tra!sit over the 8atal ars, the li#e ta es a promi!e!t tur!+ &lso, "he!5atur! tra!sits throu'h 4th, Ath a!% 11th ouse #rom 8atal ars, vital cha!'es aree/perie!ce%+

2+ he!ever 5atur! tra!sits over the &sce!%a!t, it bri!'s promi!e!t cha!'es+ artially,"he! 5atur! aspects the &sce!%a!t %uri!' its tra!sit+

3+ he! tra!siti!' 5atur! aspects &sce!%a!t a!% the oo! simulta!eously, that bri!'s promotio!s, elevatio!s, appreciatio!+

4+ he! tra!sit 5atur! has a! i!#lue!ce over the 10th lor%, the tra!sit is Fuiet promisi!' a!%re"ar%i!' #or !ative, thou'h it "ill ma e u %o some har% "or +

>+ Duri!' ahu D, i# Tr 5atur! moves i! the ?th si'! #rom oo! 8avamsa(D7=) si'!+ ;t"ill create a lot o# troubles #or subject re'ar%i!' #i!a!ces, career a!% other thi!'s+ Duri!'this perio% eve! #avorable yo'a "ill !ot "or +

<+ 5atur! tra!sit throu'h Ath si'! #rom oo!.s 8avamsa(D7=) si'! a!% i# ars &D i! ahuD is C8, the! health a!% #i!a!ces may su##er+

Sat&rn ransit ..ect 66By Yuvraj on &pril 1<, 2013 • ( 0 )


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Cm 5ham 5ha!ayshchraey 8amah+

,& e 1: he! 5atur! tra!sit throu'h the 8avamsa(D7=) si'! o# the ?th lor% #rom a particularsi'! or tri!e o# it a!% 5atur! comes o! arou!% the %e'ree(orb i!#lue!ce) o# the lor% o# thetra!siti!' si'!, the house 'ives ba% results+ &lso, the relative i!%icate% by the bhava may bee!%a!'ere%+

6o to ,pply:

1+ irst loo at "here tra!sit 5atur! is i+e+ i! "hich si'! tri!es o# it+ You 'et 3 si'!s+ 9':

These %ays 5atur! is tra!siti!' throu'h ibra a!% the tri!es to it are &Fuarius a!%@emi!i+ 8o" 3 si'! are @emi!i, ibra a!% &Fuarius+

2+ The! loo at the !atal 8avamsa, chec i# these 3 si'! have a!y pla!ets+

3+ 5uppose, there are pla!ets, the! see "hich house(&) they are co!!ecte% i! Birth *hart+

4+ The! cou!t the si/th house #rom there, "hich "oul% be house (B)+

>+ -eep i! mi!% that the thi!'s relate% "ith that house (B) "ill be e!%a!'ere%+

<+ Ba% result "ill be #elt "he! tra!siti!' 5atur! "ill move arou!% the %e'ree(i! the !atalchart) o# the lor% o# tra!siti!' si'! or the 8avamsa(D7=) o# that pla!et+

,& e 2: The house #rom "hich the ?th ouse "he! tra!sitte% by 5atur! a!% the other 3 houses#rom "hich the respective ?th ouse "he! aspecte% by 5atur!, su##ers a##lictio!s+

o" to &pply:


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1+ ;! the birth chart, see "hich is the house #rom "hich Tra!sit 5atur! is #alli!' i! ?th+ 9':These %ays 5atur! is tra!siti!' throu'h ibra+ 5o its passi!' throu'h ?th #rom isces+

8o" see "here the isces si'! #alls i! your birth chart+

2+ &lso, chec the 3 aspects o# 5atur! i+e+ 3r%, Ath a!% 10th+ These aspecte% houses must

also be ?th #rom some house+ ar them+

3+ 8o" these 4 houses sta!%s to 'et a##licte% a!% sho" some !e'ative eve!ts+

7ote: Do remember to use this tech!iFue ju%iciously a!% apply them "ith a! ope! mi!%+ &lso,remember to chec #or a!y be!e#ic i!#lue!ce "hich may provi%e protective cover+ But someharm still be there+

Astrology R les for !hild "irth

By Yuvraj on &pril 14, 2013 • ( 1 )

#ote $ *hese ;ules are 5ro! !y notes collected 5ro! di55erent boo s over a period o5 ti!e. 8osto5 the! should apply 5or a hild >irth to 6appen. <bviously) %asha=s should support the event)as in all cases. ,l ays re!e!ber the i!portance o5 %esh& 'lace() Kaal &*i!e + ircu!stances(+ 'aatra&>ac ground) ircu!stances o5 #ative(.

,& e 1: 5atur! shoul% have aspecte% the:

a) >th ouseE or% or

b) =th ouseE or%

ithi! = mo!ths o# the birth o# chil%+

,& e 2: 5ame as above "ith upiter+

,& e 3: 5ame as above "ith ars but "ithi! A> %ays+

,& e 4: oo! shoul% have aspecte% a!y o# the 4 poi!ts above or oo! ashi o# pare!ts but"ithi! A2 hours+

H ars must aspect the >th houseElor% or =th houseElor% o# the mother "he! the =th mo!th o# pre'!a!cy is !eari!'+ 5ame "ith #ather+

H 5ame "ith 5u!+


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H &t birth or a %ay or 2 %ays be#ore the birth, the oo! o# the !e" bor! "ill i!variably beeither a) a'!a o# atherE other or

b) C! the >th houseElor% or =th ouseE or% o# motherE#ather or

c) 5ometimes the oo!7 5i'! o# pare!ts+

H *hil% Birth ta es place i! DB& o# pla!ets co!!ecte% "ith

a) a'!a or a'!a or%

b) >th ouseE or%

c) =th ouseE or%

H &lso chec all the above poi!ts i! 5aptamsha(D7A)

H he! a "ome! co!ceives, ars aspects either her >th ouseE or%+ &'ai!, "he! a "ome!%elivers her baby, ars per#orms the same #u!ctio!s+

At the time of "irth or near the time of "irth of a child, %upiter&Sthira 'utra()ar)a* willconjunct+aspect &Rasi Aspect* the !hara 'utra()ara)a&' * in the mother and the fatherschart. -e can also confirm the same in D( chart.

Astrology R les $or %arriage

By Yuvraj on &pril 12, 2013 • ( 1 )


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#ote $ *hese ;ules are 5ro! !y notes collected 5ro! di55erent boo s over a period o5 ti!e.o!bination out o5 these see!s to or in al!ost all charts. So best ay is to chec each one o5

the!) i5 it applies. 8ost o5 the! should apply 5or 8arriage to 6appen. <bviously) %asha=s should support the event) as in all cases.

6 a) upiter %uri!' tra!sit co!joi!s or aspects !atal ars or Ath #rom 8atal ars

b) 5atur! shoul% %o the same as above+

c) upiter %uri!' tra!sit co!joi!s or aspects 8avamsa(D=) la'a! or a'a! or%+

%) 5atur! shoul% %o the same as above+


H he! upiter, 5atur! ars are etro'ra%e i! Birth *hart, they are also to be co!si%ere% i! previous si'!+

H he! ahu co!ju!cts ars, the 4th si'! #rom ars "oul% be se!sitive poi!t #or i!teractio!( or !e/t si'! #rom ars) "ith upiter, 5atur! ahu

H he! ahu is i! opposite si'! to ars, the 4th #rom there i+e+ 10th #rom ars, is to beco!si%ere% as se!sitive poi!t+

H he! ars is i! arivarta!(9/cha!'e o# 5i'!s) "ith a!other pla!et, ars to be co!si%ere% to

be i! o"! si'! as the se!sitive poi!t+

H he! ars is etro'ra%e "ith ahu, ars to be place% i! previous si'! a!% the 4th #rom thereis to be co!si%ere% as se!sitive poi!t+

66 a) Sat&rn/ 8ithin 295 (ears0 J&piter / 8ithin 1 (ear0 : 5houl% co!ju!ctEaspecta'a!E a'a! or% a!% Ath houseE or%

b) J&piter/ 8ithin 1 (ear0 : 5houl% co!ju!ctEaspect a) 8atal $e!us a!% >th ouseE or%and/or

b) >th ouseE or% a!% =th ouseE or%

c) *ars / 8ithin ; months0 : 5houl% %o "hat 5atur! upiter %i% i! poi!t IaJ and also hatupiter %i% i! poi!t IbJ+

%)<th "ord / PAC0 : ithi! 40 %ays establish co!tact "ith


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a) The 11th or%

b) =th or%

c) a'a! or%

e) &t the time o# marria'e the lor%s o# Ath, =th, >th a!% a'a! "ill be mutually co!!ecte%( &*)a!% i! most cases these "ill be arou!% Ath houseElor% or a'a!E or%+

Chara Dasha- Part 1 /)asics Ca c& ations0By Yuvraj on &pril 11, 2013 • ( 10 )

!hara Dasha( 'art /

)asics Ca c& ations


'&!ra Singh

ith Cbeisa!ce to or% @a!apathi 8av'raha, ; %e%icate this article at the holy #eet o# 5a'eaimi!i, the #ou!%er o# aimi!i astrolo'y+ ay he accept a!% bless this article+

The scribe also "oul% li e to %e%icate this article to the team o# 5aptarishi.s &strolo'y, "ho haveta e! the pai! a!% i!veste% their precious time e##ort to create this "o!%er#ul #orum #ille% "ith"ealth o# !o"le%'e+ ; "oul% also li e to %e%icate this article to 5hri+ -+8+ ao, #or e!li'hte!i!'us "ith his research o! aimi!i 5ystem *hara a!% other aimi!i Dasha.s+ ithout him "e"oul%!.t have lear!e% the ropes o# *hara Dasha+ ; "oul% li e to sho" my 'ratitu%e, i! allhumble!ess, to"ar%s him+ ; hope ; am able to %o justice to the tech!iFues he has share% "ith us+

avi!' atte!%e% the rece!t or shop o! *hara Dasha, blesse% by 5hri+ -+8+ ao a!% or'a!i6e% by 5aptarishi.s &strolo'y, ; #eel i!spire% to prese!t this article, "hich is the #irst o# the series o#article o! *hara Dasha, aimi!' to sho" the Basics *alculatio! o# *hara Dasha+ &lso, "oul%li e to tha! 5hri+ Deepa Bisaria, #or sho"i!' us the #i!er poi!ts o# pre%ictio!s a!% a!s"eri!'our Fueries patie!tly %uri!' the *hara Dasha or shop+

The article assumes that the rea%er have the !o"le%'e o# basics o# arashari 5ystem o#&strolo'y+


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;! arashari system o# astrolo'y, "e use 5thira -ara a+ 5thira mea!s i/e% i+e+ the -ara a(5i'!i#icator o# a particular thi!') is #i/e% i! arashari system+ ;! aimi!i system o# astrolo'y,"e use *hara -ara a.s "here *hara mea!s ovable i+e+ the -ara a ca! vary #rom chart to chart+But the importa!t poi!t to remember is that the 5thira -ara a.s ca! also be use% e##ectively i!

aimi!i 5ystem+

irst, let.s u!%ersta!% the *hara -ara a.s i%e!ti#icatio! a!% usa'e i! a horoscope+

A la!ets compete #or becomi!' %i##ere!t *hara -ara a e/clu%i!' ahu -etu:

1+ Atma $ara%a /A$0: The pla!et "hich attai!s the hi'hest %e'ree o# lo!'itu%e becomesthe &tma -ara a o# the horoscope+ ere I&tmaJ mea!s 5oul a!% is the most importa!t#eature i! a perso!.s li#e+ hat "e are livi!' here o! earth is !othi!' but the our!ey o#5oul "hich is %epicte% i! a horoscope by &-+&tma -ara a is relate% to the 1 st E a'a! o#the horoscope+ &- represe!ts all the si'!i#icatio!s o# the asce!%a!t li e Bo%y, hysiFue,&ppeara!ce, *omple/io!, ;!tellect, *haracter, @e!eral ealth o!'evity, ame, a!%

5tre!'th ea !ess etc+

2+ Amat(a $ara%a /Am$0: The pla!et "hich attai!s the 5eco!% hi'hest %e'ree o#lo!'itu%e becomes the &matya -ara a+ I&matyaJ mea!s i!ister i+e+ a perso! at hi'h

post+ By loo i!' at &m- "e ca! ju%'e the si'!i#icatio!s o# 2 !% ouse o# the horoscopei+e+ i!a!cial 5tatus, rimary 9%ucatio!, ivelihoo%E ro#essio!, 5peech, amily, oo%

abits, ace, 9yes ( i'ht eye i! particular), *lothes Cr!ame!ts etc+ e ca! also ju%'eabout the si'!i#icatio!s o# the > th house i+e+ ear!i!', ro'e!y, -!o"le%'e, 5eat o#

o"er, alli!' #rom ositio!, 5acre% 5pells, 5peculatio!, *reativity, 9!tertai!me!t etc+5i'!i#icatio!s o# = th ouse also u!%er purvie" o# &m- i+e+ i'her 9%ucatio!, ortu!e,Dharma etc+ a!% also the 10 th ouse si'!i#icatio!s "hich are *areer, o!our, ise i!

pro#essio!, oyalty a!% il'rima'e etc+3+ )hratri $ara%a /)$0: The pla!et "hich attai!s the Thir% hi'hest %e'ree o# lo!'itu%e

Fuali#ies #or the post o# Bhratri -ara a+ IBhratriJ mea!s Brothers a!% B- ca! be use% to ju%'e the si'!i#icatio!s #or 3 r% house i+e+ You!'er 5ibli!'s, !ei'hbors, short7jour!eys,coura'e, hobbies, ability a!% %eath o# pare!ts etc+ e ca! also ju%'e the si'!i#icatio!s o#=th house i+e+ ather, @uru, o!'7 our!eys, eli'io!, a!% i'her 9%ucatio! etc+, a!% the11 th ouse o# horoscope i+e+ ul#ilme!t o# Desire, 9l%er brother sisters, @ai!s, rie!%s,9/pectatio!s etc+

4+ *atri $ara%a /*$0: The pla!et "hich attai!s the ourth hi'hest %e'ree o# lo!'itu%e

Fuali#ies #or the post o# atri -ara a+ I atriJ mea!s other+ e ca! e/te!% - #or thesi'!i#icatio!s o# the 4 th house li e other, roperty, $ehicles, appi!ess, 9%ucatio!,elatives, a!% &'riculture a!% Thro!e etc+

>+ P&tra $ara%a /P$0: The pla!et "hich attai!s the i#th i'hest %e'ree o# lo!'itu%e becomes the utra -ara a+ I utraJ mea!s 5o!+ e ca! ju%'e the si'!i#icatio!s o# the > th

ouse #rom - i+e+ *hil%re!, is%om, oma!ce, 5acre% 5pells, ;!tellect, 5peculatio!


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ottery, a!tra, re'!a!cy, *reativity etc+ e also e/te!% - #or the si'!i#icatio!s o# = th ouse, as it is > th #rom >th+

<+ +nati $ara%a /+$0: The pla!et "hich comes si/th i! %esce!%i!' or%er #rom &- becomes the @!ati -ara a+ I@!atiJ mea!s elatio!s+ ;t represe!ts < th house a!% its

si'!i#icatio!s i! a horoscope i+e+ 9!emies, ater!al7 elatives, Diseases, Debts,Disa'reeme!ts, *ompetitio!s, e'al rocee%i!'s, 5ervitu%e etc+ 5imilarly, "e ca! alsoe/ami!e the si'!i#icatio!s o# ? th 12 th house #rom @-+

A+ Dara $ara%a /D$0: The seve!th a!% the last i! or%er becomes the Dara -ara a+ IDaraJmea!s i#e+ &ll the si'!i#icatio!s o# the A th ouse comes u!%er the purvie" o# D- li e5pouse, Busi!ess7 art!er, Tra%e, orei'! Travel, a%7 rapti, 9!emies i! ope! a!% ublic

;ma'e etc+

Aspects in Jaimini S(stem

;! aimi!i system, "e use the aspects o# si'!i!stea% o# pla!ets, "hich is use% i! arashari5ystem+

1+ &ll ovable ashi.s aspects the i/e%ashi.s e/cept the a%jace!t o!e+

2+ &ll i/e% ashi.s aspects the ovableashi.s e/cept the a%jace!t o!e+

3+ &ll Dual ashi.s aspects the other Dual


A ternati!e "agna#s Used in Chara Dasha

$ara%amsha: ;! the Birth chart, the rashioccupie% by &- i! 8avamsha becomes the-ara amsha a'a! "hich is really importa!t #or

ju%'i!' the chart a!% the pre%ictio!s+ &ll theeve!ts shoul% also be veri#ie% by usi!' the

-ara amsha as a'a!+

Ar&dha "agan: &ru%ha mea!s aya (;llusio!)+;t is also !o"! as a% a'a!+ 5o &ru%ha a'a!mea!s aya associate% "ith the a'a! i+e+ sel#+;! other "or%s, throu'h &ru%ha a'a!, "e ca!

ju%'e ho" others vie" us or thi! about us+ ecalculate &ru%ha a'a! i! the #ollo"i!' "ay:


,ashi ,ashi Aspected

&ries eo, 5corpio a!% &Fuarius

Taurus *a!cer, ibra a!% *apricor!

@emi!i $ir'o, 5a'ittarius a!% isces

*a!cer 5corpio, &Fuarius a!% Taurus

eo ibra, *apricor! a!% &ries

$ir'o 5a'ittarius, isces a!% @emi!i

ibra &Fuarius, Taurus a!% eo

5corpio *apricor!, &ries a!% *a!cer

5a'ittarius isces, @emi!i a!% $ir'o

*apricor! Taurus, eo a!% 5corpio

&Fuarius &ries, *a!cer a!% ibra

isces @emi!i, $ir'o a!% 5a'ittarius

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1+ 5ee ho" #ar #rom the la'a!, the la'a! lor% has 'o!e, cou!ti!' the !umber o# houses bet"ee! the la'a! a!% the la'a! lor%+

2+ rom a'a! lor% cou!t as ma!y houses a!% you reach the &ru%ha la'a!+

g: 5uppose, #or &ries a'a!, the la'a! lor% ars sits i! $ir'o (the si/th house)+ 8o" cou!t si/houses #rom ars i+e+ &Fuarius "hich becomes the &ru%ha a'a!+

e ca! a!% shoul% %o it #or each a!% every house a!% mar the pa%a.s o# all the houses o! thechart "hich "ill help us i! pre%ictio!s+ 5ome authorities as us to use e/ceptio!s rules #or

ju%'i!' the pa%a o# houses by let us 'o by the teachi!'s o# 5hri -+8+ ao by !ot usi!' a!ye/ceptio! a!% calculate the pa%a.s o# each house that "ay "e calculate% #or la'a!+

et.s u!%ersta!% ho" &ru%ha "or s+ 5uppose, "e see a 'uy "ith a #lashy erce%es *ar a!% #eelho" luc y that 'uy is+ hat i# that @uy %oes!.t #eel the same a!% "a!t eve! bi''er car+ 8o" the

probability is that i! the chart o# that 'uy, the &ru%ha o# 4 th house may co!tai! a be!e#ic or

!umber o# be!e#ics li e $e!us a!%Eor upiter "hich is 'ivi!' us the illusio! o# the 'uy bei!' soluc y a!% must be very happy "ith his bi' e/pe!sive car but the 4 th house %eposits somemale#ics li e 5atur!, ars, ahu, -etu etc+ "hich %o!.t allo" that 'uy to be satis#ie% "ith "hathe has a!% "a!t eve! bi''er car+ That.s ho" &ru%ha "or s+

Upapada "agan: ;t.s the &ru%haE a%a o# 12th ouse+ ;t.s very importa!t #or ju%'me!t o#marria'e+

'oga#s in Jaimini S(stem

e %o!.t #ollo" the re'ular Yo'a.s o# arashari system i! aimi!i+ ;t has its o"! set o# aj

Yo'a.s "hich are a!y !umber o# combi!atio!s, throu'h co!ju!ctio!s a!% rashi aspects, bet"ee!&-, &m-, -, D- a!% > th or%+

5ome special yo'a.s are as #ollo"s:

1+ oo! a!% $e!us co!ju!ct or aspecti!' each other+

2+ oo! aspecte% by ma!y pla!ets+

e also have to see all the aj Yo'a.s i! 8avamsha+ 5ee i# they %ecreasi!' i! !umber ori!creasi!'+ The e##ect "ill be accor%i!'ly+ &lso, see i# the ara a.s have aspects #rom be!e#ics or

a##licte%, both i! ashi chart a!% 8avamsha a!% ju%'e ju%iciously+

Chara Dasha =rder Ca c& ations

*hara Dasha is the %asha o# ashi.s a!% !ot pla!ets, as i! $imshottari Dasha o# arashari5ystem+


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=rder o. Dasha: ere the or%er o# %asha is either %irect (a!ti7cloc "ise) or i!%irect(cloc "ise)+

Direct Cr%er: &ries, eo, $ir'o, ibra, &Fuarius a!% isces+

;!%irect Cr%er: Taurus, @emi!i, *a!cer, 5corpio, 5a'ittarius a!% *apricor!+

9': or &ries a'a! the %asha or%er "ill be:

&ries, Taurus, @emi!i, *a!cer, eo, $ir'o, ibra, 5corpio, 5a'ittarius, *apricor!, &Fuarius,isces+

or Taurus a'a! the %asha or%er "ill be:

Taurus, &ries, isces, &Fuarius, *apricor!, 5a'ittarius, 5corpio, ibra, $ir'o, eo, *a!cer,@emi!i+

The same rule applies to sub7perio%s but the mai! Dasha ashi.s sub7perio% comes last i! or%er+

9': or &ries a'a! (Direct), the or%er o# sub7perio%s #or &ries Dasha:

Taurus, @emi!i, *a!cer, eo, $ir'o, ibra, 5corpio, 5a'ittarius, *apricor!, &Fuarius, isces a!%the! &ries i! the last+

or Taurus a'a! (;!7%irect), the or%er o# sub7perio%s #or Taurus Dasha:

&ries, isces, &Fuarius, *apricor!, 5a'ittarius, 5corpio, ibra, $ir'o, eo, *a!cer, @emi!i a!%

i! the last Taurus+

Ca c& ation o. D&ration o. Dasha

*ou!t the !umber o# houses #rom the Dasha ashi to the rashi lor%+ De%uct 1 #rom the total+ You'et the co!cer!e% ashi Dasha %uratio!+

Direct Cr%er ashi.s: &ries, Taurus, @emi!i, ibra, 5corpio a!% 5a'ittarius+

;!%irect Cr%er ashi.s: *a!cer, eo, $ir'o, *apricor!, &Fuarius, isces+

9': et.s assume:

or &ries Dasha (Direct), the &ries lor% ars is place% i! > th house #rom &ries+ e 'et >, %e%uct1 #rom it a!% you 'et the total %uratio! o# &ries Dasha i+e+ 4 years+

or *a!cer Dasha (;!7%irect), the or% o# *a!cer7 oo! is place% i! 10 th house #rom *a!cer+ e'et 10, %e%uct 1 #rom it a!% you 'et the total %uratio! o# *a!cer Dasha i+e+ = years+


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1+ ;# the or% o# a rashi is place% i! the same rashi, "e 'ive the %asha 12 years "ithout a!y%e%uctio!s+

2+ or 5corpio Dasha, special rules shoul% be observe% as it has the %ual lor%ship o# ars -etu+

1+ ;# a!yo!e, ars or -etu, is place% i! 5corpio itsel#, the! "e shoul% use the otherto calculate the !umber o# years #or the %asha a!% i'!ore the o!e place% i!5corpio+ 5ta!%ar% rules o# %e%uctio!s still apply+

2+ ;# both are place% i! 5corpio, 'ive #ull 12 years "ithout a!y %e%uctio!s+

3+ ;# both o# them are place% i! rashi other tha! 5corpio+ Kse the stro!'er o# the t"oto calculate the %uratio! o# Dasha perio%+

1+ or &Fuarius Dasha same set o# rules, as #or 5corpio, applies because o# the %ualo"!ership o# 5atur! a!% ahu+

Ca c& ation o. D&ration o. S& -Periods

1+ ach sub-period) in !onths) is e ual to the nu!ber o5 years o5 %asha.

2+ Si!ilarly) each sub-sub-period) in days) is directly proportional to the nu!ber o5!onths 5or Sub-'eriod.

et.s u!%ersta!% the same "ith the #ollo"i!' table+

*a or Period/'ears0 S& -Periods/6n *onths0

S& -S& Periods/6n Da(s Ho&rs0

12 12 30 %ays

11 11 2A %ays 12 hours

10 10 2> %ays

= = 22 %ays 12 hours


8/10/2019 How to Predict Using Jaimini Chara 19/36

? ? 20 %ays

A A 1A %ays 12 hours

< < 1> %ays

> > 12 %ays 12 hours

4 4 10 %ays

3 3 A %ays 12 hours

2 2 > %ays

1 1 2 %ays 12 hours

8ote: Table ta e! #rom 5hri -+8 ao.s Boo o! *hara Dasha+

et.s ta e a! e/ample chart to illustrate all the co!cepts "e have lear!e% above:

Chara $ara%a#s (Desce!%i!' Cr%er o# De'ree)

&-: 5atur! B-: ars -: 5u! D-: oo!

&m-: upiter -: ercury @-: $e!us

$ara%amsha "agan ( ashi Cccupie% by &- i! 8avamsha):


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&- 5atur! is place% i! isces i! 8avamsha+ 5o isces o# Birth *hart becomes the -ara amshaa'a!+

'oga#s App ica e in the )irth Chart

Ta i!' the ashi &spects, o!ly 2 are applicable+

1+ &-75at &m- up

2+ D-7 oo! &m- up

Ar&dha>Pada o. Ho&ses

Ho&se P acement o. the "ord Progression>Pada

a'a!(&ru%haa'a!) = houses(&Fuarius) =th #rom &Fuarius i+e+ >th ouse( ibra)

2!% C"! ouse(*a!cer) C"! ouse i+e+ 2!% ouse(*a!cer)

3r% ? ouses( isces) ?th #rom isces i+e+ >th ouse( ibra)

4th < ouses(&Fuarius) <th #rom &Fuarius i+e+2!%ouse(*a!cer)

>th < ouses( isces) <th #rom isces i+e+ 3r% house( eo)

<th > ouses( isces) >th #rom isces i+e+ 2!% ouse(*a!cer)

Ath < ouses(Taurus) <th #rom Taurus i+e+ >th ouse( ibra)

?th 10 ouses( ibra) 10th #rom ibra i+e+ 2!% ouse(*a!cer)

=th = ouses( ibra) =th #rom ibra i+e+ a'a!(@emi!i)


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10th 3 houses(Taurus) 3r% #rom Taurus i+e+ 2!% ouse(*a!cer)

11th 12 houses( isces)

12th #rom isces i+e+ =th


12 th (Kpapa%aa'a!) 11 houses( isces)

11th #rom isces i+e+ ?thouse(*apricor!)

Dasha Ca c& ations

&s the a'a! is @emi!i, "e "ill have to #ollo" ;!%irect Cr%er o# Dasha+

Dasha ,ashi

"ordsP acemen

t .rom=wn




D&ration Dasha 'ears

@emi!i(Direct) =th = 1 ? 201372021

Taurus(Direct) 11th 11 1 10 202172031

&ries(Direct) 12th 12 1 11 203172042

isces(;!%irect) 11th 11 1 10 2042720>2

&Fuarius(;!%irect) >th > 1 4 20>2720><

*apricor!(;!%irect) 4th 4 1 3 20><720>=

5a'ittarius(Direct) <th < 1 > 20>=720<4


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5corpio(Direct) >th > 1 4 20<4720<?

ibra(Direct) <th < 1 > 20<?720A3

$ir'o(;!%irect) ?th ? 1 A 20A3720?0

eo(;!%irect) <th < 1 > 20?0720?>

*a!cer(;!%irect) 1st 12 0 12 20?>720=A

;! a similar "ay, "e ca! calculate the sub7perio%s a!% their %uratio!, "hich bri!'s us to the e!%o# art 1+ The !e/t part "ill sho" us ho" to use aimi!i 5ystem a!% *hara Dasha #or pre%ictive purposes+

A )SP/)hrig& Sara Paddhati0 on=ne ChartBy Yuvraj on &pril 11, 2013 • ( = )

&ll B5 Tech!iFues o! C!e *hart

B5 G Bhri'u 5aral a%%hati

(8ee%s 8o Dasha #or re%ictio!, ust the u!!i!' Year)




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ith Cbeisa!ce to or% @a!apathi 8av'raha, "e %e%icate this article at the holy #eet o# 5a'eBhri'hu, the #ou!%er o# Bhri'hu astrolo'y, the 'reatest o!e "ho !o %oubt is most belove% #orsho"i!' us all that "e %o !ot !o" astrolo'y yet+ ay he accept a!% bless this article+

The scribe also "oul% li e to %e%icate this article to the team o# 5aptarishi.s &strolo'y, "ho have

ta e! the pai! a!% i!veste% their precious time e##ort to share these B5 .s "ith us+ ; "oul% li eto sho" my 'ratitu%e, i! all humble!ess, to"ar%s them+ ; hope ; am able to %o justice to thetech!iFues they have share% "ith us+

This article aim to sho" the applicatio! o# all B5 .s share% till %ate "ith us o! a chart a!% to prepare a li#e portrait o# a !ative+ Belo" is the list o# all B5 .s release% till %ate, as a rea%yrec o!er #or the rea%er, is me!tio!e% belo":

S9 7o9 )SP 7o9 'ear P anet 6mp ement

1 23 10 5u! < th #rom its 8atal ositio!

2 7 1? oo! $ibrates at its 8atal ositio!

3 13 20 5atur! 3 r% &spect

4 1= 22 upiter = th &spect

> 21 22 ahu > th &spect

< = 24 -etu 12 th #rom its 8atal ositio!

A 2A 24 5atur! 4 th #rom its 8atal ositio!

? 2? 24 ercury 10th

#rom its 8atal ositio!

= 23 2> 5u! 8atal ositio!

= < 2A ars 10 th #rom its 8atal ositio!


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S9 7o9 )SP 7o9 'ear P anet 6mp ement

10 22 2? 5atur! < th #rom its 8atal ositio!

11 7 2? ercury $ibrate i! > th #rom its 8atal ositio!

12 30 30 ahu 8atal ositio!

13 11 32 upiter > th &spect 5ometimes (1 st Ath )

14 2= 32 ars 4th


1> 7 32 5u! 8atal ositio!

1< 7 3> upiter 8atal ositio! 1E4 th >th #rom its 8atal ositio!

1A 31 3< ars ? th &spect

1? 1A 3A ahu 8atal ositio! = th &spect

1= 32 3A upiter 8atal ositio!

20 ? 3? ahu < th #rom its 8atal ositio!

21 10 40 upiter = th &spect 8atal ositio!

22 24 40 ercury A #rom its 8atal ositio!

23 2A 4? 5atur! 4 th #rom its 8atal ositio!


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S9 7o9 )SP 7o9 'ear P anet 6mp ement

24 2< >1 5atur! 8atal ositio! 2>L 3 r% aspect

2> 7 << 5atur! 8atal ositio!

2< 1? <= upiter 8atal ositio!

et us illustrate the applicatio! o# above me!tio!e% B5 .s by ta i!' a chart+

)irth Chart Detai s

DCB: =7 eb71=4?M TCB: 20:>3 rs+ ( 0>+30 east)M CB: -a!'ra, M A< 9 1<, 32 8 <+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

10 5u! < th #rom its 8atal ositio!

a) The 10 th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=>A to eb71=>?+

b) 5u!, the 12 , impleme!ts i!to 10 o# authority, ra! , ambitio!s a!% aspect 4 o# earlye%ucatio!, mother, resi%e!ce, #rie!%s ( "ttar Kala!rita )+ 10 ( ercury) 'oes to < o#competitio!+ ,rudha o# < (&<) i! 10 th co!#irms some competitio! eepi!' the a'e i! mi!% a!%-etu, the 3 co7lor% aspecti!' the 10 hi!ts #or some cha!'e o# place+


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c) 5omethi!' relate% to resi%e!ce, e%ucatio!, mother, #rie!%s, competitio! shoul% happe!+*ha!'es seem more probable as 5u! 'ets %igbala is the 10 th house+

%) The !ative, bor! i! -a!'ra7 , ha% shi#te% to Delhi "ith her mother, to be "ith her #ather,sometime bac + 5u!, the 12 o# #orei'! a!% Kara a o# #ather sho"e% its e##ect+ 8ative joi!e% a

@ovt+ (5u!) school #or the #irst time+ @ave e!tra!ce test to 'et a%missio! strai'ht i!to 3r%

class+&lso, !e" school also mea!s !e" #rie!%s+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

1? oo! $ibrates at its 8atal ositio!

a) The 1? th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=<> to eb71=<<+

b) oo! vibrates i! > o# e%ucatio!, bei!' 11 a!% sitti!' "ith 5u!, 12 o# %isappoi!tme!tsa!% aspecte% by retro'ra%e (removal o# protectio!) > 5atur!+ oo! is also the %epositor o#retro'ra%e 5atur! "hich ma'!i#ies the role o# retro'ra%e 5atur!+ oo! i! > sometimes is !ot'oo% #or e%ucatio! a!% #e" people opi!e #or @idya %osha! +

c) 5omethi!' relate% to e%ucatio!, setbac shoul% happe!+

%) The !ative aspire% #or e%ical 9%ucatio!+ Di%!.t 'et a%missio!+ Droppe% the year+

#ote: *he above !entioned >S') o5 8oon) as shared privately ith the scribe) by S,.

'ear P anet 6mp ement

20 5atur! 3 r% &spect

a) The 20 th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=<A to eb71=<?+

b) 5atur!.s 3 r% aspect o! 1 (5el#) #orce% the !ative to travel %aily (by #oot) to colle'e+ 5atur!,

Kara a #or travel by #oot %iseases, bei!' the > o# e%ucatio! < o# %iseases "ith ercury, also Kara a #or e%ucatio!, i! < "hich is aspect o# ars -etu, e/plai!s the e%ical9%ucatio!+ < "here sits, also carries ,rudha o# 3 o# short travels+

c) 5omethi!' relate% to travel, e%ucatio! shoul% have happe!e%+

%) The !ative co!#irms the a%missio! i! resti'ious 8ehru e%ical *olle'e, Delhi


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e) The retro'ra%e 5atur! havi!' teste% the !ative i! previous years 'ave the #ruits o# a%missio!i! presti'ious colle'e+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

22 upiter = th &spect

22 ahu > th &spect

a) The 22 !% year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=<= to eb71=A0+

b) upiter = th aspect #alls o! 11 o# #ul#illme!t o# %esire "ith retro'ra%e > (e%ucatio!7

lear!i!') < (%iseases, service) 5atur! sitti!' i! it+ 5u!, the 12 ( ospitals) alo!' "ith 11oo! (*are) aspect the 11 +

c) ahu impleme!ts its > th aspect o! 12 o# e/pe!%iture a!% hospitali6atio! "ith ars, lor% o# 3r% ? th (*hro!ic Diseases) "ith uli a 8andi + 5ou!%s li e trouble but o! seco!% thou'ht,"e !o" the !ative "as i! me%ical e%ucatio!, so hospital ca! also mea! somethi!' else+ ars,as lor% o# 3r%, also bri!'s travels i!itiative i!to picture+

%) *ombi!atio! o# upiter, 5u!, oo! a!% > < 5atur! shoul% have %o!e somethi!' 'oo%#or the !ative i! me%ical e%ucatio!+ &lso, B5 o# ahu sou!%s more li e i!ter!ship e/pe!%iture+

e) 8ative co!#irms that stu%y co!ti!ue% "ith 'oo% results a!% starte% practiceE i!ter!ship+Travel e/pe!%iture i!crease% as there "as !o stipe!%, usually associate% "ith ;!ter!ship, tosupport+ e smile% "he! !ative a%%e% that the i!ter!ship i!volve% lot o# chro!ic %isease

patie!ts, majorly Breathi!' %isor%ers, "hich clears the role o# ars as the ? a!% also the aspecto# ercury (#rom a! airy si'!) o! ars+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

24 -etu 12th

#rom its 8atal ositio!

24 5atur! 4 th #rom its 8atal ositio!

24 ercury 10 th #rom its 8atal ositio!


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a) The 24 th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=A1 to eb71=A2+

b) -etu impleme!ts i! a'!a (5el#) a!% aspecte% by > 5atur! #rom 11 + ercury 'oes to< o# competitio! a!% the > < (5atur!) 'oes to 11 o# 'ai!s+

c) 5ome achieveme!t i! 9%ucatio! shoul% have bee! there as -etu, i! 9ata a Sara %heepa , isalso a Kara a o# -!o"le%'e, Doctor, hilosophy, a!% uc +

%) 8ative co!#irms the surprise #irst ra! i! colle'e amo!'st 'irls a!% 4 th overall+ C!ly A peopleout o# 40 coul% clear the course+

e) 5atur! impleme!ts i! 2 ( ivelihoo% ealth) "ith -etu (Bloc a'e) i! it+ The lor% o# 2$e!us e/alte% i! A ( 'ad-'rapti ) "ith aspect o# upiter ( %han Kara a or% o# Ath) assuri!'the blessi!'+ But aspect o# 3 ? ars o! A A shoul% create obstacles+

#) 8ative 'ot o##er to joi! a hospital i! &li'arh but %i%!.t joi! a!% a'ai! starte% i!ter!ship+

') ercury (cha!'es) impleme!ts i! 3 o# cha!'e o# resi%e!ce a!% also %eposits the 4upiter+ This ercury also 'ets the aspect o# 3 ? ars #rom 12 th+ e shoul% eep i! mi!%

that ercury is also the 3 o# 8atural No%iac+

h) This B5 "as ably supporte% by previous 2 B5 o# -etu impleme!tatio! i! 1 (5el#) a!%5atur! impleme!tatio! i! 2 o# amily ealth a!% aspecti!' the 4 o# resi%e!ce "ith 3 r% aspect+ The !ative cha!'e% the resi%e!ce but i! the same city, Delhi+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

2> 5u! 8atal ositio!

a) The 2> th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=A2 to eb71=A3+

b) 5u! (@ovt+), the 12 ( ospital), impleme!ts i! > (5eat o# o"er)+ 12 %eposits ars, thelor% o# 3r% ( riti!') ? th ( esearch)+ 5u! i! > is joi!e% by 11 (;!come) oo! a!% aspecte%

by > < 5atur! #rom 11 (;!come), the !atural 6o%iac lor% o# 10 th (*areer) 11 th (i!come)+5u! is also the %epositor o# ,rudha o# 2 ("ealth livelihoo%) a!% sits i! > "hich %eposits

,rudha o# =th

( >hagya )+

c) 5omethi!' relate% "ith "ealth, career, "riti!', research shoul% happe!e%+ 5u! is also ,!atya Kara a "hich 'ives us the co!#i%e!ce+

%) The !ative 'ot a job i! a @over!me!t e%ical esearch ;!stitute a!% use% to see patie!ts i!C D+


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'ear P anet 6mp ement

2A ars 10 th #rom its 8atal ositio!

a) The 2A th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=A4 to eb71=A>+

b) ars, the or% o# 3 (commu!icatio! "riti!') ? (research) impleme!ts i! =( >hagya ather)+ = $e!us is e/alte% i! A "hich is, also the house o# 'ai!s #or #ather+ &lso,

ars is Kara a o# brothers a!% also the 3 o# sibli!'s+

c) 5omethi!' relate% to "riti!', research, #ather, a!% 'ai! #or #ather sibli!'s shoul% havehappe!e%+

%) *o7authore% 2 boo s #or the esearch ;!stitute+ elpe% you!'er brother #i!a!cially #or#urther e%ucatio! "hich "as a! i!%irect 'ai! #or #ather as he %i%!.t have to #u!% the stu%ies #romhis o"! poc et+ Brother stu%ie% ri!ti!' Tech!olo'y hoto'raphy "hich is sho"! by theaspect o# ercury #rom < th ahu #rom ? th o! ars i! 12 th+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

2? 5atur! < th #rom its 8atal ositio!

2? ercury $ibrates i! > th #rom 8atal ositio!

a) The 2? th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=A> to eb71=A<+

b) 5atur! impleme!ts i! 4 o# com#ort o# home, "hose lor% upiter 'oes to 3 o# short travels+5atur! #rom 4 th aspects the 1 st (5el#), < ( obE5ervice) "ith &3 a!% 10 its or% ercury+

c) ercury vibrates i! the 10th ouse o# career "ith aspect o# -etu (Brea , 5u%%e! *ha!'es)#rom 2 o# ivelihoo%+ &lso, ercury is !o"! as lic ery (5u%%e! *ha!'es) a!% aspect the 4

o# com#ort o# home+ But ercury bei!' 'K &'utra Kara a( shoul% be i!cli!e% to %o 'oo%more so because 10th house has ercury o"! si'! @emi!i, 3 o# 8atural No%iac !o"! #orcha!'e i! resi%e!ce+

%) -eepi!' i! mi!% the role o# both 5atur! as >K &>hratri-Kara a( a!% ercury+ ;t i!%icate%eve!ts relate% to short travels, career speci#ically either job cha!'e or o##ice locatio! cha!'e+5eco!% seems probable as !ative "or e% #or a @ovt+ Cr'a!i6atio!+


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e) The o##ice o# !ative shi#te% to a #ar o# place i! Delhi a!% the !ative has to travel a lot %aily"hich i!volve% little bit a travel by #oot+

#ote: *he above !entioned >S') o5 8ercury) as shared privately ith the scribe) by S,.

'ear P anet 6mp ement

30 ahu 8atal ositio!

a) The 30 th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=AA to eb71=A?+

b) ahu impleme!ts i! ? , o# research a!% su%%e!!ess, "ith aspect #rom > (e%ucatio!) 5atur!#rom 11 + ahu, Kara a #or su%%e! cha!'es tra!s#ormatio!, %epositor ars 'oes to 12 , also

the lor% o# 3r%


c) *ollectively, this hi!ts #or e%ucatio! a!% cha!'e i! resi%e!ce+

%) The !ative su%%e!ly shi#te% to -ol ata #or #urther stu%ies research+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

32 upiter > th &spect 5ometimes(1 st A th )

32 ars 4 th &spect

32 5u! 8atal ositio!

a) The 32 !% year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=A= to eb71=?0+

b) upiter > th aspect #alls o! the A o# marria'e "ith e/alte% $e!us, the Kara a o# marria'e as

"ell as the %K &%ara ara a(+ upiter bei!' 4 A , impleme!ts its >th

aspect o! its o"! house+;# "e ta e the 1 st aspect i+e+, !atal positio! o# upiter i! 3 o# >hagya o# arria'e a!% the A th aspect o! = o# le'ality o# arria'e, the picture loo s per#ect #or arria'e+ upiter is also ,K &,t!a Kara a( +

c) ars impleme!ts its 4 th aspect o! 3 "ith upiter, the lor% o# A o# arria'e 'ad-'rapti i! it+ ars sitti!' i! 12 th bei!' the lor% o# 3 r% a!% ? th is promisi!' a @ipreet-;aj Aoga + ars isaspecti!' its o"! house, shoul% %o "ell #or the !ative+ 5o "e shoul% pre%ict marria'e,


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promotio!s or 'ad-'rapti a!% surprises+ &lso, ars bei!' 3 a!% ? shoul% promise somethi!'i! riti!', esearch a!% *ommu!icatio!, as the !ative i! the #iel% o# esearch

%) 5u!, the 12 , impleme!ts at its !atal positio!, the > "ith the 11 oo! i! e/cha!'e o#houses "ith the > 5atur!+ > bei!' house o# oma!ce, 9%ucatio!, 5eat o# o"er, a!%

*reativity i! associatio! "ith the 11 o# 'ai!s #ul#illme!t o# %esires shoul% promisesomethi!' "o!%er#ul+ 5u! is also ,!K &,!atya Kara a( +

e) *ombi!i!' all the result 3 B5 .s to'ether, "e pre%icte% the >hagya "daya , arria'e,romotio!s alo!' "ith iterary esearch achieveme!ts+ Cverall, a li#e cha!'i!' year "ith lots

o# eve!ts+ *ha!'e o# #ortu!e i! brie#+

#) The !ative replie% i! a##irmative, i!%ee% the promise o# marria'e came i! this year+ Themarria'e "as #i/e% "ith someo!e the !ative use% to stu%y "ith+ The !ative passe% the stu%ies"ith 'oo% scores a!% 'ot 2 out o# tur! promotio!s, o!e "hile stu%yi!' , as the !ative "as o! astu%y leave a!% 2 !% as soo! as the !ative joi!e% bac a#ter stu%ies+ The promotio!s resulte% i!

i!crease i! i!come+ The !ative also became ember o# 9%itorial Boar% o# Ouarterly a'a6i!e o# the esearch ;!stitute, the !ative "as "or i!' "ith+ Cverall, the year o# pleasa!t surprises a!%auspicious eve!ts "hich cha!'e% the course o# the li#e+

#ote: *he >S' o5 Sun as shared privately ith the scribe) by S,.

'ear P anet 6mp ement

3> upiter 8atal ositio! 1E4 th >th #rom its 8atal ositio!

a) The 3> th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=?2 to eb71=?3+

b) upiter impleme!ti!' itsel# at its 8atal ositio! a!% 1E4 th aspect o! A "ith, 2 o# amilya!% =th or% o# >hagya , e/alte% $e!us i! it+ &s "e !o", the marria'e has alrea%y ta e! place it"as easy to pre%ict a chil% birth as upiter bei!' a Kara a #or chil%re! a!% A o# arria'e, 'ad-

'rapti a!% also #or Sat-'utra + ;! %ivisio!al charts "e see DA #or *hil%re! a!% its A is importa!t#or ju%'me!t #or chil%re!+ upiter impleme!ti!' i! 3 , the house o# >hagya o# arria'e, shoul%

bless the !ative "ith the !e/t steps i! marria'e or #ruits o# marria'e i+e+ chil%re!+ But the aspecto# ars, the 3 ? shoul% have playe% some role here+ e pre%icte% chil% birth "ith *7


c) ith the blessi!' o# upiter, the ,K &,t!a Kara a( , the !ative "as blesse% "ith a baby Boyi! the sai% year but ha% to u!%er'o *75ectio! #or the same+

#ote: *he above !entioned >S') o5 9upiter) as shared privately ith the scribe) by S,.


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'ear P anet 6mp ement

3< ars ? th &spect

a) The 3< th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=?3 to eb71=?4+

b) ars, the 3 ? , impleme!ti!' its ? th aspect o# %estructio!, losses a!% also #or 'rie# u!happi!ess resulti!' #rom si!s committe% i! previous lives ( Satya 9ata a! ), o! the A + e

!o" the marria'e has alrea%y happe!e% "ith a healthy chil% birth i! the last year+ -eepi!' thea'e i! mi!%, "e thou'ht o# seco!% chil% but some u!#ortu!ate i!ci%e!t must have happe!e%+ eall !o" that A is also the house o# seco!% chil%+ There "ere also other promises i! chart tosho" some miss happe!i!'s relate% to chil%re! "hich is out o# scope o# this article+ ars bei!'the K & nati Kara a( shoul% create problems+

c) The !ative ha% a seco!% chil% birth, a 'irl, "ho %i%!.t breathe a!% %ie% i! #e" hours+ &lso,the !ative ha% to u!%er'o a! abortio!, i! the same year, %ue to some perso!al #amily reaso!s+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

3A ahu 8atal ositio! = th &spect

3A upiter 8atal ositio!

a) The 3A th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=?4 to eb71=?>+

b) ahu impleme!ts at its 8atal positio!, the ? o# %estructio!, losses a!% also #or 'rie# u!happi!ess resulti!' #rom si!s committe% i! previous lives+ The %epositor o# ahu, ars 'oesto 12 o# loses hospitali6atio!+ ahu, is also o!e o# the reaso! o# abortio!s+ ;ts = th aspectimpleme!ts i! the 4 , o# esi%e!ce, 5u hE appi!ess, "hich is the %epositor o# ,rudha o# ? +4 'oes to 3 o# *ha!'e o# esi%e!ce aspecte% by ars, 3 ? +

c) upiter impleme!ts i! 3 o# cha!'e o# resi%e!ce a!% aspect A = + Satya 9ata a! , alsota es A o# cha!'e o# resi%e!ce+

%) Ta i!' both the B5 .s a!% the past i!to accou!t, "e pre%icte% a!other abortio! a!% alsocha!'e o# resi%e!ce %ue to some su%%e! problems+

e) ;!%ee%, seco!% abortio! too place i! the sai% year, as co!#irme% by the !ative+ They alsoa%%e%, that they "a!te% a seco!% chil% but %ue the same perso!al reaso!s, as last time, they "e!t


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#or a! abortio!+ There "as also cha!'e i! resi%e!ce as the electricity meter cau'ht #ire a!% theyha% to stay #or 273 mo!ths "ithout electricity+ They live% i! a re!te% accommo%atio! a!% coul%%o much about the electricity problem+ 5ee the role o# ahu, also Kara a #or electricity+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

3? ahu < th #rom its 8atal ositio!

a) The 3? th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=?> to eb71=?<+

b) ahu impleme!ts its e!er'y i! the 1 o# 5el#, ame a!% the ability to %o "or + "ttar Kala!rita also ta es 1 #or livelihoo%+ &specte% by e/alte% $e!us, a !atural be!e#ic a!% themost auspicious pla!et #or $ir'o a'!a, lor% o# 2 o# "ealth livelihoo% or% o# = o#

>hagya , Travel+ The , ercury, 'oes to < o# obE5ervice+ &!% aspecte% by 3 (Travel) ars+< also %eposits ,rudha o# 3 o# e##orts travels+

c) ;! sy!c "ith the above, "e pre%icte% lots o# travels a!% reco'!itio!+

%) The !ative ha% to travel a lot all over ;!%ia #or o##icial purposes a!% "as reco'!i6e% #or thesame e##ort by the se!iors+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

40 upiter = th &spect 8atal ositio!

40 ercury A #rom its 8atal ositio!

a) The 40 th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71=?A to eb71=??+

b) upiter ( ,K ) impleme!ts its = th aspect ( >hagya ) aspect o! 11 o# #ul#illme!t o# %esire "ith> 5atur! i! it+ ;# "e place upiter, the chil% 'iver, i! 11 over 5atur!, a!% aspect o! > , "e ca!

clearly pre%ict some eve!t relate% to chil%re!+ hat co!#irms is the prese!ce o# 5u! ( ,!K ), the12 o# hospitals a!% the 11 , oo!+

c) ercury impleme!ts i! 12 o# e/pe!%iture hospitali6atio! "ith ars, !o"! #or bloo% sur'eries, i! it+ &lso, ars bei!' the or% o# 3 r% (11 th #rom > th) ? th ouse o# sur'eries is

co!#ormi!' the hi!ts 'ive! by upiter, above+ But ars i! 12 th "as also "hisperi!' aboutsomethi!' relate% about brother, bei!' Kara a #or sibli!'s+ he! probe% #urther i!to the chart, itshoul% also 'ive 'ai!s to brother+ C! closer loo , i# "e assume ars i! eo as a'!a, thi!'s


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become much clearer+ ars is Aoga-Kara a #or eo a'!a+ he! ercury, 2 ( amily) 11o# 'ai!s chil%re! (&s per >'6S-@aranasi by 't. Sitara! 9ha ), impleme!ts i! la'a! over thelor% o# 4th(5u h) = th(Bha'ya) lor% ars, also the %epositor o# upiter, the > #or eo a'!a as"ell as !atural Kara a #or chil%re!, it shoul% be %ouble celebratio!s i! #amily+

%) 2!%

chil% birth seeme% probable alo!' "ith birth o# a chil% #or brother

%) e "ere ama6e% to hear that the !ative "as blesse% "ith the 2 !% chil%, a baby 'irl+ e alsohear% the co!#irmatio! o# birth o# a baby boy #or the you!'er brother i+e+ !ephe" #or the !ative+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

4? 5atur! 4 th #rom its 8atal ositio!

a) The 4? th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71==> to eb71==<+

b) 5atur! impleme!ts i! 2 o# ealth amily+ 2 %eposits -etu, !o"! su%%e! 'ai!s a!%its lor% $e!us is e/alte% i! A + 5atur! is also lor% o# < o# %isa'reeme!ts, jobEservice+

ecollecti!' the previous B5 .s o# 5atur!, travel "as the hi'hli'ht+ The hi'hli'hte% "or%s"hich "ere comi!' i!to mi!% "ere amily, ealth, Travel a!% associati!' travel "ith -etu,

il'rima'es+ 2 also %eposits ,rudha o# 10 o# il'rima'e+

c) e pre%icte% su%%e! 'ai!s a!% pil'rima'e+

%) 8ative "e!t to @aishno %evi (#amous il'rima'e spot #or i!%us) "ith #amily+ &lso, the!ative e/perie!ce% su%%e! 'ai!s throu'h arrears #rom o##ice+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

>1 5atur! 8atal ositio! 2>L 3 r% aspect

a) The >1 st year #or this !ative operates #rom eb71==? to eb71===+

b) 5atur! impleme!ts i! 11 o# 'ai!sE#ul#illme!t o# %esire bei!' > o# *hil%re! < o#%isa'reeme!ts te!sio!s+ 5atur! impleme!ts at its !atal positio! "here it.s retro'ra%e a!% "e

!o" retro'ra%e mea!s removal o# protectio!+ K!%er !ormal circumsta!ces this B5 promise%'ai!s, promotio!s+ ;t shoul% be a mi/e% ba' year+

c) e pre%icte% a!y promotio! at "or place "as %ue "hich "as %e!ie% because o# "hichsome %isa'reeme!ts "ith collea'ues se!iors+ But ta i!' the 5atur!.s role o# > "ith the


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combi!atio! o# 11 , "e also pre%icte% happi!ess #rom chil%re!+ >'6S-@aranasi by 't. Sitara! 9ha , also ta es 11 #or *hil%re!+

%) The !ative imme%iately sai% yes about promotio!s a!% problems relate% "ith it a!% share%"ith us the happi!ess #rom the #irst chil% by 'etti!' 'oo% results i! 10 th boar% e/ami!atio!+

'ear P anet 6mp ement

<< 5atur! 8atal ositio!

a) The << th year #or this !ative operates #rom eb72013 to eb72014+

b) 5atur! impleme!ts i! the 11 o# 'ai!s #ul#illme!t o# %esires+ The 11 'oes to > o#

chil%re! a!% speci#ically the #irst chil%+ 5atur! is also the > + upiter, 5u!, oo! aspect this5atur!+ $e!us also e/erts its tri!al i!#lue!ce+

c) ;# "e ta e > as a'!a, 5atur! comes i! the A o# arria'e #or the #irst chil%+ &lso,eepi!', the a'e o# the !ative the #irst chil% i! mi!%, this seems probable+

%) &s the <<th year has just starte%, "e eep our #i!'ers crosse% #or the auspicious eve!t tohappe! a!% "ill share "ith rea%ers, as a!% "he! this happe!s+

#ote: *he above !entioned >S') o5 Saturn) as shared privately ith the scribe) by S,.

The last, <=th

year B5 o# upiter ca!!ot be comme!te% upo! as the !ative has just e!tere% i!tothe << th year+

There are ma!y B5 .s "hich are yet to see the li'ht o# the %ay a!% "ill o!ly be publishe% "he!the 5a'e Bhri'u "a!ts them to+ e are 'rate#ul to him #or 'ivi!' us the blessi!' o# B5 "hichca! be use% #or s!apshot pre%ictio!s "ithout usi!' a!y Dashas+ C!e thi!' "hich the scribe"oul% li e to hi'hli'ht here is the importa!ce ju%icious use o# %esh) Kala 'atra , "he! use%"ith ,rudha 5ystem, >havat >hava! , Sthira a!% hara Kara a=s , 'ives e/celle!t results+ &lso,"ithout u!%ermi!i!' the importa!ce o# each year, "e ca! ascertai! the importa!t years o# li#e"here ma!y B5 .s impleme!ts such as 24 th, 2? th, 32 !%, 3Ath 40 th years+ &lthou'h ma!y moreB5 .s are yet to be publishe%, a %ay may come "he! "e have multiple B5 .s "ith us #or each

year+ The best "ay #or 'oo% results is to start "ith the earliest year B5 available a!% e!% "iththe latest B5 applicable+ *reate the li#e portrait "hich "ill help the astrolo'er to shape the pre%ictio!s by u!%ersta!%i!' the me!tal co!%itio!i!', circumsta!ces i! li#e a!% the importa!teve!ts o# the !ative, "hich have alrea%y happe!e%+ You "ill yoursel# see some outsta!%i!'

pre%ictio!s be#ore your eyes+

ea%ers are a%vise% to ri'orously test all the tech!iFue "ith a! ope! mi!% be#ore accepti!' it+


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