How to Reduce Canker Sore Swelling

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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How to Reduce Canker Sore Swelling

It could be argued that the biggest problem with RAS is the canker sore swelling and inflammation.

“The swelling,” you may be asking?  “What about the horrific


Exactly.  The pain is a symptom.  The swelling is the cause.  Control

the canker sore swelling, and you’ll experience less pain and

faster healing.

Canker sores are created by what’s known as an “acute phase reaction.”  The acute

phase reaction is generated by the immune system as a

response to physical trauma or infection from an outside

threat, such as bacteria or a virus.

It’s the same thing that makes your ankle swell when you

sprain it, or your tonsils swell when you have a sore throat.  

In the case of RAS, an overproduction of the cytokines

TNF-a and interleukin beta (IL-1b) send an extraordinary amount of

swelling to combat a minor trauma or threat, causing the local area to

swell and eventually erupt. 

Long story short, beat the canker sore swelling, and you beat the

canker sore.

So here are 4 ways to bring down the canker sore swelling.

Kenalog in Orabase

Kenalog, also known as triamcinolone actonide, is a

corticosteroid paste that you apply to canker sores to bring

down the swelling.  In fact, that’s the only thing TA does.  

 Unlike most ulcer medications that reduce the pain with a pain

reliever like benzocaine, Kenalog provides long-term relief but does not numb the


The best strategy is to put it on at night when you go to bed.  You’ll notice a huge difference in the

morning, when swelling is usually at its worst. 

It will generally keep the swelling down until the

afternoon, when it’s a good idea to reapply.  If you can be careful to not let it rub off while it’s on

there, it should help keep things under control throughout the


Kenalog is only available by prescription, but most dentists will not hesitate to prescribe it

for their patients.  Give your dentist a call, they may be able

to do it over the phone.


People often suggest taking a pain relieving drug when you

have a canker sore for the obvious reasons, but what they’re really good for is reducing canker

sore swelling.

Just make sure you look for the term NSAID – Non-Steroidal-

Anti-Inflammatory-Drugs – on the box.  These are made to

reduce inflammation when you have a cold or flu, and they

work wonders for canker sores as well.

Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxin are the most common

ingredients in NSAID drugs.  Take them every 3-4 hours

during a breakout and they’ll greatly help keep down your

canker sore swelling and make the pain easier to deal with.

Just keep in mind that NSAIDS do come with some side effects and it’s not recommended you take

them for longer than 5 days, especially if you have stomach and

upper gastrointestinal issues.  Check with your doctor if you are on any prescription medicines for

adverse affects.

NOTE:  Some people swear that ibuprofen makes their

ulcers worse.  This was never the case for me, but if it is for you, obviously don’t take it. 

Switch to acetaminophen instead.


Acute phase reactions are also a symptom of allergic reactions,

and Benadryl is made to combat allergy inflammation.

Word has it that it works wonders for canker sore swelling

as well.

Swish some Benadryl in your mouth a few times a day and it

will help keep the swelling down.  Just make sure not to


PRO TIP: mix the Benadryl with Maalox and it will coat your

mouth and hold the medicine on the surface longer.  This is an especially good trick if you have

a mouthful of ulcers and can’t medicate all of them at once.


This super-powerful antioxidant derived from algae

is known to perform all kinds of miracles.  Some even say that it will prevent you from getting


I can’t speak to this myself because I’m pale enough to get a sunburn from a full moon, but

I did test it for a while and I found that while it didn’t prevent my ulcers from

forming, it definitely reduced their lifespan. 

So I say load up on astaxanthin when you first sense a breakout occurring.  It should help keep the canker sore swelling down and make your life a bit more


Try all four of these the next time you get a breakout and

beat the canker sores at their source.

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