How to remember everything better

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Top 10 solutions how to remember everything better

Troubles with remembering something?

Here are some


1. Be focused and take some time

Any information needs some time of your focused attention to be remembered. So just don't hurry and be concentrated on things and actions that you need to remember.

2. Help your brain with supplements

Choose supplements that contain vitamins B, C, E, beta carotene and omega-3 fatty acids. They are the best for improving your memory.

3. Have some rest

It is hard to remember anything if you are stressed and don't sleep well. So have enough of rest, don't go to bed too late and try to avoid stress.

4. Add brainpower foods to your diet

Some foods have a lot of elements that are good for memory. Here is the list of the best ones: wholegrains, walnuts, oily fish, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, tomatoes.

5. Practice meditation

People become forgettable because they carry too much chaotic information in their heads. Meditation helps to transform this chaos into a logically assorted archive. Regularly practice meditation and it will improve your memory.

6. Start a daily journal

Every evening write down what you did during the day and all things you need to remember. Reread it often. After some time of using such technique you will train your memory enough and won't need the journal for remembering things.

7. Use memory spots

Think of the place that you occupy regularly (your car, your kitchen table, etc.) and mentally put what you need to remember to some kind of spot there. So, for example, once you see your favourite armchair you will remember that you need to call your friend.

8. Exercise regularly

Being active and doing some sport exercises really help your brain to work it's best. So exercise regularly and it will help you to remember things.

9. Explain the information to others

Explain something you need to remember to other people. It works better if you understand the information good.

10. Make images in your head

E.g., you need to buy fish, milk and bread, imagine that fish is eating your bread while swimming in a milk river. The odder images are, the better you will remember them.