How to Report Abuse on Twitter - STOP cyberbullying...

Post on 10-Apr-2018

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How to Report Abuse on Twitter

1) Navigate to the pagewith the individual tweetyou are looking to reportand click “Contact” in thefooter.

2) Click “Customer Support”.

Copyright © 2010 Parry Aftab, all rights reserved.

3) Click “Report a violation.”

4) Click “How to File Terms of Service or Rules Complaints”.

Copyright © 2010 Parry Aftab, all rights reserved.

5) Scroll down toHarassment and click“Harassment andViolent Threats helppage.”

6) Scroll down and click “submit a ticket request.”

Copyright © 2010 Parry Aftab, all rights reserved.

7) Complete the ticket and submit it.