How to set up Buffer to share blog posts efficiently to Facebook and Twitter

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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Buffer ( is a handy tool that makes sharing easy, and in the FREE version you can create up to 2 tabs. I chose Twitter, and my company's Facebook Fan Page. I use several tools to help with my social media workflow. It's really important to post every day, or with Twitter several times a day, that using the right tools makes my job easier. Installing Buffer as a hotkey on your web browser toolbar (it's available for Google Chrome, Firefox and Explorer) means I can share a post to my Fan Page or Twitterfeed from anywhere, and Buffer distributes the posts automatically over time - no need to schedule posts like with other tools! For more social media tips, visit us at: or watch our "how-to" videos on YouTube:


Social Media Tools:

How to set up Buffer to quickly share blog posts

to Facebook and Twitter

What is Buffer?

You can find this useful tool at

The description is right from their own website…

Why use Buffer?

I use a number of different tools to manage my social media schedule because I make sure to add relevant content every day to my Facebook Fan Pages and Twitter account, as well as making personal comments and interactions.

What’s great about Buffer is that you can add it to your toolbar to make sharing articles and posts even easier.

Ready? Let’s get started!


Type into the address bar. This is what you’ll see.

I’d recommend signing in with your Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter account – then there is one less username & password for you to remember!


Next go to the Dashboard. This is where you can analyze reactions (such as shares and comments) to your posts/tweets, or look at what posts are pending and ready to be sent out to each social network.


Once you set up your new FREE account, you can update your personal information under Account. Then go to the Settings.

You can use up to 2 social networks in the free version of Buffer. I’ve chosen my personal Twitter account AngeliqueDuff, and my company’s Facebook Fan Page Bright Spark Media.


Personally, I don’t often go back to the Buffer dashboard once I have it set up because I send all my tweets and Facebook posts from the Buffer icon I’ve installed on my toolbar.

Along with setting up iGoogle (also called the Google Homepage – we’ll show you how to set this up in another tutorial), this makes for a more efficient social media workflow.

When I open my web browser (I use Google Chrome) this is what my toolbar looked like BEFORE installing the Buffer application.


Now let’s install Buffer into your toolbar – note that I’ll demonstrate with Google Chrome, but there is also a toolbar app for Firefox and Explorer too.

If you are already inside Buffer, choose the Apps & Extras tab, or simply type in the address bar. Then click on the Buffer for Chrome image.

click here if you are using

Firefox or Explorer


Now click Add. The little black stacked icon is the Buffer app that will appear on your toolbar.


And now the Google toolbar looks like this, with the Buffer app installed.


Let’s look at an example of the Buffer in use.

Pick any blog or website – I’ve typed in


I’ve looked around the website, read some articles, and decided that I want to share this blog post which includes a video of a local swim event because I think it might interest my Facebook fans or Twitter followers.

Simply click on the Buffer icon…


…and the title appears in a popup box. Here you can choose where you want to post the article (I’ve chosen my Facebook Fan Page – notice Twitter appears very faint), customize the text, and if you’re sharing to Facebook you can change the photo that will display in your post by clicking on it.

Then click the Add to Buffer button to be added to the stack, and this post will be automatically distributed later. You can also post immediately by choosing Post Now.

As you add to your Buffer, this bar will turn green, adding one segment for each new post.


Go ahead and try it with a few posts.

Test out the different features and sharing options.

Check out how the posts appear on your Facebook wall, or how the Tweets look in your Twitterfeed.

In a few days log in to in your Buffer Dashboard and see what the analytics show you.

Thank you for viewing:

How to set up Buffer to quickly share blog posts

to Facebook and Twitter

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