How to speak in English with confidence

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Tips to speak in English

In this slide you will find the easiest and the simplest way to speak in English that too with confidence.

Four most important rules to follow

• First thing you need to do is start speaking in English without any hesitation. Do not think about any rules and logic, just speak because if you won’t speak then you will not be confident and also you won’t know if you can speak correct English or not. Most importantly anyone can only correct you if you will speak with them in English.

• Second thing to remember for learning English is that you need to Cram it. Do you remember how you learnt your mother tongue. I am sure you did not go to a school to learn grammar first. Right? So same thing applies with any language you want to learn. You need to mimic correct sentences over and over again. If I am not wrong then most of us remembers introduction for interview.

•Third thing to remember for speaking in English is that You have to speak without thinking instantly. When you want to speak in English effectively then you need to recall the information immediately. How will it happen? Well in order to do so you need to memorize all the information in English and then Practice a lot.

•Last but not least only reading, listening and watching English will help you know more about the language. But to be able to speak in The language you really need to speak. Make friends with people who knows the language or join online groups or any local group near your place who provides the facility for you to speak in English. Only after a week you will see the difference.

So if you follow all these advice religiously you will see that within a short span of time you are becoming more confident. Once you get the confidence to speak in English then think about the rules, intonation and accent. I hope this slide will provoke you to speak in English instead of reading or just watching.
