How to Stop Burning Bridges with Friends and Family about your MLM Opportunity

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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How to Stop Burning Bridges With Friends

and Family About Your MLM Opportunity

The first place new network marketers go to prospect is usually friends and family.

Their sponsor told them to make a list of all the people

they know and rank them one star being poor to five stars

being awesome for the opportunity.

This is detrimental to the new network marketer because friends and family

usually are not open to network marketing, wouldn’t build the business effectively or would be offended by the

offer to join “one of those things.”

This rejection is usually too much for the new network marketer and most quit. The ones who keep going battle with insecurity and less motivation, even when the sponsor uplifts them.

So, how do you bypass this uncomfortable scenario?

You don’t try to recruit friends and family at all.

There are people out there in the world waiting for your opportunity, but you

need to attract them to you online.

This takes time, but there are a few tricks and tweaks that will get you seen

more than the rest, and that is...

Don’t spam your links everywhere, and don’t slap

your company logo everywhere.

Instead, learn the skills needed for network marketing from the leaders, then share that information on your

blog or website.

Position yourself as an Authority, a Brand, and a problem solver for other

network marketers who are frustrated.

The more you provide free valuable content the faster your following will grow which will result in more sales

and your organization will grow faster because most of your organization have

done network marketing before.

It’s a win win situation: Your business grows as you help

others grow.

No more trying to scream louder than others on the internet by making false claims about “Make $5000 a week with

only one hour of work!”

Because no one worth having in your business believes this

type of hype anyways.

As Zig Ziglar nicely put it: “You can have everything in life you want if you will

just help enough other people get what they want.”

Network marketing is a people business and the more you set your needs aside momentarily and help

others first your business will explode.

The rewards are no more cold calling angry people and no more bugging

friends and no more prospecting strangers at the gym. It can be done all


Of course this takes time and consistency. You will have to blog consistently for at least a

year to start getting action. But, what do you have to


Your job is taking 20 to 40 years of your life, why not blog for 2 to 4 years and quit the job when your home-based

business takes off?

It’s your choice. I hope to see you on the stage soon getting

your achievement awards.

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