How to Stop Worrying and Love Hiring — Raj Sheth

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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10 Insights to STOP WORRYING


This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Raj Sheth co-founded Recruiterbox, a software that helps em-ployers implement a predictable hiring process. His goal is to make employers successful at hiring, and to that end, the Re-

cruiterbox team is constantly finding ways to make its software the ultimate hiring companion.

Raj Sheth@rsheth81

CEO & Co-Founder of Recruiterbox

Smart companies never leave hiring to chance; they prePARE:

Insight #1

Smart companies never leave hiring to chance; they prePARE:

Problem - They hire to solve a problem: “Why am I hiring for this role?”

Insight #1

Smart companies never leave hiring to chance; they prePARE:

Activities - They define, with supreme clarity what the hire will do to fulfill

the desired objectives

Insight #1

Smart companies never leave hiring to chance; they prePARE:

Requirements - They crystallize the skills and characteristics needed to excel

Insight #1

Smart companies never leave hiring to chance; they prePARE:

Evaluation - They have a process to assess candidates against a specific criteria

Insight #1

Insight #2

In building and growing your team, opt not to identify roles to be filled; and

instead, identify the key problems throughout your organization to be solved.

Insight #3

The most effective job descriptions are clear, concise, and focus on highlighting the key objectives and activities for which

the candidate will be evaluated.

Insight #4

“If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a

company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we

shall become a company of giants.” - David Ogilvy on hiring

Insight #5

In determining the skills and characteristics needed to execute the desired activities,

consider identifying the most accomplished person performing the same exact activity and

highlight her five most important characteristics.

Insight #6

Be vigilant as not to confuse skills and characteristics:

Insight #6

Be vigilant as not to confuse skills and characteristics:Skills are the competencies that

can learned and enhanced

Insight #6

Be vigilant as not to confuse skills and characteristics:

Characteristics are personality traits that are more difficult to change

Insight #7

Companies with predictable hiring success turn these three habits into a discipline:

Insight #7

Companies with predictable hiring success turn these three habits into a discipline:

They Research how the best companies define and fulfill similar roles.

Insight #7

Companies with predictable hiring success turn these three habits into a discipline:

They Define the depth and level of the problem each role solves;

Owners vs Contributors

Insight #7

Companies with predictable hiring success turn these three habits into a discipline:

They measure objectively, and decide subjectively

Insight #8

DON’T rely on RESUMES. Create a focused application instead,

which is specifically designed to find out whether or not a candidate has the skills and characteristics you are looking for.

Insight #9

“Somebody once said that in lookingfor people to hire, you look for three qualities:

integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. You think about it; it’s true. If you hire

somebody without {integrity}, you really want them to be dumb and lazy.”

- Warren Buffett on hiring

Insight #10

The one skill, above others that anchor high performance is EMPATHY.

Reflect: How do you define an A-player?

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