How to study

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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How to study?A Simplified Learning Approach

OutlineWhat is studying?

Problems we face when studying

Steps of studying

1st Step: Planning

2nd Step: The Actual Study

3rd Step: Summarizing & Reporting process

Keys of successful learning

What is studyingInput

• Data


• Mental effort spent

Problems we face when studying

“Spend more time in planning the study to avoid the trap of study overload.”

Outcome of bad practicesLosing interest in studying

The fear of studying

Wasting effort, time and even money

Stress and demotivation

Steps of studyingPlanning

•Setting the vision and objective of studying.•Establishing Criteria of an efficient and effective studying system.•Setting the study plan (Scope, Schedule, Quality Control, Communication Channels...)

Executing •Concentrate and focus all your mental effort in the process.•Construct a productive and healthy environment.

Reviewing •Summarizing, reporting, Q&As, Storing of information•Key words, and mind mapping.

1st Step: Planning“It is the process of establishing vision, scope, strategy, system for the studying process.”

Establishing the vision


FragmentationIs the process of dividing the subject into

smaller parts, and the smaller parts into

fragments, “consumable” by the brain in the

learning process.

The fragments will be our basic units which

will be included in the schedule.

The scopeIt is a detailed statement showing the

objective of the studying process, and the

process used in order to achieve this


The scope should be detailed, precise and


Quality control

Integrated quality into the planning and studying process

Establishing scheduleA schedule should include the starting date,

duration and deadline.

Schedule should be flexible and precise

Schedule should use a time frame unit such

as days as the basic measurement unit.

For example, fragment 1 will take 2 working

days in order to finish it.

Communication channels

Environmental preparation

2nd Step: The actual studyIn this part we are going to discuss the LPR method, which is Learning, Practice and Review.


It is the process of focusing the mental effort through examining, inspecting and analyzing the data, to come up with understandable



“Just as the body needs exercising, so does the brain.”


It is the process of comparing the practice with learning, and coming out with our own conclusion and opinion.

3rd step: Summarizing &

reportingThe final process of summarizing what you have learned into reliable reports.

Criteria of reportingThe reporting process is important because it

enables you to easily access the information

in the future.

The keywording technique

Buzan Mind Mapping method

Buzan’s mind mapping

Keys of successful learningSpend more time in planning

Be ready to face problems

Keep track of your performance

Be dedicated

Take a step away from studying from time to


Reward yourself

Thank you