How to Test Secure Web Services With SoapUI - Part #2

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How to test secure web services with soapUI - part #2

In  a previous article I described how to specify signature and encryption for outgoing Secured Web Services request.

1. SAML In this second article I will talk about SAML and incoming Secure Web Service responses.

If you are using SAML 1.X then you just need to add a SAML 1.X assertion in the corresponding window.You may have to add a timestamp as follow:

In this example, we specify 10,000 milliseconds (10 seconds) for the life time of the Timestamp:

SAML 1.X assertions are copied and pasted in the SAML tab:

Of course, if you combine signature and encryption with SAML 1.X. You can those to the configuration tabs as well.

For SAML 2.0, the only option you have for this version of soapUI is to add it manually to the WSSE section of your SOAP request:

2. Incoming Secure Web Service ResponsesSetting up incoming secure Web services responses encrypted and/or signed is easier than for outgoing request:

1) Make sure that you have Keystores / Certificates tab set - You probably have done that earlier as described in part #1 of this article.You verify the signature with public key contained in the server's sender certificate/store and your private key to decrypt what the other server sends you.

2) Create an incoming WSS configuration (e.g. my_config_from_server_A) that will decrypt the incoming SOAP requests coming from server A:

You specify that you want to use your keystore to decrypt the message and the server's certificate/store to verify the signature of server A(theses should appear in the drop box for each field):

3) Last, you want to specify that you are using the incoming configuration for each request:


Posted by fandry at 11:59 AM 0 commentsLabels: SAML, SOAP, soapUI, Web Service

Monday, June 27, 2011

Problem initializing the class javax.crypto.SunJCE_b with soapUI ?

Last week, I have decided to download and   install the lastest soapUI PRO  version 4.0 from Eviware.I have been using soapUI for some time to  test secure SOAP Web services  using SSL/TLS as well as encrypting and signing the SOAP payload.

However when I tried to use my existing projects I end-up with the following errors in my soapUI log:

Wed Jun 22 11:43:05 PDT 2011:ERROR:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class javax.crypto.SunJCE_b java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class javax.crypto.SunJCE_b at javax.crypto.KeyGenerator.a(DashoA13*..) at javax.crypto.KeyGenerator.(DashoA13*..) at javax.crypto.KeyGenerator.getInstance(DashoA13*..) at at at at at at com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.filters.WssRequestFilter.filterWsdlRequest( at com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.filters.AbstractRequestFilter.filterAbstractHttpRequest( at com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.filters.AbstractRequestFilter.filterRequest( at com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.transports.http.HttpClientRequestTransport.sendRequest( at at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source) at Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source)

A quick search on the web told me to check if my some of my security setup in my JRE was properly configured.For this it was recommended to check the security directory under the lib folder (.\Java\jre6\lib\security):

I also checked the content of the content of the jar file ./Java/jre6/lib/jce.jar which should contain the missing class in question:  javax.crypto.SunJCE_b

However everything looked fine. Even though my JRE was almost up-to-date, I finally managed to fix this issue by upgrading my java JRE   to the latest version! 

Posted by fandry at 11:18 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How to test secure web services with soapUI - part #1

Recently I have been involved in a SOA project which goal is to orchestrate  IHE integration profiles SOAP web services (XCPD & XCA) using an enterprise service bus (ESB).

The security characteristics of these web services include digital certificates for transport

level security two-way transport layer security (TLS),  message level security (encryption and digital signature) as well as single sign-on (SSO) based authentication using SAML 2.0 assertions.

One of the challenges was to find a tool we could use to create test harness for these web services, but also to simulate and mock some of these same services during development and testing.

For this I used soapUI. Overall it was not too complicated, except the support for SAML 2.0 since the current version of soapUI (4.0)   only supports SAML 1.1out-of-the-box.

Initially security features on the XCPD web service were  turned off so we could test the basic SOAP web service functionalities. For this a new soapUI project was created by introspecting the XCPD service Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file: 

To make the initial project simple, no test suite has been created and the initial operation has been re-labelled "RespondingGateway_XCPD" and itssample request has been modified to query a specific test patient (Joan Hunter) and renamed XCPD_PATIENT_JOAN_HUNTER:

The test is done by submitting the request to the XCPD end-point:

This returns in the response window the XCPD response.

In the next steps, we will setup all the security features for querying our XCPD service :

digital certificates  for transport level security two-way transport layer security (TLS) message level security (encryption and digital signature) as well as single sign-on

(SSO) based authentication using SAML 2.0 assertions.

The SAML 2.0 assertion will be described in the part two of this post.

1. TLS setupFirst we need to indicate that we are using SSL on top of HTTP for the transport layer. For this we need to setup the client keystore via file/preference/SSL settings (from the machine where soapUI will run):

2. Message level securityProbably the first thing you want is to specify your keystores and certificates if you decide to have mutal secure communication. You will use your private key from your key store (my_key_store.jks) to sign messages you send and decrypt the payloads you receive, and you will use specific server public key/certificate (a_another_server_keystore.jks) to encrypt the SOAP messages you send and verify signatures you receive. The server with whom you have secure mutual communication will do the reverse.

The soapUI message level security configuration for SOAP (WS-security) can be setup by selecting our soapUI project XCPD_Tests, right-click and selectShow Project View and then add using the sign + in the out-going WS-Security configuration :


You then specify your configurations (e.g. my_config_to_server_A) for outgoing messages and similarly to ingoing messages.

Here how you would define a configuration in the Outgoing WS-security Configurations tab:

1. add a signature tab a2. add an encryption tab (is you also use SAML 1.1 you would also add a SAML tab

and a timestamp tab before adding the signature and the encryption).

2a. Signature

In the Signature tab, you specify:

the keystore that contain the private key to sign the messages you are going to send (usually your private key - expect if you want to mock another server)

the alias for the key to use for signature the certificate password the key identifier type (none, binary security token, X509 certificate or subject key

identifier) the signature algorithm (e.g SHA256) the signature canonicalization the number of certificates used to sign the parts you want to sign (e.g. the content of the body of


2b. Encryption

In the Encryption tab, you specify:

the public key of the server you are sending your SOAP messages to the alias for the key to use for encryption the certificate password the key identifier type (none, binary security token, Issuer Name and Serial, X509

certificate, subject key identifier, Embedded KeyInfo, Embedded SecurityToken Reference, Thumbprint SHA1 Identifier)

an embedded key name (if any) an embedded key password (if any) a  symmetric encoding algorithm a  key encryption algorithm  the encryption canonicalization the number of certificates used to sign the parts you want to encrypt (e.g. the content of the body of


And finally, last but not least, you need to specify for the request which outgoing security configuration you want to choose. In our case we have defined only one configuration: my_config_to_server_A at the project level. To select the configuration, click on the Auth Tab at the bottom of the request window, select in the drop-down Outgoing WSS field your configuration. Create and configuring incoming Secure Web Services will be very similar.

You are now ready to test your SOAP Web Service with soapUI!

In  part #2 we will look at the soapUI eclipse plugin and how to add SAML assertions to the mix.

Posted by fandry at 10:59 PM 1 comments

Labels: soapUI SOAP Web services

Thursday, April 28, 2011

How to test harness REST web services with cURL

cURL is a very convenient command line tool to send and retrieve data using the URL syntax. It supports a large number of protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, LDAP, LDAPS, DICT, TELNET, FILE . IMAP, POP3, SMTP and RTSP.

I have been using cURL for quickly and conveniently testing RESTFul APIs.

Since I am doing most of my development on Windows platforms, I am using cURL in conjunction with Console, a Windows console window enhancement tool.

 First you need to download and install cURL for your platform (windows, Linux ect). Then you can do a quick test by accessible the home page of your favorite web site:

This should display the HTML content of the home page. At this point I would suggest to look at the documentation to see what you can do with cURL including the FAQ.

I usually use simple test harness such as 'curl' if you REST API exposes available versions.

You can then start to do more sophisticated tests such as authentication credentials from files (in my case I use a JSON data structure to automatically authenticate to my web service), saving cookies on files (using the the -c option):

curl -c ./cookies.txt --data-binary @login_password.json -H "Content-Type: application/json"

With my JSON file as follow: {"login":{"username":"user1","password":"StrongPassword1"}} 

The cookie in my case contains a session token that I can reuse between each cURL calls. In the next call I read the cookie (via the -b option):

curl -b ./cookies.txt

The output of the command can be saved in a file using the option -o or redirecting our output:

curl -o google.html


curl > google.html


Posted by fandry at 9:37 AM 0 commentsLabels: REST Web Services HTTP cURL cookies JSON API

Thursday, March 31, 2011

JUnit based integration testing with Simple JNDI

I regularly use TJWS  a light weight Java Web Server build as a servlet container to provide standard Web Server capabilities at building and testing time.

The main advantage is that I don't have to deploy my war file to my production server (e.g. JBoss) to test my Java Web application. My maven build runs complex integration JUnit tests immediately after building the war file with maven.

In my configuration however, I have to use JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) to connect to a specific datasource (DB2 via JDBC) for some of  my tests.

I used Simple JNDI for this which also offer an easy and elegant way to configure data source access.

Here are the steps I follow to setup my JUnit tests using Simple JNDI: 

Add dependencies in Maven 2 Pom file for Simple JNDI, java persistence and DB2 JNDI/JDBC:

<dependency> <groupId>simple-jndi</groupId> <artifactId>simple-jndi</artifactId> <version></version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>

<dependency> <groupId>javax.persistence</groupId> <artifactId>persistence-api</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency>

<groupId></groupId> <artifactId>db2jcc4</artifactId> <version></version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>

Create a small Java class for the JNDI setup

import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.sql.DataSource;

public class JndiSetup { /** * Setup the Data Source */ public static void doSetup(String ds_name) { try { InitialContext ctxt = new InitialContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctxt.lookup("jdbc."+ds_name); // rebind for alias if needed ctxt.rebind("jdbc/"+ds_name, ds); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }

In more complex situations, you may have also to create an EntityManager   and use an EntityManagerFactory.

In the JUnit java script code, setup your JNDI connection before running your tests:

@BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { JndiSetup.doSetup(""); }

Create a file in the "\src\test\resources" path in your project org.osjava.jndi.delimiter=/

Create a file in the "\src\test\resources\config" path in your project (I am using an IBM DB2 data source). Create the config directory if it doesn't exist. The "config" name comes from parameter in file. If you want a different name, "foo", for the folder, make sure to update the "" property and create a "foo" folder in "\src\test\resources" path.

Make sure the directory /src/test/resources is in the Java build path, and the output folder is set to target/test-classes

<your-ds>.type=javax.sql.DataSource <your-ds> <your-ds>.url=jdbc:db2://<your-database-host>:50000/<your-ds-or-ds-alias> <your-ds>.user=<your-db-login> <your-ds>.password=<your-db-password>

With all of this you should be ready to test your integration using >mvn clean install.

You may have also to do a >mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadJavadocs=true as well if you are using Eclipse and your new dependencies and imports do not work properly.

Posted by fandry at 10:38 AM 0 commentsLabels: DB2, JBOSS, JDBC, JNDI, MAVEN, POM, Simple JNDI

Monday, February 28, 2011

REST-Style Architecture and the Development of Mobile Health Care Applications

Mobile devices offer new ways for users to access health care data and services in a secure and user-friendly environment. These new applications must be easy to create, deploy, test and maintain, and they must rely on a scalable and easily integrated infrastructure.

In the ambulatory health care environment, providers spend the majority of their time in an examination room with patients. Although some clinics have installed personal computers in the exam room for use at the point of care, many physician practices have yet to do so or have no such intention. Reasons for not installing PCs in the exam room include (among others) lack of space, security concerns, and cost. Often, clinics have PCs installed outside of the exam room to be used for encounter documentation or health history research (i.e., reviewing the patient's health records). This physical setup is often satisfactory for providers to complete their documentation needs. Providers often scratch rough notes on paper during an encounter, then dictate or type their notes after the visit has ended. The absence of computers in the exam room, however, is a disadvantage for research activities. Frequently, after listening to the patient's verbal health history, a

provider wishes to read past records. If those records are in an electronic format, it is optimal to access those records at the point of care (i.e., in the exam room).

Thus, computer devices that are smaller and more mobile than a PC (e.g., smart phones, PDAs, tablets) would be the optimal hardware choice to access these electronic records. Given that many physicians carry smart phones, such mobile devices would be the ultimate tools to look up patient records.

Since the development of client applications on different mobile platforms requires more time than creating web applications for a handful of browsers, it is important to minimize the complexity of the integration with the back-end services and legacy systems and to try to decouple the development and maintenance of the client- and server-side components.

The Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture is an alternative to SOAP and offers clear advantages over SOAP including lightweight architecture, extensibility, scalability, easy of development, testing, deployment andmaintenance.

REST API prototypes can be created in a matter of days and a full functioning set of sophisticated clinical based web services accessible by mobile client applications within few weeks.

In addition to this, REST APIs are particularly suitable  for fast and loosely-coupled solution integration such as mobile applications, but can also be used in health care for portal and mash-up applications as well.

Reference:Andry F., Wan L., Nicholson D., A mobile application accessing patients' health records through a REST API, 4th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2011), pp 27-32, Rome 2011.

Posted by fandry at 3:23 PM 0 commentsLabels: Health Records, HL7, JAX-RS, Lab Results, Mobile Application, Rest API, RHIO, Security, Web Services

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Increase your productivity on Windows platforms with Console

A couple of years ago, one of my colleagues showed me Console, a very useful and nice Windows console window enhancement tool. Since then I have been using it and increased my productivity when it comes to command line tasks on Windows platforms. This is an open source software available on Source Forge.

With Console, you have all your Windows consoles within a single application - you also get:

multiple tabs text editor-like text selection different background types alpha and color-key transparency configurable font, different window styles

As a result, you can customize each console that appear in different tabs.

In the example below, I have created a Tab called "MY-MAVEN-BASED-PROJECT" that opens at a specific windows path with a particular prompt: "PROJECT-ROOT:" to build your project.

To configure your prompt, you need to do the following: 

   In the console settings tab, go to the shell field and enter:

            cmd.exe /k "prompt <your-prompt>"

and for the startup directory, just specify the directory where you want to open your customized tab.

You can select your background color and style in the background customization tab: