How To Use Autoresponders To Increase Your Sales

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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How To Use Autoresponders To Increase Your Sales

Using autoresponders will help you to close more sales through consistent and effective follow up of your visitors.

With your autoresponders you'll be able to:

- Educate your visitors about your product

- Share the benefits of purchasing your product

- Increase your credibility

- Build up your visitors' trust in you

- Continue to keep your marketing message on your visitors' minds so that when your visitors are ready to

purchase from you, they will.

Some profitable ways to use autoresponders:

1. Publish an ezine

Done right, your ezine will provide you with a powerful way to promote your products, special offers, and also

your affiliate programs.

Your ezine can also provide you with an extra income, once it's large enough for you to start selling ads to your

readers and visitors.

Begin promoting your ezine by including your subscription form and also your link to your sign up page on all your


In addition, get the word out about your ezine by submitting it to ezine directories and ezine announcement


Because these submissions can be very tedious, it's wise to use ezine promotion software to handle much of this time-

consuming work for you.

2. Offer a free email course.

The key to your winning course is your content.

Give your readers useful content, and they'll view you as a credible source of information and your product's value

will increase in their eyes.

If your an article writer, you can use your articles as the basis of your course.

Because your articles are on topics of interest to your target audience, using them will enable you to create a course that both appeals to your visitors and provides

them with information that they'll find to be very useful.

Simply choose a few related articles that cover different aspects of what you would like to write about. Then use

these articles as your guide for writing the different parts of your new course.

3. Follow up with people that take you up on your free download or trial.

Start the follow up process by asking your visitor to fill out your subscription box or form in order to access her free


On your "thank you" page, let her know that she'll need to confirm her subscription, and that after she does that

she'll get her link to start her trial in her welcome email.

Give your visitor a strong incentive for taking you up on your offer.

For example, if you were offering a trial of your article submission software, you could offer an ebook that shares how to write articles and properly promote them to article directories and announcement lists as your special bonus.

4. Offer an article announcement list.

Your list will help you to get your articles published more frequently by webmasters and ezine publishers that have

audiences that are interested in what you write about.

Your list can also help you promote your affiliate program and get more new affiliate sign ups.

In your publishing guidelines, let your subscribers know that they can earn money by rebranding your articles with

their affiliate links in your "About the Author" section.

Your subscribers will be more apt to publish your articles, and you'll be able to get more new affiliates that have

responsive subscribers and targeted traffic that they can promote your business to.

5. Offer a training course to your affiliates.

Savvy marketers know that to have a successful affiliate program, they need to invest in the success of their


One powerful way to do this is to make a generic training course available to them by autoresponder.

Make your course available on your affiliate sign up page/info page and also within your affiliates "control

panel" where they check their stats.

If you run a two-tier affiliate program, your course can also be used as a smart promotional tool for your affiliates.

Just have your affiliates give your course away to their visitors or subscribers, and they'll be able to increase their

commissions by referring more new affiliates into their second tiers that will successfully promote your biz.

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