How to Use LinkedIn to Gain a Competitive Advantage for Your Law Firm

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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How to Use LinkedIn to Gain a Competitive Advantage for

Your Law Firm

By Kristina Jaramillo


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Recognized by LinkedIn and Featured in Their Ebook


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Importance of Differentiation – What Is It’s Impact


LinkedIn Presentation by Reasons Law Firms Are Failing to

Differentiate on LinkedIn:1. There is NOTHING to set them apart on their LinkedIn profiles

2. Stuck on brand awareness 3. Templated, blanketed messaging4. Me too content – Lack of real thought leadership 5. All they have is a LinkedIn profile presence


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The Quickest Way to Differentiate Yourself and Your Law Firm is to….

Quickly Show Value


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Where is the differentiated value?


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Notice – buzzwords like best of breed without proof.

Just a list of things that the lawyer does.

I see long and distinguished career and qualifications but no differentiated value.


LinkedIn Presentation by This reads like a boring “author” bio on the back of a book instead of

being a marketing tool that attracts businesses with less than $10 million in annual revenue that have reached critical size and need help

navigating to the next phase using legal and business consulting…..


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Even those responsible for business development are not differentiating their firm – and making the value connection with potential clients.


LinkedIn Presentation by Create that competitive advantage by clearly showing that you

understand your audience’s specific challenges….


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Showing Value to Targeted Audiences Drives Results….


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Professional service firm president gains $36,000 a year opportunity by using stories and case studies on her profile.


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LinkedIn Presentation by In Our Recent Survey:

Top 4 Most Important Social Media Metrics That Sales and Marketing are Tracking:

Number of Profile Views and Content Platform Views How Many People They’re Reaching with Their Content or Messages Number of Likes, Comments and Shares Number of Connections and Group Members

These metrics were picked over:

Next step actions beyond the click, like, share, etc. Marketing qualified sales opportunities Revenue


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Getting leads and opps but with the wrong people

I have connections but no leads or opps

I am getting some leads but not many and not consistently.

I am regularly generating leads and opportunities using LinkedIn

The LinkedIn Marketing Results Sales and Marketing Are Getting–As Told in Our Recent Survey:

Look at the difference – sales and marketing must be engaging wrong!!!


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CMOs at Top Organizations Are Getting LinkedIn Wrong….

Xerox CMO John Kennedy

Lithium CMO Katy Keim

Wiley CMO Clay


XOJet CMO Shari Jones

G2 Crowd CMO Adrienne Weissman

They’re Focused on Brand Engagement and Top of Funnel!

Source: Marketing Land Article Written By Amy Gesenhues


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Social Selling Has Become Another Form of Spam – And It’s Killing Sales


LinkedIn Presentation by Hi, Sam.

How are you adding new capability to your ______________ [insert area of business your product addresses] at any time soon or in future? I work with organizations like _______ [prospect’s business] to make sure ________ [goal]. Would you like to quickly explore, via email, if a larger conversation makes sense? Please let me know what you decide.

With each new connection, determine if they are someone you’d like to speak with and tweak the LinkedIn message slightly:

“NAME, it is nice to be connected on LinkedIn.

Typically I like to have a brief call with my new connections so we can explore ways we might be able to work together now or in the future. Here is a link to my calendar: xxxxxxxx. Please pick a time that is most convenient for you. I am looking forward to our call.”

NO Differentiation


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100+ webinar registrants plus several thousand dollars in new projects


LinkedIn Presentation by Additional content I’m sharing on LinkedIn….

Doubled our monthly project revenue


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LinkedIn Presentation by Results of Communicating Value and Differentiating Yourself….


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Clients Are Building Relationships with Companies Like….


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