How to verify google adsense account without google pin online

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How To Verify Google Adsense AccountWithout Google PIN Online?September 7, 2015 by Jagmohan Singh Negi — Leave a Comment

If you are

serious to



online so

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Adsense .


Adsense is a

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and most

popular source of earning for publisher and webmaster .its offer you simple earning by your website or more fact about Google adsense that it is hard to get Google Adsense approval in rst

attempt. Read our post to get fast Google Adsense Approval.

When you get approval for publishing ads on your site or blog by Google adsense its start showing

ads on your site and you start earning .once you reached $10 threshold earning you can set payment

mode in your Google Adsense account.

But after $10 threshold Google adsense need to verify your address by sending Their Google

Adsense Verification PIN ,by post it your account address .

So be sure always use genuine address for adsense account. When you receive That PIN code enter

it in Google adsense account for veri cation of your postal address .when you verify Google Adsense

Account successfully than Google can send your earning Cheque easily.

Why You Need To Verify Google Adsense Account?May be this question is in your mind that is it necessary to verify Google adsense Account? Why

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Google want to verify us and also our address? what happen if any case I will not verify Google

Adsense Account by using Google PIN? Ok let me clear. Google is strict about their policies and Google

can’t tolerate policy avoidance.

1. Google wants to know that you are real human not a robot.

2. Google verified our address by posting a Google verification PIN number.

3. Google allows only one unique adsense account for single person.

4. If you don’t verify Google adsense account then Google adsense will not release your amount.

That’s why Google need to verify Google Adsense account.

How To Verify Google Adsense Account By usingGoogle Adsense PIN :If you received your Google Adsense account veri cation Pin ,use following steps to verify Google

Adsense Account …………

1. When you reach $10 threshold Google generate a veri cation PIN and send it to your Postal

address .once PIN generated by Google it show following massage in your Adsense Account

Your PIN will be sent by post 3-5 days after the listed above and may take 2-4 weeks to arrive

depending on the postal service.

2. If the rst pin fails to reach your address you can again generate a request for Google PIN

.Google allows you 3 chance for verification PIN .

3. If you get your PIN ,goto Payment Section and enter your 4 digit Google Adsense account

verification PIN code.

Google allows you 6 month period to fill your PIN to verify your adsense account .

Problem is that most of us don’t get Verification PIN .

Related Posts:

How To Create Google Adsense Account?

How to Approve Google Adsense Account?

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High paying Google Adsense Keywords.

How To Verify Google Adsense Account WithoutPIN Online If you did not get your Adsense Pin for veri cation till now don’t worry .there are another method for

veri cation .just follow steps and verify adsense account by submitting Driving license or other

Identity proof of Account holder .lets start …………

1. Simply sign-in in your Google adsense account with username and password .or use this link-

verify Google Adsense Account without Pin.

2. In Google adsense Account Dashboard you can nd a red line with Payment history link.just click

on link and you will redirect automatically to another form.

Now here you can see Please Enter Your Pin Link ,click here you will be redirect to ENTER YOUR PIN

section .you can type your PIN here if you have but in case you have no PIN code just scroll down click

on This link .see screenshot.

3. As you click on “This Form “ link you will get another form ll it by Publisher Id, mail ID and

upload Photo ID and Address proof and click to submit .

How To Create file For Attachement:You can use notepad or any other text editor and fill it with your personal information.use following

pattern for attachment—


Contact address :

Phone Number:

Email Address: publisher ID:

Postal address:


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Review all information and save this text file on your pc and upload it in the attachment section.

Now click to submit.

After reviewing by Google adsense account team they will approve your account and now you can

start your earning again .it may take 2 or 3 days after applying and will approve you behalf of your


Normally Google adsance use Cheque to pay but now they are using EFT (electronic fund Transfer )

you can update your information and can change your payment mode to get insistently payment .

Documents for Address Veri cation: its noticeable that Google has not published any list of

document s for veri cation. They want of cial document .as a gernal practice the following documents

are acceptable as a proof in USA (Google team sit and review your documents)

1. DL (Driver License )

2. House Apartment registration Document

3. Passport

4. Bank Statement

5. Voter ID (India )

6. Unique ID (Aadhar Card )

NOTE: Address and your name should be same as you had provided in Google adsense

account.otherwise you cant verify Google Adsense Account.

Phone Veri cation : Phone veri cation is not allowed for all countries .its available for limited


1. China

2. Germany

3. France

4. Spain

5. Itly

6. USA

7. UK

8. Canada

Important Point :

1 . Google will send you a Verifaction Pin if your account reach to $10 minimum threshold .if your

adsense account amount is below $10 then don’t even worry about Pin.

2. You can request for pin only for 3 times between 6 month duration.if you don’t get Pin check your

address in your Adsense account.

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Jagmohan Singh Negi

Hi my name is Jagmohan Singh Negi from Jaipur, Rajasthan . As a professional I am

an engineer in Electronic Media but love to write post on many topics like

WordPress ,SEO ,Web-designing and online money etc

Filed Under: Adsense

Tagged With: adsense PIN verifaction, adsense verifaction, adsense verifaction without PIN, approve

Google adsense without google PIN, Google Adsense PIN, verify adsense without pin, verify Google


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