How to Write Amazon Product Reviews

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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How to Write Effective Review Articlesfor an Amazon Affiliate Site | Effective Amazon Review Articles

For more internet marketing tutorials and articles, visit my site at: | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The Why... | Effective Amazon Review Articles

If you’re gonna go to the trouble of creating an Amazon affiliate site, you should take the time to create valuable and informative articles that convert

What’s a conversion? | Effective Amazon Review Articles

For an Amazon affiliate site, the main goal is to get your visitors to click through to

If they don’t go to Amazon’s site, they can’t possibly buy anything

But... | Effective Amazon Review Articles

Getting clicks is the easy part...

You need to provide enough information so that the reader is ready to buy once they click

The 4 Key Elements to an EffectiveProduct Review | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The 4 Key Elements to an EffectiveProduct Review | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The TitleYour title has to get attention and draw the reader in.

The 4 Key Elements to an EffectiveProduct Review | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The TitleYour title has to get attention and draw the reader in.

The IntroYour intro should give a ‘nutshell’ version of the whole article.

The 4 Key Elements to an EffectiveProduct Review | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The TitleYour title has to get attention and draw the reader in.

The IntroYour intro should give a ‘nutshell’ version of the whole article.

The BodyThe body needs to provide the info they’re looking for.

The 4 Key Elements to an EffectiveProduct Review | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The TitleYour title has to get attention and draw the reader in.

The IntroYour intro should give a ‘nutshell’ version of the whole article.

The BodyThe body needs to provide the info they’re looking for.

The RecapThe recap should sum up the review and restate the benefits

How to Write an Effective Title | Effective Amazon Review Articles

How to Write an Effective Title | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The title of your article shouldn’t just be the product name and model number...

Your review is going to be listed among other similar pages, so your title needs to make people want to click

How to Write an Effective Title | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The title of your article shouldn’t just be the product name and model number...

Your review is going to be listed among other similar pages, so your title needs to make people want to click

You can accomplish this by using titles such as:“Top 5 features of...”“3 things you didn’t know about the...”“How to get the most out of the...”“Product X side-by-side review with...”

How to Write an Effective Title | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The title of your article shouldn’t just be the product name and model number...

Your review is going to be listed among other similar pages, so your title needs to make people want to click

You can accomplish this by using titles such as:“Top 5 features of...”“3 things you didn’t know about the...”“How to get the most out of the...”“Product X side-by-side review with...”

You can use gimmicky phrases like “don’t buy until you’ve read this” or “product X recall?”, but I don’t like using them- do what you want.

Writing an Effective Intro | Effective Amazon Review Articles

Writing an Effective Intro | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The intro of your article should summarize the entire review

Writing an Effective Intro | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The intro of your article should summarize the entire review

You can make it as simple as “the good” and “the bad”

Writing an Effective Intro | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The intro of your article should summarize the entire review

You can make it as simple as “the good” and “the bad”

A good intro will get the reader’s attention and lead them into the rest of the article

Writing an Effective Article Body | Effective Amazon Review Articles

Writing an Effective Article Body | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The body of your article is the “meat”, and should give the reader enough information to make a buying decision.

DO NOT write a fake review as if you’ve used the product.

Writing an Effective Article Body | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The body of your article is the “meat”, and should give the reader enough information to make a buying decision.

DO NOT write a fake review as if you’ve used the product.

You should include product specs, benefits, negatives, summaries of a few customer reviews, comparisons to similar products,

Writing an Effective Article Body | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The body of your article is the “meat”, and should give the reader enough information to make a buying decision.

DO NOT write a fake review as if you’ve used the product.

You should include product specs, benefits, negatives, summaries of a few customer reviews, comparisons to similar products,

Things that help are bulleted lists, pictures, comparison tables, and links to reviews.

Writing an Effective Recap | Effective Amazon Review Articles

Writing an Effective Recap | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The recap should essentially “tell them what you told them”

Writing an Effective Recap | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The recap should essentially “tell them what you told them”

Emphasize the good points, and tell them why it’s a good product to buy

Writing an Effective Recap | Effective Amazon Review Articles

The recap should essentially “tell them what you told them”

Emphasize the good points, and tell them why it’s a good product to buy

Don’t forget to include a clear call to action such as “click here to get the lowest price” or “click here to buy now”

For more internet marketing tutorials and articles, visit my site at: | Effective Amazon Review Articles