HPC in Finance on Windows Azure

Post on 12-Sep-2021

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Philip Bull

Azure Business Development Manager

Microsoft UK

HPC in Finance on Windows Azure


Major datacenter

West US, North Central US, S. Central US, East US, N. Europe, W. Europe, E. Asia, S.E. Asia + 24 Edge CDN Locations


virtual machines web sites cloud services SQL database noSQL database blob storage connect virtual network traffic manager

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s S









N Central US, S Central US, N Europe, W Europe, E Asia, SE

Asia + 24 Edge CDN Locations

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . .


Managed Resources


Usage Based


Virtual Machines





Lock-InWindows Azure

Customer Data Center

Other Service Providers


Virtual Machine


Windows Azure feature ISO




Type 2






Web Sites

Virtual Machines

Cloud Services

Storage (Tables, Blobs, Queues)

SQL Database


Content Delivery Network

Networking (Connect, TM, VNet)

Azure Active Directory

Service Bus

Media Services

Program Description

ISO 27001 • Internationally recognized information security standard, broadly accepted outside U.S.,133 controls across 11 domains

• Annual surveillance audits with continual improvement

EU Data Protection


• Law that sets a baseline for handling personal data in the EU, Microsoft complies through EU-US Safe Harbor Framework

• EU regulators and customers asking for EU Model Clauses

HIPAA BAA • Specifies privacy, security, and disaster recovery guidelines for electronic storage of health records in the United States

• Business Associate Agreement (BAA) enables third parties to build HIPAA compliant solutions

SSAE 16 / ISAE 3402 • Accounting standard relied upon as the authoritative guidance for reporting on service organizations (SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3)

• Annual audit, controls monitored for 6 months, 10 domains, detailed audit report shared with customers under NDA

FISMA • U.S. Federal law enacted in 2002, based on NIST 800 series, 18 control domains, in-depth audit, documentation heavy

• Applies to all U.S. Federal agencies, New FedRAMP became effective in June 2012




“Microsoft Azure Blob Storage has taken a significant step

ahead of last year’s leader, Amazon S3”

“Microsoft emerged as a top performer in every category”

“It is clear that Microsoft’s investments in Azure are starting to

pay dividends and that the technology they are providing to the

market is second to none.”

Nasuni Benchmark Comparison of Performance, Availability and Scalability

Qualify/Develop: Competitive Differentiation


FSI/HPC customer solutions

on Azure


Task Flow


2 –





t fi

les HPC Head Node

4 – Distribute Job/Tasks

5 – Read Input Blob 6 – Execute Pricer

7 – Write Output Blob

9 –






t fi


Solution/Proof: Large UK Bank


Customer Needs

Avoid CAPEX (looking a

purchasing additional Data


Reducing time to delivery -

report exotic VAR regulatory

position on a daily basis after

an overnight run on Windows


Meet expansion demands

Align costs to business strategy

Proposed Solution

Bursting Scenario using HPC in

the cloud

Moved 2000+ cores per day to

the cloud

Migration from Datasynapse

(Tibco) grid to a Microsoft HPC

server grid

Used in concert with On-

premise datacenters allowing

maximum flexibility

Proven burst Scenario model

Cloud Economics (elasticity key

in this scenario - and cost-

effective set of resources (both

compute and storage)

Turn-key Hybrid cloud


Executable commercial Model

(piloted EA reservation model)

Why Microsoft Azure?

MG-Alfa – Actuarial Modelling Solution






Customer Needs

Towers Watson, a global

professional services company,

launched a new software

integration product designed

to enable life insurers to run

MoSes financial models in

Microsoft Windows Azure

Cloud Services.

Proposed Solution

The user interface built with Microsoft

.NET technology for the look and feel

that users expect

The MoSes architecture readily

supports the use of distributed

processing or grid computing to

enable projections to be run in much

less time.

The MoSes HPC product enables

MoSes Version 6.3 or higher to work

with Microsoft Windows HPC Server

2008, and now with Windows Azure.

With the introduction of

MoSes Azure, insurers can

now run their MoSes models

distributed either in-house

with MoSes HPC, in Windows

Azure Cloud Services or in a

seamless combination of both,

according to Towers Watson.

Towers Watson is a professional services firm that helps organizations improve their performance through innovative human capital and risk and financial services solutions. In the area of risk and financial services, the firm provides solutions in risk and capital management, reinsurance intermediary services and actuarial consulting, including: enterprise risk management, financial reporting and management, mergers and acquisitions, pension and retirement risks, product and market strategies, and reinsurance intermediary and analytical services.

Partner: Towers Watson (1/2)

Why Windows Azure?

Partner: Towers Watson (2/2)


“Insure the World” The calculation used a 28,000 Azure cores based run Completed in about 4 hours Turns out that: – The cost to insure all people alive today using Whole of Life assurances

(with a Sum Assured of USD 100,000) is USD 189 trillion This total cost is roughly equivalent to 2.5 times the World GDP (of around USD 70

trillion). The breakdown of the cost is as follows: – Claims cost of USD 186 trillion (that is, the PV of all future claims payments). – Expense cost of USD 2.7 trillion (that is, the PV of all future expenses, at USD 20 per policy per


Every person on earth was simulated “Towers Watson was able to leverage existing insurance industry applications to

perform the calculations.” Now working on a “Feed the World” calculation.


More than 400 financial institutions and 45 partners across 25 countries rely on Numerix analytics for speed and accuracy in

valuing and managing the most sophisticated financial instruments. Founded in 1996, Numerix has offices in New York,

London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai, bringing together unparalleled expertise across all asset classes and

engineering disciplines.

Numerix CrossAsset is a highly flexible and fully transparent framework for structuring any type of financial instrument,

from vanillas and “semi-exotics” to bespoke derivatives and structured products, allowing users to calculate prices and

Greeks and perform scenario analysis using any data set.



• Currently Selling Into: US, Europe, Asia


Stig Panduro, Global Alliance Manager

Tel: +1 (425) 722-8952 X28952

Email: stigp@microsoft.com

Contact here

Tel: +1 860.35.0573


Partner: Numerix (1/2)

• Private and public cloud-enabled for parallel Excel computations Built-in support for Windows

Azure and Windows HPC Server

Running multiple instances of Excel spreadsheets on Azure or HPC Clusters

• Bursts to private or public Azure Portfolio calculation speeds

increase almost linearly across nodes


Partner: Numerix (2/2)

‘In our experience traditional EoD

implementations provide an average EoD of 6

hours for portfolios of around 1 million trades,

this solution has been shown to do an equivalent

EoD in 3 minutes’

Picture of solution / diagram

Count of Options Execution Time Options / Minute 1,000 1mins, 2sec 0.27

10,000 1mins, 4sec 2.60

100,000 1mins, 20sec 20.83

500,000 2mins, 1sec 68.87

1,000,000 3mins, 7sec 89.13

5,000,000 12mins, 33sec 110.67

50,000,000 50mins, 55sec 272.78

100,000,000 1hrs, 37mins, 48sec 284.03

1,000,000,000 17hrs, 50mins, 55sec 259.38

Key features Large volumes of rapidly changing data whose value decays with time

Many organisations, especially in the Financial and Energy sectors, need to process high volumes of rapidly changing data

Large data volume, complex processing needs and hardware capacity today forces organisations to depend on daily (EoD) valuations …. a.k.a OLD data

Lost Market Opportunity & Business Edge Being able to process and react to this data at near real time reduces risk and

provides market opportunity Total Cost of Ownership

The current cost to purchase, maintain and scale these EoD environments is huge and it still doesn’t fulfil the business needs

Benefits Competitive, Real-time, Business Intelligence

near real time visibility of trends and risk in a volatile market enhances the ability to manage risk and financial exposure allows more analysis to be done, providing market advantage

Significantly lowers TCO Elastic, pay per use model Integrates well with existing systems and allows leveraging existing investment

Increased Business Opportunity

Avanade’s Azure Based Cloud Trading and Risk management solution uses the scale and commoditisation of the web to deliver EoR VAR

calculations in a few minutes at very low cost

Market Price, Interest Rates &


Trade Data Data Store

Trade BlotterPrice DeviationPrice Deviation

Market TrendsMarket Trends

Trigger Portfolio Valuation & Risk Analysis

Analysis Engine


Risk Analysis



Risk Analysis


Black Scholes

Active Position Monitor

Position & RiskPosition & Risk


Cloud Based Trading & Risk Management

More for FSI/HPC solutions

on Azure?


Big Compute Options http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/home/features/big-compute/

Windows Azure provides the best infrastructure for your Compute Intensive Applications

• New offerings on Windows Azure will provide an additional powerful infrastructure with faster processors, more memory, and low-latency high bandwidth


• Applications which require fast CPU’s, large memory configurations or very fast network connectivity between servers in order to solve a problem that are

too big to fit in the memory of one machine

• Initial offer of two configurations (instances) for Big Compute:

• 8 compute cores with 60 GB of RAM and 16 compute cores with 120 GB of RAM

• Delivered on systems consisting of:

•Intel Sandy Bridge processors at 2.6 GHz

•DDR3 1600 MHz RAM

•5 x 1 TB disks

•Two network connections

• 10 GigE network for storage and internet access

• RDMA + InfiniBand (IB) 40 Gbps network for inter node communication

Outstanding Performance and Efficiency for your Big Compute Application

• The InfiniBand network in Windows Azure supports remote direct memory access (RDMA) communication between compute nodes

• For applications, this allows memory on multiple computers to act as one.

• Our testing shows latency of 2.1 microseconds to send a 4 byte packet across machines, and network bandwidth of over 3500 MB per sec

• Windows Azure is the very first cloud provider to offer a virtualized InfiniBand RDMA network capability for MPI applications

• The LINPACK benchmark achieved 151.3 TFlops on 8064 cores with 90.2% efficiency

Next Steps:

•Try HPC Pack 2012 now

HDInsights – Big Data Analysis

HDInsight Service (Preview)

Gain insight from any data, any size, anywhere Microsoft’s Hadoop-based service that brings a 100% Apache Hadoop solution to the

cloud. HDInsight gives you the ability to gain the full value of Big Data with a modern, cloud-based data platform that manages data of any type, whether structured or unstructured, and of any size.

With HDInsight you can seamlessly store and process data of all types through Microsoft’s modern data platform that provides simplicity, ease of management, and an open Enterprise-ready Hadoop service all running in the cloud. Analyze your Hadoop data with PowerPivot, Power View and other Microsoft BI tools, thanks to integration with Microsoft data platform.

Simplicity of Windows Azure HDInsight enables simple and straightforward installation of your Hadoop clusters. You

can accelerate the deployment with the cloud by deploying a Hadoop cluster on Windows Azure in instead of days or weeks. Use simple web-based tools and APIs to interact with and monitor your cluster.

Seamless scale and elasticity HDInsight allows you to quickly create a Hadoop cluster scaled to fit your demand,

when you need it, run your analysis, and shut down the cluster when you are done – leading to cost savings only possible on a cloud environment.

Insights with Microsoft Business Intelligence tools Through the Hive Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Driver you can now glean

insights on all your data with familiar tools like Microsoft Office. In addition, you analyze all your data easily with BI tools like Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), PowerPivot, and Power View.

Why Windows Azure ?

Why Microsoft ?


Time to Mkt. Faster time to


Total Cost

Decrease Total Cost

Make Fixed cost




Increase Availability **

Increase Scalability

Why Public Cloud ?

IT Control + Cloud


Get Started with Azure

