HPE OO 10.60 Troubleshooting Guide… · LoadBalancerTroubleshooting 49 WizardsTroubleshooting 50...

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HPE Operations OrchestrationSoftware Version: 10.60Windows

Troubleshooting Guide

Document Release Date: May 2016Software Release Date: May 2016

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Troubleshooting Guide

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Troubleshooting Studio 5Troubleshooting Source Control (both Git and SVN) 5

Troubleshooting GIT 5

Troubleshooting SVN 7

Troubleshooting Studio 8

Troubleshooting StudioWizards 16

Troubleshooting Central 17Typical Deployment Errors 19

Typical Central Error Messages 23

Troubleshooting Installations 25Troubleshooting Central installations 25

Troubleshooting Studio installations 26

Troubleshooting silent installations 26

Troubleshooting cluster installations 26

Troubleshooting Upgrading from OO 9.x 28Troubleshooting issues with inputs after an upgrade 31

Troubleshooting issues with reverting after an upgrade 31

Troubleshooting issues with duplications after an upgrade 32

Troubleshooting issues with schedules after an upgrade 32

Troubleshooting issues with multi-instance steps after an upgrade 33

Locating items in Studio for after upgrading from OO 9.x 34

Troubleshooting Localization 36

Troubleshooting 37Installation Troubleshooting 37

Upgrading Troubleshooting 38

Studio Troubleshooting 40

Localization Troubleshooting 45

Central Troubleshooting 46

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Load Balancer Troubleshooting 49

Wizards Troubleshooting 50

Content Packs Troubleshooting 50

Troubleshooting Central 51Typical Deployment Errors 53

Typical Central Error Messages 57

Typical Central Errors 59Typical Deployment Errors 59Typical Central Errors 63

Known Issues and Troubleshooting 64

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Troubleshooting Studio

Troubleshooting Source Control (both Git andSVN)A lock error appears when you try to commit a folderWhen you are connected to SCM and "Enforce locking" is enabled, after youmove a folder several times andthen back to its original location, a lock error may appear when you try to commit the folder, saying that is itnot possible to verify the lock for the items inside it.

The solution is to perform anSCM Update action on the folder before committing it.

In a multi-author scenario, Update Item and Perform Lock Action results in aninconsistent stateIn amulti-author scenario, if you choose the optionUpdate Item and Perform Lock Action in the dialogwhen locking an item, your project may get into an inconsistent state.

In order to resolve it you will have tomanually refresh the project.

If the item was previously moved or renamed by a different author in another Studio instance, you should alsoupdate all your workspace by selectingSCM> Update All from themenu.

To refresh a project, select the project and click theRefresh button in the toolbar or right-click on the projectand choose theRefresh option.

When items have duplicate UUIDs, one appears to be stuck on validatingIn some cases, when there are items with duplicate UUIDs, when you connect to SVN/Git, you see one itemas duplicated and the other as stuck on validating.

You can clear this by refreshing the project.

SCM-related errors appear in the SCM Messages paneIf a Studio/SlikSVN folder was renamed, moved or deleted, Studio might return SCM-related errors in theSCM Messages pane even if you did not configure an SCM repository URL.

If the SlikSvn folder was renamed, moved, or deleted, you have to comment out every property from the <oo_folder>/studio/conf/scmCommands.properties file.

Troubleshooting GITProblems connecting to an empty Git repositoryWhen trying to connect to an empty Git repository, the clone action is executed successfully but the rest ofthe actions do not work correctly. There is no notification of what is wrong, the project colors are correct, andthe commands are available, but the push shows no files.

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Make sure that the repository you want to clone is not empty. The clone will work if the repository has just adummy file..

The Git merge operation does not work correctlyTheGit merge operation does not work correctly in the following situation:

1. You create a flow that contains a parallel lane in one of its steps.2. You try to merge the flow throughGit. This results in amerge conflict on the parallel lane step producing

“- ours” and “- theirs” files.3. You try to resolve the conflict manually.4. The original flow is shown as being invalid and cannot be repaired.Do one of the following:

l Whenmerging, select “keep ours” or “keep theirs”.l Create a new flow and perform the preferredmerge on this new flow.

What can I do if I get a "System cannot find specified file" error when performingGit operations?Theremay be cases in which youmay see the following error when performing Git SCM operations:

“Cannot run program "C:\<oo_installation_folder>\ studio\Git\bin\git" (in directory"C:\<user_home_folder> \.oo\Workspace"):CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified “

1. Download the Git client from the following URL:https://github.com/msysgit/msysgit/releases/download/Git-1.9.5-preview20150319/Git-1.9.5-preview20150319.exe.

2. Save the Git client to <oo_installation_folder>/studio/Git, so that the bin folder is directly under <oo_installation_folder>/studio/Git. In the Git installation wizard, use the default options.

Alternatively, if you already have aGit client installation with version git-1.9.5-preview20150319 on yourlocal disk, point Studio to use that Git installation by performing the following steps:

1. Close Studio.2. Go to the user home folderC:\Users\<user>\.oo (the Studio workspace location) and locate the

Studio.properties file.3. Modify theStudio.properties file by adding the following property at the end of the file:


For example:

studio.git.installation.location=C:/Program Files (x86)/Git

The bin folder should be directly underC:/Program Files (x86)/Git. Note that / should be used as a pathseparator.

4. Save theStudio.properties file and start Studio.

Note: If you opted for this second alternative, you need to consider the following:

If you are usingmultiple workspaces and you want the Git location property to be added in each newworkspace, you should edit the template properties file located in

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Studio\conf\studio.properties.template. Otherwise, each time you switch to a new workspace, youwill have to set the Git location in the new workspace in the .oo\Studio.properties file.

If you have another version of the Git client installed, note that youmust use the git-1.9.5-preview20150319version with Studio. This is the version that was validated with Studio. While other versions might still workcorrectly, they are not officially supported.

Troubleshooting SVNWhat can I do if I updated my projects and deleted someone else’s changes?l In the following scenario a conflict can occur during update:

a. User1 edits Flow1, and commits.b. User2 edits Flow1, and then updates.Since User2 will receive updates for a file that has local changes, a conflict will occur.Studio resolves such conflicts with the updating user’s copy. This means that in our case, any changesUser1made to Flow1will be deleted.To avoid such cases we recommend always updating and locking any item before editing it.

l I made changes directly in the file system and something went wrongWhile it is possible to create directories and rename files directly in the file system it is not recommended.It is preferable to perform all tasks from within Studio.If changes weremade in the file system and those changes results in problems, it is recommend to revertthose changes using an outside SVN tool such as SlickSVN or TortoiseSVN to perform a clean-up of theworkspace.

Missing MS Visual C++ DLLsOnWindows 7, Windows 2008 Server, andWindows 2008 Server R2, theremay be problems running SVNwith Studio, if you aremissing the correct version of theMS Visual C++ DLLs. The following error messageappears in theSCM Messages pane:

Cannot run program"C:\<path_to_oo_installation>\studio\SlikSvn\bin\svn": CreateProcesserror=14001, The application has failedto start because its side-by-sideconfiguration is incorrect. Please seethe application event log or use thecommand line sxstrace.exe toolfor more detail

Download and install theMicrosoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).

SCM operations take a long time to finishWhen connected to a network share-based SVN repository (for example, file:///myshared/repo), SCMoperations (such as Update, Commit, and so on) take a long time to finish.

Use a dedicated web-based SVN server instead of a network share-based repository. This is related to thefact that SVN is not optimized to efficiently use theWindows network share protocol.

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You cannot detach from SCM because you have locked items in your workspaceYou cannot detach from SCM because you have locked items in yourworkspace and unlocking them fails (forexample, the SCM server is unreachable).

Delete the folder .svn under <user home>\.oo\Workspace and restart Studio. Now your workspace will bedetached.

SCM operations take a long time to finishWhen using VisualSVN Server as an SVN server, in Studio the SCM operations (for example, Checkout,Update, Commit, and so on) take a long time to finish.

Change the network configuration of VisualSVN Server to bind to an IPv4 address.

Items appear to be lockedIn Studio SCM, after committing a single locked item (for example, committing a single flow by right-clickingit in theProjects pane and selectingSCM > Commit), in some cases, the editor shows the item as still beinglocked. The lock is, in fact, not there, because committing always automatically releases the locks.

This state can be resolved by updating the project or by unlocking the item, which eventually results in awarning: “svn: warning: W160040: No lock on path…” After this, it is possible to obtain a lock again.

To avoid this limitation, it is recommended that you always commit an entire folder or the entire project. If youindeed need to a commit single item, check the lock after committing and update the item if necessary.

Troubleshooting StudioHow can I enable the Log Viewer tab?From theWindows menu, select Studio Log Viewer.

The Log Viewer is a useful tool that allows you to see all the errors that have occurred in the current usersession in one central location within Studio.The errors are presented in the sameway as they are displayedin theStudio.log log file.

The Log Viewer shows two types of errors:

l Fatal errors (labeled FATAL in Studio.log)l Errors (labeled ERROR in Studio.log)

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Note:Warnings (WARN) and Information (INFO) messages are not shown in the Log Viewer but can beseen in theStudio.log file.

If theStudio Log Viewer option in theWindow menu is selected, the Log Viewer tab appears as one of thetabs at the bottom of the Studio window when Studio opens.

After upgrade, Remote Debugger certificate file passwords appear in regular textBy default, when you connect to the Remote Debugger after an upgrade, the certificate file passwords appearin regular text in theWindows Task Manager, in theProcesses tab.

In order to ensure that the password appears obfuscated in the Task Manager, run the encrypt-passwordtool.

For more information, see "Obfuscating the Studio KeyStore and TrustStore Passwords" in theHPE OOSecurity and Hardening Guide.

During a multiple project import, a "GC overhead limit exceeded" error messageappearsThe problem is caused by the fact that the heap is too small to accommodate such big project.

You need to increase thememory allocation.

In theStudio.l4j.ini file, change the -Xmx value to a larger value. For example, 1500MB.


Under some screen resolutions, the tutorials are not clearFor the best experience when viewing the tutorials, we recommend using the following screen resolution:1920 x 1080..

Editing XML operations fails for large filesThe problem is caused by the fact that the heap is too small to accommodate such big project.

You need to increase thememory allocation.

In theStudio.l4j.ini file, change the -Xmx value to a larger value. For example, 1500MB.


Debugger flows not visible in Central Run workspaceWhen Studio is connected via Remote Debugger to a Central with authentication, flows that run in theDebugger without any prompt input are not visible in theRunworkspace in Central.

Note: The run is present in the database in the OO_EXECUTION_SUMMARY table.

Grant the user viewing the RunManagement workspace remote debugging rights in Central.

Slow/failues after importing many content packsAfter importingmany content packs (typically, after deleting a large number of content packs and importingnewer versions), Studio can become slow, and actions might fail with an "out of memory" error.

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Restart Studio.

If necessary, increase themaximum heap size by editing theStudio.l4j.ini file, located under <installation_path>\studio, and setting the value of the parameter -Xmx to a higher value.

Inconsistent content packsCreating a content pack from a 10.x format project with a 10.02 (or earlier) version of SDK will create aninconsistent content pack.

Use the latest 10.x version of SDK to create content packs.

The "Select a new parent folder for <item> in the library" error message appearsFor example:

Delete the .idx and .tmp folders from the location of the project in the workspace, and the .metadata folderfrom theContent subfolder of the same project, and restart Studio.

What can I do if I get an error when performing a HPE Live Network search?OOno longer uses repositories. Files are stored locally on your file system and it is recommended to use asource control application for collaboration.

Youmay receive the following error when performing a HPE Live Network search:

sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable tofind valid certification path to requested target

To solve this issue:

1. Close Studio.2. Export the HPE Live Network root certificate, (the certificate with the nameSymantec Class 3 Secure

Server CA - G4—the second one in the chain) into a file named hpln-ca.cer in DER encoded binaryX.509 format.

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You can use a browser to navigate to https://api.hpln.hp.com/hpln and then export the root certificate asshown below:

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3. Copy the certificate file hpln-ca.cer to the <oo_install_folder>\studio\var\security folder.4. Import the certificate into Studio's TrustStore using the following command:

<oo_install_folder>\java\bin\keytool -import -alias hplnroot -keystoreclient.truststore -file hpln-ca.cer


l The default password for the keystore is changeit. If you changed the default password, whenprompted, use the value of the parameterDjavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword from the <oo_install_folder>\studio\Studio.l4j.ini file.

l To change the Studio Truststore password, add the property client.truststore.password withvalue the password in obfuscated format to the Studio.properties file from the “.oo” folder.


If this property is not defined, Studio will fall back to the system propertyjavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword for the truststore password.

5. Restart Studio.

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Troubleshooting Studio WizardsThe getCategories SOAP request failsThe getCategoriesSOAP request fails when being used as a flow in Studio using theWeb Services wizard.

The reason the flow fails with NPE is that the request that is sent is empty. The default behavior is to trim allempty elements: if that is all the request contains, no elements will be included in the envelope.

Use input trimNullComplexTypes, which is a hidden input with default value true. You have to set it tofalse.

Some content from Middleware or SAP content packs appears in red in StudioUse the Content Third Party Wizard located under theStudio/tools folder to add any missing dependencies.

For more information, see theStudioWizards User Guide.

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Troubleshooting CentralSpecial characters cannot be displayed correctly in the *.csv file when you exportthe Run Log to a CSV fileThe problem is in the Excel CSV encoding, which can be changed, as explained in:http://superuser.com/questions/280603/how-to-set-character-encoding-when-opening-excel

Also, make sure you are working with the correct configuration in OO and in the database.

Plugins are not deleted from the Central cacheWhen you delete a content pack that contains a plugin, the plugin is not deleted from the Central cache. If youredeploy an artifact with the same version of the plugin, it does not overwrite the old one.

The administrator shouldmanually clean up the cache, so that only the required libraries will be downloaded.

When the Central and RASes are down, delete the var/cache folder.

Execution speed is low, and it looks as if, over time, the run duration is gettinglonger1. Make sure the root cause of the bottleneck is not database-related. Monitor the database resource usage

(CPU, memory, IO, storage, network). For more information about monitoring, see theMonitoring OO 10document on the HPE OOCommunity page.(https://hpln.hp.com/node/19651/attachment)

2. Increase the number of worker threads if your hardware can take it. See the "System Tuning" section intheHPE OO Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration Guide for more details.

3. Increase the number of database connections. See theHPE OO Installation, Upgrade, andConfiguration Guide for more details.

4. Scale out. See theHPE OOBenchmark PerformanceGuide document for more details.(https://hpln.hp.com/node/19651/attachment)

Low resolution on FirefoxFirefox onWindows uses the desktop configuration for font size. In some cases, the desktop is configured touse 125% font size as default, when using low resolution this may result in some layout problems in Central.

This happens when the font size in Firefox is set to 125% zoom. Reduce the zoom to 100%.

Deploying content packs takes a long time and an "out of memory" message isdisplayedIncrease thememory for Central by changing the configuration of the central-wrapper.conf file. For example:

# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)wrapper.java.initmemory=1024

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)wrapper.java.maxmemory=2048

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Central wrapper.log file is not recreated during backupIf you delete the /var/logs folder (for example, for backup), the Centralwrapper.log file is not re-createdunder the new /var/logs folder.

Create the logs folder inside the var folder.

Locked out of Central when there is SAML authenticationIf you get locked out of Central when there is SAML authentication, with no access via the identity provider,log into HPE OO directly. Make sure to keep the admin user, for this.

To log in directly, go to:


Remote host supports the use of the RC4 cipherThe remote host supports the use of the RC4 cipher. This cipher is flawed in its generation of a pseudo-random stream of bytes so that a wide variety of small biases are introduced into the stream, decreasing itsrandomness.

If plain text is repeatedly encrypted (for example, HTTP cookies), and an attacker is able to obtain many (i.e.,tens of millions of) cipher texts, the attacker may be able to derive the plain text.

Disable the RC4 cipher on the JRE level (starting with Java 7):

1. Open the $JRE_HOME/lib/security/java.security file.2. Edit the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property to disable the RC4 cipher.For more information, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18589761/restict-cipher-suites-on-jre-level.

Mapping group alias and worker group does not workFor a flow that has already started running on Central, if it requires a group alias that does not have a workergroupmapped, themapping during the run will not work, unless the worker group name is identical to thegroup alias. The flow will remain in aPaused_No_Workers_in_Group state. Resumewill not work.

For example, you have a step that needs to run on group alias Alias_A, and there is nomapping of workers tothis alias. OO tries to run the step on group alias Alias_A, but since there are no workers inAlias_A, theexecution is paused. When the administrator maps group alias Alias_A to the worker groupGroup_D andtries to resume the run, it does not work.

From the Topology >Workers tab, assign a worker to a worker group with exactly the same name as thegroup alias required by the flow. Then, resume the flow.

Default DRBG algorithm ECDRBG128 is not safeThe default DRBG algorithm ECDRBG128 is not safe, according to NIST.

Set the security property com.rsa.crypto.default toHMACDRBG by adding the following line in the <oo_jre>\lib\security\java.security file:

com.rsa.crypto.default.random = HMACDRBG

Formore information, see theHPE OOHardening Guide.

Content deployment does not endIn some cases, the content deployment does not end or does not appear to end. This may be caused by theanti-virus blocking the browser read actions.

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Check the CPU consumption of the anti-virus process at the time of deployment, or check the anti-virus logfile. If required, contact your server system administrator to discuss possible solutions.

Error messages during deployment, saying that Central is missing operationsWhen deploying new content in Central, theremay be error messages, saying that Central is missing someoperations.

Make sure to deploy the base content pack and any other HPE content packs that are used in Studio beforedeploying your own content packs.

Scheduled runs have inconsistent start times in flows and stepsWhenCentral, the RAS, and the Central client (browser) are in different time zones, this can cause problemswhen a flow is run via the Scheduler. For example, the start time in the flow will be different from the start timein the step.

Change the time zone on the RAS to be the same as the time zone on Central.

The OO help links do not work through the load balancerMake sure that the Load Balancer is configured correctly. You need to add to the Load Balancer all suffixesthat are different from /oo.

Note: For Apache httpd, it is sufficient to make sure that the balancer members' URLs are justhttp://central_host:central_port/.

Under low screen resolution, some of the buttons in the UI cannot be seenIncrease the screen resolution to 1280 x 1024 or 1920 x 1080.

Problems with new worker registration or existing worker functionalityCompression should not be set on the load balancer configuration.

This can affect the connection between Central and workers and can lead to problems in new workerregistration or existing worker functionality.

Remove the compression.

Typical Deployment ErrorsFailed to read the file <cp jar name>. The file might be corrupt.This error message appears when HPE OO is unable to read a content pack.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Failed to read the file <cp jar name>. The file is empty.This error message appears when the content pack file is empty.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

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Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Wrong file format. <cp jar name> should contain the Lib and Content root folders.This error message appears when a content pack is missing the required Lib andContent folders.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

Wrong file format. <cp jar name> is missing the 'contentpack.properties' file.This error message appears when a content pack is missing a required file.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

Missing ‘<flow or operation/type of configuration item>’ with UUID ‘<uuid>’, whichis required by the ‘<flow/operation>’: ‘<flow path/operation uuid>’.This error message appears when there is amissing flow, operation, or configuration item.


1. Go to Studio and search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in either theHPE content packs or other projects in your repository.

2. Redeploy the deployment unit with the content pack that contains the flow, operation, or configurationitem that you found.

Missing ‘<flow or operation/type of configuration item>’ with UUID ‘<uuid>’, whichis required by the ‘<flow/operation>’: ‘<flow path/operation uuid>’ and <number ofadditional dependents> more . See the server log for the full list of dependents.This error message appears when there is amissing entity (flow, operation, or configuration item) that otherflows or operations depend upon.


1. Check the server log to see all of the flows and operations that depend on this missing entity.2. Go to Studio and search for a flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in either the

HPE content packs or other projects in your repository.3. Redeploy the deployment unit with the content pack that contains the flow, operation, or configuration

item that you found..

An exception occurred during deployment. Check the server log for more details.This error messagemay appear in a number of different situations, leading to an exception duringdeployment. This includes conflicts between two deployed configuration items with the same type and path.


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Check the server log to see the details of the exception. In the case of a configuration item path conflict,check the general.log file for themost detailed information.

The content pack that you are deploying has been deployed previously. In theprevious deployment, this content pack contained an entity ('<entity type>' named'<entity name>' with UUID <uuid>), which is used by other deployed content packs(<names of one or 2 cps>). The current content pack that is being deployed ismissing that entity.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack that has been deployed previously, andthis content pack originally contained an entity that is used by other deployed content packs. However, theversion that you are deploying is missing that entity.


Option 1: Go to Studio and search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in aprevious version of the content pack that you are deploying, and add it to the current version of the contentpack.

Option 2: Go to Studio and in the dependent content pack(s), remove the dependency on the given flow,operation, or configuration item, and redeploy that/those content packs as well.

The content pack that you are deploying has been deployed previously. In theprevious deployment, this content pack contained an entity (('<entity type>'named '<entity name>' with UUID <uuid>), which is used by other deployedcontent packs (<name of one of the cps> and <number of other cps> more. Thecurrent content pack that is being deployed is missing that entity. See the serverlog for the full list of dependent content packs.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack that has been deployed previously, andthis content pack originally contained an entity that is used by other deployed content packs. However, theversion that you are deploying is missing that entity.


Check the server log to see all of the content packs that depend on this missing entity.

Option 1: Go to Studio and search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in aprevious version of the content pack that you are deploying, and add it to the current version of the contentpack.

Option 2: Go to Studio and in the dependent content pack(s), remove the dependency on the given flow,operation, or configuration item, and redeploy that/those content packs as well.

A flow with UUID <uuid> has <number of scheduled tasks> scheduled tasks thatwill be deleted.This warningmessage appears when a flow is being deleted by deploying a new version of an alreadydeployed content pack that contained flows with scheduled tasks.


There is nothing to fix.

Schema validation error in ‘<flow name>’. <the xml parser exception>.This error message appears when the schema is not correctly validated.

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Go to Studio and select Create content pack and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

A flow with a duplicated path is being deployed. This path already exists either ina flow in another content pack in the deployment unit, or in a flow that wasdeployed previously. To see the error details, run the deployment again with theserver log level set to DEBUG.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack with a flow that has the same path asanother flow in another content pack in the deployment unit.


1. To see the details about the flow path, flow UUID, and content pack name, run the deployment againwith the server log level set to DEBUG. You will receive one of the following errors:l A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this path has previouslybeen deployed.

l A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this path exists in thecontent pack ‘<name of content pack>’.

2. In Studio, modify one of the content packs so that there is no longer a duplication, and redeploy thecontent pack. For more information about the required changes, see the sections about these errormessages, below.

A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this pathhas previously been deployed.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack with a flow that has the same path as aflow that was previously deployed.


In Studio, change the path of the flow (change the name of one of the folders or the flow name) and redeploythe content pack.

A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this pathexists in the content pack ‘<name of content pack>’.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack with a flow that has the same path asanother flow in another content pack in the deployment unit.


In Studio, change the path of the flow (change the name of one of the folders or the flow name) and redeploythe content pack.

A ‘<flow or operation/type of configuration item>’ with a duplicated UUID: <uuid>is being deployed. This UUID already exists in a ‘<flow or pperation/type ofconfiguration item>’in the content pack ‘<name of content pack>’.This error message appears when you are trying to deploy a content pack with a flow, operation, orconfiguration item that has the sameUUID as an item in another content pack that is deployed in the

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deployment unit.


1. In Studio, search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID.2. Copy the flow, operation, or configuration item into the same project.3. Delete the original copy of the flow, operation, or configuration item, in that same project.4. Select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

The property <content.pack.name/content.pack.version> is missing in theproperties file contentpack.properties.This error message appears when the content pack name or version aremissing from the content pack’sproperties file.


Go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Service unavailable. The server may be down, too busy, or experiencing networkproblems. Check the server log for the deployment status.This error message appears when the server is either too busy to handle the request or is down formaintenance, or when some network error has prevented the response from arriving to the client.


Check the server log to see if the deployment didn’t start or end successfully, or failed.

During deployment the file name became corrupted. Please try to redeploy.In some cases, the file name arrives in a corrupt state, and causes an exception.


Deploy again.

Typical Central Error MessagesYou do not have permission to perform this action.This error message appears when you are logged in as a user that does not have permission to perform theaction.


Log in as a user with the appropriate permission. Alternatively, ask the administrator to give your userpermission to perform the action.

An error has occurred. Check the server log for more details.This error message appears when there is an unexpected error status from the server, but no error status textwas received.


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Check the server logs to see if there was an exception.

liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock.After a few attempts to log into the system, the server does not start and this error message appears.


In theDATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table, set the value of the LOCKED column to 0.

<server response status (for example, Internal Server Error)>. Check the serverlog for more details.This error message appears when there is an unexpected error status from the server (for example, “Out ofmemory”).


Check the server logs to see if there was an exception.

There was a problem launching the flow. See the logs for detailsThis error message appears when you are triggering a flow from Central.

Check if the default groupRAS_Operator_Path is assigned to any worker.

Some phases of a run always run on the default group, which is RAS_Operator_Path. Make sure that atleast one worker is assigned to this group.

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: MetaspaceCentral/RAS fails with this error in the wrapper log.

Increase the size of theMetaspace.

This can be found in the in the central-wrapper.conf (or ras-wrapper.conf) file, in the following parameter:

-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=<new defined size>

Note: Metaspace consumes nativememory on the server. If it exhausts all available physical memoryand starts using swap space, the performance of OOwill degrade significantly.

OutOfMemory (OOM) exceptionCentral/RAS crashes with anOutOfMemory (OOM) exception.

Do one of the following:

l Increase the heap size for Central/RASl Remove the limit on the stepLogBuffer sizel Check if the content you ran can be changed so that its context will be smaller

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Troubleshooting InstallationsThe .net operations fail with the error:"Can't initialize jni4net Bridge"?InWindows 2012, it can happen that even though the correct version and type of .net framework is installed,the .net operations fail with the error:"Can't initialize jni4net Bridge".

In Studio, flows and operations are not highlighted in red, so you cannot see there is a problem.

1. Repair the .net framework installation on that machine using the .net framework 4.5.1 full installer.2. Restart HPE OOStudio/Central/RAS.

"Packet for query is too large" message appears after installing OOwith MySQLdatabaseAfter an installation of HPE OO 10.x with aMySQL database, the following error may appear in the logs:

"Packet for query is too large (2515019 > 1048576). You can change this value on the server by setting themax_allowed_packet variable."

Before installing HPE OO 10.x with aMySQL database, make sure that themax_allowed_packet variablehas aminimum value of 250M. In order to do this, you can set the value for a session or as a permanentoption of theMySQL server:

l To set it for within the session, run this command:

mysql --max_allowed_packet=250M

l To add it as a permanent option of theMySql server, add the following line in <MYSQL_HOME_DIR>\my.ini ormy.cnf and then restart theMySQL server:


Note: Theminimum is 250M, but some environments may require more, depending on the size of therepository.

Troubleshooting Central installationsAfter installation, Central doesn't start or can't be accessed from a remote locationThis may be caused by theWindows firewall.

Check theWindows firewall logs and policies. If required, contact your server system administrator todiscuss possible solutions.

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Troubleshooting Studio installationsWhen Studio is installed on Windows 2012, there is no progress bar whenimporting content or creating a content packThis is a Java limitation for theWindows 2012 operating system and the default look and feel is notsupported.

Modify theStudio.l4j.ini file (under <installation dir>/studio) to specify a different look and feel. Add at theend of the file:


Errors when Studio is installed on a path with special charactersIf you install Studio on a path with special characters (for example, French, Japanese, or Chinesecharacters), this results in an error.

Install Studio from a folder without special characters.

SVN error if you do not have Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package(x86)If you install Studio 10.5x and you do not haveMicrosoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)installed, you will get an SVN error.

Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86). You need to install theversion for the x86 platform, regardless of yourWindows version.

This package can be downloaded from: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=5555.

Note: This issue is solved in 10.6x and later.

Troubleshooting silent installationsSilent installation does not workSilent installation will not work if trailing spaces appear in silent properties for paths.

Make sure that no trailing spaces appear in silent properties for paths.

Troubleshooting cluster installationsIn a cluster installation where modes have different IPs, you get an error messagewhen selecting a license.This may occur because you have selected the licence for the wrong IP.

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1. Choose one of the nodes and issue a license for the IP address of this node with the HPE LicenseManagement system.

2. Open the Central UI of the specific node (and not via the Load Balancer IP) and install the license.For more information, see "Setting Up Licensing" in theHPE OOCentral User Guide.

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Troubleshooting Upgrading from OO 9.xYou see the error “Unable to open Project <name>. A content pack with the samename already exists in your workspace.”If youmigrated a 9.x repository and you imported both the resulting project and the content pack, afterupgrading to 10.02 or later, you will not find the project loaded in the workspace. In the logs, you will see thefollowing error “Unable to open Project <name>. A content pack with the same name already exists in yourworkspace.”

The project was not loaded in the workspace but it still exists on the disk, in the location where you created it.In 10.02 and later, it is not possible to have a content pack and a project with the same name open in theworkspace.

Close the resulting content pack and import the project from the disk.

Can't resolve variables from step context after upgradeOO10 does not resolve variables from step context.

In 9.x, to resolve a string like ${var} , OOwould try to find amatch in the step context (existing inputs), flowcontext, global context and system properties.

In 10.x, the search is only performed in flow context, global context, and system properties.

Search for amatch in the step context as well.

Modified OOTB Scriptlets are overwritten after upgradeIf the 9.x repository contains a copy of an out-of-the-box operation with a scriptlet, and that scriptlet wasmodified, after content upgrade, themodified scriptlet will be overwritten by the out-of-the-box version.

If the change in the scriptlet is important, you will need tomanually edit the scriptlet in the copied operation.

When you upgrade a repository that is not fully exported from Studio, you receivea warning, because some data is invalid1. In 9.x, export the repository from Studio: Right-click Repository, and select Export as New

Repository.2. Select a name and location for the repository.3. In the Export Options page, make sure that all the check boxes are cleared (not selected) apart from the

Encrypt system properties check box. Checking theEncrypt system properties check box isoptional. However, note that after content upgrade, the system properties will be obfuscated with the10.x mechanism.

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4. Run the Content Upgrade Utility on that repository.

Note: Exporting a repository fixes the cases of invalid data.

Studio errors after upgrading a dotNet iActionAfter you upgrade content that includes .NET iActions, theremay be Studio errors because of a third partyDLL dependency that is only for 32-bit platforms. For example,Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Management.dllandMicrosoft.GroupPolicy.Management.Interop.dll.

Solution: If the repository includes custom .NET iActions, it is recommended to clean your RAS folder copyand leave only the DLLs that are required for your iActions before upgrading content.

Note: Make sure to copy the RAS lib directories to a different location before deleting anything from themand upgrading them.

Backup corruptionWhen rolling back the 10.x patch, if one of the folders was renamed or if some files were deleted, the rollbackwill fail and the application (Central\ Studio\ RAS) will not start.

Save the backup folder that is created after the upgrade process as a ZIP file, and extract it to the samelocation before rolling back the upgrade.

Permission errors in LinuxThe content upgrade package for Linux does not have execution rights by default for the files upgrade-content.sh and /java/bin/java. This may cause you to receive error messages like the following:

-bash: ./upgrade-content.sh: Permission denied

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./upgrade-content.sh: line 5: ../java/bin/java: Permission denied

Solution: To avoid this, grant execution rights for the files.

Deployment of upgraded content fails due to a dependency errorReview the upgrade report andmake sure you have deployed all the content packs that arementioned in it.Review the deployment error and look for themissing UUIDs in your 9.x Studio content. This will enable youto better identify themissing content.

Sleep scripts not upgradedSleep scripts are not supported in 10.x. If you upgrade flows with scriptlets that are written in Sleep, they willbe separated to the project containing the invalid content.

After upgrade, rewrite the Sleep script as JavaScript.

Groups with names longer than 255 characters are not upgraded to roles, duringcontent upgradeChange the group names to shorter names, before upgrading.

LDAP is not upgraded and a 400 error appears on POSThttp://localhost:<port>/oo/rest/authns/ldap-configThis may occur because there are LDAP configurations that are supported in 9.x but are not supported in10.x. In this case, theUser filter was (objectClass=*) and did not contain a user name.

The LDAP upgrade calculates theUser ID attribute according to theUser filter.

l If the filter contains one user name, this user name is taken.

For example, if theUser filter is (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName={0})), theUser IDattribute is sAMAccountName.

l If the filter contains 0 or more than one user name, theUser ID attribute will be one of the following:l sAMAccountName, if the LDAP is Active Directory

l uid, otherwise

For example, if the filter is (&(objectClass=person)(|(sAMAccountName={0})(uid={0}))), then theUser ID attribute will be sAMAccountName if the LDAP is Active Directory and uid, otherwise.

Prompts with more than 255 characters are cutThe size limit for prompts in a flow is now 255 characters, while in previous versions, the size limit was 1024characters. After an upgrade, prompts with more than 255 characters will be cut down to the correct size.

After upgrading, check your prompts and see if there are any that aremissing information and need to berephrased.

Uncompleted flows not upgradedIf there are flows that were not completed before an upgrade (for example, those that are running or paused),they will be canceled during the upgrade.

Make sure that all flows have finished running before starting the upgrade.

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Operations with missing responses end up in the valid projectIn some situations, operations with missing responses end up in the valid project instead of the invalidproject.

After upgrading, you will need tomanually check the operations to see if they havemissing responses. Theseare not identified as invalid during the upgrade process.

Troubleshooting issues with inputs after anupgradeMissing system accountsAfter content upgrade, theremay be flows or steps in which inputs reference system accounts that do notexist.

Open the flow in Studio 10.x and change the input so that it references an existing system account.

In cases such as this, it does not help to go to the original repository in 9.x to look for themissing reference. Itmust be fixed in the 10.x project..

Upgrade fails for flows that have input binding of the type Credential, which is notassigned to any system accountChange these inputs to user prompt inputs.

Troubleshooting issues with reverting after anupgradeUnable to launch a previous Studio version after upgradingIf you have a 10.x workspace with folders inside theConfiguration sections, you will not be able to launch aprevious Studio version.

Open the workspace with the 10.x version, flatten the configuration items (move all items to the root sectionand delete the folders) and then re-open the workspace in a previous Studio version.

Lost descriptions when reverting flows, operations, configuration itemsReverting individual flows, operations, configuration items, or folders to a revision before upgrading to 10.xwill cause the description of corresponding items to be lost.

When you revert an entire project to a revision prior to upgrading to 10.x, the project is upgraded again, andtherefore, the descriptions are not lost. The recommended approach to revert to a revision before 10.x is torevert the entire project to that revision.

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Troubleshooting issues with duplications afteran upgradeThere are duplicates in the result distribution on the DashboardAfter an upgrade from HPE OO 9.x to 10.00, using the OOShell Utility to upgrade historical data will get theresult "Resolved" instead of "RESOLVED", as required in HPE OO 10.x. This causes duplicates in the resultdistribution on the Dashboard.

Upgrade to HPE OO 10.x before using the OOShell Utility to upgrade historical data.

Duplicated UUIDs in an upgraded projectIf you upgraded content with versions prior to 10.02, youmay get errors in Studio 10.x and in Central 10.xdeployment, and youmay have problems with installing the out-of-the-box content packs, such as the BaseContent Pack 13 and later.

The problems are caused by duplication of configuration items (system properties, system accounts, domainterms, selection lists, and so on). These items were part of the OO out-of-the-box content and theremay beduplications of these in your upgraded content. Out-of-the-box content should be treated as read-only. Thisprinciple was violated by former versions of the Content Upgrade Utility and version 10.5x and later fixes this.

l Upgrade your repository again, using an updated version of the Content Upgrade Utility (recommended).l Fix your repository manually:

a. Open your project in Studio, and go to the configuration folders.b. Locate the duplicated items (they have an error indication) and delete them.

Note: TheCategory domain term cannot be deleted from within Studio. If this item is duplicated,you will need to delete it from your file browser, outside of Studio.

For example, right-click on the item, select Show in Explorer, delete it from the file system, andthen refresh the project in Studio.

c. Deploy your exported content pack with the HPE Base Content Pack (version 12 or later).

Note: If you edited selection lists from the out-of-the-box content, you need to create them again,rename, and replace all usages.

Troubleshooting issues with schedules afteran upgradeSchedules containing input values longer than 4000 characters are not upgraded,during content upgradeChange the input values so that they are less than 4000 characters, before upgrading.

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Not all schedules are imported from 9.xIf you upgraded from 9.x and you want to import schedules using Operations Orchestration Shell (OOSH),note that only the schedules of the flows that do not have existing schedules in 10.x will be imported.

Make sure to complete the importing of the 9.x schedules before working with the HPE OO 10.x environmentfor scheduling and running flows.

Troubleshooting issues with multi-instancesteps after an upgradeMulti-instance steps don't work after upgradeIn 10.x, multi-instance steps are created in amulti-instance branch. In previous versions, flow authors woulduse the Toggle Multi-instance option to turn a regular step into amulti-instance step, and would createmultiple loops for the different targets of the step.

In 9.x, a multi-instance step was a single step, with a single set of properties. In 10.x, there are properties fortheMI branch step and also properties for each inner step within the branch. The flow will not work properlyafter upgrade, unless the properties of theMI branch step and the inner steps are set up correctly.

Adjust the properties for theMI branch step and the inner steps, so that they correspond with the guidelines inthe table below.

Open the Step Inspector for theMI branch step by double-clicking theMulti-step icon at the start of thestep.

Open the Step Inspector for each inner step by double-clicking the relevant step icon, inside the branch.

Property Inner steps MI branch step

Step UUID Same as original (before upgrade) Same as original

Assign Input from Input name Same as original

Assign Input to Not assigned Same as original

Result - From keyname

Same as original Same as the result name

Result - Assignment Overwrite Same as original

Result - Filter Same as original None

Scriptlet Same as original Upgrade scriptlet - will merge all theglobal variables of the inner steps.

Can't save a flow with a multi-instance stepAfter content upgrade to 10.x, a flow with amulti-instance step goes to the invalid project. After fixing the flowin Studio 10.x, it is not possible to save the flow.

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Delete all return steps and replace them with new return steps in Studio 10.x..

For more information about multi-instance steps, see "Converting Flows usingMulti-instance Steps from 9.xto 10.x Format" in theUpgrading to HPE OO 10.x from OO 9.x document.

Locating items in Studio for after upgradingfrom OO 9.xWhere's the Studio User Interface Item?OOno longer uses repositories. Files are stored locally on your file system and it is recommended to use asource control application for collaboration.

Where’s the repository?OOno longer uses repositories. Files are stored locally on your file system and it is recommended to use asource control application for collaboration.

Where are the Check In Check Out buttons and the My Changes/Checkoutspane?You can commit and check out from theSCM Changes pane if you are connected to source control. See"Working with Source Control" in the Studio Authoring Guide.

Why do the Projects and Dependencies panes seem to contain the same items?TheProjects pane and theDependencies pane are different:

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l TheProjects pane contains the editable flows, operations, and other OO objects that you can use in theproject.

l TheDependencies pane contains read-only flows, operations, and other OO objects. You can use theseobjects in your project but you cannot edit them. If you want to edit any of these objects, copy them intotheProjects pane.

Why can't I create operations?It still exists but now it creates an operation. What we removed is the option to create built-in operations suchas HTTP, SSH, Command line etc. Those have to be copied from an existing template operation.

You cannot create built-in operations, such as HTTP, SSH, or Command line. You will need to copy themfrom an existing template operation, and create a new operation from an action within the plugin. For moreinformation, see "Creating Operations " in the Studio Authoring Guide.

Why can't I create sleep scriptlets?Sleep scriptlets have been deprecated. In OO 10.x, scriptlets must be written in Rhino or Nashorn.

Where is the Categories domain term?There is now aConfiguration\Categories folder, where you can store categories for classifying flows. Thisreplaces theCategories domain term.

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Troubleshooting LocalizationCharacters appear in gibberish in the user interface for localized installations,when using MS SQL ServerIf your HPE OO system is localized and you are usingMS SQLServer, you will need to set the databasecollation to the relevant collation name, in according to your required language:

English: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

Japanese: Japanese_Unicode_CS_AS

Simplified Chinese: Chinese_Simplified_Stroke_Order_100_CS_AS

German: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

French: French_100_CS_AS

Spanish: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

If you already have a database installed, OO creates the tables using the database-specific collation. It isimportant to note that using other collations can cause characters to appear in gibberish in the user interfacefor localized installations. In addition, other collations are not officially supported in MS SQL for localizedinstallations.

Note also that for MS SQL, it is recommended that the same language is used all over the database.

Note: HPE OO does not support Unicode characters, when usingMS SQL.

The Test command in the Studio Filter Editor and the "Quick Command" in anoperation cannot handle Japanese characters?Modify theStudio.l4j.ini file (under <installation dir>/studio) and add the following parameter:


to ensure that localized characters are recognized by Windows.

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Installation TroubleshootingIssue What Should I Do?

In a cluster installation wheremodeshave different IPs, you get an errormessage when selecting a license.

This may occur because you have selected the licence for thewrong IP.

1. Choose one of the nodes and issue a license for the IPaddress of this node with the HPE LicenseManagementsystem.

2. Open the Central UI of the specific node (and not via the LoadBalancer IP) and install the license.

For more information, see "Setting Up Licensing" in theHPE OOCentral User Guide.

InWindows 2012, it can happen thateven though the correct version andtype of .net framework is installed,the .net operations fail with the error:"Can't initialize jni4net Bridge".

In Studio, flows and operations arenot highlighted in red, so you cannotsee there is a problem.

1. Repair the .net framework installation on that machine usingthe .net framework 4.5.1 full installer.

2. Restart HPE OOStudio/Central/RAS.

When Studio is installed onWindows2012, there is no progress bar whenimporting content or creating acontent pack. There is a Javalimitation for theWindows 2012operating system and the default lookand feel is not supported.

Modify theStudio.l4j.ini file (under <installation dir>/studio) tospecify a different look and feel. Add at the end of the file:


After an installation of HPE OO 10.xwith aMySQL database, thefollowing error may appear in thelogs:

"Packet for query is too large(2515019 > 1048576). You canchange this value on the server bysetting themax_allowed_packetvariable."

Before installing HPE OO 10.x with aMySQL database, makesure that themax_allowed_packet variable has aminimum valueof 250M. In order to do this, you can set the value for a session oras a permanent option of theMySQL server:

l To set it for within the session, run this command:

mysql --max_allowed_packet=250M

l To add it as a permanent option of theMySql server, add thefollowing line in <MYSQL_HOME_DIR>\my.ini ormy.cnf andthen restart theMySQL server:


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Issue What Should I Do?

Note: Theminimum is 250M, but some environments mayrequire more, depending on the size of the repository.

Silent installation does not work iftrailing spaces appear in silentproperties for paths.

Make sure that no trailing spaces appear in silent properties forpaths.

In some cases, Central is not startedas part of the installation, or theCentral URL cannot be accessedfrom a remote location. This may becaused by theWindows firewall.

Check theWindows firewall logs and policies. If required, contactyour server system administrator to discuss possible solutions.

If you install Studio on a path withspecial characters (for example,French, Japanese, or Chinesecharacters), this results in an error.

Install Studio from a folder without special characters.

Upgrading TroubleshootingIssue What Should I Do?

Rolling back a 10.5x installation to 10.10 failswith an internal Oracle error (ORA-600).

Upgrade to Oracle by applying patch 20299013.In some situations, patch 6880880 is required as well. Ifthis is the case, you will be informed while applying patch20299013.

After content upgrade, theremay be flows orsteps in which inputs reference systemaccounts that do not exist.

Open the flow in Studio 10.x and change the input so thatit references an existing system account.

In cases such as this, it does not help to go to the originalrepository in version 9.x to look for themissing reference.It must be fixed in the 10.x project.

After an upgrade from an earlier version of10.x, if you start Studio on the sameworkspace that was used with the previousversion, all the workspace settings areretained from the previous version.

If you roll back from 10.5x to the previousversion, if you start Studio on the sameworkspace, any changes made to theworkspace in 10.5x are not visible in Studio,but they are saved inside the user workspace.You will see the workspace settings you hadin the older version.

In this scenario, if you want to keep the settings from theearlier version in 10.5x , do the following:

1. Inside the user home directory, locate thesettings.xml file inside the .oo folder(C:/Users/<username>/.oo).

2. Remove the following line:


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Issue What Should I Do?

At this point, you canmodify your workspacesettings using the earlier 10.x version. Thesechanges in the workspace are saved.

If you upgrade to 10.5x again, and start Studioon the sameworkspace, the settings will bethose from 10.5x and you will not see theworkspace settings that were changed afterrolling back to the previous version.

If youmigrated a 9.x repository and youimported both the resulting project and thecontent pack, after upgrading to 10.02 or later,you will not find the project loaded in theworkspace. In the logs, you will see thefollowing error “Unable to open Project<name>. A content pack with the same namealready exists in your workspace.”

The project was not loaded in the workspacebut it still exists on the disk, in the locationwhere you created it. In 10.02 and later, it isnot possible to have a content pack and aproject with the same name open in theworkspace.

Close the resulting content pack and import the projectfrom the disk.

If you upgraded 9.x content with versions ofHPE OO prior to 10.02, youmay get errors inCentral 10.x deployment and youmay haveproblems deploying out-of-the-box contentpacks such as the Base Content Pack.

The problems are caused by duplication ofconfiguration items (system properties,system accounts, domain terms, selectionlists, and so on). These items were part of theHPE out-of-the-box content, and should betreated as read-only. This principle wasviolated by former versions of the ContentUpgrade Utility and version 10.02 fixes this.

l Upgrade your repository again, using the ContentUpgrade Utility for 10.02 or later (recommended).

l Fix your repository manually:a. Open your project in Studio, and go to the

configuration folders.b. Locate the duplicated items (they have an error

indication) and delete them.

Note: TheCategory domain term cannot bedeleted from within Studio. If this item isduplicated, you will need to delete it from yourfile browser, outside of Studio.

For example, right-click on the item, selectShow in Explorer, delete it from the filesystem, and then refresh the project in Studio.

c. Deploy your exported content pack with the latestversion of the HPE OOBase Content Pack.

Note: If you edited selection lists from the out-of-the-box content, you need to create them again,rename, and replace all usages.

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Issue What Should I Do?

After an upgrade from HPE OO 9.x to 10.00,using the OOShell Utility to upgrade historicaldata will get the result "Resolved" instead of"RESOLVED", as required in HPE OO 10.x.This causes duplicates in the resultsdistribution on the Dashboard.

Upgrade to HPE OO 10.x before using the OOShellUtility to upgrade historical data.

If you installed HPE OO 10.x using upgradefrom a 9.x server and you want to importschedules using Operations OrchestrationShell, note that, only the schedules of theflows that do not have existing schedules in10.x will bemigrated.

Make sure to complete the importing of the 9.x schedulesbefore working with the HPE OO 10.x environment forscheduling and running flows.

In some situations, operations with missingresponses end up in the valid project insteadof the invalid project.

After upgrading, you will need tomanually check theoperations to see if they havemissing responses. Theseare not identified as invalid during the upgrade process.

The size limit for prompts in a flow is now 255characters, while in previous versions, thesize limit was 1024 characters. After anupgrade, prompts with more than 255characters will be cut down to the correctsize.

After upgrading, check your prompts and see if there areany that aremissing information and need to be rephrased.

Studio TroubleshootingIssue What Should I Do?

In some cases, when there are items with duplicate UUIDs,when you connect to SVN/Git, you see one item as duplicatedand the other as stuck on validating.

Refresh the project.

If you install or upgrade to HPE OO 10.5x and you do not haveMicrosoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)installed, you will get an SVN error.

Download and install Microsoft VisualC++ 2010 Redistributable Package(x86). You need to install the versionfor the x86 platform, regardless of yourWindows version.

This package can be downloadedfrom: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=5555.

TheGit merge operation does not work correctly in the followingsituation:

1. The author creates a flow that contains a parallel lane in oneof its steps.

One of the following:

l Whenmerging, the author shouldselect “keep ours” or “keep theirs”.

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2. The author tries tomerge the flow throughGit. This results inamerge conflict on the parallel lane step producing “- ours”and “- theirs” files.

3. The author tries to resolve the conflict manually.4. The original flow is shown as being invalid and cannot be


l The author should create a new flowand perform the preferredmerge onthis new flow.

After an upgrade to 10.5x and later, it is no longer possible toperform manipulations like concatenation or parsing on sensitivedata in scriptlets, because this data is encrypted.

The issue is with manipulations on sensitive data that is retrievedby using ScriptletContext.get(x).

In previous versions, obfuscated data was provided to scriptletsas cleartext, so it was possible to manipulate it.

Choose one of the following options:

l If the data does not need to beencrypted, remove theSensitiveData flag from that item or from theoriginal item that caused it to bedefined as sensitive, via transitivity.

l If the data needs to be encrypted,refrain frommanipulating it inscriptlets and find an alternativemethod, for example, using actions.

When trying to connect to an empty Git repository, the cloneaction is executed successfully but the rest of the actions do notwork correctly. There is no notification of what is wrong, theproject colors are correct, and the commands are available, butthe push shows no files.

Make sure that the repository you wantto clone is not empty. The clone willwork if the repository has just adummy file.

HPE OO 10 does not resolve variables from step context.

In 9.x, to resolve a string like ${var} , HPE OOwould try to find amatch in the step context (existing inputs), flow context, globalcontext and system properties.

In 10.x, the search is only performed in flow context, globalcontext, and system properties.

Search for amatch in the step contextas well.

In amulti-author scenario, if you choose the optionUpdate Itemand Perform Lock Action in the dialog when locking an item,your project may get into an inconsistent state.

In order to resolve it you will have tomanually refresh the project.

If the item was previously moved orrenamed by a different author inanother Studio instance, you shouldalso update all your workspace byselectingSCM> Update All from themenu.

To refresh a project, select the projectand click theRefresh button in thetoolbar or right-click on the project andchoose theRefresh option.

By default, when you connect to the Remote Debugger after anupgrade, the certificate file passwords appear in regular text in theWindows Task Manager, in theProcesses tab.

In order to ensure that the passwordappears obfuscated in the TaskManager, run the encrypt-password

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For more information, see"Obfuscating the Studio KeyStore andTrustStore Passwords" in theHPEOOSecurity and Hardening Guide.

When connected to SCM and "Enforce locking" is enabled, afteryoumove a folder several times and then back to its originallocation, a lock error may appear when you try to commit thefolder, saying that is it not possible to verify the lock for the itemsinside it.

The solution is to perform an SCMUpdate action on the folder beforecommitting it.

During amultiple project import, a "GC overhead limit exceeded"error message appears.

The problem is caused by the fact thatthe heap is too small to accommodatesuch big project.

You need to increase thememoryallocation.

In theStudio.l4j.ini file, change the -Xmx value to a larger value. Forexample, 1500MB.


If you have a 10.x workspace with folders inside theConfiguration sections, you will not be able to launch a previousStudio version.

Open the workspace with the 10.xversion, flatten the configuration items(move all items to the root section anddelete the folders) and then re-open theworkspace in a previous Studioversion.

If a Studio/SlikSVN folder was renamed, moved or deleted,Studio might return SCM-related errors in theSCM Messagespane even if you did not configure an SCM repository URL.

If the SlikSvn folder was renamed,moved, or deleted, you have tocomment out every property from the<oo_folder>/studio/conf/scmCommands.properties file.

Under some screen resolutions, the tutorials are not clear. For the best experience when viewingthe tutorials, we recommend using thefollowing screen resolution: 1920 x1080.

Editing XML operations fails for large files. The problem is caused by the fact thatthe heap is too small to accommodatesuch big project.

You need to increase thememoryallocation.

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In theStudio.l4j.ini file, change the -Xmx value to a larger value. Forexample, 1500MB.


OnWindows 7, Windows 2008 Server, andWindows 2008Server R2, theremay be problems running SVN with Studio, ifyou aremissing the correct version of theMS Visual C++ DLLs.The following error message appears in theSCM Messagespane:

Cannot run program"C:\<path_to_oo_installation>\studio\SlikSvn\bin\svn": CreateProcesserror=14001, The application has failedto start because its side-by-sideconfiguration is incorrect. Please seethe application event log or use thecommand line sxstrace.exe toolfor more detail

Download and install theMicrosoftVisual C++ 2010 RedistributablePackage (x86).


When Studio is connected via Remote Debugger to a Centralwith authentication, flows that run in the Debugger without anyprompt input are not visible in theRunworkspace in Central.

Note: The run is present in the database in the OO_EXECUTION_SUMMARY table.

Grant the user viewing the RunManagement workspace remotedebugging rights in Central.

After importingmany content packs (typically, after deleting alarge number of content packs and importing newer versions),Studio can become slow, and actions might fail with an "out ofmemory" error.

Restart Studio.

If necessary, increase themaximumheap size by editing theStudio.l4j.inifile, located under <installation_path>\studio, and setting the value ofthe parameter -Xmx to a higher value.

When connected to a network share-based SVN repository (forexample, file:///myshared/repo), SCM operations (such asUpdate, Commit, and so on) take a long time to finish.

Use a dedicated web-based SVNserver instead of a network share-based repository. This is related to thefact that SVN is not optimized toefficiently use theWindows networkshare protocol.

Reverting individual flows, operations, configuration items, orfolders to a revision before upgrading to 10.x will cause thedescription of corresponding items to be lost.

When you revert an entire project to arevision prior to upgrading to 10.x, theproject is upgraded again, andtherefore, the descriptions are not lost.The recommended approach to revertto a revision before 10.x is to revert the

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entire project to that revision.

If, after rolling back to a Studio version previous to 10.x, the firsttime you open Studio, it freezes and an"UnknownFieldException: No such fieldcom.hp.oo.content.entities.*.descriptionCdata" error is present inthe logs.

See the "Rolling Back Studio" sectioninUpgrading to OO 10.x from anEarlier Version of OO 10.x, for therecommended way on how to roll backStudio to a version previous to 10.x.

Creating a content pack from a 10.x format project with a 10.02(or earlier) version of SDK will create an inconsistent contentpack.

Use only the 10.x version of SDK tocreate content pack out of 10.x formatprojects.

The following error message appears: "Select a new parent folderfor <item> in the library".

For example:

Delete the .idx and .tmp folders fromthe location of the project in theworkspace, and the .metadata folderfrom theContent subfolder of thesame project, and restart Studio.

In Studio SCM, after committing a single locked item (forexample, committing a single flow by right-clicking it in theProjects pane and selectingSCM > Commit), in some cases,the editor shows the item as still being locked. The lock is, in fact,not there, because committing always automatically releases thelocks.

This state can be resolved by updatingthe project or by unlocking the item,which eventually results in a warning:“svn: warning: W160040: No lock onpath…” After this, it is possible toobtain a lock again.

To avoid this limitation, it isrecommended that you always commitan entire folder or the entire project. Ifyou indeed need to a commit singleitem, check the lock after committingand update the item if necessary.

You cannot detach from SCM because you have locked items inyourworkspace and unlocking them fails (for example, the SCMserver is unreachable).

Delete the folder .svn under <userhome>\.oo\Workspace and restartStudio. Now your workspace will bedetached.

When using VisualSVN Server as an SVN server, in Studio theSCM operations (for example, Checkout, Update, Commit, andso on) take a long time to finish.

Change the network configuration ofVisualSVN Server to bind to an IPv4address.

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Issue What Should I Do?

If you use theSet Selection List operation from the HPSolutions content pack to add a custom value of a selection list,the custom value remains in Central even if the selection list itselfis deleted (in the oo_content_config_item and oo_config_item_values tables).

When redeploying, the new entity is reattached to the customvalue.

You can use one of the followingworkarounds to ensure that thecustom value is deleted correctly:

l After undeploying the old entity, butbefore deploying the new one,delete the configuration item using aREST call (with DELETE).or:Remove the custom value using aREST call (using PUT with null inthe request body).

When switching between VPNs with Studio running, a StudioDebugger message appears:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Domain id cannot benull

Close and reopen Studio.

Localization TroubleshootingIssue What Should I Do?

Characters appear in gibberish in theuser interface for localized installations,when usingMS SQLServer.

If your HPE OO system is localized and you are usingMS SQLServer, you will need to set the database collation to therelevant collation name, in according to your required language:

English: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

Japanese: Japanese_Unicode_CS_AS

Simplified Chinese: Chinese_Simplified_Stroke_Order_100_CS_AS

German: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

French: French_100_CS_AS

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Spanish: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

If you already have a database installed, OO creates the tablesusing the database-specific collation. It is important to note thatusing other collations can cause characters to appear ingibberish in the user interface for localized installations. Inaddition, other collations are not officially supported in MS SQLfor localized installations.

Note also that for MS SQL, it is recommended that the samelanguage is used all over the database.

Note: HPE OO does not support Unicode characters, whenusingMS SQL.

The Test command in the Studio FilterEditor and the "Quick Command" in anoperation cannot handle Japanesecharacters.

Modify theStudio.l4j.ini file (under <installation dir>/studio)and add the following parameter:


to ensure that localized characters are recognized by Windows.

Central TroubleshootingIssue What Should I Do?

Central/RAS fails with the following errorin the wrapper log:


Increase the size of theMetaspace.

This can be found in the in the central-wrapper.conf (or ras-wrapper.conf) file, in the following parameter:

-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=<new defined size>

Note: Metaspace consumes nativememory on the server.If it exhausts all available physical memory and startsusing swap space, the performance of OOwill degradesignificantly.

Special characters cannot be displayedcorrectly in the *.csv file when exportingthe Run Log to a CSV file

The problem is in the Excel CSV encoding, which can bechanged, as explained in:http://superuser.com/questions/280603/how-to-set-character-encoding-when-opening-excel

Also, make sure you are working with the correct configurationin OO and in the database.

When you delete a content pack thatcontains a plugin, the plugin is notdeleted from the Central cache. If you

The administrator shouldmanually clean up the cache, so thatonly the required libraries will be downloaded.

When the Central and RASes are down, delete the var/cache

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redeploy an artifact with the sameversion of the plugin, it does notoverwrite the old one.


When triggering a flow from Central, thefollowing error appears:

'There was a problem launching the flow.See the logs for details.'

Check if the default groupRAS_Operator_Path is assigned toany worker.

Some phases of a run always run on the default group, which isRAS_Operator_Path. Make sure that at least one worker isassigned to this group.

Central/RAS crashes with anOutOfMemory(OOM) exception.

Do one of the following:

l Increase the heap size for Central/RASl Remove the limit on the stepLogBuffer sizel Check if the content you ran can be changed so that itscontext will be smaller

Execution speed is low. It looks as if,over time, the run duration is gettinglonger.

1. Make sure the root cause of the bottleneck is notdatabase-related. Monitor the database resource usage(CPU, memory, IO, storage, network). For moreinformation about monitoring, see theMonitoring OO 10document on the HPE OOCommunity page.(https://hpln.hp.com/node/19651/attachment)

2. Increase the number of worker threads if your hardwarecan take it. See the "System Tuning" section in theHPEOO Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration Guide formore details.

3. Increase the number of database connections. See theHPE OO Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration Guidefor more details.

4. Scale out. See theHPE OOBenchmark PerformanceGuide document for more details.(https://hpln.hp.com/node/19651/attachment)

Firefox onWindows uses the desktopconfiguration for font size. In somecases, the desktop is configured to use125% font size as default, when usinglow resolution this may result in somelayout problems in Central.

This happens when the font size in Firefox is set to 125%zoom. Reduce the zoom to 100%.

Deploying content packs takes a longtime and an "out of memory" message isdisplayed.

Increase thememory for Central by changing the configurationof the central-wrapper.conf file. For example:

# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)wrapper.java.initmemory=1024

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)

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If you delete the /var/logs folder (forexample, for backup), the Centralwrapper.log file is not re-created underthe new /var/logs folder.

Create the logs folder inside the var folder.

If you get locked out of Central whenthere is SAML authentication, with noaccess via the identity provider, log intoHPE OO directly.

Make sure to keep the admin user, for this.

To log in directly, go to:


The remote host supports the use of theRC4 cipher. This cipher is flawed in itsgeneration of a pseudo-random stream ofbytes so that a wide variety of smallbiases are introduced into the stream,decreasing its randomness.

If plain text is repeatedly encrypted (forexample, HTTP cookies), and anattacker is able to obtain many (i.e., tensof millions of) cipher texts, the attackermay be able to derive the plain text.

Disable the RC4 cipher on the JRE level (starting with Java 7):

1. Open the $JRE_HOME/lib/security/java.security file.2. Edit the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property to disable

the RC4 cipher.For more information, seehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/18589761/restict-cipher-suites-on-jre-level.

For a flow that has already startedrunning on Central, if it requires a groupalias that does not have a worker groupmapped, themapping during the run willnot work , unless the worker group nameis identical to the group alias. The flowwill remain in aPaused_No_Workers_in_Group state. Resumewill not work.

For example, you have a step that needsto run on group alias Alias_A, and thereis nomapping of workers to this alias.OO tries to run the step on group aliasAlias_A, but since there are no workersinAlias_A, the execution is paused.When the administrator maps group aliasAlias_A to the worker groupGroup_Dand tries to resume the run, it does notwork.

From the Topology >Workers tab, assign a worker to aworker group with exactly the same name as the group aliasrequired by the flow. Then, resume the flow.

The default DRBG algorithmECDRBG128 is not safe, according toNIST.

Set the security property com.rsa.crypto.default toHMACDRBG by adding the following line in the <oo_jre>\lib\security\java.security file:

com.rsa.crypto.default.random = HMACDRBG

Formore information, see theHPE OOHardening Guide.

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In some cases, the content deploymentdoes not end or does not appear to end.This may be caused by the anti-virusblocking the browser read actions.

Check the CPU consumption of the anti-virus process at thetime of deployment, or check the anti-virus log file. If required,contact your server system administrator to discuss possiblesolutions.

When deploying new content in Central,theremay be error messages, sayingthat Central is missing some operations.

Make sure to deploy the base content pack and any other HPEcontent packs that are used in Studio before deploying yourown content packs.

When Central, the RAS, and the Centralclient (browser) are in different timezones, this can cause problems when aflow is run via the Scheduler. Forexample, the start time in the flow will bedifferent from the start time in the step.

Change the time zone on the RAS to be the same as the timezone on Central.

The HPE OO help links do not workthrough Load Balancer.

Make sure that the Load Balancer is configured correctly. Youneed to add to the Load Balancer all suffixes that are differentfrom /oo.Note: For Apache httpd, it is sufficient to make sure thatthe balancer members' URLs are just http://central_host:central_port/.

Under low screen resolution, some of thebuttons in the UI cannot be seen.

Increase the screen resolution to 1280 x 1024 or 1920 x 1080.

CUU identifies RAS_Operator_Path as acustom Remote Action Service resultingin a duplicate Group Alias on name in avalid project.

1. Change the name of upgraded RAS_Operator_Path fromthe valid project to a new name. The affected operationswill work on these new Group Alias only.

2. Map the new Group Alias to the RAS_Operator_Pathgroup.

Load Balancer TroubleshootingIssue What Should I Do?

Compression should not be set on the loadbalancer configuration.

This can affect the connection between Centraland workers and can lead to problems in newworker registration or existing workerfunctionality.

Remove the compression.

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Wizards TroubleshootingIssue What Should I Do?

The getCategoriesSOAP request fails whenbeing used as a flow in Studio using theWebServices wizard.

The reason the flow fails with NPE is that therequest that is sent is empty. The defaultbehavior is to trim all empty elements: if thatis all the request contains, no elements will beincluded in the envelope.

Use input trimNullComplexTypes, which is a hiddeninput with default value true. You have to set it to false.

Content Packs TroubleshootingIssue What Should I Do?

Some content fromMiddleware or SAPcontent packs appears in red in Studio.

Use the Content Third Party Wizard located under theStudio/tools folder to add any missing dependencies.

For more information, see theStudioWizards User Guide.

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Troubleshooting CentralSpecial characters cannot be displayed correctly in the *.csv file when you exportthe Run Log to a CSV fileThe problem is in the Excel CSV encoding, which can be changed, as explained in:http://superuser.com/questions/280603/how-to-set-character-encoding-when-opening-excel

Also, make sure you are working with the correct configuration in OO and in the database.

Plugins are not deleted from the Central cacheWhen you delete a content pack that contains a plugin, the plugin is not deleted from the Central cache. If youredeploy an artifact with the same version of the plugin, it does not overwrite the old one.

The administrator shouldmanually clean up the cache, so that only the required libraries will be downloaded.

When the Central and RASes are down, delete the var/cache folder.

Execution speed is low, and it looks as if, over time, the run duration is gettinglonger1. Make sure the root cause of the bottleneck is not database-related. Monitor the database resource usage

(CPU, memory, IO, storage, network). For more information about monitoring, see theMonitoring OO 10document on the HPE OOCommunity page.(https://hpln.hp.com/node/19651/attachment)

2. Increase the number of worker threads if your hardware can take it. See the "System Tuning" section intheHPE OO Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration Guide for more details.

3. Increase the number of database connections. See theHPE OO Installation, Upgrade, andConfiguration Guide for more details.

4. Scale out. See theHPE OOBenchmark PerformanceGuide document for more details.(https://hpln.hp.com/node/19651/attachment)

Low resolution on FirefoxFirefox onWindows uses the desktop configuration for font size. In some cases, the desktop is configured touse 125% font size as default, when using low resolution this may result in some layout problems in Central.

This happens when the font size in Firefox is set to 125% zoom. Reduce the zoom to 100%.

Deploying content packs takes a long time and an "out of memory" message isdisplayedIncrease thememory for Central by changing the configuration of the central-wrapper.conf file. For example:

# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)wrapper.java.initmemory=1024

# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)wrapper.java.maxmemory=2048

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Central wrapper.log file is not recreated during backupIf you delete the /var/logs folder (for example, for backup), the Centralwrapper.log file is not re-createdunder the new /var/logs folder.

Create the logs folder inside the var folder.

Locked out of Central when there is SAML authenticationIf you get locked out of Central when there is SAML authentication, with no access via the identity provider,log into HPE OO directly. Make sure to keep the admin user, for this.

To log in directly, go to:


Remote host supports the use of the RC4 cipherThe remote host supports the use of the RC4 cipher. This cipher is flawed in its generation of a pseudo-random stream of bytes so that a wide variety of small biases are introduced into the stream, decreasing itsrandomness.

If plain text is repeatedly encrypted (for example, HTTP cookies), and an attacker is able to obtain many (i.e.,tens of millions of) cipher texts, the attacker may be able to derive the plain text.

Disable the RC4 cipher on the JRE level (starting with Java 7):

1. Open the $JRE_HOME/lib/security/java.security file.2. Edit the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property to disable the RC4 cipher.For more information, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18589761/restict-cipher-suites-on-jre-level.

Mapping group alias and worker group does not workFor a flow that has already started running on Central, if it requires a group alias that does not have a workergroupmapped, themapping during the run will not work, unless the worker group name is identical to thegroup alias. The flow will remain in aPaused_No_Workers_in_Group state. Resumewill not work.

For example, you have a step that needs to run on group alias Alias_A, and there is nomapping of workers tothis alias. OO tries to run the step on group alias Alias_A, but since there are no workers inAlias_A, theexecution is paused. When the administrator maps group alias Alias_A to the worker groupGroup_D andtries to resume the run, it does not work.

From the Topology >Workers tab, assign a worker to a worker group with exactly the same name as thegroup alias required by the flow. Then, resume the flow.

Default DRBG algorithm ECDRBG128 is not safeThe default DRBG algorithm ECDRBG128 is not safe, according to NIST.

Set the security property com.rsa.crypto.default toHMACDRBG by adding the following line in the <oo_jre>\lib\security\java.security file:

com.rsa.crypto.default.random = HMACDRBG

Formore information, see theHPE OOHardening Guide.

Content deployment does not endIn some cases, the content deployment does not end or does not appear to end. This may be caused by theanti-virus blocking the browser read actions.

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Check the CPU consumption of the anti-virus process at the time of deployment, or check the anti-virus logfile. If required, contact your server system administrator to discuss possible solutions.

Error messages during deployment, saying that Central is missing operationsWhen deploying new content in Central, theremay be error messages, saying that Central is missing someoperations.

Make sure to deploy the base content pack and any other HPE content packs that are used in Studio beforedeploying your own content packs.

Scheduled runs have inconsistent start times in flows and stepsWhenCentral, the RAS, and the Central client (browser) are in different time zones, this can cause problemswhen a flow is run via the Scheduler. For example, the start time in the flow will be different from the start timein the step.

Change the time zone on the RAS to be the same as the time zone on Central.

The OO help links do not work through the load balancerMake sure that the Load Balancer is configured correctly. You need to add to the Load Balancer all suffixesthat are different from /oo.

Note: For Apache httpd, it is sufficient to make sure that the balancer members' URLs are justhttp://central_host:central_port/.

Under low screen resolution, some of the buttons in the UI cannot be seenIncrease the screen resolution to 1280 x 1024 or 1920 x 1080.

Problems with new worker registration or existing worker functionalityCompression should not be set on the load balancer configuration.

This can affect the connection between Central and workers and can lead to problems in new workerregistration or existing worker functionality.

Remove the compression.

Typical Deployment ErrorsFailed to read the file <cp jar name>. The file might be corrupt.This error message appears when HPE OO is unable to read a content pack.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Failed to read the file <cp jar name>. The file is empty.This error message appears when the content pack file is empty.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

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Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Wrong file format. <cp jar name> should contain the Lib and Content root folders.This error message appears when a content pack is missing the required Lib andContent folders.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

Wrong file format. <cp jar name> is missing the 'contentpack.properties' file.This error message appears when a content pack is missing a required file.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

Missing ‘<flow or operation/type of configuration item>’ with UUID ‘<uuid>’, whichis required by the ‘<flow/operation>’: ‘<flow path/operation uuid>’.This error message appears when there is amissing flow, operation, or configuration item.


1. Go to Studio and search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in either theHPE content packs or other projects in your repository.

2. Redeploy the deployment unit with the content pack that contains the flow, operation, or configurationitem that you found.

Missing ‘<flow or operation/type of configuration item>’ with UUID ‘<uuid>’, whichis required by the ‘<flow/operation>’: ‘<flow path/operation uuid>’ and <number ofadditional dependents> more . See the server log for the full list of dependents.This error message appears when there is amissing entity (flow, operation, or configuration item) that otherflows or operations depend upon.


1. Check the server log to see all of the flows and operations that depend on this missing entity.2. Go to Studio and search for a flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in either the

HPE content packs or other projects in your repository.3. Redeploy the deployment unit with the content pack that contains the flow, operation, or configuration

item that you found..

An exception occurred during deployment. Check the server log for more details.This error messagemay appear in a number of different situations, leading to an exception duringdeployment. This includes conflicts between two deployed configuration items with the same type and path.


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Check the server log to see the details of the exception. In the case of a configuration item path conflict,check the general.log file for themost detailed information.

The content pack that you are deploying has been deployed previously. In theprevious deployment, this content pack contained an entity ('<entity type>' named'<entity name>' with UUID <uuid>), which is used by other deployed content packs(<names of one or 2 cps>). The current content pack that is being deployed ismissing that entity.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack that has been deployed previously, andthis content pack originally contained an entity that is used by other deployed content packs. However, theversion that you are deploying is missing that entity.


Option 1: Go to Studio and search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in aprevious version of the content pack that you are deploying, and add it to the current version of the contentpack.

Option 2: Go to Studio and in the dependent content pack(s), remove the dependency on the given flow,operation, or configuration item, and redeploy that/those content packs as well.

The content pack that you are deploying has been deployed previously. In theprevious deployment, this content pack contained an entity (('<entity type>'named '<entity name>' with UUID <uuid>), which is used by other deployedcontent packs (<name of one of the cps> and <number of other cps> more. Thecurrent content pack that is being deployed is missing that entity. See the serverlog for the full list of dependent content packs.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack that has been deployed previously, andthis content pack originally contained an entity that is used by other deployed content packs. However, theversion that you are deploying is missing that entity.


Check the server log to see all of the content packs that depend on this missing entity.

Option 1: Go to Studio and search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in aprevious version of the content pack that you are deploying, and add it to the current version of the contentpack.

Option 2: Go to Studio and in the dependent content pack(s), remove the dependency on the given flow,operation, or configuration item, and redeploy that/those content packs as well.

A flow with UUID <uuid> has <number of scheduled tasks> scheduled tasks thatwill be deleted.This warningmessage appears when a flow is being deleted by deploying a new version of an alreadydeployed content pack that contained flows with scheduled tasks.


There is nothing to fix.

Schema validation error in ‘<flow name>’. <the xml parser exception>.This error message appears when the schema is not correctly validated.

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Go to Studio and select Create content pack and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

A flow with a duplicated path is being deployed. This path already exists either ina flow in another content pack in the deployment unit, or in a flow that wasdeployed previously. To see the error details, run the deployment again with theserver log level set to DEBUG.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack with a flow that has the same path asanother flow in another content pack in the deployment unit.


1. To see the details about the flow path, flow UUID, and content pack name, run the deployment againwith the server log level set to DEBUG. You will receive one of the following errors:l A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this path has previouslybeen deployed.

l A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this path exists in thecontent pack ‘<name of content pack>’.

2. In Studio, modify one of the content packs so that there is no longer a duplication, and redeploy thecontent pack. For more information about the required changes, see the sections about these errormessages, below.

A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this pathhas previously been deployed.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack with a flow that has the same path as aflow that was previously deployed.


In Studio, change the path of the flow (change the name of one of the folders or the flow name) and redeploythe content pack.

A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this pathexists in the content pack ‘<name of content pack>’.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack with a flow that has the same path asanother flow in another content pack in the deployment unit.


In Studio, change the path of the flow (change the name of one of the folders or the flow name) and redeploythe content pack.

A ‘<flow or operation/type of configuration item>’ with a duplicated UUID: <uuid>is being deployed. This UUID already exists in a ‘<flow or pperation/type ofconfiguration item>’in the content pack ‘<name of content pack>’.This error message appears when you are trying to deploy a content pack with a flow, operation, orconfiguration item that has the sameUUID as an item in another content pack that is deployed in the

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deployment unit.


1. In Studio, search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID.2. Copy the flow, operation, or configuration item into the same project.3. Delete the original copy of the flow, operation, or configuration item, in that same project.4. Select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

The property <content.pack.name/content.pack.version> is missing in theproperties file contentpack.properties.This error message appears when the content pack name or version aremissing from the content pack’sproperties file.


Go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Service unavailable. The server may be down, too busy, or experiencing networkproblems. Check the server log for the deployment status.This error message appears when the server is either too busy to handle the request or is down formaintenance, or when some network error has prevented the response from arriving to the client.


Check the server log to see if the deployment didn’t start or end successfully, or failed.

During deployment the file name became corrupted. Please try to redeploy.In some cases, the file name arrives in a corrupt state, and causes an exception.


Deploy again.

Typical Central Error MessagesYou do not have permission to perform this action.This error message appears when you are logged in as a user that does not have permission to perform theaction.


Log in as a user with the appropriate permission. Alternatively, ask the administrator to give your userpermission to perform the action.

An error has occurred. Check the server log for more details.This error message appears when there is an unexpected error status from the server, but no error status textwas received.


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Check the server logs to see if there was an exception.

liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock.After a few attempts to log into the system, the server does not start and this error message appears.


In theDATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table, set the value of the LOCKED column to 0.

<server response status (for example, Internal Server Error)>. Check the serverlog for more details.This error message appears when there is an unexpected error status from the server (for example, “Out ofmemory”).


Check the server logs to see if there was an exception.

There was a problem launching the flow. See the logs for detailsThis error message appears when you are triggering a flow from Central.

Check if the default groupRAS_Operator_Path is assigned to any worker.

Some phases of a run always run on the default group, which is RAS_Operator_Path. Make sure that atleast one worker is assigned to this group.

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: MetaspaceCentral/RAS fails with this error in the wrapper log.

Increase the size of theMetaspace.

This can be found in the in the central-wrapper.conf (or ras-wrapper.conf) file, in the following parameter:

-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=<new defined size>

Note: Metaspace consumes nativememory on the server. If it exhausts all available physical memoryand starts using swap space, the performance of OOwill degrade significantly.

OutOfMemory (OOM) exceptionCentral/RAS crashes with anOutOfMemory (OOM) exception.

Do one of the following:

l Increase the heap size for Central/RASl Remove the limit on the stepLogBuffer sizel Check if the content you ran can be changed so that its context will be smaller

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Typical Central Errors

Typical Deployment ErrorsFailed to read the file <cp jar name>. The file might be corrupt.This error message appears when HPE OO is unable to read a content pack.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Failed to read the file <cp jar name>. The file is empty.This error message appears when the content pack file is empty.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Wrong file format. <cp jar name> should contain the Lib and Content root folders.This error message appears when a content pack is missing the required Lib andContent folders.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

Wrong file format. <cp jar name> is missing the 'contentpack.properties' file.This error message appears when a content pack is missing a required file.


If the file was copied from another machine, try copying it again.

Otherwise, go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

Missing ‘<flow or operation/type of configuration item>’ with UUID ‘<uuid>’, whichis required by the ‘<flow/operation>’: ‘<flow path/operation uuid>’.This error message appears when there is amissing flow, operation, or configuration item.


1. Go to Studio and search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in either theHPE content packs or other projects in your repository.

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2. Redeploy the deployment unit with the content pack that contains the flow, operation, or configurationitem that you found.

Missing ‘<flow or operation/type of configuration item>’ with UUID ‘<uuid>’, whichis required by the ‘<flow/operation>’: ‘<flow path/operation uuid>’ and <number ofadditional dependents> more . See the server log for the full list of dependents.This error message appears when there is amissing entity (flow, operation, or configuration item) that otherflows or operations depend upon.


1. Check the server log to see all of the flows and operations that depend on this missing entity.2. Go to Studio and search for a flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in either the

HPE content packs or other projects in your repository.3. Redeploy the deployment unit with the content pack that contains the flow, operation, or configuration

item that you found..

An exception occurred during deployment. Check the server log for more details.This error messagemay appear in a number of different situations, leading to an exception duringdeployment. This includes conflicts between two deployed configuration items with the same type and path.


Check the server log to see the details of the exception. In the case of a configuration item path conflict,check the general.log file for themost detailed information.

The content pack that you are deploying has been deployed previously. In theprevious deployment, this content pack contained an entity ('<entity type>' named'<entity name>' with UUID <uuid>), which is used by other deployed content packs(<names of one or 2 cps>). The current content pack that is being deployed ismissing that entity.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack that has been deployed previously, andthis content pack originally contained an entity that is used by other deployed content packs. However, theversion that you are deploying is missing that entity.


Option 1: Go to Studio and search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in aprevious version of the content pack that you are deploying, and add it to the current version of the contentpack.

Option 2: Go to Studio and in the dependent content pack(s), remove the dependency on the given flow,operation, or configuration item, and redeploy that/those content packs as well.

The content pack that you are deploying has been deployed previously. In theprevious deployment, this content pack contained an entity (('<entity type>'named '<entity name>' with UUID <uuid>), which is used by other deployedcontent packs (<name of one of the cps> and <number of other cps> more. Thecurrent content pack that is being deployed is missing that entity. See the serverlog for the full list of dependent content packs.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack that has been deployed previously, and

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this content pack originally contained an entity that is used by other deployed content packs. However, theversion that you are deploying is missing that entity.


Check the server log to see all of the content packs that depend on this missing entity.

Option 1: Go to Studio and search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID in aprevious version of the content pack that you are deploying, and add it to the current version of the contentpack.

Option 2: Go to Studio and in the dependent content pack(s), remove the dependency on the given flow,operation, or configuration item, and redeploy that/those content packs as well.

A flow with UUID <uuid> has <number of scheduled tasks> scheduled tasks thatwill be deleted.This warningmessage appears when a flow is being deleted by deploying a new version of an alreadydeployed content pack that contained flows with scheduled tasks.


There is nothing to fix.

Schema validation error in ‘<flow name>’. <the xml parser exception>.This error message appears when the schema is not correctly validated.


Go to Studio and select Create content pack and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

A flow with a duplicated path is being deployed. This path already exists either ina flow in another content pack in the deployment unit, or in a flow that wasdeployed previously. To see the error details, run the deployment again with theserver log level set to DEBUG.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack with a flow that has the same path asanother flow in another content pack in the deployment unit.


1. To see the details about the flow path, flow UUID, and content pack name, run the deployment againwith the server log level set to DEBUG. You will receive one of the following errors:l A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this path has previouslybeen deployed.

l A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this path exists in thecontent pack ‘<name of content pack>’.

2. In Studio, modify one of the content packs so that there is no longer a duplication, and redeploy thecontent pack. For more information about the required changes, see the sections about these errormessages, below.

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A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this pathhas previously been deployed.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack with a flow that has the same path as aflow that was previously deployed.


In Studio, change the path of the flow (change the name of one of the folders or the flow name) and redeploythe content pack.

A flow with a duplicated path: ‘<flow path>’ is being deployed. A flow with this pathexists in the content pack ‘<name of content pack>’.This error message appears when you are deploying a content pack with a flow that has the same path asanother flow in another content pack in the deployment unit.


In Studio, change the path of the flow (change the name of one of the folders or the flow name) and redeploythe content pack.

A ‘<flow or operation/type of configuration item>’ with a duplicated UUID: <uuid>is being deployed. This UUID already exists in a ‘<flow or pperation/type ofconfiguration item>’in the content pack ‘<name of content pack>’.This error message appears when you are trying to deploy a content pack with a flow, operation, orconfiguration item that has the sameUUID as an item in another content pack that is deployed in thedeployment unit.


1. In Studio, search for the flow, operation, or configuration item with the given UUID.2. Copy the flow, operation, or configuration item into the same project.3. Delete the original copy of the flow, operation, or configuration item, in that same project.4. Select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Note: Do not edit the contents of the content pack manually.

The property <content.pack.name/content.pack.version> is missing in theproperties file contentpack.properties.This error message appears when the content pack name or version aremissing from the content pack’sproperties file.


Go to Studio and select Create content pack, and redeploy the content pack.

Service unavailable. The server may be down, too busy, or experiencing networkproblems. Check the server log for the deployment status.This error message appears when the server is either too busy to handle the request or is down formaintenance, or when some network error has prevented the response from arriving to the client.


Check the server log to see if the deployment didn’t start or end successfully, or failed.

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During deployment the file name became corrupted. Please try to redeploy.In some cases, the file name arrives in a corrupt state, and causes an exception.


Deploy again.

Typical Central ErrorsYou do not have permission to perform this action.This error message appears when you are logged in as a user that does not have permission to perform theaction.


Log in as a user with the appropriate permission. Alternatively, ask the administrator to give your userpermission to perform the action.

An error has occurred. Check the server log for more details.This error message appears when there is an unexpected error status from the server, but no error status textwas received.


Check the server logs to see if there was an exception.

liquibase: Waiting for changelog lock.After a few attempts to log into the system, the server does not start and this error message appears.


In theDATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table, set the value of the LOCKED column to 0.

<server response status (for example, Internal Server Error)>. Check the serverlog for more details.This error message appears when there is an unexpected error status from the server (for example, “Out ofmemory”).


Check the server logs to see if there was an exception.

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Known Issues and TroubleshootingBecause of the changes in 10.x, there are some types of flows that may not upgrade properly. In some cases,you will be able tomodify the flows, to get them to work properly. In other cases, it is recommended to savethe original flow, to be used in later versions of HPE OO, and in themeantime, to create a new flow thatworks differently.

Content that is not supported by 10.x is stored in a separate project after upgrade, and is not included in thecontent pack. For more information about what kind of content is not supported, see theOO10.00 BaseContent Pack 1.0 Release Notes. For more information about features that are not supported in 10.x, seeKnown Issues and Limitations in theOO10.x Release Notes.

Missing System Accounts

Issue: After content upgrade, theremay be flows or steps in which inputs reference system accounts that donot exist.

Solution: Open the flow in Studio 10.x and change the input so that it references an existing system account.

In cases such as this, it does not help to go to the original repository in 9.x to look for themissing reference. Itmust be fixed in the 10.x project.

Duplicated UUIDs in an Upgraded Project

Issue: If you upgraded content with versions prior to 10.02, youmay get errors in Studio 10.x and in Central10.x deployment, and youmay have problems with installing the out-of-the-box content packs, such as theBase Content Pack 13.

The problems are caused by duplication of configuration items (system properties, system accounts, domainterms, selection lists, and so on). These items were part of the HPE out-of-the-box content and theremay beduplications of these in your upgraded content. Out-of-the-box content should be treated as read-only. Thisprinciple was violated by former versions of the Content Upgrade Utility and version 10.x fixes this.


l Upgrade your repository again, using the Content Upgrade Utility for 10.x (recommended).l Fix your repository manually:

a. Open your project in Studio, and go to the configuration folders.b. Locate the duplicated items (they have an error indication) and delete them.

Note: TheCategory domain term cannot be deleted from within Studio. If this item is duplicated,you will need to delete it from your file browser, outside of Studio.

For example, right-click on the item, select Show in Explorer, delete it from the file system, andthen refresh the project in Studio.

c. Deploy your exported content pack with the HPE Base Content Pack (version 12\13).

Note: If you edited selection lists from the out-of-the-box content, you need to create them again,rename, and replace all usages.

Modified OOTB Scriptlets are Overwritten After Upgrade

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Issue: If the 9.x repository contains a copy of an out-of-the-box operation with a scriptlet, and that scriptletwas modified, after content upgrade, themodified scriptlet will be overwritten by the out-of-the-box version.

Solution: If the change in the scriptlet is important, you will need tomanually edit the scriptlet in the copiedoperation.

Problems Upgrading Repositories

Issue:When you upgrade a repository that is not fully exported from Studio youmay receive a warning,because some data is invalid.


1. In 9.x, export the repository from Studio: Right-click Repository, and select Export as NewRepository.

2. Select a name and location for the repository.3. In the Export Options page, make sure that all the check boxes are cleared (not selected) apart from the

Encrypt system properties check box. Checking theEncrypt system properties check box isoptional. However, note that after content upgrade, the system properties will be obfuscated with the10.x mechanism.

4. Run the Content Upgrade Utility on that repository.

Note: Exporting a repository fixes the cases of invalid data.

Studio Errors After Upgrading a DotNet iAction

Issue: After you upgrade content that includes .NET iActions, theremay be Studio errors because of a thirdparty DLL dependency that is only for 32-bit platforms. For example,Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Management.dll andMicrosoft.GroupPolicy.Management.Interop.dll.

Solution: If the repository includes custom .NET iActions, it is recommended to clean your RAS folder copyand leave only the DLLs that are required for your iActions before upgrading content.

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Note: Make sure to copy the RAS lib directories to a different location before deleting anything from themand upgrading them.

Backup Corruption

When rolling back the 10.x patch, if one of the folders was renamed or if some files were deleted, the rollbackwill fail and the application (Central\ Studio\ RAS) will not start.

Solution: Save the backup folder that is created after the upgrade process as a ZIP file, and extract it to thesame location before rolling back the upgrade.

Permission Errors in Linux

Issue: The content upgrade package for Linux does not have execution rights by default for the files upgrade-content.sh and /java/bin/java. This may cause you to receive error messages like the following:

-bash: ./upgrade-content.sh: Permission denied

./upgrade-content.sh: line 5: ../java/bin/java: Permission denied

Solution: To avoid this, grant execution rights for the files.

Content Pack Dependencies

Issue: Deployment of upgraded content fails due to a dependency error.

Solution: Review the upgrade report andmake sure you have deployed all the content packs that arementioned in it. For more details about the content packs that the Content Upgrade Utility recognizes, andhow to handle other content, see "Exclude Partner Content from Upgrade" in Step 3: Upgrade Content .

Review the deployment error and look for themissing UUIDs in your 9.x Studio content. This will enable youto better identify themissing content.

Sleep Scripts Not Supported

Issue:Sleep scripts are not supported in 10.x. If you upgrade flows with scriptlets that are written in Sleep,they will be separated to the project containing the invalid content.

Solution: After upgrade, rewrite the Sleep script as JavaScript.

Upgrade Fails for Flows With Input Binding of Type Credential

Issue: Upgrade fails for flows that have input binding of the typeCredential, which is not assigned to anysystem account.

Solution: Change these inputs to user prompt inputs.

Long Group Names Not Upgraded

Issue: Groups with names longer than 255 characters are not upgraded to roles, during content upgrade.

Solution: Change the group names to shorter names, before upgrading.

Long Inputs Not Upgraded

Issue: Schedules containing input values longer than 4000 characters are not upgraded, during contentupgrade.

Solution: Change the input values so that they are less than 4000 characters, before upgrading.

LDAP Configuration is not Upgraded

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Issue: LDAP is not upgraded and a 400 error appears on POSThttp://localhost:<port>/oo/rest/authns/ldap-config.

Solution: This may occur because there are LDAP configurations that are supported in 9.x but are notsupported in 10.x. In this case, theUser filter was (objectClass=*) and did not contain a user name.

The LDAP upgrade calculates theUser ID attribute according to theUser filter.

l If the filter contains one user name, this user name is taken.

For example, if theUser filter is (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName={0})), theUser IDattribute is sAMAccountName.

l If the filter contains 0 or more than one user name, theUser ID attribute will be one of the following:l sAMAccountName, if the LDAP is Active Directory

l uid, otherwise

For example, if the filter is (&(objectClass=person)(|(sAMAccountName={0})(uid={0}))), then theUser ID attribute will be sAMAccountName if the LDAP is Active Directory and uid, otherwise.

Operations with Missing Responses Not Identified as Invalid

Issue: In some situations, operations with missing responses end up in the valid project instead of the invalidproject.

Solution: After upgrading, you will need tomanually check the operations to see if they havemissingresponses. These are not identified as invalid during the upgrade process.

Different Size Limit for Prompts

Issue: The size limit for prompts in a flow is now 255 characters, while in previous versions, the size limitwas 1024 characters. After an upgrade, prompts with more than 255 characters will be cut down to the correctsize.

Solution: After upgrading, check your prompts and see if there are any that aremissing information and needto be rephrased.

Uncompleted Flows Not Upgraded

Issue: If there are flows that were not completed before an upgrade (for example, those that are running orpaused), they will be canceled during the upgrade.

Solution: Make sure that all flows have finished running before starting the upgrade.

Multi-instance Steps

In 10.x, multi-instance steps are created in amulti-instance branch. In previous versions, flow authors woulduse the Toggle Multi-instance option to turn a regular step into amulti-instance step, and would createmultiple loops for the different targets of the step.

Issue: In 9.x, a multi-instance step was a single step, with a single set of properties. In 10.x, there areproperties for theMI branch step and also properties for each inner step within the branch. The flow will notwork properly after upgrade, unless the properties of theMI branch step and the inner steps are set upcorrectly.

Solution: Adjust the properties for theMI branch step and the inner steps, so that they correspond with theguidelines in the table below.

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Open the Step Inspector for theMI branch step by double-clicking theMulti-step icon at the start of thestep.

Open the Step Inspector for each inner step by double-clicking the relevant step icon, inside the branch.

Property Inner steps MI branch step

Step UUID Same as original (before upgrade) Same as original

Assign Input from Input name Same as original

Assign Input to Not assigned Same as original

Result - From keyname

Same as original Same as the result name

Result - Assignment Overwrite Same as original

Result - Filter Same as original None

Scriptlet Same as original Upgrade scriptlet - will merge all theglobal variables of the inner steps.

Can't Save a Flow with a Multi-instance Step

Issue: After content upgrade to 10.x, a flow with amulti-instance step goes to the invalid project. After fixingthe flow in Studio 10.x, it is not possible to save the flow.

Solution: Delete all return steps and replace them with new return steps in Studio 10.x.

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Formore information about upgrading content with multi-instance steps, see Converting Flows usingMulti-instance Steps from 9.x to 10.21 Format.

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