
Post on 11-Nov-2014

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To deal with individuals on a work situation, two things are important:

•The ability to deal with people

•To know about the essential features of laws governing employment relationship

Which dealing with the employees (workers), some of the questions keep on agitating the minds of the concerned manager with regards to legal procedures acting and its possible implicating within the purview of law. Hence it is impartial for managers / executives to make themselves aware and understand some of the basic and essential features of laws governing employment relationship.

There are numerous laws in the shape of acts, ordinance etc. which contains statutory provisioning regarding following matters commonly confronted by the managers / executives in discharge of their duties which dealing with workers.



1. Social Compliance2. Training & Development3. Health & Safety4. Personnel Management5. Industrial Relations6. Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Management

Comprises Six Main Functions


• Child Labour• Forced Labour• Health and Safety• Discrimination

• Disciplinary Practices• Working Hours• Compensation• Management System

• Freedom of association and right of Collective Bargaining

Social Compliance


Training & Development

Management support training & development programs to ensure motivated and professionally competent people are available within the organization. This is an essential responsibility of every manager and is a part of their key result area and objectives

A corporate training department which apart from assessing individual training needs also provides extensive in house training and consultancy for the development of employee


• Recruitment Policy

• Grade & Salary Structure

• Training & Development

• Performance Appraisal & Management System

• Car Policy

• MIS-Human

• Resources

• Retirement Policy

• Overseas Travel Policy

• Limits of Authority

• Leave Policy

• Terms & Condition of Service

• Record Policy

Personnel Management


Personnel Management

• Transfer Policy

• Security Policy

• Management Trainee Scheme

• Succession Planning Promotion Policy

• HR Audit

• Housing Policy



• Factories Act, 1934 - Law regulating labour in factories• West Pakistan Industrial and Commercial Employment

(Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968 - Law relating to Industrial and Commercial employment.

• Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969 - Law relating to the formation of Trade Unions; regulating of relations between employees and workmen and avoidance and settlement of any differences or disputes arising between them.

• Provincial Employees Social Security Ordinance, 1965 - Scheme for providing benefits to certain employees or their dependents in the event of sickness, maternity, injury or death etc.

Industrial Relations


• Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Act, 1976 - Act relating to old age pension for person employed in industrial, commercial and other organizations.

• Employment Children Act, 1991 - Act to prohibit employment of children..

• Company Profits (Worker’s Participation) Act, 1968 - Act to provide for participation of workers in company profits.

• Worker’s Children (Education) Ordinance, 1972 - Law relating to education of worker’s children.

• Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 - An Act to provide for the payment by employers to workmen for compensation relating to injury by accident.



The West Pakistan Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968

• Governs employment relationship / conditions of employment-classification of workmen, appointment letter, granting leave, payment of wages, attendance and

late coming, group insurance scheme , profit bonus, lay off closure,

retrenchment, termination, dismissal and its procedure


The Industrial Relations Ordinance (2002)

• Governs collective relations-the right of association, the right of collective

bargaining, workers participation in management and individual grievance

procedure in respect of grievances arising out of rights guaranteed or secured to the workers by or under any law, award or



The Factory Act, 1934

• Governs the conditions of work in factories-Safety & Health measures,

measures for accident prevention, working hours, weekly holidays, festival holidays,

overtime, and certain facilities at workplace


West Pakistan Shop and Establishments Ordinance, 1969

• Governs the conditions of work in shops and commercial establishments including clerical departments of factories-working hours, weekly holidays, leaves etc

The Payment of Wages Act, 1936

• Time for payment of wages, procedure for deduction from wages and redress of grievances arising due to deductions from wages or delays in the payment of wages


Bargaining Issues

1. Dispute about employment, non-employment, terms of employment or the conditions of work of any person (workman) not involving the enforcement of any right guaranteed by law , Award of settlement in respect of any of these matters

2. Wage Rates—Terms of Employment

3. Allowances Rates—Terms of Employment

4. Bonuses Rates—Terms of Employment

5. Leaves Rates—Terms of Employment

6. Work Hours Rates—Terms of Employment

7. Provident Fund Rates—Terms of Employment

8. Gratuity Rates—Terms of Employment


9. Medical facilities if not covered by SSS Rates—Terms of Employment

10. Provision of Transport facility Rates—Terms of Employment

11. Pension Rates—Terms of Employment

12. Grant of loan Rates—Terms of Employment

13. Group Insurance Rates—Terms of Employment

14. Overtime Rates—Terms of Employment

15. Provision of Water Cooler Rates—Condition of Work

16. Provision of Uniform and Shoes—Condition of Work

17. Provision for Lights—Condition of Work

18. Provision for Fresh Air—Condition of Work


19. Provision of First Aid Facilities—Condition of Work

20. Policy for the Promotion of Worker– Term of Employment but covered under section 23-B of the IRO1969

21. Any other amenity or facility having rational connection with the employment or physical conditions of work i.e. condition at the workplace of the workers


Non-Bargaining Issues

• Enforcement of any right in respect of employment, non-employment or terms of employment or conditions of work guaranteed by law, award of settlement to a worker or workers for example, demand for profit bonus equal to one month’s gross wage in the event of profit, but demand can be made for bonuses over and above one month’s wage

• Demand in respect of a matter not relating to the employment, non-employment , or the terms of employment or the conditions of work of a worker or workers

• Demand in respect of a matter which is not in the power of the employer e.g. demanding from a private employer to get concession in railway fairs for the workers