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M E N O R A H L I G H T hrwnm rw) Proclaiming Messiah Yeshua/Jesus

THE MENORAH LIGHT Web EDITION I - 2010 Page 1 of 9

- Web Edition -

Pastor Reuben Drebenstedt, Director

Shalom friends,

Very often I am asked questions in person and or via our resource web page section —QUESTIONS? AND ANSWERS ! Questions are welcome from ALL at ALL levels and Forums, from everyone. Questions of general interest are considered for inclusions in this web column. There are hundreds although so far I have chosen not to feature very many. Those of a more personal nature are kept confidential. Many times this format on the web in particular is used by those who seek to somehow injure our ministry, but we always answer in love and Biblical truth.

I thought that you might appreciate some of these that we classify in the following categories. If you have further interest, please let me know.


Was the New Testament (Brit Chadashah) written in Hebrew? Kevin from Cleveland asks:

Dear Pastor Reuben,

I have heard that it is now thought that the New testament was writ-ten not only in Greek but, also Hebrew. Possibly Hebrew first. Is this true?

Pastor Reuben's Answer:

Dear Kevin, shalom,

Many scholars in Israel are now convinced that the spoken and written language of the Jews in the Land of Israel at the time of Jesus was indeed Hebrew; and that the Synoptic Gospels

Continued on p. 2

WHO IS THE JEWISH MESSIAH? The common 20th century view of Messiah

amongst religiously oriented Jews is someone who will usher in the coveted peace on Continued on p.3

It is really nice to believe that all relig-ions are true. At the University of Texas back in 1982, a friendly person was “helping” others. You could give him all your money, and he would give you a white robe and instruction, and you could

walk around like Jesus. Such a deal! The most amazing thing was not that he tried to pull off this scam, but that supposedly intelligent university students believed him. Continued on p. 4


Seminars — Worship services Adult & Youth Retreats Bible Studies-Classes

Biblical Jewish Roots of Christianity Evangelism Bible Israel Study Tours

Biblical Feasts & Fulfillment In Jesus






…... p. 8

(The following is an “excerpt” from the most recent Campus Prayer Report from me. Let MENORAH

know if you would like to join our Campus Prayer Team! “Full” Prayer/Praise updates e-mailed once a week!)


Praise God for the many unique ways God opens doors for True Believers to share His Gospel message to a lost and dying world! May we all remain faithful to this Call on our lives! Praise God for the many Christians he sends each week for fel-

lowship, prayer and encouragement! Many come by to pick up literature that helps in their witness! 1. Pray for Tony from China who stopped because I said Hello to Him! We had fun exchanging cultural type stories which opened doors to the Gospel. He was open to this message he had never heard before. He seemed happy to take our Chinese Gospel tract and the Gospel of John.

2. Pray for Joel, who is Jewish. He was friendly when he stopped to pick up literature about who we were and what we be-lieved. He was on his way to class so our conversation was brief and to the point. May he honestly seek God. Jeremiah 29:13

3. Pray for Nancy who received more information than she asked for. She was on her way to her “Jew’s on the Move Class”. She did not know that what her professor was teaching about the Jew-ish Diaspora’s was right out of the Bible. I was able to briefly show her in Scripture and about the prophesied return to their land Israel and the eternal restoration promised by M E N O R A H h r w n m E-mail:

Internet Resource Page: 303-355-2009

{yhwl) l$ twn{)n GOD’S FAITHFULNESS by Donna Drebenstedt, staff

We Have Been Approved By God To Be Entrusted With The Gospel, So We Speak, Not As Pleasing Men But God, Who Examines Our Heart. I Thessalonians 2:4



Continued. on p. 2


(Matthew, Mark, Luke) were derived from original He-brew sources.

These scholars, fluent in both Greek and Hebrew, have

proposed impressive solutions to major problems of New Testa-ment interpretation. Important discoveries which they have made serve to illuminate the very Hebrew style of speech used by Jesus and his first followers, and to make possible a more accurate trans-lation of the Gospels. With a new understanding of the language Jesus spoke, they are now able to correct numerous mistransla-tions in the English text of the New Testament.

Professor David Flusser of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the world's leading Jewish authority on the New Testament and early Christianity, holds strongly to the view that the life of Jesus was originally composed in Hebrew. Dr. Moshe Bar-Asher, also of Hebrew University and their foremost Aramaic scholar, agrees. He thinks the Synoptic Gospels go back to a Greek translation of an original Hebrew (not Aramaic!) document.

Outstanding scholars from outside Israel also have arrived at this conclusion. Harris Birkeland, a Norwegian, states, "The Language of the common people in Palestine in the time of Jesus was He-brew." Also does William Sanford LaSor, professor emeritus at Fuller theological Seminary (an outstanding Semitic scholar) has said, "With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, it now seems highly probable that the language Jesus spoke was Hebrew and not Aramaic."

An impressive amount of evidence points to the use of Hebrew in first-century Israel: the testimony of the church fathers, the Dead Sea Scrolls, coins, and inscriptions from the first centuries B.C.-A.D., the writings of Josephus, and Rabbinic Literature. Further reference: 1. Jewish New Testament by David Stern ISBN 965-359-006-5 2. The Messiah in the New Testament in the light of Rabbinical Writings by Risto Santala ISBN 965-447-010-1

JESUS/YESHUA The angel of the Lord is Jesus? Dear Pastor Reuben,

In the Old Testament, 'the angel of the Lord' is often referred to, and in most versions I have seen in the margin it will write 'or An-gel' and I have often heard people say that the reference here is to the Son of God, this would seemingly offer support to the doctrine of some that Jesus was an angel who later passed to glory and was crowned next to God. In an attempt to keep things short I think that you know the confusion that this can present.. do you have anything on this that can help, perhaps the original Hebrew can help...perhaps you can help me....? Thanks, Graham

Pastor Reuben's Answer:

Shalom Graham, Jesus is not nor never has been an angel. Scripture clearly says He has always since the beginning existed with God, and is God. (John 1 and countless other references which are available to your Biblical study and search.) Also look at these to see that the phrase Biblically = God in the majority of the cases: Exodus 3:2, Genesis 31:11,13; 22:11, Judges 13:20. Some falsely and without Biblical evidence, teach that Jesus was mere man or an angel who was exalted for his service and faithfulness. Like the Jehovah Wit-nesses, who are mislead and on a route of destruction; much like

those referred to in my answered question #8.


A Jewish objection to Jesus as the Messiah ...tribal affiliation is conferred through the birth father only!? Dear Pastor Reuben,

Hello, I'm very confused regarding a Jewish objection to Jesus as the Messiah which goes like this: "The Bible says that the Messiah would be of the tribe of Judah and a descendant of David. Ac-cording to Christians, Jesus was born of a virgin. However, tribal affiliation is conferred through the birth father only (Numbers 34:14, Numbers 1:18-44, Leviticus 24:10). The mother's tribal affiliation was considered irrelevant to what her children's tribal affiliation was and tribal affiliation/genealogy could not be inher-ited though a stepfather; only property could be inherited. Be-cause Christians believe that Jesus had no human father, he would have had no tribal affiliation and would be eliminated from messi-anic consideration." This Jewish anti-missionary site has an arti-cle entitled "Jesus Failed To Fulfill Any of The Six Authentic Jew-ish Messianic Criteria" which makes the above objection. How can this claim be answered or refuted?

Thanks in advance. In Christ, Dylan

THE MENORAH LGHT Web EDITION I - 2010 Page 2 of 9

God. Of course The Gospel was inter-woven into the conversation and she stayed interested the whole time. She took our literature to learn more.

4. Pray for Jack’s heart to remain touched by God We had a long discussion on the Israeli/Palestinian problem which led to talk on the End Times and the Gospel. I could tell he was being touched by God and challenged to rethink a lot of issues in his life. Pray that the good information he left with will continue to provoke him toward the Lord Jesus!

5. Mitch told me he was Jewish but has never considered the claims of Jesus as his Messiah. I challenged him to do so… pray that he does!

6. Pray for Hannah who came to us looking for the Hillel Jew-ish group on campus. I told her what I knew as she sat down to talk. She was open to hearing why I believed the Scriptures (OT) teach that Jesus is not only the Jewish Messiah but the Only Mes-siah for the entire World! Pray her heart remains open to this truth!

7. Praise God for Anita who is Jewish and proclaimed loudly and boldly to me and others on campus nearby that she has known Jesus as her Messiah for 9 years!!

8. Pray for Cleo who told me he was searching… he grew up Christian but it did not stick (?). He just wanted to take something to read but stuck around just a bit to hear my explanation about why his Christianity did not stick.

9. Pray for Kathy’s heart to remain open to what the Holy Spirit was telling her. Her Mother was Jewish and her Father Lutheran. As an adult she is trying to figure out who she is. I ex-plained what the Bible teaches about life, sin, death and the love of Her Messiah and how to know for sure she will spend eternity in Heaven and not Hell. She seemed excited and took some of our information to look further into what I showed her.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer! God bless you,

{yhwl) l$ twn{)n GOD’S FAITHFULNESS by Donna Drebenstedt, staff

Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1

M E N O R A H h r w n m E-mail: Internet Resource Page: 303-355-2009

Continued on p.3



THE MENORAH LIGHT Web EDITION I - 2010 Page 3 of 9

Pastor Reuben's Answer:

Shalom Dylan,

Thank you for your concern and question. The battle

for the soul of mankind is pressing and the answer from God (of Israel) maligned by even those who have been entrusted with His promises. TO LIFE - L'CHAIM! ... How to find Eternal Life The promised Messiah from God is according to His way, not any limited human path or means. Proverbs 3:5-6

The True Messiah has both a natural origin and a supernatural origin, which became possible by virtue of the virgin conception. Genesis 3:15 presents the clear prophecy of the coming of the Messiah, as the "seed of the woman". The woman's seed is Jesus the Messiah. As God, He was eternally existent; as a Man, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. So He was truly both God and Man. The very mention of a seed of a woman goes contrary to the Biblical norm, for nationality was always reckoned after the seed of the man. That is why, in all the gene-alogies of Scripture, only the male names are given with some very rare exceptions. The reason why the Messiah must be reck-oned after the Seed of the woman is explained by Isaiah 7:14: the Messiah will be born of a virgin. Since the Messiah will not have a human father, His national origin will have to be reckoned after the woman, since His humanity comes only from her. So the very expression "her seed" implied a miraculous conception.* Please review: the Real Yeshua/Jesus information at: If Yeshua/Jesus is not the Messiah of God, let others Biblically and historically show who is. Source and reference:

The Bible (Old & New Covenants) *The Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum


Why do some leaders in the Messianic Jewish Movement say they are a rabbi or a Messianic Rabbi?

Dear Pastor Reuben,

Why do some leaders in the Messianic Jewish Movement say they are a rabbi or a Messianic Rabbi? Isn't this a Jewish term highly regarded and special in the Jewish Community worldwide? Many I see aren't even Jewish born! How can this be? I hope you can help.

Thanks, Greg

Pastor Reuben's Answer:

Shalom Greg,

I appreciate your note and sincere questions. I do not believe that we in the Messianic Movement should use the "Rabbi" title due to it being one originally developed and acquired by unbe-lieving people. It means confirming an ancient scholarly position within Judaism after usually very demanding scholarly work over 4-10 years of prescribed study and testing. Also, it is not a title we can just use, take upon ourselves, just because it is "cool". It cer-tainly doesn't make us more Jewish nor authoritative in Jewish life. In fact it drives a wedge between us and the unsaved Jewish community who laugh and scorn such as being a lie, deceit and proof that "Christians" will do anything to try to win a convert. After 26 years in mission work among Jewish people this has been one of the most difficult fences to overcome in witness of the Gospel. We have to agree with them.

Some justify this rabbi title usage by saying that the word merely means teacher or that Yeshua (Jesus) was referred to as such, so they can as teachers and Believers in Jesus take the title. Well, first off the word means much more than just teacher (see above comments) and the fact is that God (Jesus) certainly can take the title; He is the Rabbi! No one as His talmidim (disciples) can just assume such a Jewish knowledge base and position. Personally, I use the title of Messianic Pastor. I take Torah as being the total Bible; Old and New Covenants. I am ob-servant of it all as the Lord commanded, and I hold to faith versus works in a Messianic Jewish life for myself.


What is this Gog and Magog stuff.... who & why??

Dear Pastor Reuben,

I am really getting confused. What and/or should I say is Eze-kiel talking about in chapter 38, 39. Just what does it mean? Is Russia really the invaders of my home land Israel in the last days? Many of my friends tell me I am not to read these "mysterious" scriptures nor try to figure them out. Why? Are these important to understand and if so why? Your help and recommendations of further reading would be appreciated.


Pastor Reuben's Answer:

Dear Frank shalom,

YES, these Scriptures are important to us and it is good to seek understanding. While many, especially in the unsaved Jewish community, would say to not read or seek to understand, I do believe God gave the Scriptures for our edification, peace, direc-tion, help, understanding of His plan and love. And, most of all, to assure us and the world of His redemption/salvation plan in His Messiah.

GOG and MAGOG ---- Ezekiel's vision concerning an attack upon Israel by a violent enemy, Gog and Magog, occupies two chapters (38-39). The prophet foretells the utter destruction of Gog, whose weapons will provide Israel with fuel for seven years and whose corpses will require seven months to

Continued on p. 5

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WHO IS THE JEWISH MESSIAH? earth that mankind has longed for since ancient times. Many religious Jews agree that when the Messiah comes, "the lion will lie down with the

lamb" and peace will rule. Yet, since that day seems no nearer today than it did 4,000 years ago at the time of Abraham, many Jews have abandoned all hope of a coming Messiah, or of the rule of peace on earth.

What the majority of Jewish people do not realize, however, is that the common 20th century Jewish view of Messiah is not the "traditional Jewish view." The 20th century religious Jewish view of Messiah-as-King who will establish peace on earth now, while it reflects an important part of the traditional view, overlooks an equally important part - the role of Messiah-as-Servant. This "oversight" was largely a backlash to the growing number of Jews and Gentiles who had concluded that the Suf-fering Servant spoken of in the Hebrew Scriptures was Yeshua (Jesus), the Jew who suffered a humiliating death after claiming to be Messiah.

Continued on p. 5

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Are you very gullible? On the other ex-treme, do you mask an inability to tell what is genuine by a pervasive cynicism?

How to Test for the Truth How can you tell what is likely to be true and what is likely hogwash? Here is a way.

1. Does the religion claim to follow the highest, most-powerful God?

2. What is the historical evidence, if any, for the truth or falsehood of that religion? Were any prophecies made? Did they come true? Were any miracles done? etc.

3. Is the religion logically consistent? Do the teachings and all its scripture fit together? Are there teachings its adherents are embar-rassed, unwilling, or universally plead ignorance in talking about?

4. Is the religion morally consistent? Whatever its moral state-ments, is it consistent, or did its prophet say one thing and do an-other? If its prophet today did the things he did before, would you look up to him or want to put him in jail? If you had a son or daughter that really loved the God you worshipped, would you be happy or warn them not to take this too seriously.

5. Every religion has its fellow-travelers, hypocrites, and scoun-drels. Nevertheless, what is the character, and how selfish are the people who are sincerely believing and trying to follow their relig-ion?


It seems common today that people who have not studied world religions believe they all can be true. Now if you want to follow God, then you question the assumption that all religions can be true. Mark any of the following statements you disagree with.

Animist - Nearly every tree and rock has a spirit to fear and appease with offerings. Buddhism - Life is suffering. Cargo Cult -(New Guinea) March in formation like the gods (really WWII soldiers) did, so they will return with gifts of cargo. Daoism (later) - There are many spirits to be worshipped. Epicurean philosophy - Life is great. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die. Family of Love (Children of God) be a sexual prostitute for Jesus. Greek - Worship Zeus, who raped Europa and others. There is Hades but no heaven. Hashashins (small Muslim sect) - Get stoned on hashish before assassinating people. Islam - The Trinity is false, & Jesus Christ is not the Son of God. Jainism - It is spiritual to starve to death. Khonds (of India) - It is good to slowly torture people to death. Lubavitchers - (of America) The promised Messiah may have come, & his name some say is Rabbi Men-achem Schneerson of New York. Mayan (and Aztec too) Ripping people’s hearts out while alive is pleasing to the gods. New Thought Movement - A receptive mind can cure every ill-ness. Sickness is not reality. Oneida Community - (of America) All adults are “married” to all others in the community. Papua New Guinea - As a sign of reverence, eat the brains of your dead

relatives. Quraysh (pre-Mohammed) - worship a moon god idol “ Allah”. Roman (later) - You must worship the Roman Emperor or die. Shakerism (of America) - All sexual relations are forbidden. Thuggees - (of India) In January one worships God by strangling unsuspecting men. Unitarian Universalists - You may join with any religious belief whatsoever. (except that there is only one way through Jesus.) Vikings - Only way to go to heaven (Valhalla) is to die violently. Witchcraft (early) - There are many things you must do to avoid the evil eye. Yamamato (Indians) - One of the highest virtues is treachery. Zoroastrianism - There is only one true God, and worship of others should be forcibly suppressed. If you marked out any state-ment, then some religions must have falsehood in them.


OK, OK, so all religions are not the same. But all major world religions are the same.

Are the major world religions, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, etc. all from God? If you stopped and asked ten people for directions to get somewhere, and they gave as different answers as these religions give about going to heaven, you would have to conclude at least nine of them were lying or did not know what they were saying.

OK, OK, so major world religions differ on minor matters such as immorality and murder of others. But they all agree on the major points.

Such as?

If you try to be a good person and nice to everybody, then eve-rything will turn out for the best.

That is not the major point of all world religions. It is not of Islam (read what Mohammed himself said). That is not the message of Krishna’s speech to Arjuna. That is not the major point of Therevada Buddhism. That is a carica-ture of the Bible.

OK, OK, but some religions and “liberal Christianity” teach this: that if you try to be nice to everybody, then everything will turn out for the best.

Let me answer that with an illustration. You can set your own rules for who is invited into your home. For example, only nice people, nobody who beats up your kids, no cholera carriers, no rattlesnakes, etc. are invited to come in. You might be forced to take off your muddy shoes before coming into my home. In a similar way God can set His own rules for who is invited into His home, heaven. People who do not want to live with God forever do not need to worry about being forced to go to heaven. People who want to go to God’s heaven on their terms, without taking off the muddy shoes of their sins, and being unwilling to go through the totally transforming process of being rid of their sinful nature cannot enter God’s heaven. However they are free to go off and do their own thing - in a different place. However, all love, good-ness, and happiness ultimately come from God, the “wild pre-serve” God has set apart for those who would

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Internet Resource Page: 303-355-2009

Continued. on p. 6

TRUTH 1 aarchaic : fidelity , constancy b: sincerity in action,

character, and utterance 2 a (1): the state of being the case : fact (2): the body of real

things, events, and facts : actuality

DECEPTION 1 a: the act of deceiving b: the fact or condition of being deceived 2: something that deceives : trick

<a clever deception>

Merriam-Webster Dictionary



THE MENORAH LGHT Web EDITION I - 2010 Page 5 of 9


Ignoring the servant-atoning role of Messiah was then a Medieval reaction to those masses of peo-

ple who were proclaiming that Yeshua was the fulfillment of Scripture. In all fairness, it must be pointed out that rabbinic motiva-tion for adopting the newer view was rea-sonable. Anti-Semitism posed a constant threat to the nation of Israel, especially following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. Jewish leaders, there-fore, needed to find ways of keeping Dias-pora Jews unified. One way was to rein-force the belief that Yeshua was the "Christian Messiah," not the Jewish one. To do this they often overreacted and dis-torted the picture of the Messiah in a way that was inconsistent with the picture of the Messiah presented by the biblical prophets.

Ironically, the majority of rabbis have done a great disservice to the very people whom they wished to preserve. By elimi-nating a cornerstone of Jewish thought - the Servant Messiah - they have not helped the many Jewish people today who are disillusioned, secularized or otherwise

alienated from the very spiritual beliefs that the nation of Israel held for more than 2,000 years. By removing the concept of the Suffering Messiah who brings personal peace to those who embrace Him, they have helped blind them to the hope that lies in Messiah Yeshua. In addition to overlooking an important aspect of the Messiah's atoning role on earth, most in modern Jewish rabbinical studies overlook the genealogy factor. Biblical Judaism teaches that Messiah's lineage will be a key criterion for his identification. Modern Judaism downplays this, perhaps because Jewish records were destroyed in 70 A.D. along with the Second Temple. Therefore, one must conclude that either Messiah came before the Temple was destroyed or else physical proof of his genealogy is unnecessary because he will be recogniz-able in other ways; or, worse still, that He will not come.

Most rabbis, if they still believe in the biblical concept of Messiah, opt for the explanation that the genealogical proof is unnecessary since the Messiah will be identified in other ways. Believers, on the other hand, place great importance upon the

royal lineage that the Messiah is to pos-sess, and the evidence of such. Not only is the genealogical evidence necessary to identify the Messiah, but it exists bibli-cally. By tracing the Messiah's lineage and the key roles assigned to him by God throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, it be-comes clear that Yeshua met at least two key Messianic criteria. First, He came from the right "kingly roots" second, He fulfilled the role of the "atoning servant."

What The Rabbis Know About The Messiah by Rachmiel Frydland Chapter 1 reprinted with

permission of The Messianic Literature Outreach 6161 Busch Boulevard #70, Columbus, OH 43229

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Continued from page 3

bury; then the entire world will acknowledge the power and maj-esty of the true God. "On that day, when Gog

invades the land of Israel....mountains shall be torn apart, and cliffs shall topple over....I will overwhelm him with utter panic...O Gog, I will strike your bow from your left hand and will make your arrows drop out of your right hand. You shall fall upon the mountains of Israel, you and your hordes....I will restore the fortunes of Jacob and have mercy on the whole house of Is-rael..." Traditionally interpreted, this vision refers to a distant future, at the end of days, in which God will eventually defeat the enemies of Israel in the land of Israel. Gog and Magog are spoken of in connection with the Messianic Era: "Then Gog & Magog will hear about the descendant of David & the excellence of his peo-ple and country & the abundance of their wealth... He will gather people from various nations...notorious sinners marked for perdi-tion...On that day four types of misfortune will descend upon them. Then the spirit of prophecy will descend upon all Israel, young and old. This blessed period will last until the end of time....." Recommended further reading: The Footsteps of the Messiah, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum.

GENERAL BIBLICAL QUESTIONS — and more from the other above section titles are on-line—

To Submit A Question to Ask Reuben A Question andAnswer

_____ Special Messianic Biblical Forum _____

Continued from page 3



YESHUA/ a(U$"y /JESUS NAME STUDY Yeh- shoo - ah (Yeshua- Jesus ) — Var i an t o f “Y’hoshua” (Joshua; see below). In the TANAKK (O.T.) nine persons and a city have the name Yeshua, usually transliterated as “Jeshus” or “Jeshuah.” In the Septuagint and the B’RIT HA-DASHAH (the New Testament) the name was brought over into Greek as Iesous and then into English as “Jesus.” It means “Y-H-V-H saves” (Matthew 1:21) and is also the masculine form of Yeshua’ah (“salvation”). (1) The Messiah of Israel, Yeshua from Natzeret. In modern Hebrew Yeshua’s name is pro-nounced and written “Yeshu,” which may have been the ancient pronunciation in the Galil (Galilee area). However, reflecting two thousand years of conflict between the Church and the Synagogue, it is also an acronym for Yimach sh’mo v’zikhrono (May his name and memory be blotted out”) However, the late Yosef Vaktor, a Messianic Jewish Holocaust survivor, took it as an acronym for Yigdal sh’mo umalkhuto (May his name and kingdom grow”) Matthew 1:1+. (2) A Messianic Jew in Rome, “Yeshua , the one called Justus.” Colossians 4:11.

Ye-shu-’ah — salvation; used in a word play on Yeshua’s name at Luke 2:30

Y’ho-shu-a (Yoshua-Joshua)— leader of the people of Israel, led the conquest of Eretz-Yisrael (land of Israel) after Moshe’s (Moses) death.

Both Yeshua & Yoshua are based on same root word (yud-shin-’ayin—(-#-y) which means: “he will save.” p.xxxvi

Dr. David H. Stern COMPLETE JEWISH BIBLE & glossary p. 1600-1601

not submit to God is called Hell.


Some statements are self-contradictory, like “Everyone is telling the truth, but Joe says I am not telling the truth.” What about this statement, “All religions are true, but Christi-anity says other religions are false.”

The Bible says of Jesus in Acts 4:12, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Now either this statement is true or it is not. If it is correct, then other religions cannot be the way to God. If Jesus was wrong, then people have been deceived by Je-sus for 2,000 years.

1 John 5:12 says, “He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.” The early Christians did not think Jesus was just a good way, but roughly 40,000 died

as martyrs rather than worship a Roman Emperor as a god.


Major religions contradict each other on who God is, man’s condition, how to be clear/enlightened/one/escape, and other things. Any who honestly study dif-ferent religions cannot say they are all the same.


Hebrews 9:22 says, “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” Just prior to that, Heb 9:14-15 says, “How much more, then will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our con-sciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! For this reason Christ is the me-diator of the new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance--now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant.”

This is a core teaching of Christianity. You will search in vain the Buddhist, Islamic, or Hindu scrip-tures for this, because this truth is not within them. Many in other religions say Jesus was a true teacher from God. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” in John 14:6. So accept Jesus’ way to be forgiven for your sins. Please pray this prayer. “God I know you are a mighty and just judge, yet you are full of love. I come before you helpless and hopeless without you. I want to be your child. Please clean me, forgive me, teach me, even discipline me when needed, and transform me. I give my life over to you right now. Take it, as dirty and imperfect as it is, and as you promised in your Word, the Bible, give me a new life in Christ, who by His blood shed on the cross paid the price for my sins. In the name of the One and only Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.”

For more information see:

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From sunrise until sunset ADONAI's name is to be praised.

Tehillah/Psalm 113:3




Arabic Language Programs Card

Muslim Jesus vs Biblical Jesus Why I am Not a Muslim

The Agenda of Islam — a War Between Civilizations

The Muslim vs The Followers of Jesus

Is Allah Same As The God Of The Bible?

Why Neither Mohammed Nor Baha’ullah Are In The Bible

Women Under Islamic Sharia Law Was The Qur’an From God

Proving for Muslims that Jesus is God (and Lord)

Partial Listing of Some Variants in the Qur’an

Origens of Islam Muhammad’s Alleged Night Journey in Sura 17

19 Reasons Why Many Honorable People Don’t Want To Be Muslims

THINK ISLAM IS A “religion of peace?“ Check out:

Jihadwatch’ Home Page Answering Islam’s Home Page

Muslims Hope’s Home Page


FREEMASONRY— A fiery red serpent called Lucifer

Baptismal Regeneration –Salvation??

The New Apostalic Church


Additional Truth vs Error Cultic comparison with Biblical views


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Internet Resource Page: 303-355-2009

K E E P T E L L I N G M E N O R A Hh r w n m ! TO FAITH BY HEARING... Romans 10:11-17

MENORAHh r w n m P.O. Box 460024 Glendale, CO 80246

If you want to help as a friend of the ministry contact us.

Name____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City _________________ State ______ Zip _____________ ___ Please send THE MENORAH LIGHT to me. Free for one year. Enclosed is my ___ monthly ___ one time gift support: ___ $10 ___ $25 ___ $ 50 ___ $100 ___ $ __________________ Enclosed gift is for: ___ General Ministry ___ Israel Ministry ___ Menorah House Denver or ___ Israel ___ Other ________________ ___ I/we will pray for you. ___ Prayer request/question, see enclosed note.

{yyxl-To Life! You can accept Messiah Yeshua–Jesus by faith through prayer.

Prayer is talking to God & is a good way to express your faith. This prayer can express your decision to trust Messiah Jesus: " Messiah Jesus, I admit that I have sinned. I believe that you have provided the blood of atonement for me. I receive you as my Messiah, Lord & Savior. Thank you for forgiving my sins & coming into my life as you promised. "

Yechezk’el/Ezekiel 36:25-27 says: Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your uncleanness and from all your

idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside you; I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and give you a heart

of flesh. I will put my Spirit inside you and cause you to live by my laws, respect my rulings and obey them.

T H E R E A L Y E S H U A / J E S U S

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Continued on p. 9


We actively pursue personal evangelism.

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edify Believers & Israel. Old Jerusalem, etc.

Internet Resource A Messianic resource and referral ministry about the Messiah,

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HaShem Mission

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" One-By-One ...... One-On-One "

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situations THE MENORAH LGHT Web EDITION I - 2010 Page 9 of 9

M E N O R A H h r w n m E-mail: Internet Resource Page: 303-355-2009





Romans 1:16-17

Continued from p. 8



Proclaiming Messiah Jesus

P. O. Box 460024 Glendale, CO 80246-0024

303-355-2009 fax: 303-339-0365


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