HS Redesign Team - Center Grove Elementary School · 2008-07-22 · Modified block schedule...

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Center Grove High SchoolRedesign Team

Report to the Faculty

May 16, 2007

Team Members

Tracy Buck, Career Majors Director Cathy Campolattara, Spec Services Paul Clodfelter, Soc Studies Julie Coyne, Math Chad Daniels, Business Karen Davis, English Jennifer Dice, Music Troy Dice, Math Chris Frampton, World Languages Adam Gaff, World Languages Courtney Gradert, Spec Services Marcene Hensley, Math Cale Hoover, Soc Studies

Rick Jones, Art Nick Kerkhof, Tech Ed James McAdams, Science Deb McClurg, PE/Health Dawna Montgomery, FACS/UTACG Danielle Myers, Science Pam Price, Guidance Ivan Smith, Soc Studies Casey Tedrow, English Brian Weidman, Science Jim Williams, English Janet Boyle, Asst Superintendent Matt Shockley, Principal Sandy Hillman, Asst Principal



Review this semester’s work of the Redesign Team

Communicate insight gained from site visits and conferences


Decide which redesign components will be implemented at CGHS



Introduce Redesign Team

Review of the Team’s work

Site Visits

Houston, Texas

Salt Lake City, Utah

CELL Conference

Summer Plans

Personal Perspectives

HS Redesign Team

January 26th—all day session Reviewed the findings of previous study

groups HS Expansion Task Force

Coalition of Visioneers

Breaking Ranks II Executive Summary Read document and prioritized recommendations

Vision, direction, and focus for student learning; learning community/collaboration; sense of caring; contact time w/ no more than 90 students; families as partners; real life applications; technology

HS Redesign Team

February 28th—after school, 3-5 p.m.

Upcoming travel and conferences

Early College High School Grant

Coalition of Visioneers Subcommittee Reports

What information is still needed?

Find a school that is deep into redesign process

MSD of Decatur Township and Decatur Central High School

HS Redesign Team

March 23rd—all day session MSD of Decatur Township

Debbie Sullivan, Asst. Supt. for District Reinvention

Joe Preda, Principal, Decatur Central High School

Dialogue and reflection on presentation Consensus reached that CGHS will break into

smaller learning communities (SLCs)

High School Survey of Student Engagement (HSSSE)

HS Redesign Team

May 1st—after school, 3-5 p.m.

Site visit teams report out

Reflections from CELL Conference attendees

Outline of upcoming events for this semester and summer

Decatur Central Structural Plans

Existing High School

Fine Arts, Physical Education,

Cafeteria, Tech. Ed., Etc.

St. Rd. 37 North


2 High Schools

One on each floor2 High


One on

each floor

Decatur Central High School

Organization Six smaller learning communities Size of 350 students or less Four SLCs based on student interest Two SLCs based on national models

New Tech High School—project based learning Decatur Discovery Academy—Expeditionary Learning (charter school)

Each SLC has a Director, teacher leader, secretary

Selection process Students had a process to prioritize which SLC they wanted; all students

obtained first or second choice Students stay in community for four years but allowed to switch once Teachers’ association and administration had an open process that

organized teachers into SLCs Equity in distribution of demographics—Special Services, Male/female,

free and reduced lunch, etc.

Believing: Going from 1’s and 2’s to 7’s and 8’s

Picture of one version of a SLC

Small school AND big school benefits

4 autonomous high schools


I could be a 9 or 10… or a 1!

How committed are the people in power?

I think everyone on the team agrees?

Decatur Central High School

Scheduling Teachers will have 2-3 preps and 25+ students per class

Learning Institutes—Honors and AP courses where students come out of SLC to take course

Family Advocacy Staff member responsible for 15-20 students

Meets 4 days per week

1 x per month family contact

Focuses on goals, post-secondary options, teamwork

Senior Year Get seniors out of building

Internships, service learning, college courses, dual credit

Houston Site Visits

Challenge HS Early College HS model—focus on recruiting 1st generation

college students Articulation plan with Houston Community College with free

college courses Everyone coming out of HS with 47-48 hours of college credit No more than 400 students with small class sizes of 15-20


Atascacita HS New high school with 2300 students 9-11; 150 teachers 3 communities with (2) houses per community Core classes in community as well as Spanish; electives outside

of SLC House Principal, Counselor, Secretary for each House Class sizes 25-28; teachers have 2-3 preps

Houston Site Visits

Quest HS 200 students with 20 teachers; 11:1 student

teacher ratio; organized into 4 houses

Research & development school focusing on hands-on, problem-based learners

No grades, alternative assessments, differentiation focus

Senior Exhibitions—develop a social action plan

Service Learning each Wed morning

Houston Site Visits

Smaller learning communities organized by mixed grade levels not by themes or interests

Scheduling purity does not exists with some students floating among SLCs for upper level Honors/AP classes

Equity in distribution of demographics—Special Services, male/female, free and reduced lunch, etc.

Modified block schedule Advisory system core to the SLC concept with 18-20 students Advisory focused on academic and affective needs with a little more

focus on affective Electives and lunch time was time for students to mix Technology infused into instruction Collaboration time built into schedule Teachers with 2-3 preps

Salt Lake City Site Visits

Early College High School models

AMES (Academy for Math, Engineering, and Science)

NUAMES (Northern Utah Academy for Math, Engineering and Science)

Itineris HS


400 students in grades 9-12; located in a wing of comprehensive high school

Lottery system used for enrollment

Partnering with Univ. of Utah

Univ professors come to school to teach classes with HS teachers in supporting role

“School within a school” concept with students taking courses in larger high school

All students take AP history course and can take ”stretch” classes which are one semester offering taught over a year


500 student enrollment limit; grades 10-12; open enrollment

Partnering with Weber State School located in portables on large HS campus but

moving to new building on Weber State campus Fluid movement of professors and students coming on

and off high school and college campuses PLTW courses offered with all students taking 2 years Requires 4 years of math, English, and science Only take 1-2 college classes to ensure success First Year Experience—course on successful college



200 student enrollment with grades 11-12; health care and pre-engineering focus

Partnering with Salt Lake Community College (SLCC); school located on the campus

Some classes taught by either school or college faculty

Students earn up to 24 credits from SLCC

Intensive guidance support needed for planning

Salt Lake City Visits

Utah’s governor is the impetus and has legislative backing and funding

All schools were public charter schools

State-funded scholarships for students earning Associates Degree; pays 75% of next four years of post-secondary training

Strong partnerships with post-secondary

CELL Conference

Map of Future Forces (2006-2016) Affecting Education Developed by Knowledge Works Foundation to spur

thinking and conversation about the future of education.

Map defines trends, hotspots and dilemmas that will shape education and learning in the next decade

Key shifts impacting education: individual computing to participatory media; consumer culture to do-it-yourself culture; one size fits all to custom fit; stable professions to dynamic, entrepreneurial professions

CELL Conference

Digital Natives vs Digital Immigrants

Digital Natives prefer…

Receiving information quickly from multiple multimedia resources

Processing pictures, sounds, and video before text

To network with others

To learn “just-in-time”

Learning is instantly useful, relevant, and fun

Using gaming, podcasting, Wikkis, blogs, Moodle, Virtual Field Trips, Webquests as a means to reach students to make learning relevant and personal

CELL Conference

Purdue University is actively engaged in aligning its “intellectual horsepower” to needs in Indiana

For business development, the big question is…”Where will my kids go to school?”

27 counties in Indiana have less than the national average for college graduates 30 years ago

Battling the culture that “high school was good enough for me it is good enough for you”

Ivy Tech, University of Indianapolis, IUPUI, Indiana University are all actively engaged in addressing Indiana’s needs

Summer Plans

May 21-School Board Presentation

June 18—Indiana HS Summit

June 30-July 3—Model Schools Conference, Washington DC

July 26-27—Redesign Team Retreat

Personal Perspectives

Rick Jones, Art Department

Pam Price, Guidance Department

Ivan Smith, Social Studies Department