HS111 – Medical Terminology SEMINAR June 22 nd – June 28 th, 2011.

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HS111 – Medical TerminologySEMINARJune 22nd – June 28th, 2011

1. Complete Reading – Ch.4 & Ch.52. Participate in Discussion – initial

discussion post has to be by Saturday at 11:59pm EST; 3 posts total

3. Participate in Seminar – Opt. 1 (4 flex choices) or Opt.2 (due Tues)

4. Take Quiz 5. No project due this week!

Composed of skin, nails, and glands

Forms protective covering for body that, when unbroken, prevents entry of bacteria and other invading organisms

Also protects against dehydration and sun

Also regulates body temp and makes vit.D

• Cutane/o, derm/o, dermat/o – skin

• Hidr/o – sweat• Kerat/o – horny tissue, hard

(keratin: tissue contained in hair, skin, & nails composed of protein)

• Onych/o, ungu/o – nail• Seb/o – sebum (oil)• (sebaceous glands: secrete

sebum (oil) into hair follicles where hair shafts pass through the dermis)

• Trich/o - hair

Aut/o .........................selfBi/o.............................lifeConi/o......................dustCrypt/o.................hiddenHeter/o...................otherMyc/o...................fungusNecr/o....................death

(cells, body)







Give me the definition:

Aut/o means...........?

Onych/o means...........?

Cutane/o means..............?

Necr/o means.................?

Epi- ....................................................on, upon, overIntra- ...............................................................withinPara- ................beside, beyond, around, abnormalPer- ...............................................................throug

hSub- .....................................................under, belowTrans- ................................through, across, beyond

-a...........................................................noun suffix, no meaning -coccus (pl.-cocci)..........................berry-shaped (re:bacterium) -ectomy...........................................excision or surgical removal -ia..............................diseased or abnormal state, condition of -itis.........................................................................inflammation -malacia.......................................................................softening -opsy...................................................................view of, viewing -phagia.......................................................eating or swallowing -plasty..................................................................surgical repair -rrhea.................................................................flow, discharge -tome.......................................................instrument used to cut

Give me the definition:

-rrhea means ____?____

-phagia means ____?____

--coccus means ____?____

--malacia means ____?____

Terms you need to know.... Dermatofibroma – fibrous tumor of the skin Hidradenitis – inflammation of a sweat

gland Seborrhea – excessive discharge of sebum

(oil) Paronychia – a diseased state around a nail Xeroderma – dry skin Leiodermia – condition of smooth skin

More terms....... Abrasion – scraping

away of skin by mechanical process or injury

Gangrene – death of tissue caused by loss of blood supply

Fissure – slit or crack-like sore in the skin

Urticaria – medical term for hives

Xanthoderma – jaundice or yellow skin Cicatrix – scar Cyst – closed sac containing fluid or

semisolid material Diaphoresis – profuse sweating Edema – puffy swelling of tissue from the

accumulation of fluid Petechia – a pinpoint skin hemorrhage Verruca – wart Keloid – overgrowth of scar tissue

Function – exchange oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) between the atmosphere and body cells; this is called respiration

During breathing (external respiration), O2 passes from lungs to blood in capillaries

CO2 also passes from capillaries back into the lungs to be expelled

During internal respiration, body cells take on O2 from the blood and give back CO2, which is taken to the lungs

Inhalation brings air into the lungs Exhalation expels air from the lungs Respiration occurs every 3-5 sec.

Nose Pharynx (aka.

Throat) Larynx Trachea (aka.

Windpipe) Lungs Diaphragm Mediastinum

Adenoid/o ............. adenoidsAlveol/o....................alveolusBronchi/o,


phren/o............diaphragmEpiglott/o................epiglottisLaryng/o......................larynxLob/o..............................lobeNas/o, rhin/o................nosePharyng/o................pharynx

Pleur/o...........................pleuraPneumo/o, pneumat/o,

pneumon/o............lung, airPulmon/o.........................lungSept/o................septum,(wall

off, fence)Sinus/o...........................sinusThorac/o.......................thorax


Atel/o....................................................imperfect, incompleteCapn/o................................................................................CO2

Hem/o, hemat/o............................................................bloodMuc/o............................................................................mucusOrth/o..........................................................................straightOx/o, ox/i.................................................oxygen (cv’s = o & i)Phon/o.................................................................sound, voicePy/o....................................................................................pusSomn/o...........................................................................sleepSpir/o...........................................................breath, breathing

Give me the definition:Thorac/o means ????

Orth/o means ????

Pulmon/o means ????

Capn/o means ??2

1. A-, An-.................................w/out or absence of2. Endo-..........................................................within3. Eu-.................................................normal, good4. Pan-........................................................all, total5. Poly-.................................................many, much6. Tachy-..................................................fast, rapid

-algia..............................pain-ar, -ary, -eal....pertaining to-cele.....hernia or protrusion-centesis..................surgical

puncture to aspirate fluid (w/sterile needle)

-ectasis.........stretching out,

dilation, or expansion

-rrhagia.....rapid flow of blood

-scope..........instrument used for visual exam

-stenosis.........constriction or narrowing

-stomy..............creating of an artificial opening

-tomy........cut into or incision

Give me the definitions...

-rrhagia means ?????

-ectasis means ?????

Pan- means ?????

An- means ?????

o Pharyngitis – inflammation of pharynxo Diaphragmatocele – hernia of the

diaphragmo Traceostenosis – narrowing of tracheao Pneumothorax – air in chest which causes

collapse of the lungo Rhinorrhagia (aka. Epistaxis) – rapid flow

of blood from the noseo Whooping cough – aka. Pertusis

Lobectomy – excision of a lobe of the lung Laryngoplasty – surgical repair of larynx Thoractomy – incision into the chest cavity Thoracocentesis – surgical puncture of

chest cavity to aspirate fluid Laryngostomy – creating of an artificial

opening into the larynx Rhinoplasty – surgical repair of the nose

Capnometer – instrument that measures CO2

Laryngoscope – visual exam of the larynx is performed with this

Oximeter – instrument used to measure O2

Hypoxia – deficiency in O2 to the tissues Rhinorrhea – nasal discharge Aphonia – no voice Dyspnea – difficult breathing Hypoxemia – deficient O2 in the blood Asphyxia – suffocation Aspirate - to draw foreign material into

respiratory tract Anoxia – condition of absence of O2