Html block

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Html blockHtml block

A HTML block is a standard block used to add text or images on a site or course page. The title bar can be left blank.

It has the standard Moodle HTML editor for formatting text, adding images or creating links, switching to code view and allows any valid HTML markup to be used. This enables embedding video, sounds, Flash, and other files which can add unique elements to a course or site page.

1. Log in as a teacher in your class ,then turn editing on. 2. The blocks is in the right bottom .3. Click the small triangle in the right of the word add to pull down the menu.  4. Select HTML.

A new HTML block appear in the right.

Click the configuration to add content to the HTML block.

The HTML block editing page.

Click <>.

After clicking < >,we are ready to paste the html code .

Search WidgetSearch Widget

1.Seach in google, type widget for web page.2.Go to Go to

Go to the widgetbox.

Click Gallery.

The gallery page.

Click education.

The education page.

Select the widget.

The widget selected. Click Get Widget

Click copy.

Return to the moodle site ,to paste the code.Right click, select paste.

The html code is pasted.

Remember to click save change.

The widget appear in the HTML block.

Thank you.Thank you.

Prepared by: Yong Pau Fong