HTML5 Games with CreateJS

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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HTML5 Gameswith CreateJS

TWITTER: @david_kelleherSLIDES:



Game TheoryObject Oriented ConceptsHTML5 Game FrameworksCreateJS OverviewCode for Dodgeball GameOther CreateJS FeaturesAtari SDK

Game Theory


UI: Info, Feedback

Decision / Action

Outcome: Win, Loss

Parts of a Web Game


Cartoon character in gym

UI / Feedback

Score (text field) Position of player Balls: position, direction,





Gameplay Decisions/Actions

Decision / Action

Strategy: Avoid or catch ball? Dexterity: Click to “catch” ball


Score point for touching clicked (catchable) ball

End game when hit by unclicked ball

Object Oriented

Object Oriented

A procedural coding strategy would have a game loop with a massively complex controller. Use an object oriented coding strategy instead.

Object Oriented

Blinky speeds up as you eat dots

Pinky tends to move counterclockwise

Inky makes unpredictable turns

Clyde doesn’t always chase pac man

Object Oriented

In JavaScript, classes can be defined using the constructor and prototype methods.

Here is use of the constructor:

function MyClass () { var myPrivateVariable; ... this.publicGetVar = function() { return(myPrivateVariable); } ...


User Input• Mouse Move• Click, Mouseup, Mousedown• Drag and Drop, Swipe• Key Input

Game Event• Timer, Tick• Collision (Hit Test)• User Defined

HTML5 Frameworks

Game Frameworks

CreateJS: 2D, like working in FlashPhaser: 2D, more game focusedThreeJS: 3D, large communityBabylon: 3D, more gaming




EaselJS: Core <canvas> featuresTweenJS: Animation librarySoundJS: Audio libraryPreloadJS: Asset manager


Dodgeball Code

Dave’s Dodgeball HTML5

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>Dodgeball</title> <script src=""> </script> <script src=""> </script></head><body>

<script src="js/game.js"></script></body></html>

CreateJS Classes Used

EaselJS TweenJS• Stage• Ticker• Bitmap• Text• MouseEvent

• Tween• Ease

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Create gym background instancevar gym = new createjs.Bitmap("img/gym.jpg");

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Create score instancevar score = new createjs.Text(0, 'bold 50px sans-serif', '#FFF');score.x = 20;score.y = 20;score.value = 0; // custom property// method for scoring a pointscore.point = function () { score.value++; this.text = this.value;}

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Create player instancevar player = new createjs.Bitmap("img/player.png");player.x = 232;player.y = 275;player.alive = true; // custom propertyplayer.die = function () { player.alive = false; player.image = new createjs.Bitmap("img/player-dead.png").image;}

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Create instances of ball graphicsballCatchable = new createjs.Bitmap("img/ball-catch.png");ballCaught = new createjs.Bitmap("img/star.gif")

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Define a Ball "class"function Ball () { var ball = new createjs.Bitmap("img/ball.png"); ball.catchable = false; ball.caught = false; ball.x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 600) + 1); ball.scaleX = .25; ball.scaleY = .25; ball.regX = ball.image.width / 2; ball.regY = ball.image.height / 2;

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Ball class continued ...

// Handler for mousedown listener ball.addEventListener("mousedown", function() { ball.image = ballCatchable.image; ball.catchable = true; });

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Ball class continued ...

// Handler for tick event listener (HitTest) ball.on("tick", function() { if (this.y<500) { var xDist = this.x - player.x - 70; var yDist = this.y - player.y - 30; // Using pythagorus var distance = Math.sqrt(xDist*xDist + yDist*yDist); if ((distance < 50) && (this.caught == false)) { if ((ball.catchable == true) && (player.alive == true)) { ball.caught = true; ball.image = ballCaught.image; ball.regX = 130; ball.regY = 130; score.point(); } else { player.die(); } } } });

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Ball class continued ...

// Move the ball ball.moveToX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 600) + 1); ball.moveTime = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 2000); createjs.Tween.get(ball) .to({scaleX:.75, scaleY:.75, x:ball.moveToX, y:500, rotation:1440}, ball.moveTime, createjs.Ease.getPowOut(1.5) );

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Ball class continued ...

// Provide "public" access to the ball object this.getBall = function() { return(ball); }}

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Make HTML5 canvas elementvar canvas = document.createElement("canvas");canvas.width = 600;canvas.height = 400;document.body.appendChild(canvas);

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Make Create.js stagevar stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);stage.addChild(gym);stage.addChild(score);stage.addChild(player);// Handler for mousemove listener (player follows mouse)stage.on("stagemousemove", function(evt) { if (player.alive == true) player.x = evt.stageX-68;});stage.mouseMoveOutside = true;

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Add a ticker to the stage objectvar tickHandle = createjs.Ticker.on("tick", stage);createjs.Ticker.setFPS(60);

Dave’s Dodgeball JS

// Ticker continued ...

createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", function() { // Add ball instance randomNumber = Math.floor((Math.random() * 60) + 1); if ((randomNumber == 1) && (player.alive == true)) { stage.addChild(new Ball().getBall()); }});

More CreateJS


SpriteSheet Classvar data = {

images: ["sprites.jpg"], frames: {width:50,

height:50},animations: {

stand:0, run:[1,5], jump:[6,8,"run"]


Drag and Drop

object.on("pressmove", function(evt) { = evt.stageX; = evt.stageY;});

Atari Arcade SDK

Atari Arcade

Atari Arcade SDK (extends CreateJS)

HTML5 Gameswith CreateJS

TWITTER: @david_kelleherSLIDES:
