HTML5 Multithreading

Post on 10-May-2015

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HTML5 Multithreading


Single Threaded Model Unresponsive Script

Multithreading Web Workers (Dedicated) Sub Web Workers Shared Web Workers

Single Threaded Model

Single Threaded Model

JavaScript in a browser executes on a Single Thread Asynchronous Events

Timer Delay is Not Guaranteed!

Unresponsive Script

Browser complains a long-running script and ask user if it should be stopped

Unresponsive Script

Solutions setTimeout()

Use 1ms timeout chunks cause task to complete slowly overall, but browser UI will remain responsive

Web Workers Web workers provide background thread support in th

e browser


Web Workers

Dedicated Web WorkersDedicated Web Workers Allow long-running script that are not interrupted by

scripts that respond to clicks or other user interactions

Allows long tasks to be executed without yielding to keep the page responsive

Checking for Browser Support Compatibility Tables if (typeof(if (typeof(window.Workerwindow.Worker) !== ‘undefined’) {) !== ‘undefined’) {

// this browser supports web workers // this browser supports web workers}}

Workers Environment Accessible

The this / self object (worker) The navigator object The read-only location object XMLHttpRequest setTimeout() / clearTimeout() setInte

rval() / clearInterval() The Application Cache

Web Sockets Web Data Storage

Inaccessible The DOM (thread-unsafe!) The window objects The document object The parent object

Communicate with DOM by message passing

Communication with Workers

Use postMessage() to send data to and from Web Workers for cross-pages (sub windows / internal frames) communication

postMessage() can be used to send most JavaScript objects, but Not JavaScript Functions or Objects with Cyclic References, since JSON doesn't support these

Web Workers

Stop Workers

Call worker.terminate()worker.terminate() from the main page Call self.close()self.close() inside of the worker itself

Handling Errors

e.message A human-readable error message

e.filename The name of the script file in which the error occurred

e.lineno The line number of the script file on which the error occurred

Sub Web Workers

Workers have the ability to spawn sub workers, but… Sub-workers must be hosted within the same origi

n as the parent page The URIs for sub workers are resolved relative to

the parent worker's location rather than that of the owning page

Sub Web Workers

Shared Web Workers

Shared Web Worker can be shared across pages (popups / iframes) on the same origin

Introduce the notion of ports that are used for postMessage() communication

Be useful for data synchronization among multiple pages (or tabs) on the same origin or to share a long-lived resource (like a WebSocket) among several tabs

Shared Web Workers

Inline Web Workers

Inline Web Workers which are created in the same web page context or on the fly Reduce the number of requests that the page perform Create some functionality on the fly

Page Inline Worker The worker's code is created inline inside the web page <script type="<script type="javascript/workerjavascript/worker">">

On The Fly Worker The worker’s code is provided by an external source as stri


Inline Web Workers

Loading External Scripts

Workers have access to a importScripts API which lets them import scripts into their scope importScripts('script1.js');

importScripts('script2.js'); importScripts('script1.js', 'script2.js');

Scripts may be downloaded in any order, but will be executed in the order in which you pass the filenames 

Use Cases Performing computations in the background

Code syntax highlighting Real-time text formatting Spell / Grammar checker

Performing web I/O in the background Pre-fetching and/or caching data Background I/O or polling of web services Concurrent requests against a local storage Updating many rows of a local storage

Dividing tasks among multiple workers Image processing Image synthesize Analyzing video or audio data Processing large data sets

jQuery Plug-in

In Firefox, It can be sent the complex data via postMessage()

In Chrome and Safari, It will handle only a string or other simple data via postMessage()

Web Workers with jQuery Hive Worker-to-worker direct messaging Object, array, and String manipulation Query JSON with JSONPath Variable evaluation and logic control flow utilities A syntax that jQuery developers will understand


Demo Demo 1 Demo 2 Demo 3