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C N H ❘ K E Y C L U BJuly 2010 Volume 2, Issue 2

Please BEE green. Do not print this newsletter.

The OfficialCNH District Newsletter

Front Cover: The District Board of 2010-11 at the CNH District Office for May Board. Who looks the happiest in this picture?Answer located inside this newsletter!

cnh district newsletter

IntroductionLetter from the Editors..............................2

News for MembersMessages from the Executives................3

District Committee UpdatesDistrict Convention...................................3Kiwanis Family & Foundation.................. 4District Projects......................................... 4Member Relations.................................4-5Policy, International, & Elections............ 5Member Recognition...........................5-6

Region Updates................................. 7-20

News for OfficersPresidents and &Vice Presidents..........20Secretaries......................................... 2 0-21Treasurers.......................................... 2 1-22Editors.......................................................22

District Contact Information..................23

Compiled by the 2010-11 CNH District Board July 2010 ❘ Volume 2 ❘ Issue 2

inside this ISSUE

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter

Letter from theEDITORS


It’s finally summer! Our year long frustration with school is over! for now. While you read this newsletter as you lay in the sun to tan, rest while you can because this process will happen all over again.

This is the second issue of the second volume of the District newsletter! Everything in this newsletter was made by your District Board. This newsletter is chocked full with information including region updates, committee updates, and so much more. You may also click to go to the page specified in the table of contents to the right.

We hope you find this newsletter interesting and would like you to leave any comments or suggestions to Andrew Shin, your district technology editor, at <cnhkc.dte1011@gmail.com>. Stay active over the summer!

Buzzin’ with CNH spirit,

Your 2010-2011 Executive BoardGovernor Diana NguyenSecretary Breigh DangTreasurer Hue TranTechnology Editor Andrew Shin

Page 2

News for MembersCompiled by the District Executives

GOVERNORfrom the desk of

Do I need to remind you that it is summer? Your legs may be stuck to your leather seat as you are reading this or perhaps the plastic arm handles are scalding your arms. Don’t stay indoors glued to your seat; peel your eyes away from the computer screen; soak up the natural vitamins by going outside! Go outside and explore your community. You can look for your own community service to do with friends through www.volunteermatch.org. You can even make up your own service event. This is just one thing you can do to bust boredom. How does this now relate back to Key Club? If you didn’t know, community service outside of what your Key Club does can count in your Key Club’s monthly report form. Any community service hour is a Key Club community service hour with approval from your board members. So grab your board’s telephone numbers and make sure to call them up to redeem those service hours!

S E C R E T A R Y messageHey CNH Bees! It is finally summer time, and you know what that means! A lot more time to get involved with Key Club! With your free time off from school, enjoy the sun and great weather, but also serve your community! As Key Clubbers, it is important to set a good example for the rest of our peers. BEE proactive! Get started with projects involving Project SHINE, attend club and divisional service projects and socials, and help out your local sponsoring Kiwanis Club if they have any events over the summer. Not only is it important to keep serving over the summer, but also to get better acquainted with your Kiwanis Family. Ask your club officers or respective Lieutenant Governor when your sponsoring Kiwanis Club meetings are. The Kiwanians will be more than happy to see you attend their meetings on a regular basis over the summer and get to know their sponsored Key Clubs.

TECH EDITOR postHello Key Clubbers of CNH! Doesn’t it feel great to finally finish another year of high school? And, to the incoming freshmen of 2014, Key Club is going to be spectacular! To be able to feel the beauty of Key Club at such a young age before everyone else is a marvel to enjoy. Enjoy your summer with Key Club. Now that you have time for it, there are so many walks and socials that you can actually attend! Anyways, benefit from your summer by volunteering and it’ll only be a matter of time before you go back to school!

TREASURER bulletin board

Hello Members of the Biggest District in Key Club International!

Merry Summer Vacation! We have around 2 months of summer vacation, which totals to 60 days or 1440 hours or 86400 minutes. Spare at least 20 hours this summer, that’s only 0.01% of your summer vacation, to serve your community. Summer vacation does not mean Key Club vacation! A third of our 2010-2011 Key Club term is during the summer, so please do not stop what we do best. Most importantly, have fun! I know you will not have trouble doing that!

Committee UpdatesCompiled by the District Committee Chairs

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 3

About the Convention

The 2011 Key Club District Convention will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center on April 15th – April 17th. Come join thousands of Key Clubbers from all over California, Nevada and Hawaii for exciting and educational workshops, recognition for a year of service, a fabulous KEYnote speaker and much more!

DCON News and Updates

THEMEAfter brainstorming many possible themes, the DCON committee is excited to announce that the 2011 Key Club District Convention’s

theme is… IT’S A BEE WORLD! Clarification: This theme is designed to celebrate the global aspect of Key Club, the largest international student organization in the world.

Convention committeeWe hope to implement this theme throughout the year…but more on that later!

LOGO/DESIGNTo start this convention planning off right, the committee needs one thing from you: a logo/design for the Cali-Nev-Ha 2011 District Convention! This logo/design you create will possibly be used on DCON t-shirts, pins, programs, and much more! How awesome would that be, right?!

• Requirementso The logo/design must adhere to the theme of “It’s a BEE world!” o Please watch out for possible copyright issues.o It is highly recommended to include CNH related items such as

bees and CNH colors, but please let your creativity shine through!• Deadline: All submissions for the logo are due on July 25th, 6:00PM via

email to cnhkc.dcon1011@gmail.comAll received logos and designs will be credited to the author and will be considered as CNH Key Club property.

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 4

Kiwanis Family & Foundation committeeBEEing SuccessfulHappy summer officers! The Kiwanis Family & Foundation would like to wish you a safe, exciting, and worry-free summer. If you are having service projects over the summer, make sure to invite your Kiwanis Family. This way, they will be there to share the experience with you. Inviting a Builders’ Club or K-Kids is an excellent way to mentor younger children and have a FUN time as well!

Communicate!Please feel free to email the committee anytime at cnhkc.kff1011@gmail.com!If you have any questions about the Kiwanis Family & Foundation and how you can become involved in this family, we would love to answer your questions.Suggested ideas/suggestions:

•Attend monthly Kiwanis DCMs: These are a great way keep up with your Kiwanis Family.

FoundationRegional Training Conference!This is a great time to receive resources about your position in the Kiwanis Family whether an officer or a member. This way you can lead your clubs successfully and build better relations with the Kiwanis Family for support.Fall RallyFall Rally is approaching us! This is definitely a time of joy and memories but what exactly is the purpose? We are shouting in one voice to raise money for Pediatric Trauma Program. In order to help, make sure to raise awareness in your clubs and fundraise! November: Kiwanis Family MonthNovember is International Kiwanis Family Month. Make sure you show your appreciation for all those who make Key Club possible. Plan a service project involving all levels of the Kiwanis Family.

District Projects committeeSchool is out and summer has begun! We all know that summer is a time to take a break from the stress, but with all the free time, it is a PERFECT opportunity to go out and perform more service! We are Key Clubbers and our dedication to service should never stop! With all the extra time, there are countless opportunities to go out and serve.

However when you're out serving your community, please remember to take care of yourself by wearing sunscreen! Be careful of the harmful ultraviolet rays when you're outside, especially on those hot summer days.

When looking for sunscreen, be sure to find one that protects from both UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays cause long-term damage such as premature aging and skin cancer while UVB rays cause sunburn. Although you might not get burnt, the sun’s rays can still cause long-term effects!

Speaking of summer, ICON is not that far away. At this year’s ICON, Key Club International will be revealing the 2010-2012 MEP Service Initiative. After its release, we will work hard to create material to inform CNH about the new Service Initiative.

As a way to wrap up our past two-year initiative, Live 2 Learn, the District Projects Committee would like to recap some major points of Live 2 Learn.

In 1946, Key Club International challenged all Key Clubs to make a global difference through the Major Emphasis Project, “Children: Their Future, Our Focus”. One element of the Major Emphasis Project is the 2-year Service Initiative. Live 2 Learn focused on helping children ages 5 to 9, to overcome learning obstacles so they can be successful and give back to their homes, schools and communities. Live 2 Learn also had 3 focus areas: Improving Grades, Growing Together, and Giving Back. Our impact in this area has been tremendous and the District Projects Committee would like to thank all of the CNH Key Clubbers for their efforts.

On behalf of the CNH District Projects Committee, I hope that all of you have a great summer!

Member Relations committee• Feedback• The BEEginning of Your Term• Hey, Officers! The Member Relations Committee hopes you are enjoying a fantastic, mighty, mega summer! We’d love to hear feedback from you

on how your term is starting off! The feedback will allow us to formulate and create the necessary resources and materials, and distribute relevant information to make your term as successful as possible!

• Shoot us an email!• Please feel free to email us anytime at cnhkc.mrs1011@gmail.com!

• Take the initiative to be a strong leader by asking questions, giving feedback, and helping your Member Relations Committee along the way as well!

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 5

• Suggested Topics/Questions:• How was your Officer Training Conference (OTC)? - What did you like, what didn’t you like?• What are you struggling with currently during your term as ... ?• What are some of your favorite fundraisers and why?

• Regional Training Conferences (RTCs)• Learn, Represent, & Have Fun!• Regional Training Conferences are coming to a location near YOU in the next couple of months! The Member Relations Committee highly

encourages you to attend your respective Regional Training Conference, and enjoy yourselves! RTCs are one of the biggest events during your Key Club year (along with Fall Rally and District Convention), so why miss out?!

• Learn at workshops, listen to presenters, and read resources provided - topics ranging from “Running for Office” to “Showing Spirit”! (Remember, each Regional Training Conference is different and unique, including their workshops!)

• Represent your DIVISION at your REGIONAL Training Conferences, and show your pride! Wear your divisional t-shirts (if available by this time) and rep your division mascots and colors! Engage in spirit battles, SHOW YOUR PRIDE, SHOW YOUR SPIRIT! But most of all, HAVE FUN! Enjoy yourselves, and remember, “It’s only fun if you make it fun!” Please contact your Lieutenant Governor for more information regarding your

Policies, International, Elections committeePolicies

Policies Subcommittee is creating an “ICON Delegates Voting Guide.” The voting guide includes facts about the proposed changes or amendments to the Key Club International Bylaws, and pros/cons about each amendment. This guide is designed to help voting delegates attending our Key Club International Convention (July 7-11) make more knowledgeable votes on behalf of our mighty district. The guide will be available on the Key Club Officers’ Reflectors soon!


Want to know what’s going on at the Key Club International Level? International Subcommittee is currently developing our “June Key Club International News,” including updates on decisions made by our Key Club International Board. This should be available for Key Clubbers to read on the officers’ reflectors soon.

For those of you who have Officers and Regional Training Conferences coming up, I encourage you to attend, where you will experience fun spirit activities and service-leadership training. How do you know when and where your training conference will be? Please contact your Key Club Lieutenant Governor. What should Lieutenant Governors include in their training conference agendas? Definitely officers training workshops for all Key Club Officers, a Key Club 101 Workshop explaining our organization in general, and a fun spirit session where attendants can socialize, have spirit battles, and most importantly: have FUN!


Elections Subcommittee is developing the “Running for Office at All Levels of KCI,” with useful information on how to run for any Key Club Office: club officer positions, district officer positions, and international officer positions. This document should be available for lieutenant governors to use within their training conferences and to help encourage our membership to become leaders within our organization.

In the upcoming weeks, Elections Subcommittee will review last year’s elections process at District Convention. They will also brainstorm innovative ways to help make the elections process more impartial toward candidates for district and international office, and to increase delegate representation from our district’s clubs at District Convention’s House of Delegates.

Policies, International, and Elections Committee is almost finished with a “CNH District Guidebook” summarizing all of our Key Club International and Cal-Nev-Ha District Bylaws and Policies on how we run our organization. This will be available on the Cyberkey soon!

On behalf of the PIE Committee, enjoy your summer!

Member Recognition committeeHello Cali-Nev-Ha District! I hope you are all having a fun-filled summer and that you have been working hard on making this year the best in our District’s history. The Member Recognition committee, for one, has been working on reviewing contest guidelines and creating new ways to recognize all members of the District for their hard work and contributions through service and leadership. We are pleased to announce that new contest guidelines for the 2010-2011 administrative year will be out soon, as well as a new online monthly recognition program, new club and divisional certificates, a revised Member Recognition Handbook, and useful tutorials on the CyberKey. To learn more about the contests offered by the Member Recognition Committee and the upcoming developments in member recognition for the District, please read this newsletter, and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 6

CONTEST INFORMATIONAWARD OPPORTUNITIESAs a reminder to all potential applicants, there are two types of awards. Some of the awards are International Contests while others are CNH District Contests.

The awards that are International Contests are as follow: Club Poster, Club Video, Major Emphasis Project, Partners in Service, Prepared Oratory, Single Service, and Year in Review. These awards are first judged at the District level. To apply for one of these awards (not including Prepared Oratory) you must mail your entry as well as an entry form to the CNH District Office in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. The two winning entries for each of these awards will be recognized at District Convention 2011 in Anaheim, CA. Winning entries will go on to compete at the International level for potential recognition at the International Convention. The awards that are Californai-Nevada-Hawaii District Contests are as follows: Automatic Entry Contests, Club Attire, Club of the Year, District Project, Jack Luther Hall of Fame, Kiwanis Family, Marvin J. Christiansen, Member of the Year, Most Improved Club, Sandy Nininger, and Talent. To apply for one of these awards you must read the guidelines for that respective award and fill out the attached application. Once in pdf form, the application must be sent to the CNH District Contest archives (cnh.kccontests@gmail.com). Please note that the contest guidelines for the 2010-2011 Key Club year will be posted in mid-August on the CNH CyberKey. Although there have been changes to some of the awards, you are strongly advised to look at last year’s contest guidelines to familiarize yourself with what to expect this year. Guidelines for the 2009-2010 Key Club Year maybe be found on the CNH Cyberkey (www.cnhkeyclub.org) under the Recognition tab.

CONTEST DEADLINESThe final registration and submission date for all contest is March 4, 2011. This means that all contest materials must be sent electronically to the CNH District Contest Archives (for CNH District contest submissions) or to the CNH District Office (for International contest submissions only) by the end of the District Office regular business day. For International contest applications, please send your work in a few days early so that your entry arrives prior to the deadline. Anything received after the deadline will not be considered for judging.

YEAR-LONG RECOGNITION Although most recognition is usually awarded at District Convention, the Member Recognition Committee is working hard to ensure that members and clubs are recognized throughout the year. To accomplish this, the committee is currently working on implementing an Online Monthly Recognition Program and has revised the club certificates on the CNH CyberKey. ONLINE MONTHLY RECOGNITION PROGRAM The Online Monthly Recognition Program is a new program, which will recognize clubs for excellence in service and fundraising. Each month, the Member Recognition Committee will feature on the CNH CyberKey two clubs that respectively completed the most service hours per member and fundraised the most funds during the previous month. Once the most service hours per member club and most funds raised club have been determined for the District, these two clubs will be contacted and asked to send in a club snapshot to post on the CyberKey. All clubs are eligible for recognition on the CyberKey. However, as monthly winners are determined based on data extracted from MRFs sent to the District Secretary, clubs will not be recognized if they do not send their MRFs on time to their Lieutenant Governor OR if their Lieutenant Governor does not send his or her MRF on time to the District Secretary.CLUB AND DIVISION CERTIFICATES The Member Recognition has created five new club certificates and five new division certificates that will be posted on the CNH CyberKey. The five club certificates are Member of the Month, Most Funds Raised, Most Service Hours, Most Spirited, and Outstanding Officer. Clubs will be encouraged to award these certificates to five individuals each month who went above and beyond in promoting service, leadership, and spirit throughout the club the club. The five division certificates are Member of the Month, Club of the Month, Most Funds Raised Club, Most Spirited Club, and Most Service Hours Club. Lieutenant Governors will be encouraged to award these certificates each month at Divisional Council Meetings (DCMs) to clubs/individuals who stood out and went above and beyond in promoting service, leadership, and spirit throughout their division.

ONLINE RESOURCESThe Member Recognition Committee is there to help you. Since many of us on the committee have experience applying to contests and awards, we understand how daunting the process may seem at times. Do not worry though, as the committee is currently developing resources to ameliorate and ease the application process.

MEMBER RECOGNITION HANDBOOKA new and revised Member Recognition Handbook is currently being assembled. It will include tips, overviews of the contests, and in-depths descriptions of the Member Recognition Process. If you are applying for an award that requires an e-portfolio (such as the Distinguished Officer Awards or the Sandy Nininger Award) make sure to check out the Member Recognition Handbook, as it will specific tips and examples on how to make your application stand out!

TUTORIALSThe Member Recognition Committee is currently working on tutorials to post on the CNH CyberKey. These tutorials will explain how to organize folders and work submissions, how to create and merge pdfs, how to abide by graphic standards, how to create sections on Microsoft Word, how to use many of the various features on Excel, and how to add shadows, headers, page borders, tables with invisible cell walls, and other fun additions to your e-portfolios (which are required for Distinguished Officer contests). In an effort to assist as many applicants as possible, two versions of the tutorials will be created: one for those using the 2003 version of the Microsoft Office suite and one for those using the 2007 version.

Region UpdatesCompiled by the 2010-11 CNH District Board

Region 1: Divisions 11, 31



Division 11• Still need assistance! • Sign up for Bike the Bay• Take all the information back to your


Division 11Purpose: Train all officers and membersEvent Information:Date: July 14, 2010Times: 1:00-5:00pmLocation: San Diego High Educational Complex1405 Park Blvd.San Diego, CA 92101Host: Itzel Coss Y Leon Leadership Workshops: Off icer Training Conference1. President/Vice-President- Daniel Medina2. Secretary- Irma Vergara3. Treasurer- Vivian Wu4. Bulletin Editor/Historian- Itzel Coss Y Leon5. Public Speaking- ?6. District Relations - Christian Rodriguez7. Kiwanis Family Relation: Mr. Bauer8. Full experience as a Member: Quintasia WalkerCost: 3 dollarsRSVP: d11.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com by July 10, 2010

Division 11Date: July 14, 2010Times: 1:00-5:00pmLocation: San Diego High Educational Complex1405 Park Blvd at performing arts theater, San Diego, CA 92101Host: Itzel Coss Y LeonMain Topics: Officer Training/ Bike the bayProject: Shine

Date: July 14, 2010 Times: 1:00-5:00pm Location: San Diego High Educational Complex 1405 Park Blvd at performing arts theater, San Diego, CA 92101 Host: Itzel Coss Y Leon Main Topics: Officer Training/ Bike the bay Project: Shine

Region 2: Divisions 21, 37N, 37S

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 11Clubs: 12Club of the Month: Montgomery



Division 37 SouthPurpose: To prepare officers for the new year and to help them learn how to become better officers.Event Information:Date: August14, 2010Times: 1-5PM (pending)Location: TBAHost: Vivian YuLeadership Workshops: TBA Cost: $0-5RSVP: d37s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Division 37 SouthDate: July 17, 2010Times: 1pmLocation: TBAHost: Vivian YuMain Topics: 37E/N/S split, divisional shirts, PTP

Division 37 NorthDate: July 20, 2010Times: 6pmLocation: Guajome Park AcademyHost: Alyssa RodriguezMain Topics: Regional Presentation about possible Division 37 East, Past June Events, Call to DCON, presentation of DCOn theme, information given about logo themed ideas, beginning recruitment for following new year

Division 21Date: July 17, 2010

Times: 1pmLocation: La Jolla/Mission BayHost: Donald Quach

Main Topics: Past and Upcoming events. Divisional shirts, Banquet recap, How to get your club started for this summer, and a great time at the beach!

Division 37 NorthPurpose: To provide information for all new and returning officers and answer any questions. The information and presentations given will provide an outline of the duties necessary in fulfilling the role as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Bulletin Editor for the 2010-2011 Key Club year. Date: July 20, 2010Times: 6:30pm-8:00pmLocation: Guajome Park AcademyHost: Alyssa RodriguezLeadership Workshops: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor Cost: $0RSVP: LTGalyssa.d37n@gmail.com

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 7

Answer to the front page: Everyone looks the happiest!

“Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.”-Denis Diderot

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 37 SouthClubs: 16Members: 976Service Hours: 1611.45Club of the Month: Torrey Pines

Division 37 NorthClubs: 11Members: 384Service Hours: 12Club of the Month: High Tech High North

Division 21Clubs: 11Members: 683Service Hours: 600+(From May 2010)Club of the Month: University City


Division 37 South• Go to Kiwanis meetings and get to know

your Kiwanians this summer!• Get a head start on next year and

continue service while out of school

Division 37 North• Plan ahead on events that will be done

over the school year• Think of ideas to recruit new members• Keep a positive attitude and stay busy

over summer

Division 21• Plan ahead for events and funraise now!• Think of a great way to keep in contact

with all members.

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 8


Division 37 SouthCongratulations go to Torrey Pines who won the trophy for distinguished club for the 4th year in a row and to Alex Lin for member of the year.

Division 37 NorthBanquet Date: July 19thBanquet location: High Tech High North CountyBanquet Time: 5pm-7pmCongratulations to all clubs that were in attendance and participated in Key Club events throughout the year. Congratulations to all distinguished officers from San Marcos High, Guajome Park Academy, and Vista High

Division 21Banquet Date: June 11th, 2010Banquet location: Ramada Hotel @ Kearny Villa RoadBanquet Time: 5pm-10pmCongratulations to all clubs that were in attendance, especially mira mesa for bringing 60+ people to the banquet! Clubs should definitely apply awards for next year, Scripps Ranch applied for all of them and took home ALOT!

Region 3: Divisions 4E, 4N, 4W, 30N, 30S, 41N, 41S

DCMALERTSDivision 4 EastDate: July 17thTime: 1PMLocation: Huntington Beach | Towers 1 & 2 (During Beach Boomba)Main Topics: Announce summer events and fundraisers. Project S.H.I.N.E. and spirit gear.Projects: Beach Cleanup! Leadership Workshops: Committees

Division 4 NorthDate: July 20, 2010Times: 6pmLocation: Guajome Park AcademyHost: Alyssa RodriguezMain Topics: Regional Presentation about possible Division 37 East, Past June Events, Call to DCON, presentation of DCOn theme, information given about logo themed ideas, beginning recruitment for following new year

Division 4 WestDate: July 17th Times: n/a Location: Huntington Beach [during Beach Boomba]Main Topics: Summer Events and fundraising.

Division 30 NorthDate: July 24Times: After OTCLocation: Orange Coast CollegeHost: TroyMain Topics: Officer Training Reflections and Goals

Division 30 SouthDate: July 17, 2010Times: 12 p.m.Location: Huntington BeachHost: Magnolia, Savanna, WesternMain Topics: OTC, Relay for Life

Division 41 NorthDate: Saturday, July 17th 2010 Times: 1:00-2:00 pmLocation: Bill Barber Memorial ParkHost: Northwood High SchoolMain Topics: Vote on t-shirt designs, How to prepare for the school year, etc.Project: Beach Clean-up (Beach Boomba)

Division 41 SouthDate: July 17th, 2010Times: 1 PMLocation: Huntington BeachHost: Capistrano Valley Key ClubMain Topics: OTC, Summer Service, RTC, Leadership Workshop: NoneProject:


Division 4 East• Remember to fundraise for PTP.• Please send at least 2 representatives to

each school to OTC.• Have a fantastic summer and don’t stop

serving your community!

Division 4 North• Remember, you OTTER serve your

home, school, and community!• Don’t forget to submit articles about a

project or event you went to this past month to earn points for your club!

• Come out and celebrate summer by joining your fellow otters at Beach Boomba!

Division 4 West• Don’t forget to keep raising money for

PTP! • Keep collecting pop tabs!• Have a good Summer

Division 30 NorthDate: July 24Times: After OTCLocation: Orange Coast CollegeHost: TroyMain Topics: Officer Training Reflections and

“Never be entirely idle; but either be reading, or writing, or praying or meditating or endeavoring something for the public good.”-Thomas a Kempis

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 9

Division 30 North• Officers better be at OTC! • Flawless club MRFs are due on the 5th• Continue fundraising for Fall Rally

Division 30 South• Start fundraising for Fall Rally• Start fundraising for Relay for Life

Anaheim team

Division 41 North• Start working on publicity for Key Club

now, so you won’t have to during the school year.

• Work on fundraising now, so you’ll be able to raise as many funds as possible.

• Keep on enjoying your summers!

Division 41 South• This DCM will be held at Beach


at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 4 EastClubs: 11Service Hours: 1415.25Club of the Month: Orange High SchoolDivision 4 NorthClubs: 10Service Hours: 1526.5Club of the Month: Santiago High SchoolDivision 4 WestClubs: 10Service Hours: 972 hoursClub of the Month: Congratulations Marina Key Club!Division 30 NorthClubs: 11Members: 514Service Hours: faulty records Club of the Month: La MiradaDivision 30 SouthClubs: 14Division 41 NorthClubs: 6Members: 282Service Hours: 402Club of the Month: Estancia High SchoolDivision 41 SouthClubs: 10Service Hours: 302Club of the Month: San Juan Hills High School


EVENT: Beach BoombaPurpose: Region 3 summer bonding Event Information:Date: Saturday, July 17thTimes: 9am – 9pmLocation: Huntington Beach @ Brookhurst | Towers 1 & 2Host: Division 4 WestCost: $5

EVENT: Division 4 West CarwashPurpose: Raise money for PTP !

Event Information:Date: July 10th, July 31st, August 14th, August 21st, August 28th, and September 4th Times: 10am-6pmLocation: First 3 at Chipotle @ Brookhurst and Garfield; Last 3 at 7-Eleven @ Magnolia and EdingerHost: Division 4 West Key Club

EVENT: Division 30 South BanquetPurpose: To give out awards to distinguished clubs/members and to give remarks of the year Event Information:Date: July 3Times: 6 p.m. – 11 p.m.Location: Radisson Hotel, Buena ParkHost: Division 30 South (Brandon Baello)

EVENT: MLB 5K All Star Weekend EventPurpose: Volunteer at an event that benefits Cancer Research Event Information:Date: July 10-11Times: 10th: 9-1 p.m. / 12:30- 4:30 p.m. | 11th : 5:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.Location: Angel’s StadiumHost: Division 30S

Training Conference : Officer Training ConferencePurpose: Train our Region 3 officers so they will become the best leaders they can be. Event Information:Date: July 24 Times: 12-5PM Location: Orange Coast CollegeHost: Region 3Cost: FREE! Food and drinks provided.

Region 4: Divisions 6, 36E, 36W, 47

DCMALERTSDivision 47Date: July 31Times: Immediately Following OTCLocation: Host: BanningMain Topics: Fall Rally

Division 36 EastDate: July 17thTimes: 4:00 pm -6::00 pmLocation: TBA Host: Lieutenant Governor Lynne NguyenMain Topics: Go over workshops from OTC, make sure submissions are done, car washes, annual goals, Fall Rally, hopefully Beach Clean-Up Leadership Workshop: Submissions Project: TBA

Division 6Date: July 31, 2010Times: 2:30-3:30Location: TBAHost:Main Topics: Fall Rally


Division 47• Keep Checking your emails for important

reminders and updates from me.• Make sure to keep up all of the work over

the summer, summer can be a time for procrastination.

• Think of great t-shirt ideas!

Division 36 East• 5th of Every Month MRFs are due• 18th of every month Newsletters are due

• 20th of every month Articles are due• Make sure officers are following the

guidelines when turning submissions in

Division 6• Don’t forget to check your emails

frequently for messages from me!• Feel free to contact me whenever you have

questions.• Keep up the great work!


Division 47Purpose: Officer Training ConferenceEvent Information:Date: July 31, 2010Times: 9:30am-2:30pmLocation: TBACost: $5RSVP: ALWAYS use alias email address

“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”-Sir Winston Churchill

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 10

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 47Clubs: 10Members: 461Service Hours:Club of the Month: Southwest High SchoolDivision 36 EastClubs: 7Members: 300+Service Hours: 100+Club of the Month: San Bernardino High SchoolDivision 6Clubs: 15Members: 835Service Hours:Club of the Month: Temecula Valley High School

Division 6Purpose: Officer Training ConferenceEvent Information:Date: July 31, 2010Times: 9:30am-2:30pmLocation: TBACost: $5RSVP: ALWAYS use alias email address


EVENT: Division 36 Kiwanis July DCMDate: July 21stTimes: 5:30 Presidents Meeting and Social, 6:30 Meeting and DinnerLocation: San Manuel Village Community Center, 27981 Highland, Ave., Highland 92346Pre-Sale Tickets: $20.00 per person with reservation, $25.00 per person at the doorRSVP: With names to Rose Narcisse (909) 553-9161 or by e-mail to rosenarcisse@yahool.com. No later than July 14th, 2010

Region 5: Divisions 28N, 28S, 28W, 38E, 38W

DCMALERTSDivision 28 NorthDate: Saturday, July 17th, 2010Times: 1:00pmLocation: www.blogtv.com/People/tristanielsfHost: D28N LTG Tristaniel EvangelistaMain Topics: Staying ActiveLeadership Workshop: Service during the summer

Division 28 SouthDate: Friday, July 16th, 2010Times: 5:00PM-6:30PMLocation: Sunset ParkHost: SECTAMain Topics: Summer service, fundraising, activities, RTC, and Fall RallyProject: We will be writing thank you cards for our Kiwanis sponsors and faculty advisors

Division 28 WestDate: July 20, 2010 Times: 2:00 PMMain Topics: Summer Preparation, Fall Rally, and RTC

Division 38 EastDate: July 23, 2010Times: 4 PM-6 PMLocation: 14955 Dale Evans Parkway, Apple Valley, CAHost: Special ApplesMain Topics: Project Shine, initiating tasksProject: Craft night w/ Special Apples (relating to DP Shine)

Division 38 WestDate: July 31st, 2010Times: 1PM-4PM Location: Antelope Valley Fairgrounds in the GrandstandsHost: Antelope Valley FairMain Topics: AV Fair Grandstand training for main event in AugustProject: Grandstand Training and Prep for August


Division 28 North• RTC – October 2nd, 2010• Fall Rally South – November 20th, 2010 • Fall Rally Chair Committee – Jessi Hayes

Division 28 South• RTC – October 2nd, 2010• Fall Rally South – November 20th, 2010 • Fall Rally Chair Applications e-mailed to

the LTG by- July 14th, 2010

Division 28 West• Make sure to complete your summer tasks

and send it to me by August 1st! • Fall Rally shirt designs due by August 6th!• Make sure to turn in MRF’s by the end of

the month!• Registration for Fall Rally due by October

13th • Registration for RTC due by September

22nd, 2010

Division 38 East• We now have a Divisional Board!

Congratulations to Steve Lee, Ashley Maestas, and Rachel Song.

• We STILL need a Fall Rally Spirit Coordinator! If you are interested, please contact your LTG.

• Start thinking of t-shirt designs for the contest! The school that has the chosen design will earn Prehistoric Points!

Division 38 West• Don’t forget to hold carwashes and stay

active during the summer!• Remember to arrange your club rushes

when school comes back in!• Fill out your Club Officer Elections forms

if not already done so on CNH Cyberkey!


EVENT: Regional Training ConferencePurpose: Inform Region of District wide events and to educate members about Key Club. Event Information:Date: October 2nd, 2010Times: Fall Rally Prep @ 8am | RTC ends @ 8pmLocation: Cimarron-MemorialHost: Region 5

Kiwanis of Las VegasEVENT: Kiwanis International ConventionDate: June 24, 2010Times: 12pm-5pmLocation: Las Vegas Convention CenterRSVP: Tristaniel Evangelista, Catherine Chao

EVENT: Kiwanis ICON Haiti DollsDate: June 23-26Times: VaryLocation: Las Vegas Convention CenterRSVP: Catherine Chao

EVENT: Fall RallyPurpose: Contribute to PTP and show off the dominating spirit of 28 South Pandas! Event Information:Date: November 20, 2010Location: Six Flags Magic MountainHost: CNH Key Club

EVENT: [Craft night]Purpose: Work with disabled citizens and make crafts with them Event Information:Date: 7/23/10Times: 4PM

“Compassion is the basis of all morality.”-Arthur Schopenhauer

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 11

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 28 NorthClubs: 14Members: 1,001Service Hours: 614Club of the Month: Las Vegas AcademyDivision 28 SouthClubs: 10Members: 764Service Hours: 2104.5Club of the Month: LaughlinDivision 28 WestClubs: 13Members: 1126Service Hours: 1126Club of the Month: Ed. W. ClarkDivision 38 EastClubs: 7Members: 400Club of the Month: BarstowDivision 38 WestDivision # 38 WESTClubs: 9Members: 348 and GROWING!Service Hours: about 300 and COUNTING!Club of the Month: Paraclete High School

Location: Apple Valley Town CenterHost: Special Apples

EVENT: August DCMPurpose: Finish the end of summer break with your divisional family! Event Information:Date: August 21st, 2010Times: 12PM-1PMLocation: Desert Breeze Park

Kiwanis of Apple ValleyEVENT: Club meetingsDate: Every FridayTimes: 8 AMLocation: Apple Valley Country Club

EVENT: Boys and Girls Club High Desert JinxPurpose: Fundraiser for our supporters Event Information: A Hawaiian themed summer festival of games to raise money for Boys and Girls ClubDate: July 23rd, 2010Times: 4PM-9PMLocation: Antelope Valley Boys and Girls ClubHost: Boys and Girls Club


Division 28 NorthPurpose: Duties as an officerEvent Information:Date: May 8th, 2010Times: 8amLocation: ATECHHost: ATECHLeadership Workshops: public speakingCost: freeRSVP: ALWAYS use alias email address

Region 6: Divisions 23, 45

DCMALERTSDivision 23, 45Date: July 31stTimes: 3-4 PMLocation: Manzanita ParkMain Topics: Raising money for Fall Rally and PTPLeadership Workshop: Fundraising and Service Projects. Membership developmentProject: Collect Shampoos and Conditioners for Kiwanis Family House


Division 23, 45• Turn in your Directory and if you have

any changes please let me know• Join the Officer Reflector Group• Remember to visit your sponsoring

Kiwanis Club over the summer every week!


EVENT: Fall Rally NorthPurpose: Spirit Rally and to raise funds for Pediatric Trauma Prevention Event Information:Date: October 23, 2010Times: About 4:30 AMLocation: California’s Great America

EVENT: Corn Dog BoothDate: July 24thTimes: 3:30 PM- 1:00 AMLocation: Lassen County Fair, SusanvilleInformation: Mr. Roberson leaves Reno around 3:30 and volunteers at the Lassen County Fair in the Kiwanis Corn Dog Booth.RSVP: Only four people are needed for this event  Event: Kiwanis District ConventionDate: August 17th at 2:00 PmInformation: Help unload the Kiwanis TruckWhere: The Silver Legacy

Event: Kiwanis District ConventionDate: 19th-21stInformation: Decorating the tables and manning the Key Club Booth. Other opportunities may be available

Where: The Silver Legacy and the Reno Event Center

“The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.”-Horace Walpole

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 12

Region 7: Divisions 3, 16, 25E, 25W

DCMALERTSDivision 3Date: July 24, 2010Times: 12-1Location: Santa Monica Beach Amphitheater Host: La Canada, Crescenta ValleyMain Topics: Fall Rally, AIDS WALKLeadership Workshop: CommunicationProject: Beach Clean Up

Division 16Date: July 17th, 2010Times: 12-2PMLocation: El Cariso Park (13100 Hubbard St. Sylmar, CA 91342)Host: Sylmar Key ClubMain Topics: Publication, fundraisers, service events

Division 25 EastDate: Saturday, July 10thTimes: 1PM – 5PMHost: Van Nuys HSProject: Officer Training Conference

Division 25 WestDate: June 26, 2010Times: 1-3pmLocation: Officer’s HouseHost: ChatsworthMain Topics: OTC & Beach Clean UPLeadership Workshop: Common Manners of Communication


Division 3• Reminder to stay in constant contact over

the summer so that you club officers can still do your jobs.

• Banquet is June 25, 2010 and it is semiformal. Please be there promptly at 6pm.

Division 16• Division 16 banquet is on July 31st from

6-10PM at Angeles National Golf Club. Purchase your tickets soon! Anyone is welcome!

• Divisional hoodie orders are due by July 1st to your Presidents! Buy them for the cheap price of $20!

• Remember to bring any recyclable items to our DCM!

Division 25 East• T-shirt designs to be released at banquet!


EVENT: D25E BanquetEvent Information:Date: June 26thth, 2010Times: 5:30PM – 10PMLocation: San Fernando Elks Lodge

EVENT: Officer Training ConferenceEvent Information:Date: July 10th, 2010Times: 1PM – 5PM

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 16Clubs: 15Members: 1712Service Hours: 5290Club of the Month: North Hollywood Division 3Clubs: 14Members: 894Service Hours:Club of the Month: Crescenta Valley

EVENT: Down Syndrome Association of Los AngelesPurpose: To enhance the welfare of those with Down Syndrome through recreational programs and to increase its public awareness, which could hopefully lead to the understanding and acceptance of this disorder. Event Information: Volunteering opportunities include office volunteers, program volunteers, event volunteers, and service provider volunteers.Date: Varies with each programTimes: Varies with each programLocation: 16461 Sherman Way Suite 180, Van Nuys, CA 91406*Please contact LTG Gabby Lee for more information and for the volunteer form

EVENT: Beach Clean UpPurpose: Help keep our aquatic environment keep clean and have beach goers come to good beach and be happy.Event Information:Date: July 24, 2010Times: 11-4Location: Santa Monica Beach Amphitheater

EVENT: Kiwanis DCMDate: June 21, 2010 Times: 6pm -8pmLocation: Verdugo Hills Hospital Cafeteria

Region 8: Divisions 1, 13N, 13S, 19N, 19S

DCMALERTSDivision 13 North/SouthDate: 7/17/10Times: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PMLocation: Bellflower Kiwanis HallHost: Sandra LeeMain Topics: Awake-A-Thon, Fundraising Ideas, T-Shirt Designs, and Organization Tips, etc.Project: Awake-a-Thon 13N & 13S (ERF Approval Pending)

Division 19 NorthDate: July 17, 2010Times: 11:30AM-12:30PMLocation: Dockweiler State BeachHost: Eugene LeeMain Topics: Old Events Recap, Club Report Forms Feedback, Fundraising, Upcoming EventsProject: Beach Cleanup

Division 19 SouthDate: July 17, 2010Times: 11:30AM-12:30PMLocation: Dockweiler State BeachHost: Eugene LeeMain Topics: Old Events Recap, Club Report Forms Feedback, Fundraising, Upcoming EventsProject: Beach Cleanup

“A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 13


Division 13 North• Remember to turn in MRFs BEFORE

6:00 PM on the 5th of each month

Division 19 North• Submit your 2010-2011 Board Information

to CNH!

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 13 NorthClubs: 7Members: 509Service Hours: 182Club of the Month: Lakewood Key ClubDivision 19 NorthClubs: 12Members: 781Service Hours: 534.3Club of the Month: GardenaDivision 19 SouthClubs: 8Members: 755Service Hours: 715Club of the Month: North High


EVENT: Awake-a-Thon 13N & 13S (ERF Approval Pending)Purpose: To raise money in order to reduce T-Shirt costs and send funds to an admirable charity (to be determined)Event Information:Date: 7/23/10 (Tentative)Times: 7:00 PM - 7:00 AM (Tentative)Location: Bellflower Kiwanis HallHost: Sandra Lee, Kyriacos Psara

EVENT: D19North Beach Social (ERF Pending Approval)Purpose: Get to know Key Clubbers from division, Raise Funds for PTPEvent Information:Date: July 17, 2010Times: 12:30PM-6:00PMLocation: Dockweiler State BeachHost: Eugene LeeRSVP: d19n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Kiwanis of Rolling Hills EstatesEVENT: June DCMDate: Monday, July 19, 2010Times: 6:00 pmLocation: Hermosa Beach Kiwanis Club House, 2515 Valley Drive, Hermosa Beach, CARSVP: lovep@yahoo.com


Division 19 SouthPurpose: Inform officers of their duties and answer questions with a thorough breakdown of tasksEvent Information: D19S OTCDate: Saturday, June 28, 2010Times: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pmLocation: Lomita Kiwanis HallHost: Michelle KimLeadership Workshops: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Historian Cost: FreeRSVP: d19s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Region 9: Divisions 2, 8, 26

DCMALERTSDivision 2Date: TBATimes: 2-4Location: TBAHost: Gloria ChenMain Topics: Spirit Items, Finalizing Division Service Projects, H=Leadership Workshop: How to stay active during the summerProject: Visiting Convalescent Homes (Singing, Reading, Playing with Seniors)

Division 8Date: Saturday, July 10thTimes: 12pmLocation: BeniciaHost: BeniciaMain Topics: OTC!Leadership Workshop: OTC!!

Division 26Date: July 24Times: 9-3pmLocation: Concord, CAHost: Division 26

Main Topics: Car washLeadership Workshop: OTCProject: fundraising


Division 2• Submit designs• Stay active

Division 8• Don’t forget those MRFs! They are due by

the 5th of each month in order to count towards the district tree award.

• OTC is required for all officers• Start looking for advisors that are willing

to chaperone your RTC trip. You need at least one per club.

Division 26• OTC on June 19th • Try to encourage officers to encourage

members to plan their OWN events for the summer

• Regional Beach Trip in August


EVENT: Division 8 CarwashPurpose: Raise money for PTPEvent Information:Date: Saturday, August 21stTimes: 12-4pm (pending availability) Location: Grocery Outlet in FairfieldHost: Rodriguez and Bethel

EVENT: Car WashPurpose: Raise money for PTPEvent Information:Date: July 24Times:9am-3pmLocation: To be determined (probably in Concord)Host: Division26

EVENT: Visiting Senior HomesPurpose: To reach out to seniors to let them know that they're cared for in the community. Singing, Reading, Playing.Event Information:Date: Late July or Early August

“Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.”-Aristotle

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 14

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 2Clubs: 12Members: ~ 600Club of the Month: San LeandroDivision 8Clubs: 15Members: 510 Service Hours: 263Club of the Month: VintageDivision 26Clubs: 15Members: 719Service Hours: 234Club of the Month: Miramonte

Times: TBALocation: TBAHost: Gloria Chen


Division 8Purpose: Officer Training ConferenceEvent Information:Date: Saturday, July 10thTimes: 12 noonLocation: BeniciaHost: BeniciaLeadership Workshops: Officer/Member, Ethics, KFF, etc. Cost: Free!

Division 2/26Purpose: Officers Training Conference-To prepare the new officers of what to expect in the upcoming Key Club year. How to approach their new Key Club positions

Event Information:Date: June 19.2010 Times: 11:30am-2:45pmLocation: 26 Orinda Way, Orinda ParkHost: Division 26 and Division 2 LTG’sLeadership Workshops: how to be a leader, public speaking, communications and emailing etiquette Cost: no cost

Region 10: Divisions 24, 29, 42E, 42W

DCMALERTSDivision 42 WestDate: June 21Times: 1-2 PMLocation: Buena High SchoolHost: Ventura High School Key ClubMain Topics: Summer planning, fundraisers, banquet, Divisional events.Leadership Workshop: Article sending.Project: Planning on Buena Softball Revamping


EVENT: Division 42 East Kiwanis Comedy Night Date: August 8thTimes: TBALocation: Conejo IV at the Canyon in Agoura Pre-Sale Tickets: Contact Ruchi- d42e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

EVENT: Division 42 West Buena Campus Re-building/Beautification Purpose: Re-build devastated softball bleachers


Division 42 East• Stay active during the summer! Also, don’t

forget to submit your hours to the secretary.

• Secretaries- Please have MRF in by July 1st, 6 pm this month!

Division 29• Send club MRFs to

d29.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com by the 6th of every month

• Continue to send in club info as it becomes available

Region 11: Divisions 18, 33

DCMALERTSDivision 33Date: July 24th, Times: 2:30pmLocation: TBAMain Topics: Project Shine, Divisional Assistants, Divisional Editors, and Club MRFs


Division 18• School is over but that doesn’t mean the

service stops. Remember that Key Club is year-round and you should be continuing to supply service to our community! Key Clubbers please continue to stay in contact with your Lieutenant Governor and attend your Divisional Council Meetings. These meeting are our CNH District’s way of staying connected to your school’s club. So please stay involved and encourage other members to also!

• Division 33 has a newly appointed Lieutenant Governor! She will be looking forward to meeting you at her first DCM in July. So Division 33, I encourage you to come and help us start working together on a new year. As a group we can achieve so much more! And if you’re ready to step up to it, Division 33 will be starting applications for the Divisional Assistants and Divisional Editor. BEE excited!

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 15

Region 12: Divisions 5, 46

DCMALERTSDivision 5Date: July 26th 2010Times: 6:00pm – 8:00pmLocation: Oso de Oro ParkHost: TBAMain Topics: Club Rush prep, Cheers, and OTC and RTC look-outLeadership Workshop: Staying Enthusiastic

Division 46Date: August 23Times: 6pm-8pmLocation: Atwater HighHost: Atwater Main Topics: PTP and OTCLeadership Workshop: How to recruit members


Division 5• Divisional Photobucket: If you club wants

to stand out, try taking pictures for it to be sent in!

• Distinguishable Editor, submit articles every quarter!

• Reflection on the June DCM, have you been applying what you learned?

Division 46• Divisional Car Wash June 27 in Livingston• OTC August 28 at Livingston High • RTC September 25 in Fresno


EVENT: Divisional Car WashPurpose: Fundraise for PTP Event Information: Date: June 27Times: TBALocation: TBAHost: Livingston

Training Conference Purpose: OTC

Event Information:Date: August 28 Times: TBALocation: Livingston HighHost: LivingstonLeadership Workshops: TBACost: TBARSVP: d46.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 5Clubs: 13Members: 700+Service Hours: 390Club of the Month: Clovis North

Region 13: Divisions 10N, 10S, 15, 35E, 35W

DCMALERTSDivision 10 NorthDate: July 24, 2010Times: 1PM-2PMLocation: Live Oak Park, Temple CityHost: Temple CityMain Topics: Summer Key Club, Fall Rally Preparation, PTP Fundraising

Division 10 SouthDate: June 27, 2010Times: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PMLocation: Huntington BeachHost: N/AMain Topics: Summer Key Club, Member Recruitment

Division 15Date: Saturday, July 24Times: 1-5pmLocation: Claremont CollegesHost: N/AMain Topics: OTC, August Carwashes, Core Value of the Quarter: Leadership, Spirit Catalog, RTC, Hoodies & Shirts, Summer Service Projects

Leadership Workshop: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, Spirit, Confidence BuildingProject: Beach Cleanup

Division 35 EastDate: July 31, 2010Times: 2:00PM-3:00PMLocation: Santa Monica BeachHost: Diamond BarMain Topics: District Project SHINE, FundraisersLeadership Workshop: TeamworkProject: Plane Pull EventRecruitment

Division 35 WestDate: July 24, 2010Times: 1:00pm-3:00pmLocation: TBAHost:Main Topics: Divisional Banquet, Regional Beach Clean-up, OTC, PTP fundraising, Divisional Pins, T-shirt/Hoodie Designs


Division 10 North• Regional beach cleanup on July 31st! Get

ready to do some service while meeting and having fun with your fellow R13 Key Clubbers! (:

• WATERFIGHT at July DCM! Wear dark clothing and bring your water guns

Division 10 South• Region 13 will be having a beach cleanup

on June 31st! Our division will be taking buses down to Santa Monica Pier and enjoy a day with the rest of our region!

• We will be hosting a car wash on July 17th. More info will be posted as the date gets closer.

• Our Lieutenant Governor will be out of town for International Convention from July 7th to 11th.

Division 15• We are having a carwash every Sunday in

August except the 29th on the corner of 10th Street and Riverside Drive in Chino.

• Clubs, remember your Summer Tasks List: Have at least 3 service events, at least 2

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 16

fundraisers (at least 1 towards PTP), and at least 1 social before the end of August.

• Bring your old cell phones, chargers, and other phone accessories to DCMs to be sent to March of Dimes, an organization who has teamed up with Ebay for this program to raise money to fight prematurity and improve the health of babies.

Division 35 East• Please notify me when your club has

events/meetings! I want to be there!• Keep in touch with your Kiwanis sponsors!

They’re always behind you 100%

Division 35 West• It’s that time to have our annual Division

35 West Banquet! It will be held at the El Monte Community Center on Friday, July 2 from 5PM-10PM. Prices are $13 presale and $15 at the door. RSVP by June 27th with your president or Divisional Officer! Volunteers will be needed to help with food and clean up! If you’d like to volunteer, please contact me and leave your name, phone, and email. Volunteers only pay $8!

• We are going to have another Regional Beach Clean up this year! Come and socialize with members from the other 4 divisions in our Region 13 and help the world out by cleaning up the beach! Saturday, July 31, 2010 from 10AM-6PM is the date and time, so mark your calendars! More info will be sent out via Google Reflector!

• Fall Rally is coming up in a few months and it’s time to think about T-shirt and Hoodie Designs! Submit your designs to d35w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com and we will vote as a division!


EVENT: PTP Car WashPurpose: raise money for PTP!Event Information:Date: July 10th, 2010Times: 9AM-2PMLocation: South Pasadena High SchoolHost: South Pas

EVENT: Division 10 South BanquetPurpose: Celebrate a year filled with success!Event Information:

Date: June 25th, 2010Times: 6:00 PM to 12:00 AMLocation: Almansor CourtHost: Division 10 South

EVENT: Division 10 South Beach CleanupPurpose: Clean up the beach and help the environment!Event Information:

Date: June 27th, 2010Times: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PMLocation: Huntington BeachHost: Division 10 South EVENT: Division 10 South Car WashPurpose: Raise money for PTP!Event Information:

Date: July 17th, 2010Times: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PMLocation: TBAHost: Division 10 South

EVENT: Regional Beach CleanupPurpose: To bond with the Giraffes, Blue Turtles, Ninja Turtles, Happy Pirates, and Seals of Region 13 while making the beaches a cleaner and better place.Event Information:

Date: Saturday, July 31Times: 10AM-6PMLocation: Santa Monica BeachHost: Region 13

D15 Training ConferencePurpose: To train officers and potential officers about their positions, to increase divisional unification and to establish a good foundation for the futureEvent Information:Date: Sunday, July 24Times: 1-5PMLocation: Claremont CollegesHost: Division 15Leadership Workshops: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, Spirit, Confidence BuildingProject: Beach CleanupCost: NoneRSVP: d15.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Kiwanis of La Puente IndustryEVENT: Steak FryDate: July 18, 2010Times: 4:00PM-7:30PMLocation: Pathfinder Park in Rowland HeightsPre-Sale Tickets: $30.00 per personRSVP: for information, tickets, reservations, call Paul White: 909 464 0061

D35E Training ConferencePurpose: Educate officers in how to perform roles & other leadership qualitiesEvent Information:Date: July 24, 2010Times: 2:00PM-4:00PMLocation: Creekside Park in WalnutHost: Nogales High SchoolLeadership Workshops: Public Speaking, Teamwork, Ethics Cost: Free!!

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 10 SouthClubs: 11Members: 1,212Service Hours: 2,000+ per monthClub of the Month: AlhambraDivision 15Clubs: 14Members: 1188Service Hours: 3450Club of the Month: Chino HillsDivision 35 EastClubs: 9Members: 571Service Hours: 541.5Club of the Month: Bonita High SchoolDivision 35 WestClubs: 10Members: 800+Service Hours: 1034.5Club of the Month: N/A

The answer to the question on the first

pageis located on page 7.

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 17

Region 14: Divisions 14, 39

DCMALERTSDivision 14Date: july 17Times:2:00p.mLocation: 1955 elmer ave.Host: David LaneMain Topics:Summer projects Leadership Workshop: There will be an OTC afterward where the workshop will be provided


Division 14• Divisional carwash on july 24• Clubs should bring t-shirt designs to next



EVENT: Divisional carwashPurpose: raise funds for fall rally Event Information:Date: july 24Times:10:00a.mLocation: TBAHost: Division 14

Training ConferencePurpose: train all officers and members Event Information:Date: Times: July 17, 3:00p.mLocation: 1955 elmer ave Host: David LaneLeadership Workshops: yes Cost: $0RSVP: d14.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 14Clubs: 9Members: More than 422Service Hours:recorded are only 72 hours from 2 clubsClub of the Month: River Valley for raising the most money for our recent Divisional project March of Dimes

Region 15: Divisions 20, 32

DCMALERTSDivision 32Date: July 31, 2010Times: *8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.Location: Redwood Empire Food BankHost: Piner High SchoolMain Topics: DCM, service projectLeadership Workshop: Project: Help the Food Bank


Division 32• Oakland’s Children Hospital Visit on

August 4th• The T-shirt Contest winner will be chosen• Children’s Miracle Network Fundraising -

remember to fundraise for the August 4th trip


EVENT: Beach Clean UpPurpose: Beach Clean-Up Event Information:Date: July 18, 2010Times: 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.Location: Fort Bragg – Pudding Creek BeachHost: Fort Bragg High School

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 32Clubs: 13Members: 263Service Hours: 380Club of the Month: Santa Rosa High School

“Failure is, in a sense, the highway to success, inasmuch as every discover of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterwards carefully avoid.”-John Keats

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 18

Region 16: Divisions 7N, 7S, 27, 44N, 44S

DCMALERTSDivision 7 NorthDate: July 25, 2010Times: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Kiwanis Family House (2875 50th Street)Host: DavisMain Topics: Officer Training Conference, PTP fundraisingLeadership Workshop: President, Secretary

Division 7 SouthDate: July 23, 2010Times: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.Location: Elk Grove High SchoolHost: Elk GroveMain Topics: PTP Fundraising, International Service Partners, Single Service Projects, cost of spirit packs and T-shirtsLeadership Workshop: Presidents and TreasurersProject: Fundraising for CMN and PTP

Division 27Date: July 24, 2010Times: TBALocation: IMPACT Teen Center; 725 N. El Dorado St. Stockton, California 95202Host: Bear CreekMain Topics: Fall Rally, PTP Fundraising, maximizing recruitmentLeadership Workshop: Officer Training Conference

Division 44 NorthDate: July 17, 2010Times: TBALocation: Cool River Pizza (6200 Stanford Ranch Rd, #700 Rocklin, CA 95677)Host: RosevilleMain Topics: Buddy Clubs, summer projects and fundraising, and the divisional T-shirt/spirit items

Division 44 SouthDate: June 25th, 2010Time: 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.Location: Big Spoon YogurtHost: Mira Loma Main Topics: Fundraising for PTP, Mascot, Spirit Items

• OTC (Officer Training Conference) is coming up! So everyone is welcome (mandatory that officers come)

Division 7 South• Please attend as many divisional and club

fundraisers as you can! We’re trying to win PTP fundraising and help out all the clubs in our division fundraiser for District Convention.

• Please inform your club members about the contents of our spirit packages and submit any T-shirt designs if you have any! We only have 1 design submission at the moment.

• Don’t forget to submit your annual plan and officer reports.

• Congratulations to Franklin High School for winning the spirit stick and Pleasant Grove for being most spirited!

Division 27• All elected officers MUST attend Officer

Training Conference and the July DCM!• Get proactive with summer fundraisers:

write sponsorship letters and get word of Pediatric Trauma Program out early!

• Hey Grizzlies, Division 27 is still in need of t-shirt designs for the following year! Keep on submitting to d27.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Division 44 North• It’s summer, but that doesn’t mean that

Key Club is on hold. Keep holding those buddy car washes and fundraisers!

• What would you like in the year’s Spirit Pack? Lanyards, t-shirts, ties, pins? Let me know: d44n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

• Secretaries don’t forget to submit your MRFs to be by July 5th at the latest and July 1st for early bird!

Division 44 South• Come to the DCM! We will discuss our

mascot.• Please continue to raise as much money

for PTP as possible.• Please continue to submit MRFs on time

every month by the 4th.


Division 7 North• Fall Rally is quickly approaching, so think

about: fundraising, fundraising, spirit, fundraising

• Any artistically talented people out there want to design a t-shirt? We need a design!


D07N EVENT: Division Car WashPurpose: Fundraise for PTPEvent Information:Date: July 14, 2010Times: 9 a.m.Location: 3066 Freeport BoulevardHost: McClatchy High School

D07S EVENT: Water Balloon DodgeBALLOON Extravaganza

Purpose: Fundraise money for Pediatric Trauma Prevention, Children’s Miracle Network, and Elk Grove’s DCON fundEvent Information:Date: July 23, 2010Times: 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.Location: Elk Grove High School’s soccer fieldsHost: Elk Grove High School

D07S EVENT: Divisional CarwashPurpose: Fundraise money for Pediatric Trauma PreventionEvent Information:Date: July 11, 2010 and August 22, 2010Times: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Location: Baskin RobbinsHost: Elk Grove High School

D44S Event: Key Club Car WashPurpose: Wash cars to raise money for PTP! Donations only!Event Information:Date: June 26, 2010Time: 8 am to 1pmLocation: Scott's CornerHost: Mira Loma

D07N Training ConferencePurpose: To build leadership and organization skills of members and officersEvent Information:Date: July 25, 2010Times: 1 pm to 5 pmLocation: Kiwanis Family HouseHost: DavisLeadership Workshops: Presidential, Secretary, Kiwanis Family, Make Your Meetings MoveCost: $5RSVP: d07n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

D27 Officer Training ConferencePurpose: To train new officersDate: July 24, 2010Time: TBALocation: IMPACT Teen CenterHost: Justin Lee, LTGLeadership Workshops: Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Fund-raising, PromotionCost: $5

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 19

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 7 NorthClubs: 9Members: 568 Service Hours: 222Club of the Month: Davis High School

Division 7 SouthClubs: 9Members: 1081Service Hours: 4581Club of the Month: Franklin High SchoolDivision 27Clubs: 15Members: 824

Division 44 NorthClubs: 10Members: 440Club of the Month: Lincoln High SchoolDivision 44 SouthClubs: 15Members: 488Service Hours: 295

Region 17: Divisions 12E, 12S, 12W, 34N, 34S, 43

DCMALERTSDivision 12 SouthDate: July 24th, 2010Times: 10am – 11amLocation: Manresa State Beach, Watsonville, CAHost: Division 12 SouthMain Topics: Divisional T-shirts, RTC, Spirit Gear

Division 12 EastDate: July 24th, 2010Times: 10am – 11amLocation: Manresa State Beach, Watsonville, CAHost: Division 12 EastMain Topics: T-shirts, Pins, Lanyards

Division 12 WestDate: July 24th, 2010Times: 10am – 11amLocation: Manresa State Beach, Watsonville, CAHost: Division 12 WestMain Topics: Divisional T-shirt design, Officer Positions, Summer Events, Relay For Life, Spirit gear, fundraisers, club visitations


Division 12 West• Hey D12W Spartans! Got nifty art skills?

Think your design deserves to be on a shirt? Well send in your design to me, Lauren Salinas (D12W.CNHKC.LTG@gmail.com), and maybe you’ll see your design at FRN! Please send them in ASAP, designs are due by the August DCM!


Region 17Purpose: Regional Officer Training ConferenceEvent Information:Date: July 24th, 2010Times: 9 am – 12 pmLocation: Manresa State Beach, Watsonville, CAHost: Region 17Leadership Workshops: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Member, Fundraising, Key Club 101, Public Speaking

Division 34 NorthDate: July 24th, 2010Times: 10am – 11amLocation: Manresa State Beach, Watsonville, CAHost: Division 34 North Main Topics: Executive Assistants, T-shirts, American Apparel Updates, Relay for Life, Lanyards, summer events, aids walk, spirit chants, fundraising

Division 34 SouthDate: July 24th, 2010Times: 10am – 11amLocation: Manresa State Beach, Watsonville, CAHost: Division 34 SouthMain Topics: Divisional T-shirts, Spirit gear, RTC, Relay for Life, summer events, fundraising

Region 17: Divisions 22

DCMALERTSDivision 22Island: KauaiDate: Friday, July 2nd, 2010Times: 10:00 am - 12:00 pmLocation: Salvation Army Thrift Shop - LihueMain Topics: RTC, Divisional ProjectProject: Assist in restocking and organizing the Thrift Shop

Island: OahuDate: Saturday, July 10th, 2010Times: 10:15 am - 5:30 pmLocation: Contemporary Art Museum's "Artspree" (in Manoa)

Main Topics: RTC, Divisional Project* Contact Oahu Island Coordinator Daniel Dangaran for more information regarding the second Oahu DCM

Island: MauiDate, Times, Location, and Project: To be determined…Main Topics: RTC, Divisional Project* Contact Maui Island Coordinator Michael Flynn for more information

Island: Hawaii IslandDate, Times, Location, and Project: To be determined…Main Topics: RTC, Divisional Project* Contact Hawaii Island Coordinator Samantha Maesato for more information


Division 22• Regional Training Conference

registrations are still being accepted. Late registration is $70. If you are flying in from the outer islands, you must make your own flight reservations since you are submitting a late registration. Please schedule your flights to arrive and depart Honolulu at similar times to the flights noted in the RTC packet due to the coordination of ground transportation.

• If you haven’t done so already, please send in your club rosters to LTG David as soon as possible! There are still clubs that have not sent in any new officer information.

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 20

Keep in mind that all club rosters that were sent in after June 10th, 2010 will not be included in the District Directory that will be compiled by our District Secretary. Rosters that are sent in will be used to update the Divisional Directory.

at a glanceDIVISIONS

Division 22Clubs: 24Members: 1534Service Hours: 3352.2 (total taken from all submitted May MRFs)


Region 18 Regional Training ConferencePurpose: To train new officers and plan for the next year of service Event Information:Date: Saturday, August 14th - Sunday, August 15th, 2010Times: 10:00 am on August 14th - 12:00 pm on August 15thLocation: Seto Hall, ‘Iolani SchoolHost: ‘IolaniCost: $70 late registration fee + airfare (must make your own reservations)RSVP: LTG David at d22.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

News for OfficersCompiled by the District Executives

When holding a community service event this summer, don’t say it is hot. Say you are having community service because it is hot! Make the heat a good thing and plan events over the summer. If you are alone take yourself down to the beach or park with a notepad, start dreaming big. There is no better time than summer time to gain a head start for a brand new school year. Be proactive this summer while basking under the sun. You can also reunite your Key Club monthly too. Every so often send out notices to attend a fun community service event. Maybe you want to team up with Alex’s Lemonade Stand. Maybe you want to do something that is with Project Shine. Maybe you just want to get out there and do something. This summer is the time to do your research, plan, and get into action. Just make sure you don’t forget sunblock!

Diana NguyenDistrict Governor

Presidents&Vice Presidents

SECRETARIESHello CNH Secretaries! Great job! You have already completed 2 complete months of your term! For a fresh start during the summer, get organized and use your free time to be proactive! Keep in contact with your members over the summer and update the club directory by taking out any graduated seniors and adding in new members. Don’t worry if the directory is not perfect because you will want to add in new members once the school year starts! Some more tasks you could get a head start on over the summer are creating a template for your meeting minutes and finding efficient tactics to record your club members’ service hours for the year.

Remember, Key Club is year round. Don’t forget that as an officer, you must set an example for your members. Help out your community and stay active by attending club and divisional service projects. It is a good idea to constantly stay in contact with your fellow club officers over the summer to make sure that none of you are checking out and not

performing your duties as officers. If possible, meet with your fellow officers and plan out the rest of your terms. Some ideas to consider are:Did membership increase or decrease from last year? What could be some of the reasons for this change in membership? Brainstorm some ideas for membership recruitment during the beginning of the school year (i.e. registration week, Club Rush, etc.)What is a great way to register all of the members for the incoming school year? One idea is to create a registration sheet where members can fill out their contact information and turn it in when paying their dues. This will not only help out you, as the Secretary, but also the Treasurer. What types of service projects does your club want to do? Consider different factors like the time of year, seasonal weather conditions, District Project SHINE, the MEP Initiative: Live to Learn, Governor’s Focus: Children’s Miracle Network, etc.?

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 21

Club Meeting MinutesAs secretary of your club, you are required to take notes during club and officer meetings and record the business of the meeting. The formal records of the meetings are the meeting minutes. Remember, meeting minutes only state the actions that were completed during the meeting. They do not include the opinions of the members that may have been voiced during the meeting. Meeting minutes are not only great to include in your binder if you want to become a Distinguished Secretary, but they inform members and advisors of what happened during the meeting if they may have missed it. Here are some items you may want to include in your meeting minutes: •Date and Location•Call to Order, Adjournment•Attendance•Actions decided upon during the meeting•Information about upcoming events and projects that were discussed during the meeting

treasurersHello CNH Treasurers!

It is now Summer time! Take this time to start healthy routines. Keep organized, be prepared. Beginning planning fundraisers and what better time to fundraise then summer! Popsicle sells, lemonade stands, and the all-so-popular car wash! Stay connected with your board and advisor so that you can work with them to prepare for the year. Beginning thinking of how you will handle the membership dues process, how you will handle the money, how you will keep track of the money. Keep your work together and organized so that you be recognized as the Distinguished Treasurers you are!

I am in the process on creating a Club Budget that you can prepare for the year. Also, expect a Fundraiser Budget that I am also in the process of creating. Before the year begins, I should also have a Membership Dues Organizer for you to use. And lastly, the Treasurer Manual will be finished and released before summer ends!

Make sure you join the Treasurer Reflector <http://groups.google.com/group/cnh-kc-treasurers> so you can know when these items are released! Also, it is a great source to communicate with other treasurers in our wide district spread across California, Nevada, and Hawaii.

If you have any questions to be answered, I would love to answer them whether it is one or fifty questions.

With care and respect,

Hue TranCNH District TreasurerKey Club International

Dues ReportAt any time you would like, go to cnhkeyclub.org and download our latest Dues Report. Throughout the year, the report will be updated and will show the record from Key Club International on your club standings: last year’s membership, this year’s membership, new clubs, reactivated clubs, and suspended clubs. It is organized by division and alphabetically by clubs in the division. Check what date your club has paid their dues and how many members show as “paid”. Make sure you work with your club secretary to record this information correctly on the Monthly Report Forms (MRFs).

Club BudgetPreparing a club budget with your president and past club treasurer is a great resource to help your club calculate how much they will spend this year and how to distribute funds. Once prepared, share it with your board members, approve it, and keep it somewhere easily accessible. I am in the process of finishing the Club Budget form for which you can fill out. Here are some questions you should answer now so that when the form is released, it will be very quick and easy.

• What funds does the club have from the previous year?• Has contact been made on whether the Sponsoring Kiwanis Club offers financial help?• Are there connections with local business to provided donations or reduce rates on copies for flies, club newsletters, and agendas?

Club Newsletter Considerations• How many club newsletters are going to be produced throughout the year?• How many pages is each newsletter going to be?• How many newsletters are to be printed each month?• How much is each newsletter print cost?

Transportation• Is the club going to provide reimbursements for gas to drivers to events?

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 22

• How much is the club going to reimburse a driver for driving?• What events will the club need to provided transportation for? (Service Projects, Fall Rally, DCON)• How much does transportation cost? (drivers, bus)

Other Cost• Will the club provide spirit items for members who attend District Events (Fall Rally, DCON)• Will the club provide awards, certificates, and/or prizes to members throughout the year or at the end of the year?• What will attract potential members to join?• How much funds does the club need to prepare for this year?• What is our goal to fundraise for Pediatric Trauma Prevention?

Why should you prepare a Club Budget? If the club prepares and approves the budget in the beginning of summer, the rest of summer time can be used to fundraise for what is needed.

EDITORSHey editors! Many of you are on vacation, which means break time right? Wrong! The summer is when you should get as much Key Club done as possible to get ready for the upcoming year. Some strategies that I might want to add are to have a planned schedule of your day or week on when to work on Key Club and when to relax and just enjoy the summer sun. Even if it’s pretty hot all over our district. That’s what air conditioning in libraries is for right? Anyways, I hope to continue to see pictures in the visuals archive, articles in the articles archive, and a whole bunch of questions in my archive if you have any questions! HAGS! (Have A Great Summer!)

Andrew ShinDistrict Technology Editor

ReflectorsThere were questions on how to create a reflector, so I’ll take this time to briefly explain! First, go to http://groups.google.com and press the button, Create a group… Fill in the provided information, which includes: Name your group, Create a group address, and the description. After, press Create my group and you just set up a reflector! From there, you may invite people to join by entering their email addresses.


The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter Page 23

Division 28 North ................................................................. d28nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 28 South .................................................................. d28skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 28 West .................................................................. d28wkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 29 .............................................................................. d29kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 30 North ................................................................. d30nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 30 South .................................................................. d30skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 31 .............................................................................. d31kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 32 .............................................................................. d32kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 33 .............................................................................. d33kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 34 North ................................................................. d34nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 34 South .................................................................. d34skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 35 East .................................................................... d35ekcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 35 West .................................................................. d35wkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 36 East .................................................................... d36ekcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 36 West .................................................................. d36wkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 37 North ................................................................. d37nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 37 South .................................................................. d37skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 38 North ................................................................. d38ekcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 38 South ................................................................ d38wkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 39 ................................................................................ please contact D14 LTGDivision 41 North ................................................................. d41nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 41 South .................................................................. d41skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 42 East .................................................................... d42ekcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 42 West .................................................................. d42wkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 43 .............................................................................. please contact D12E LTGDivision 44 North ................................................................. d44nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 44 South .................................................................. d44skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 45 ................................................................................ please contact D23 LTGDivision 46 .............................................................................. d46kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 47 ............................................................................. d47kcltg@cnhkiwanis.org

District GovernorDiana Nguyen ................................................................. kcgovernor@cnhkiwanis.orgDistrict SecretaryBreigh Dang ..................................................................... kcsecretary@cnhkiwanis.orgDistrict TreasurerHue Tran .............................................................................. kctreasurer@cnhkiwanis.orgDistrict Technology EditorAndrew Shin ............................................................................ kceditor@cnhkiwanis.orgDistrict AdministratorLisa Lotito-Byers ..................................................................... cnh.kcadmin@gmail.comService Leadership Program, DirectorBruce Hennings .......................................................................... bruce@cnhkiwanis.orgDistrict Convention ChairBen Chon .................................................................................. kcdcon@cnhkiwanis.orgDistrict Projects ChairZeyu (Andrew) Liu ........................................................................ kcdp@cnhkiwanis.orgKiwanis Family & Foundation ChairLorita Boghospor ........................................................................... kckff@cnhkiwanis.orgMember Recognition ChairPierre Bourbonnais ....................................................................... kcmr@cnhkiwanis.orgMember Relations ChairJonhny Pham ............................................................................... kcmrs@cnhkiwanis.orgPolicies, International, Elections ChairNathan Schlaffer ......................................................................... kcpie@cnhkiwanis.orgLt. GovernorsDivision 1 ................................................................................ please contact D19N LTGDivision 2 .................................................................................. d2kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivisions 3 .................................................................................. d3kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 4 East ........................................................................ d4ekcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 4 North ..................................................................... d4nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 4 West ..................................................................... d4wkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 5 ................................................................................... d5kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 6 ................................................................................... d6kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 7 North ..................................................................... d7nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 7 South ...................................................................... d7skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 8 ................................................................................... d8kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 10 North ................................................................. d10nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 10 South .................................................................. d10skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 11 .............................................................................. d11kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 12 East .................................................................... d12ekcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 12 South .................................................................. d12skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 12 West ................................................................. d12wkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 13 North ................................................................. d13nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 13 South .................................................................. d13skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 14 .............................................................................. d14kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 15 .............................................................................. d15kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 16 .............................................................................. d16kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 18 .............................................................................. d18kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 19 North ................................................................. d19nkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 19 South .................................................................. d19skcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 20 .................................................................................. please contact D32 LTFDivision 21 .............................................................................. d21kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 22 .............................................................................. d22kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 23 .............................................................................. d23kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 24 .............................................................................. d24kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 25 East .................................................................... d25ekcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 25 West ................................................................. d25wkcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 26 .............................................................................. d26kcltg@cnhkiwanis.orgDivision 27 .............................................................................. d27kcltg@cnhkiwanis.org

This publication was made for you—the members, officers, and advisors of the California-Nevada-Hawai’i Key Club District by the entire CNH Board. The Executive and Leadership Team performthe final duties of editing and formatting.

www.keyclub.org3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 317- 875- 8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS

Thanks for reading!