Https:// Armin Weinberger, Pirkko Hyvönen, Essi Vuopala Universities...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Armin Weinberger, Pirkko Hyvönen, Essi VuopalaUniversities Saarland and Oulu


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Solo phase

Students construct their knowledge base about current state-of-art of the CSCL.

Peer reviewing

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Students study the learning material about the three themes of the CSCL, and write a manuscript of each of them (wiki)

Manuscript is about one to two page long per theme, and includes reflection of chosen points. For instance following questions can be use.

How is CSCL conceptualized and understood?How are C, S, C and L comprehended?What kind of  learning theories lies behind?What kind of challenges and solutions are provided?How CSCL is studied?For what context each theme/orientation could be adapted?What are unsolved problems, which need further research and / or  discussion?What are your insights?

Students visit other wiki pages, and read and comment other manuscripts -- at least two. Prefer manuscripts which are not yet commented by any student; try to provide constructive comments. Comments can be written on "comments" section.

You know other students and tutors; how to find information and how to use the learning environments.You are aware of what are you expected to do and learn during this course.

Teachers provide tutoring for the  local students during the solo working phase.

Manuscript, about  1-2 pages / themeComments of two manuscripts

This was y

our solo phase

Intermediate stopping point: Orientation to the collaboration phase

F2F meeting at local university

Wrapping up the solo phase Students have studied three topics, written their manuscripts and commented two other manuscripts.

(Programme in Oulu)

8.15.-8.30. Introduction 8.30.-10.00. In small groups students visualise on what they consider essential in the CSCL. They make a flow chart that indicates key elements in the process of the CSCL: How do you now understand and define cscl on the basis of the solo phase? 10.00.-10.45. The groups present their charts followed by discussions. 10.45.-11.30. The groups finalise their presentations about themselves and insert them into the Wiki.


Collaboration phase

Aim is to deepen the knowledge about one of the three CSCL themes, to choose a focus for the article and write an article according to the academic standards.


Before the collaboration phase read manuscripts dealing with your topic area.

1. Choose a topic you want to deepen your knowledge. There is a limited number of positions in each topic, and each group will be mixed from different universities. Inform Pirkko about your choise.

2. Once you know your group, one student from the Oulu will contact (by Doodle) to have a skype or AC meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to get to know each other and to discuss about content you are interested in and practices you are going to organise your collaboration. Open Google docs document.

3. Selecting and defining relevant problems and questions, aim and context for your article. Define tentative title as well.

4. Finding more information and deepen your understanding about the theoretical basis.

5. Finding solutions for your problems and questions. 6. Concluding and discussing ypur article7. Writing and abstract and key words 8. Finalising your article

In writing the article all the manuscripts can be used as a source!

Each university provides tutoring for their particular theme.This was y

our colla


n phase

Insert your article into the wiki:

ElaborationAIM is to wrap up the course by a group reflection.

Aim of the course was to provide theoretical and practical understanding on how learning can be supported and enhanced in technological environments.

Students comprehended and reviewed the theoretical background for collaborative learning and evaluation of CSCL.

Students also deepened their understanding of particular CSCL theme in various educational and work life contexts from both theoretical and practical perspectives.


1 understand the state-of-the-art theoretical basis for CSCL and learning communities in various educational and work-life contexts

2 be capable of designing, evaluating, and assessing collaborative learning in technology-enhanced environments

3 Improve collaborative academic writing and argumentation skills

F2F meeting at local university


Reflect and assess your learning and the entire process in relation to the objectives. Why did you learn; what caused or stimulated or enhanced it? What else did you learn during the process? How did you deepen your understanding? What did you deepened? What motivated to work and lean? Analyses

Discuss first about aims and each objective.Define 5-6 the most central things (e.g., sentence, paragraph) of each objective, and write them on the post it –stickers.

Green – state-of-the-art (3 topics)Pink – designing, evaluating and assessing collaborative learningYellow – academic collaborative writing

Stick your stickers on the boards (flip flap paper)


CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER TASK (to finalise the article)

1. Green

2. Pink

3. Yellow


1. STIMULUS to free cognitive recourses (10 mins) Teacher shows you ten different everyday artefacts or pictures of them, one by one. Criteria for choosing objects is choose five rather concrete items, which can lead easily to obvious responses, such as “pen” tool for thinking or sharing ideas. Another five should lead more abstract level, and which can result unexpected replies, such as “scissors”. Students’ task is to connect the displayed item immediately to something within the framework of the computer-supported collaborative learning, or to something what occurred during the CSCL course. The connection can be an analogy/similarity; it can combine concepts or whatever that comes to their mind. It can be one word, an idea, sentence, statement, question or comment. Students say it first and then write it down.

Group 2

Group 1

Group 3


Reflective discussions about learning- Central materials can be at


Result of the reflection: 5-6 central issues (as sentences) about learning of the each learning aim.

Prompting questions: Why did you learn; what caused or stimulated or enhanced it? When did you learn? How did you deepen your understanding? What did you deepened? What motivated to work and learn? What else did you learn during the process?

- Write sentences on post-it stickers- Bring stickers on the white walls (3

walls) Group 1. State-of-the art of the CSCL (3 topics)Group 2. Academic collaborative writingGroup 3. Designing and assessing collaborative learning

3. KNOWLEDGE RE-ORGANIZATION (30 mins)  Aim is to organize post-it stickers in order to form a logical structure related to CSCL. Purpose is, on the basis of the group reflection, to achieve higher level of collaborative learning. That is meaning-making and understanding.  Groups and their themes (learning goal) are listed below.   

Group 1. State-of-the art of the CSCL (3 topics)

Group 3. Designing and assessing collaborative learning

Group 2. Academic collaborative writing

4. INSIGHTS (10 mins) Each group names three things, which they consider as their insights.