HubSpot Social Media Tools Best Practices

Post on 15-Feb-2017

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Joshua Feinberg Co-Founder of SP Home Run

Co-Leader of Boca Raton HubSpot User Group

Connect with on LinkedIn

Follow on Twitter

From Social Media to SMART Goals

I. Build Strategy

II. Segment and Configure

III. Monitor and Interact

IV. Publish Like a Publisher

V. Be the Boss of Your Social Inbox

VI. Close the Loop on Lead Generation and Revenue

How to Get Social About Today’s Talk

Tweet best practices and photos with #bocahug Top Tweeters win cool HubSpot swag @bocahug @joshua_feinberg @sphomerun @hubspot

From Social Media to SMART Goals

I. Build Strategy

II. Segment and Configure

III. Monitor and Interact

IV. Publish Like a Publisher

V. Be the Boss of Your Social Inbox

VI. Close the Loop on Lead Generation and Revenue

Let Buyer Personas Call the Shots

Set SMART Goals to Avoid the Curse of Vanity Metrics

Plan with the Inbound Methodology in Mind

From Social Media to SMART Goals

I. Build Strategy

II. Segment and Configure

III. Monitor and Interact

IV. Publish Like a Publisher

V. Be the Boss of Your Social Inbox

VI. Close the Loop on Lead Generation and Revenue

Why Segment Twitter – You Talking to Me?

Plan How You’ll Use HubSpot’s Social Media Tools

Configure HubSpot Social Settings

From Social Media to SMART Goals

I. Build Strategy

II. Segment and Configure

III. Monitor and Interact

IV. Publish Like a Publisher

V. Be the Boss of Your Social Inbox

VI. Close the Loop on Lead Generation and Revenue

Add and Tweak Twitter Monitoring Streams

● @profiles ● #hashtags

● keywords

● language

● location

● negative keywords

Retweet and Interact to Grow Reach and Make Friends

From Social Media to SMART Goals

I. Build Strategy

II. Segment and Configure

III. Monitor and Interact

IV. Publish Like a Publisher

V. Be the Boss of Your Social Inbox

VI. Close the Loop on Lead Generation and Revenue

Publish the Right Content Mix to the Right Channel

Use #hashtags to Attract the Right Visitors

Attach Images to Stand Out

● Image from the blog post itself

● Above the fold screen shot of blog post

● Screen shot of cover of premium content (eBook, Webinar slides, etc.)

● Photos

● Photos of slides

Manage Your Schedule like CNN Headline News

From Social Media to SMART Goals

I. Build Strategy

II. Segment and Configure

III. Monitor and Interact

IV. Publish Like a Publisher

V. Be the Boss of Your Social Inbox

VI. Close the Loop on Lead Generation and Revenue

Build Relationships in the Inbox

● Welcome new followers and follow back

● Thanks for the RT ● Favorite and RT @ mentions of

your brand ● Reply to @ mentions of your


From Social Media to SMART Goals

I. Build Strategy

II. Segment and Configure

III. Monitor and Interact

IV. Publish Like a Publisher

V. Be the Boss of Your Social Inbox

VI. Close the Loop on Lead Generation and Revenue

Analyze Published Columns, Social Reporting, and Contact Timelines ● Social Publishing

● Published tab

● Filter by channel (and profile)

● Filter by date (“All time”)

● Filter by campaign (“All campaigns”)

● Sort by Clicks

● Sort by Interactions

Analyze Published Columns, Social Reporting, and Contact Timelines

Close the Loop with Sources

From Social Media to SMART Goals

I. Build Strategy

II. Segment and Configure

III. Monitor and Interact

IV. Publish Like a Publisher

V. Be the Boss of Your Social Inbox

VI. Close the Loop on Lead Generation and Revenue

Joshua Feinberg Co-Founder of SP Home Run

Co-Leader of Boca Raton HubSpot User Group

Connect with on LinkedIn

Follow on Twitter