Huddle Your QA

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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an experience report from QAs


Huddle Your QA

Pushpa ReddyDawn Carvell

This is Dawn

Dawn is a QA

Dawn works on an agile project.

Dawn sits in the corner…


While the others…


That doesn’t sound very Agile…

Dawn finds a defect…

And tries to tell the developers…

But the PM…

Tells her not to waste their time…

That doesn’t sound very Agile…

When the developers have finished their story…

They show it to the BA, but not Dawn…

When Dawn is writing automated acceptance tests…

She wants to pair…

Instead the developers…

Don’t think it’s important…

That doesn’t sound very Agile…

When the developers break the acceptance tests…

They don’t bother to fix them…

Dawn thinks it’s the developers responsibility to fix the tests…

The developers think that if Dawn wants to write tests, she should fix them…

That doesn’t sound very Agile…

The quality of the software suffers from a lackof communication…

If only things could be better...

This is Pushpa

Pushpa is also a QA …

Pushpa DOES work on an agile project.

Before a story is developed…

Pushpa works with the BA to write acceptance criteria…

When the developers are ready to pick up a story…

Pushpa gets involved with the story huddle…

Then when the developers have finished a story…

They showcase it to the BA and Pushpa…

Pushpa joins in with the story showcase

When Pushpa is writing automated acceptance tests…

She pairs with a developer…

The developers are able to fix the automated acceptance tests if they break…

The quality of the software is high and…

We are all happy!