Human-aided admixture may fuel ecosystem transformation...

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Human-aided admixture may fuel ecosystemtransformation during biological invasions: theoretical andexperimental evidenceJane Molofsky1, Stephen R. Keller2, S�ebastien Lavergne3, Matthew A. Kaproth1,4

& Maarten B. Eppinga5

1Department of Plant Biology, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 054052Appalachian Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Frostburg, Maryland 215323Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine (LECA) UMR 5553 CNRS - Universit�e Joseph Fourier BP 53, Grenoble Cedex 9, 38041, France4Department of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551085Department of Environmental Science, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Utrecht TC 3508, The Netherlands


Admixture, critical transitions, dynamics,

ecosystems, feedbacks, functional traits,

invasive species, Phalaris arundinacea,



Jane Molofsky, Department of Plant Biology,

University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont,

05405. Tel: 011 802 656 2930;

Fax: 011 802 656 0440;


Funding Information

Funding provided by USDA Hatch and USDA-

NRI 2006-03645 grant awarded to J.M., the

European Research Council (project TEEMBIO,

FP7/2007–2013 Grant Agreement no.

281422), and from ANR projects SCION (ANR-

08-PEXT-03) and EVORANGE (ANR-08-PEXT-

11) projects to S. L and support from National

Science Foundation IOS-1238885 to S.R.K.

Received: 2 December 2013; Revised: 7

January 2014; Accepted: 10 January 2014

doi: 10.1002/ece3.966


Biological invasions can transform our understanding of how the interplay of

historical isolation and contemporary (human-aided) dispersal affects the struc-

ture of intraspecific diversity in functional traits, and in turn, how changes in

functional traits affect other scales of biological organization such as communi-

ties and ecosystems. Because biological invasions frequently involve the admix-

ture of previously isolated lineages as a result of human-aided dispersal, studies

of invasive populations can reveal how admixture results in novel genotypes

and shifts in functional trait variation within populations. Further, because

invasive species can be ecosystem engineers within invaded ecosystems, admix-

ture-induced shifts in the functional traits of invaders can affect the composi-

tion of native biodiversity and alter the flow of resources through the system.

Thus, invasions represent promising yet under-investigated examples of how

the effects of short-term evolutionary changes can cascade across biological

scales of diversity. Here, we propose a conceptual framework that admixture

between divergent source populations during biological invasions can reorga-

nize the genetic variation underlying key functional traits, leading to shifts in

the mean and variance of functional traits within invasive populations. Changes

in the mean or variance of key traits can initiate new ecological feedback mech-

anisms that result in a critical transition from a native ecosystem to a novel

invasive ecosystem. We illustrate the application of this framework with refer-

ence to a well-studied plant model system in invasion biology and show how a

combination of quantitative genetic experiments, functional trait studies, whole

ecosystem field studies and modeling can be used to explore the dynamics

predicted to trigger these critical transitions.


It is increasingly clear that interactions between ecological

and evolutionary processes have the potential to affect

biodiversity at multiple scales of organization (Whitham

et al. 2006; Bailey et al. 2009; Wymore et al.2011), leading

to the long anticipated integration of evolutionary biology

and ecosystem science (Matthews et al. 2011). This con-

ceptual unification of function and diversity across scales,

from intraspecific variation in traits to community stabil-

ity and ecosystem function, has the potential to transform

our understanding of how evolutionary changes organize

and structure ecological systems (Matthews et al. 2011;

Schoener 2011). In particular, there is mounting evidence

ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,

distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


that genetic changes within a foundation or dominant

species (sensu Ellison et al. 2005) can cause a cascade of

changes in associated communities of interacting species

(Hanski 2011; Schoener 2011). For example, genetic

changes in a foundation plant species can alter commu-

nity diversity of co-existing herbivores because different

herbivore communities develop on different host plant

phenotypes (Bailey et al. 2009; Keith et al. 2010; Genung

et al. 2011; Lamit et al. 2011; Schweitzer et al. 2011).

At the same time, there has been a growing realization

that changes in functional traits of dominant plant species

can induce a critical transition toward a novel ecosystem

state (Suding et al. 2008). Critical transitions are typically

preceded by a gradual loss of resilience of the current eco-

system state, making the system vulnerable to relatively

small perturbations or (further) changes in environmental

conditions or pressures (Scheffer et al. 2001). Hence, critical

transitions might appear as large-scale ecosystem responses

to what are arguably smaller-scale changes in functional var-

iation within a dominant species (Eppinga et al. 2011).

However, much is still unknown about how micro-evolu-

tionary changes in functional traits “scale up” to alter the

functioning and stability of communities and ecosystems.

Here, we propose that human actions such as assisted

dispersal of exotic species to new ranges often result in

the mixing and reorganization of genetic variation that

can shift the mean and variance of key functional traits

that are part of ecological feedback loops, and in so doing

trigger a critical transition within invaded ecosystems. We

first discuss the genetic and ecological processes at work

during invasion that may produce changes in functional

traits within invasive populations, and proceed by dis-

cussing how these changes in functional traits can alter

ecological feedbacks that have community and ecosystem-

level consequences. We then illustrate how a theoretical

modeling framework can be used to predict how geno-

typic variation in functional traits may scale up to have

community and ecosystem consequences, and provide a

specific case study using the invasive grass, Phalaris

arundinacea, an aggressive invader of North American

wetlands (Lavergne and Molofsky 2004). We conclude by

exploring how experimental approaches can contribute to

a more detailed understanding of how artificially increas-

ing admixture between ecologically and evolutionary dis-

tinct populations via human-aided dispersal can promote

ecosystem transformation.

Genetic Changes in Functional Traitsof Invasive Species as Drivers ofEcosystem Transformation

Invasive species can reveal novel insights into how genetic

changes that affect functional trait variation within a

species can lead to changes in community diversity and

ecosystem-level reorganization. This is because both the

ecological and genetic contexts under which populations

evolve are subject to change during invasion, and hence

invasions represent unintended and often sudden pertur-

bations to the evolutionary trajectory of populations and

their interactions with other components of the ecosystem

that can be studied and quantified (Sax et al. 2005).

For years, the study of invasive species has focused on

testing specific hypotheses about the ecological mecha-

nisms leading to dominance of introduced invasive spe-

cies (e.g., enemy release hypothesis, novel weapons

hypothesis, and the accumulation of local pathogens

hypothesis) (Callaway and Ridenour 2004; Levine et al.

2004; Wolfe et al. 2004; Eppinga et al. 2006). Yet inva-

sions also profoundly alter the genetic structure of intro-

duced populations and many invasions produce “melting

pots” of high genetic diversity that may be linked to inva-

siveness (Ellstrand and Schierenbeck 2000; Facon et al.

2008; Keller and Taylor 2010). Genetic changes at the

genotypic and population level can rapidly shift the mean

and variance of functional phenotypic traits, some of

which may have ecosystem-level consequences (Eppinga

et al. 2011; Eppinga and Molofsky 2013). In such cases,

evolutionary changes to functional traits in the invader

can cause a cascade of biotic and abiotic changes, ranging

from competitive displacement of co-occurring native

species to alterations in ecosystem processes, and may

even initiate a critical transition in ecosystem state (Van

Nes and Scheffer 2004). Thus, genetic changes within

invasive populations, through their effects on functional

traits, may alter ecological feedbacks and lead to a critical

transition from a native-dominated to an invasive-domi-

nated ecosystem.

Admixture is potentially a widespread mechanism for

producing phenotypic changes in the invader capable of

leading to ecosystem shifts. The mixing and mating

between genetically divergent introduction sources can

frequently occur during the invasion process when the

invasive species has multiple introduction pathways and

high propagule pressure (Culley and Hardiman 2009).

This may expand the overall genetic and phenotypic vari-

ance within introduced populations (Kolbe et al. 2004,

2007), which can lead to an immediate fitness advantage

due to hybrid vigor (e.g., Facon et al. 2008; Keller and

Taylor 2010) and an enhanced response to selection (La-

vergne and Molofsky 2007; Keller et al. 2009; Colautti

et al. 2012). Further, by combining diversity from differ-

ent native range sources, admixture can also produce

novel invasive genotypes with new trait values, or even

new multi-trait combinations (Calsbeek et al. 2011),

including individuals with extreme trait values that exceed

either parental source (i.e., transgressive segregation sensu

2 ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Admixture and Ecosystem Transformation During Invasion J. Molofsky et al.

Rieseberg et al. 1999, 2007). Moreover, evidence now

exists that invasions can be accompanied by dramatic

changes in the overall size and structure of the genome

itself, with apparent associations between genome size

and functional traits that influence ecosystem and com-

munity properties (Grotkopp et al. 2004; Kolbe et al.

2007; Lavergne et al. 2010b; Bainard et al. 2012).

What are the consequences for native communities and

ecosystems when an invader has expanded functional trait

variation and competes for similar niche space with native

species? How might admixture and its effects on func-

tional traits mechanistically act to alter both the outcome

of competition and ecosystem function? Studies have doc-

umented that invasive species are capable of substantially

altering native ecosystems, including changes to nutrient

cycling, litter dynamics, and hydrology (Vitousek et al.

1987; Witkowski 1991; Ehrenfeld 2003, 2010; Fischer et al.

2010). One functional change that is commonly found in

invasive populations when compared to their native range

counterparts is that invasive plants are larger in the new

range. This could arise due to hybrid vigor (e.g., hetero-

sis) following admixture, or because the release of plants

from specialist herbivores found in the native range

allows for selection for reallocation of resources from

defense into growth (Blossey and N€otzold1995; Bossdorf

et al. 2005). In fact, increased biomass production in

invasive populations has been demonstrated for many

invasive species (Blumenthal and Hufbauer 2007), and

may be a key trait capable of altering ecosystem processes

if larger plants leave more litter (i.e., undecomposed bio-

mass) within the ecosystem, which can shift community

composition through ecological feedback loops involving

light and soil nutrients (Eppinga et al. 2011; Eppinga and

Molofsky 2013; Kaproth, Eppinga and Molofsky 2013).

Perhaps the best-documented example involves Chinese

Tallow tree, where increased growth capabilities and

greater biomass production have evolved during its inva-

sion in North America, leading to profound ecosystem

effects (Siemann and Rogers 2001; Zou et al. 2006, 2008).

In addition, changes in chemical composition (leaf C:N

ratio) or physical characteristics (amount of lignin in the

leaf) could alter litter decomposition rates, leading to

alteration in feedback loops between native and invasive

plants (Zhou et al. 2008). At the species level, a recent

phylogenetically controlled experimental study comparing

leaf-litter decomposition rates between native and invasive

plant species found that leaf litter from invasive species

has a slower rate of decomposition than leaf litter from

native species (Godoy et al. 2010). At the intraspecific

level, genetically based differences in leaf characteristics

have been found to alter litter decomposition in at least

three invasive tree species (Zou et al. 2006; Silfver et al.

2007; Lecerf and Chauvet 2008). Another ecosystem

change induced by genetic changes in functional traits of

plant invaders is the alteration of communities of insect

herbivores, soil microbes, and soil invertebrates (Neira

et al. 2005; Karley et al. 2008; Lankau 2011).

The evidence from these studies on invasive plants sug-

gests that changes in the population variance for key traits

such as greater biomass production, or more recalcitrant

litter, may lead to a tipping point where the ecological

dynamics such as species interactions or ecosystem pro-

cesses shift, creating a critical transition that favors the

establishment and dominance of the invader over the

native biological community (Scheffer 2009; Eppinga

et al. 2011). Once critical transitions occur, they can

result in a cascade of effects on ecosystem functions that

can be difficult to reverse (Crooks 2002; Cuddington and

Hastings 2004; Cuddington et al. 2007).

A Theoretical Model FrameworkLinking Intraspecific Trait Variationto Invaded Ecosystems

To understand the cascade of changes between intraspe-

cific variation in the invader’s traits to native community

diversity and ecosystem function, we need to first identify

the feedback mechanisms that can result in an ecosystem

transformation and then understand how these feedback

relationships are altered by admixture creating expanded

functional trait variation. Theoretical models can allow us

to determine when the proposed feedback mechanisms

are large enough to cause a critical transition; models can

also point to important follow-up experimental studies

that focus on determining whether a feedback mechanism

of sufficient magnitude is likely to be achieved in natural

settings and under what environmental conditions (see

Eppinga and Molofsky 2013 for an example). For exam-

ple, controlled crosses that recreate the effects of admix-

ture between invasion sources could be coupled with

experimental field studies that allow us to better under-

stand the relationship between trait expression in the

invader and community and ecosystem responses (Fig. 1).

Such studies are possible in invasive plant species in

which important feedbacks leading to an ecosystem

change have been identified and for which genotypes

from known invasion sources from the native range can

be experimentally hybridized.

Below, we develop a theoretical framework for under-

standing how the cascade of changes from admixture

through functional trait variation to alteration in commu-

nity and ecosystem function can lead to an ecosystem

transition to a novel ecosystem state (Fig. 1). Our starting

point involves a theoretical exploration of how dominant

feedback relationships in ecosystems can be altered by

changes in species’ resource-competition relationships,

ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 3

J. Molofsky et al. Admixture and Ecosystem Transformation During Invasion

which we then later use to incorporate the effect of

expanded genotypic variation in functional traits on the

ecological feedbacks. To this end, we illustrate our

approach using a modified version of the classical

resource-competition model (Tilman 1982), in which two

plant populations compete for a soil nutrient and light

(D�ıaz-Sierra et al. 2010; Eppinga et al. 2011). In this

model, plant growth is limited by either soil nutrient avail-

ability or light availability:


dt¼ min


kL;i þ L;


kR;i þ R

� �Bi �miBi (1)

In which, Bi indicates the biomass of species i (see

Table 1 for dimensions of all parameters and state vari-

ables), L is light availability and R is soil resource avail-

ability. In addition, gJ,i indicates the maximum growth

rate if resource J is limiting, kJ,i is the resource density at

which plant species i reaches half its maximum growth

rate, and mi indicates losses of plant species i due to mor-

tality. In turn, dynamics in soil nutrient availability are

governed by nutrient supply and plant uptake by co-

occurring species in the community (where we distinguish

native (N) and invasive (I) species):


dt¼ aðS� RÞ � qR;N



kL;N þ L;


kR;N þ R

� �BN

� qR;IqlRoot


kL;I þ L;


kR;I þ R

� �BI (2)

which BN indicates native species biomass and BI invasive

species biomass. Further, a is the rate at which nutrients

are replenished, S the soil nutrient availability in the

absence of plants, qR,i the nitrogen content of plant spe-

cies i, and q the bulk density of the soil and lRoot the

plant rooting depth. Plant material intercepts light, mean-

ing that light availability decreases with increasing plant

biomass density. Because this process occurs on a much

faster timescale than the processes mentioned above, a

quasi-steady state can be assumed (Reynolds and Pacala


L̂ ¼ L01þ cL;NBN þ cL;IBI


Previous research suggests that novel, invasive genotypes

such as those produced by admixture may undergo a shift

in biomass production and carbon:nitrogen ratios in leaf

tissue (Blumenthal and Hufbauer 2007; Eppinga et al.

2011). Even without knowing the exact genetic mecha-

nisms that can lead to these trait changes, the potential

consequences of such a trait change can be explored by

integrating these functional traits into our model frame-

work. More specifically, in the model, the carbon:nitrogen

ratio is defined by 1/qR,i. Thus, an increase in the carbon:

nitrogen ratio corresponds to a decreasing value of qR,i.

Thus, changing this parameter alters the consumption vec-

tor of the invasive population (see Appendix S1 in the

Supporting Information for the analytical analysis leading

to the results presented in this section).

Two cases can be distinguished in which a changing

trait value may affect the outcome of plant competition

(Fig. 2). The first case, often cited as a means to enhance

competitive success of invasive populations, is that popu-

lations achieve competitive success by attaining a rela-

tively low leaf tissue carbon:nitrogen ratio (Liao et al.

2008; Ehrenfeld 2010). This possibility emerges here in

our model framework as well. A decrease in the invader’s

leaf tissue carbon:nitrogen ratio will increase the slope of

the consumption vector (Fig. 2A, cf. Tilman 1982;

Appendix S1). This change may increase the invasive pop-

ulation’s success, provided that it is a relatively poor

competitor for light (Fig. 2A).

In the second case, an increase in the invader’s leaf tis-

sue carbon:nitrogen ratio decreases the slope of the con-

sumption vector (Fig. 2B, cf. Tilman 1982; Appendix S1).

Figure 2B shows that this increase in leaf C:N may favor

the dominance of the invasive population, provided that

the invader is a relatively weak competitor for soil nutri-

ents. This is a likely scenario when an invasive species has

been introduced without its specific root mycorrhizae

(Nu~nez et al. 2010), for example.

Figure 1. Genes to ecosystem cascade initiated by admixture and

culminating in community and ecosystem-scale transitions in structure

and function.

4 ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Admixture and Ecosystem Transformation During Invasion J. Molofsky et al.

Until now, the framework does not yet include the pos-

sibility of feedbacks between ecosystem characteristics and

the response of plant populations. These feedbacks can be

included by explicitly incorporating litter dynamics in the

model (Daufresne and Hedin 2005; Eppinga et al. 2011):


dt¼ miBi � qR;i

QR;idiDi (4)

in which Di indicates the density of litter produced by

species i. The decomposition rate of this litter depends on

its quality. QR,i, which indicates the nutrient content of

the litter at which it decomposes at rate di. Litter of lower

quality (i.e., smaller values of qR,i) will decompose slower,

higher quality litter decomposes faster.

If litter dynamics are included, feedbacks can arise:

competitive interactions between the native and invasive

plant species then determine the quantity and quality of

litter formed, which in turns modifies environmental con-

ditions (i.e., soil nitrogen and light availability), which

feeds back to the competitive ability of both species (Dau-

fresne and Hedin 2005; Eppinga et al. 2011). Incorporat-

ing these processes in the equations describing soil

nitrogen availability (Eppinga et al. 2011) yields:


dt¼ aðS� RÞ � qR;N



kL;N þ L;


kR;N þ R

� �BN

� qR;IqlRoot


kL;I þ L;


kR;I þ R

� �BI

þ q2R;NQR;NqlRoot

aR;NdNDN þ q2R;IQR;IqlRoot

aR;IdIDI ð5Þ

in which aR,I indicates the mineralization efficiency of

plant species i’s litter. As litter decomposition now affects

nutrient availability, which in turn will feed back on

Table 1. Model parameters and state variables. Parameters are expressed in dimensions of time (T), length (L), Energy (E), Mass of soil resource

(MR), plant mass (MS), and/or litter mass (MD).

Symbol Interpretation Dimensions

gL,N Maximum growth rate native population under light limitation T�1

gL,I Maximum growth rate invasive population under light limitation T�1

kL,N Light availability at which the native population reaches half its maximal growth rate (if light limited) EL�2

kL,I Light availability at which the invasive population reaches half its maximal growth rate (if light limited) EL�2

gR,N Maximum growth rate native population under nutrient limitation T�1

gR,I Maximum growth rate invasive population under nutrient limitation T�1

kR,N Nutrient availability at which the native population reaches half its maximal growth rate (if nutrient limited) MRMS�1

kR,I Nutrient availability at which the invasive population reaches half its maximal growth rate (if nutrient limited) MRMS�1

mN Mortality rate native population T�1

mI Mortality rate invasive population T�1

a Turnover rate of nutrient supply T�1

S Nutrient availability in absence of both populations MRMS�1

qR,N Nutrient content of tissue of native population MRMP�1

qR,I Nutrient content of tissue of invasive population MRMP�1

q Soil bulk density MS.L�3

lRoot Rooting depth of both populations L

QR,N Nutrient content of native population litter at which it decomposes at rate dN MRMD�1

QR,I Nutrient content of invasive population litter at which it decomposes at rate dI MRMD�1

aR,N Nutrient-litter feedback coefficient native population -

aR,I Nutrient-litter feedback coefficient invasive population –

dN Decomposition rate of native population’s litter T�1

dI Decomposition rate of invasive population’s litter T�1

L0 Light supply rate EL�2T�1

cL,N Light interception coefficient native population L2MP�1

cL,I Light interception coefficient invasive population L2MP�1

aL,N Light-litter feedback coefficient native population L2MD�1

aL,I Light-litter feedback coefficient invasive population L2MD�1

BN Aboveground living biomass of native population MpL�2

BI Aboveground living biomass of invasive population MpL�2

R Soil resource availability MRMS�1

DN Aboveground litter mass of native population MDL�2

DI Aboveground litter mass of invasive population MDL�2

L Light availability EL�2T�1

t Time T

ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 5

J. Molofsky et al. Admixture and Ecosystem Transformation During Invasion

effects on plant growth, aR,I can be seen as nutrient-litter

feedback coefficients. As noted above, litter will also inter-

cept light, meaning that light availability is now described


L̂ ¼ L01þ cL;NBN þ cL;IBI þ aL;NDN þ aL;IDI


in which aL,i indicates the per capita interception of light

by litter produced by species i. As litter decomposition

now affects light availability, which in turn will feed back

on effects on plant growth, aL,i can be seen as light-litter

feedback coefficients.

The Admixture, Trait Variation,Ecological Feedback Loop Leading toEcosystem Transformation

As argued in the previous section, post-introduction

admixture can lead to a quantitative change in the expres-

sion of functional traits and, if those traits are heritable,

can initiate or amplify ecological feedback effects, poten-

tially inducing irreversible changes in ecosystem structure.

Our model highlights a particular case where trait alter-

ation in resource uptake and allocation strategies might

induce such a cascading effect on ecosystem functioning.

More specifically, due to the potential of litter feedbacks,

a change in the invader’s leaf tissue carbon:nitrogen ratio

can affect the competitive ability of other plant species as

well. Thus, ecosystem transformation can now arise when

the invader-induced changes in traits (in this case greater

litter production) caused by admixture, and possibly

also post-admixture phenotypic selection, shifts the trait

distribution of the invasive population past the predicted

tipping point. The proposed framework can be used to

analyze how admixture-induced changes in the mean or

variance of key functional traits would affect ecosystem


Applying the above framework to the invasion of Pha-

laris arundinacea in North American wetlands, Eppinga

et al. (2011) showed that in ecosystems where the original

trait value of the invader would not enable invasion, a

phenotypic change toward higher carbon:nitrogen ratios

would enable a critical transition toward an invader-dom-

inated state when the invader’s leaf tissue carbon:nitrogen

ratio passes a critical threshold (Eppinga et al. 2011;

Fig. 3). An indicator for the litter conditions favoring

Phalaris dominance is the ratio between the amount of

litter present and the living aboveground biomass because

invasive Phalaris are better competitors for light but

poorer competitors for nutrients, so they have a competi-

tive advantage when light is more limiting; and greater

litter results in an overall greater amount of nutrients

present in the system over a longer time period. In addi-

tion, the higher the C:N ratio present in the system will

decompose more slowly, resulting in a higher overall lit-

ter:above-ground biomass ratio. Model simulations sug-

gest that a critical transition to a high-litter to biomass

state can be triggered by an ecological disturbance such as

pulses in available nutrients arising from eutrophication,

for instance (Fig. 3). As Phalaris is a strong competitor

for light, it benefits from high-litter conditions. An indi-

cator for the litter conditions favoring Phalaris dominance

is the ratio between the amount of litter present and the

(A) (B)

Figure 2. Zero Net Growth Isocline (ZNGI, cf. Tilman 1982) diagrams assessing the effect of an invading population’s change in mean trait value

when in competition with a native population. Isoclines and consumption vectors of the invasive population are drawn in black, isoclines, and

consumption vectors of the native population are drawn in gray. Considering competition for soil nitrogen, a change in an invader’s inherent leaf

tissue carbon:nitrogen ratio can result in a competitive advantage if: (A) the invader is the stronger competitor for nutrients and decreases its leaf

tissue carbon:nitrogen ratio; (B) the invader is the weaker competitor for nutrients and increases its leaf tissue carbon:nitrogen ratio.

6 ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Admixture and Ecosystem Transformation During Invasion J. Molofsky et al.

living aboveground biomass. This litter:biomass ratio is

likely to increase when the proportion of invasive (i.e.,

high leaf tissue C:N) Phalaris genotypes in the system

increases. This can initiate a positive litter feedback, as

reduced competition from native species may outweigh

the negative effect of litter accumulation on the growth of

invasive Phalaris genotypes. Model analyses suggest that

this positive litter feedback may be initiated above a cer-

tain threshold in the litter:biomass ratio (Fig. 3; Support-

ing Information).

Our previous work (Lavergne and Molofsky 2007)

focused on the effect of admixture on mean trait values

in invasive populations. Such shifts in trait means can be

established by admixture and repeated episodes of direc-

tional selection. To obtain a mechanistic understanding of

selection requires explicit consideration of additive genetic

variation within populations and selection among invasive

genotypes in the new habitat. However, depending on the

amount of additive genetic variance and the strength of

selection, this process can be gradual and require multiple

generations to shift the mean far enough to elicit ecosys-

tem transformation.

In the previous sections, we discussed the role that

admixture during invasion plays in the rapid emergence

of novel genotypes with trait values that differ from the

parental types, and which can produce large phenotypic

variance in functional traits at a faster rate than would

occur through mutation and selection, often in one or

two generations (Lynch 1991; Lynch and Walsh 1998).

Now, instead of examining the mean trait of invasive

genotypes, we can examine the conditions that lead to the

dominance of an invasive plant species by explicitly con-

sidering the variance between genotypes that is commonly

increased by admixture among divergent sources during

invasion. The development of this type of genotypically

diverse invasive population can be described by reformu-

lating the above framework into a spatially explicit, sto-

chastic, individual-based model (e.g., Eppstein and

Molofsky 2007), which considers the fitness of different

invasive genotypes competing with each other (through

intraspecific competition leading to selection) and with a

native species (through interspecific competition). In this

model, we create a lattice of cells, in which each cell can

be occupied by one individual: a native species, or a par-

ticular genotype of the invasive species. After individual

growth during the growing season, as described by the

non-spatially explicit equations above, the probability of a

genotype i occupying a cell the next season is determined

by a transition probability, which depends on the per

capita potential growth rate of genotype i, relative to the

growth rate of all competitors in the nearby cells com-

prising the interaction neighborhood (Eppstein and Mol-

ofsky 2007; Eppinga et al. 2013):

qðx; yÞi ¼Pxþ1


Pyþ1y0¼y�1 Bðx0; y0ÞiPc



Pyþ1y0¼y�1 Bðx0; y0Þj

qmax (7)

in which q(x,y)i is the probability of occupation of the

cell at position (x,y) by genotype i in the next timestep,

C is the total number of genotypes and species in the

community. Further, the summations over x′ and y′ indi-cate the size of the assumed interaction neighborhood

(here we use a discrete neighborhood (Moore)). By

including genotypes that vary in their C:N ratio in the

simulations as is expected post-admixture, we can investi-

gate how genetically determined variation in this key trait

(leaf C:N ratio) affects the potential spatial spread of

Phalaris and triggers a transition.

We parameterize the model to reflect the invasion of

North American wetlands by introduced European geno-

types of reed canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea. Therefore,

we simulate competition between a phenotypically diverse

Phalaris population and a native species along a nutrient

supply gradient. To parameterize the model, we include

10 genotypes spanning the range of C:N ratios observed

in natural populations of invasive Phalaris that are the

15 30 45 600










Increase in Invader's carbon:nutrient ratio (%)


r: B





Alternative stable states

High litter state(Invader dominant)

Low litter state(Native sp. dominant)

Effect ofnutrient pulses

Simulation Unstable coexistence state

Figure 3. Litter feedbacks and evolutionary change toward a higher

carbon:nitrogen ratio synergistically change the outcome of

competition between native and invasive populations. In habitats

where the invasive is not present yet, the invasion process may

encompass a critical transition from a low-litter state to a higher litter

state but to do so may require a disturbance. This is modeled in the

figure as nutrient pulses (as could occur following a soil disturbance, or

episodic runoff). The y axis of the graph illustrates the change in the

litter:biomass ratio following these nutrient pulses. Nutrient pulses

were modeled as a short-term (100 days) increase in nutrient supply

(up to S = 100 mg�kg�1) and the carbon:nitrogen ratio of the

invader’s leaf tissue increases during the simulation. Thus, the effect

of nutrient pulses becomes more pronounced, eventually forcing the

system over a threshold in the litter: biomass ratio, coinciding with a

critical transition toward a high-litter, invader-dominated state. The

dotted line indicates the litter:biomass ratio of the (unstable)

coexistence equilibrium. This dotted line is not a formal separatrix.

ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 7

J. Molofsky et al. Admixture and Ecosystem Transformation During Invasion

products of admixture between divergent native range

sources (Lavergne and Molofsky 2007; Eppinga et al.

2011; Eppinga and Molofsky 2013). To focus on the effect

of variation in tissue C:N, we keep other differences

between genotypes constant. We note that while this

approach does not explicitly model the quantitative

genetic processes that produce standing genotypic varia-

tion (e.g., mating, recombination, and segregation), it

does effectively model how the spatial spread dynamics

change in the presence of genotypic variation in func-

tional traits, which is our key objective. Such genotypic

variation can easily arise in one or a few generations, fol-

lowing admixture of divergent sources (Lynch 1991), and

does not require mutation per se, which makes it particu-

larly applicable to biological invasions (Ellstrand and

Schierenbeck 2000; Kolbe et al. 2004; Dlugosch and Par-

ker 2008). Further, many invaders (notably many plant

species) are capable of strong asexual reproduction, mak-

ing it highly plausible that once a particularly invasive

genotype arises, it may persist and spread without recom-

bination breaking up its beneficial gene and trait combi-


Our model results show that litter feedbacks may

increase the success of Phalaris in competition with native

species; certain invasive genotypes are able to invade more

oligotrophic, nutrient poor wetlands than was possible

without incorporating genotypic variation (Fig. 4). Fur-

ther, the results show that by incorporating the expanded

phenotypic variation as observed in admixed invasive

populations, we include the presence of high C:N geno-

types which increases the range of conditions where the

population becomes invasive. Interestingly, when there is

phenotypic variation in Phalaris’ C:N ratio, without

assuming any other tradeoff, we find that particular geno-

types with higher inherent C:N ratio are able to expand

Phalaris’ range into previously unoccupied environmental

niche regions (Fig. 4).

Although trait variation can be measured straightfor-

wardly in greenhouse or common garden experiments, it

is not always clear how variation in traits measured under

controlled environmental conditions affects ecosystem

processes, and possible feedbacks therein. Analytical

approaches, such as the framework presented here, pro-

vide an opportunity to scale up the effects of phenotypic

variation observed in controlled environment experiments

to the ecosystem level. Interestingly, the results of model

analyses can lead to predictions of how the occurrence of

increased phenotypic variance due to human-aided dis-

persal and admixture is reflected in the characteristics of

the ecosystems invaded. In the presented example, litter

feedbacks induced by increases in the invader’s leaf tissue

carbon:nitrogen ratio should be reflected by higher litter:

biomass ratios in invaded ecosystems. Higher leaf C:N

has indeed been observed for invasive Phalaris arundinacea,

confirming a central prediction of the modeling approach

described here (Eppinga and Molofsky 2013).


tial l




l #)



0 100 2000





Spatial location (cell #)0 100 200

Spatial location (cell #)0 100 200

Spatial location (cell #)

Nutrient supply increases


t ava





s Na ve genotypes only

No li er feedbacks

Na ve genotypes onlyWith li er feedbacks

Na ve + invasive genotypes

With li er feedbacks


Figure 4. Stochastic cellular automata simulations of competitive dynamics between a native wetland species (in black) and an invasive

population of multiple genotypes that differ in leaf tissue C:N ratio (in shades of green). We modelled five native Phalaris genotypes with C:N

ratios ranging between 20 and 30 gC�gN�1, and five invasive genotypes with C:N ratios ranging between 35 and 90 gC�gN�1. Model simulations

were run over 150 seasons for 150 days, considered a range of soil resource input (increasing from 0 to 30 mg�kg�1) and light availability

(increasing from 0 to 50 mol�m�2�day�1). (A) If we consider only Phalaris native genotypes (black), we find that the genotypes can only invade

nutrient-rich areas with relatively low light availability; (B) Here, we consider only Phalaris native genotypes but include the dynamics of a litter

feedback, (C) Invasive success increases as novel genotypes with specific C:N traits are included, the invasive genotypes dominate the Phalaris

population at low nutrient supply regimes, which is reflected by a higher average C:N ratio within the population.

8 ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Admixture and Ecosystem Transformation During Invasion J. Molofsky et al.

Conclusions and Prospects for FutureWork

The occurrence of expanded functional trait values or

new strategies of growth or resource capture following

admixture may be one mechanism whereby invasive

genotypes develop the ability to transform ecosystems.

The effect of admixture on ecosystem transformation

can be tested experimentally by creating hybrid geno-

types between different invasion sources and testing

whether the experimentally admixed population possesses

expanded trait variation or multi-trait combinations.

First one must test the consequence of admixture for

variation in functional traits, which can be done with

most species amenable to crossing and analyzed using

the quantitative genetic method of line crosses (Lynch

and Walsh 1998; Fig. 5). This represents a powerful

manipulative method to evaluate how the admixture of

divergent native range lineages impacts the distribution

of key traits in experimental hybrid genotypes, and how

these traits compare to current invasive genotypes. Trait-

based research is an increasing focus area in community

and ecosystem ecology (McGill et al. 2006; Albert et al.

2010), but to date studies on intraspecific variation in

traits and how trait variation can alter feedbacks and

influence ecosystem dynamics has been under-explored.

Trait variation in invasive populations represents an

important subset of trait-based research and can provide

important information about the processes generating

variation in traits and multi-trait combinations, and

their effects on ecosystems.

Obviously, not all changes in traits will cause an eco-

system transformation. Therefore, it is important to not

only document changes in trait expression post-admix-

ture, but also experimentally determine whether the new

trait values found in hybrid genotypes are sufficiently dif-

ferent than trait values in the parental populations so as

to induce a critical transition. While our resource-compe-

tition model can help identify the necessary conditions in

intraspecific trait variation necessary for a critical transi-

tion, experimental tests in situ still provide the gold stan-

dard for understanding whether expanded trait variation

is altering feedback relationships and ecosystem state.

Such studies are possible in ecosystems consisting of

perennial or annual plants that can be easily manipulated

and studied in mesocosm experiments. Thus, plants with

known genetic backgrounds (e.g., parentals or hybrids of

varying generations) can be planted into plots with the

idea that the resulting ecosystem properties can be tested

pre- and post-introduction. Such data would provide a

mechanistic understanding of the role that genotypic vari-

ation and even genotype-specific traits in an invasive pop-

ulation have on ecosystem properties. While these

experiments would no doubt be challenging to conduct,

requiring many replicate gardens or mesocosms to cap-

ture the effects of genotypic variation, they are feasible,

especially for plants that can be clonally propagated for

experimentation. Further, while these types of experi-

ments would likely involve a complex series of predictors

and hypothesized feedback relationships, the relationships

could be synthesized using tools such as structural equa-

tion modeling (SEM) that combines path analysis and

factor analysis to compare specific hypotheses about how

different variables in the system interrelate (Grace 2006).

We have outlined a synthetic framework that incorpo-

rates model predictions and experimental approaches to

determining how variance in trait expression during inva-

sion may lead to ecosystem transformation. Our study

has indicated that the enhanced trait variation found in

introduced populations of invasive species brought about

through admixture can ultimately alter the diversity and

structure of natural communities, reduce ecosystem resil-

ience, and ultimately be responsible for abrupt shifts in

ecosystem states. Moreover, studying the extreme trait

variance that results from admixed genotypes post-intro-

duction can enhance our understanding of how intraspe-

cific diversity in functional traits can alter ecosystem

function and ultimately lead to a better understanding of

how the combined effects of both ecological and evolu-

tionary dynamics interact in natural populations. A com-

prehensive approach that combines theoretical modeling,

quantitative genetics, and manipulative field studies will

lead to a deeper understanding of how human-aided dis-

persal of populations to new ranges can be a key step in

the ecological and evolutionary processes that lead to crit-

ical transitions to a new ecosystem state.

Figure 5. Theoretical prediction of functional trait distributions from

line crosses between divergent “parental” populations (P1 and P2) for

early- and advanced hybrid generations (F1, F2 and backcrosses).

Note the expanded phenotypic variance in hybrids reflecting the

production of transgressive genotypes segregating trait values beyond

the range of either parental population.

ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 9

J. Molofsky et al. Admixture and Ecosystem Transformation During Invasion


J. M., M. A. K. and M. B. E. acknowledge support from

USDA Hatch and USDA-NRI 2006-03645 grant awarded

to J. M. S. L. acknowledges support from the European

Research Council (project TEEMBIO, FP7/2007–2013Grant Agreement no. 281422), and from ANR projects


PEXT-11) projects. S. R. K. acknowledges support from

National Science Foundation IOS-1238885. This is contri-

bution number 4869 from the University of Maryland

Center for Environmental Science.

Conflict of Interest

None declared.


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Supporting Information

Additional Supporting Information may be found in the

online version of this article:

Appendix S1. Analytical justification of the model results.

12 ª 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Admixture and Ecosystem Transformation During Invasion J. Molofsky et al.