Human-Computer Interaction...

Post on 17-Jun-2020

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Human-Computer Interaction DesignCOGS120/CSE170 - “Intro. HCI”

Instructor: Philip Guo

Week 0 - Introduction (2017-09-29) some slides adapted from Scott Klemmer

Learning Objective to get a sense of what this class is all about so that you can know what to expect and decide whether you want to take it.

Outline - Inspirational “first day of class” stuff - Boring “first day of class” logistics

Human-Computer Interaction DesignWhat is human-computer interaction (HCI)?

What is design?

Human-Computer Interaction Design

Human-Computer Interaction Design

Human-Computer Interaction Design

Human-Computer Interaction Design

Google image search for “evolution of cell phones”

UCSD is a great place for HCI + Design!

First In-Class Activity Think only to yourself, not out loud

Engineer, Hacker, Maker, Programmer

Artist, Designer, Product Manager, UX

My Own Background

Engineer, Hacker, Maker, Programmer

Artist, Designer, Product Manager, UX

EE & CS undergrad, CS Ph.D. Software engineer @ Google Educational technology designer Computer science professor Cognitive science professor

Market Demand

Engineer, Hacker, Maker, Programmer

Artist, Designer, Product Manager, UX

What This Course Offers …

Engineer, Hacker, Maker, Programmer

Artist, Designer, Product Manager, UX

Human-Computer Interaction Design


The goal of this course is to give you hands-on practice with a modern human-centered design process

while building a web application to serve a set of target users.

In my completely unbiased opinion, this is one of the most practical classes you’ll take in college.

Boring logistics time

Enforced course prerequisites:

(CSE 8A or CSE 11) and (some COGS course)

Programming prerequisites: Even though this course is focused on the

interaction design process, in order to succeed in it you will need to do a fair

amount of web programming. You will need to do frontend web programming; backend

server-side programming is optional (but can make your project more compelling).

Course FormatMondaysDesign Lectures


WednesdaysStudios (attendancemandatory)


FridaysCode Lab


Design Monday lectures

Implementation Friday code labs

Evaluation Wednesday studios

x 10 weeks

Avoiding local optima

Getting the design right vs.getting the right design

Quarter-long interaction design and web app

implementation project

This quarter’s project theme: designing for people

age 40 and over

Teams of three, formed in your studio

Designs shared weekly in studio


Weekly Wednesday Studio Ritual� Assignments due on Wednesdays, 12:30am (no extensions)� Go to studio on Wednesdays & check out your peers’ work� Reflect on and discuss your own work� THIS IS WHERE THE REAL LEARNING HAPPENS! � for reals! learning doesn’t happen by listening to me talk all day

� Attendance is mandatory.� Attendance is more than mandatory. It’s super-mandatory.

� Show up early or on time; remember to sign in

TAs who will be your Studio Leaders:� Ashkon� Charles� Harold� Joel� Kandarp� Sean

Instructor: Professor Philip Guo

Piazza, not emailAfter class, not emailOffice hours, not email

Laptop Computer Policy

Bring a fully-charged laptop to all classes to do the activities and code labs.

You are all adults, so be respectful with device usage. Don’t do anything that may

distract your classmates. Honors policy.

This class is over-full right now.

Good news: it will be offered again in winter quarter! (twice per year)

Talk to cogsci/CSE admins about all enrollment questions.

The Course Web Site has all the information.

Your question is likely already answered on the website or Piazza. We won’t respond to questions that you can find on the website.

Now I’ll go over the course calendar and

syllabus from the website (exciting!)

The goal of this course is to give you hands-on practice with a modern human-centered design process

while building a web application to serve a set of target users.

In my completely unbiased opinion, this is one of the most practical classes you’ll take in college.

Learning Objective to get a sense of what this class is all about so that you can know what to expect and decide whether you want to take it.

TODOs After Class - Activate your Piazza invitation

- Let me know if you didn't get it yet - Do not send emails to course staff