Human Services Commission Agenda Packet

Post on 27-Mar-2022

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Human Services Commission Agenda Packet6:00 P.M.
Jessica Xie, Chair, District 7 Michael Albrecht, Vice-Chair, District 6
Lila Guirguis, Mayor Latasha Jamal, District 1
Christopher Matthes, District 2 JD Cargill, District 3
George Paccerelli, District 4 Gloria Medel, District 5
Quartney Cervantes, Agency Representative Joe Ford, Agency Representative
Kenneth Rotter, Agency Representative Ana Maria Apodaca, Pasadena Unified School District
Hillina Jarso, Pasadena City College
Meeting Information
Human Services Commission regular meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Agendas and related documents are available for public review on the City website at:
contact the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department as soon as possible at (626) 744-7295 or Providing at least 72-hour
advance notice will help ensure availability. Language translation services may also be requested with 72-hour advance notice by at
(626) 744-7295 or Habrá servicio de interpretación disponible para éstas juntas llamando (626) 744-7295.
Members of the public may participate electronically in the open session portion of the meeting.
Access to the meeting is as follows:
Video Conference:
Public Comment Instructions
1. Advance correspondence, to become part of the record:
Members of the public may submit correspondence of any length prior to the start of the meeting, at the following email address: These comments will be provided to the members of the body if received by 5:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting, and will become part of the meeting record. They will not be read aloud. Correspondence received after that time will be provided to members of the body later.
2. Live public comments during the meeting:
During the meeting, members of the public may provide live public comment on an agenda item, at the time the Chair solicits public comment, by either (a) if using the Zoom program, selecting the “raise hand” function; or (b) if participating by telephone, pressing *9 to raise your hand. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes each, and the Chair or the Commission may limit this time if reasonable under the circumstances. Your phone call to the Commission meeting will be recorded as part of the Commission meeting. By staying on the line and making public comment during the Commission meeting, you are agreeing to have your phone call recorded.
If you need a reasonable modification or accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act because you are unable to participate electronically as set forth above, please contact the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department as soon as
possible at (626) 744-7295 or
6:00 P.M.
4. Approval of minutes
5. New business Information item
Presentation from the Public Health Department about the TAYLink and GEM Programs – Whitney Harrison (Social and Mental Health Division Manager)
6. Old business Action item
Commission work plan updates and discussion*
7. Reports/comments from the Chair
8. Comments from Commissioners
11. Adjournment *Attachments
Posting statement: I hereby certify that this Agenda, in its entirety was posted on the City Council Chamber Board S249, and the bulletin board in the rotunda area at City Hall, 100 North Garfield Avenue on or before the 2nd day of December 2021, by 5:30 p.m. The agenda may be viewed at the City’s website at
Michael Albrecht, Vice-Chair Human Services Commission
Tamer Sabha, Recording Secretary
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 6:00 P.M.
Commissioners Present: Michael Albrecht, Ana Maria Apodaca (departed at 7:36 PM), JD Cargill, Quartney Cervantes, Joe Ford, Lila Guirguis, Hillina Jarso, Gloria Medel (arrived at 6:29 PM), Kenneth Rotter Commissioners Absent: Latasha Jamal (excused), Christopher Matthes (excused), George Paccerelli (unexcused), Jessica Xie (excused) Staff Present: Lola Osborne, Tamer Sabha
1. Call to order Vice-Chair Albrecht called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM. The Commission welcomed new Commissioner Quartney Cervantes (Boys and Girls Club of Pasadena), who shared her background and experience.
2. Roll call Staff (Sabha) called the roll and a quorum was established for the Commission.
3. Public comments for items not on the agenda None
4. Approval of minutes After review, it was moved (Guirguis) and seconded (Rotter) to approve the Minutes of the October 13, 2021 regular meeting. (Motion unanimously carried) In Favor: Albrecht, Guirguis, Cargill, Medel, Ford, Rotter, Jarso, Cervantes Absent: Apodaca
5. New business
Review of Pasadena Police Department Community Brief for September and October 2021 – Lt. William Grisafe The Commission reviewed the Police Department Community Briefs for September and October 2021. Lt. Grisafe attended the meeting to answer questions from the Commission and provide more information related to calls for service.
Public Comment:
Jill Shook, a Pasadena resident, provided a live public comment about the recent gun violence and encouraged bringing the Parent Project, a gang prevention program, back to the city.
Review recommended changes to the scoring criteria for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Service NOFA Evaluations – Vice-Chair Albrecht and Randy Mabson (Program Coordinator II, Housing Department) After discussion, it was moved (Guirguis) and seconded (Ford) to approve the recommended changes to the scoring criteria for Community Development Block Grant Public Service NOFA Evaluations. (Motion carried) In Favor: Albrecht, Guirguis, Cargill, Medel, Ford, Jarso Abstain: Rotter, Apodaca, Cervantes
Review draft letter to the City Council in support of the establishment of a Religious Facilities Housing Ordinance – Commissioner Joe Ford After discussion, it was moved (Rotter) and seconded (Cargill) to approve the letter of support of the establishment of a Religious Facilities Housing Ordinance to be sent to the City Council. (Motion unanimously carried) In Favor: Albrecht, Guirguis, Cargill, Medel, Ford, Rotter, Apodaca, Jarso, Cervantes Public Comment: Sonja Berndt, a Pasadena resident, provided a live public comment in support of the Commission sending a letter to the City Council for the establishment of a Religious Facilities Housing Ordinance. Bert Newton, a Pasadena resident, provided a live public comment thanking the Commission for drafting a letter of support for affordable housing in Pasadena. Anthony Manousos, a Pasadena resident, provided a live public comment in support of the establishment of a Religious Facilities Housing Ordinance and the letter of support being sent to the City Council. Jill Shook, a Pasadena resident, provided a live public comment in support of the establishment of a Religious Facilities Housing Ordinance and the letter of support being sent to the City Council.
6. Old business
Commission work plan updates and discussion After discussion, it was moved (Rotter) and seconded (Cargill) to approve the work plan updates as discussed. (Motion carried) In Favor: Albrecht, Guirguis, Cargill, Medel, Ford, Rotter, Jarso, Cervantes Absent: Apodaca
7. Reports/comments from the Chair Vice-Chair Albrecht asked staff (Osborne) for an update regarding the City Council resuming in-person meetings. Staff (Osborne) shared that there is currently no update regarding resuming in- person meetings for the City Council, Committees, or Commissions.
8. Comments from Commissioners Commissioner Cargill invited the Commission to Councilmember Kennedy’s District 3 turkey giveaway event at Robinson Park on Saturday, November 20.
9. Staff comments Staff (Osborne) provided the following comments: - Invited the Commission to attend the Veteran's Day event tomorrow (Thursday,
November 11) at City Hall beginning at 10:00 AM; and - Will also be sending information for the Adaptive Sports Festival, taking place
on Saturday, November 20 at Brookside Park.
10. Upcoming meeting agenda items None
11. Adjournment It was moved (Rotter) and seconded (Cargill) to adjourn the regular meeting. (Motion unanimously carried) The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 PM.
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 8
City of Pasadena Human Services Commission Work Plan: 07/01/2021 – 06/30/2022
Mission: The purpose of the commission is to advise and make recommendations to the council regarding the human service needs of people of all ages in this community. This commission will aid the City in facilitating collaborative efforts and a coordinated approach to improve and expand the delivery of quality human services in Pasadena. This commission is established to respond to significant unmet human service needs and gaps as identified in such documents that include, but are not limited to, the Early Child Development Policy; Needs Assessment; and related materials. The commission shall:
1. Facilitate bringing City and community resources together to ensure the delivery of effective human services to people of all ages;
2. Formulate ideas and suggest plans and programs designed to promote the availability and effectiveness of human services;
3. Promote cooperation and collaboration among local agencies, organizations and commissions involved in the delivery of human services, consistent with the roles and responsibilities outlined in such documents as the Human Services Commission work plan;
4. Recommend priorities to the council for City resources which respond to identified unmet human service needs;
5. Collaborate with commissions, advisory groups, community agencies, provider organizations, groups and individuals to facilitate effective collaboration in addressing human service issues in Pasadena;
6. Advise the council on ways to achieve human service goals consistent with council-adopted policies which address human services.
FY 2021-2022 Objectives: Objective #1 – LGBTQ+ Health and Human Services to our Constituents
Objective #2 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Services
Objective #3 – Mentoring for Young Women of Color
Objective #4 – Early Childhood Development
Objective #5 – Homelessness
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 9
Objective #1 – LGBTQ+ Health and Human Services to our Constituents
Provide better access to LGBTQ+ health and human services for the City of Pasadena. Commissioners: Xie (Lead), Rotter, Cargill Action Items:
Leverage the San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ+ Needs Assessment to bridge any gaps identified in Pasadena.
Host LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency Training for City leaders and professionals.
Interview residents who identify as LGBTQ+ regarding resource gaps. Work Plan Updates: July 2021:
The Commission approved the work plan for FY 2021-2022.
Chair Xie appointed herself to lead the LGBTQ+ Health and Human Services to our Constituents ad hoc committee and appointed Commissioner Rotter to the committee.
Staff (Osborne) will submit a request to the Mayor’s Office for a proclamation for LGBTQ+ History Month in October.
August 2021:
The ad hoc committee has reached out to the San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ+ Center to ask about the status of the Needs Assessment and hosting an LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency Training for City leaders and professionals.
September 2021:
The ad hoc committee connected with the San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ+ Center to discuss their cultural competency training for elected officials and professional staff. The training is ready and they are targeting a date for early next year.
October 2021:
The ad hoc committee is assisting with cultural competency training for City officials with the San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ+ Center. They will also create a new needs assessment for the Pasadena community.
The Commission received a presentation from the Public Health Department about activities occurring after National Coming Out Day.
Vice-Chair Albrecht appointed Commissioner Cargill to the LGBTQ+ Health and Human Services to our Constituents ad hoc committee.
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 10
November 2021:
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 11
Objective #2 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Services Ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the City of Pasadena. Commissioners: Apodaca, Guirguis Action Items:
Examine DEI data from the Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) Department and to collect data from other City departments. (December 2021)
Examine DEI in relationship to delivery of services for black and brown males of all ages within the City of Pasadena.
Review data for programs related to DEI provided by the ad hoc committee. Work Plan Updates: July 2021:
The Commission approved the work plan for FY 2021-2022.
Chair Xie appointed Commissioner Wright to lead the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ad hoc committee and appointed Commissioners Apodaca and Guirguis to the committee.
Staff (Osborne) will report on data collected from PRCS surveys in December 2021.
August 2021:
September 2021:
Staff (Osborne) shared that the Census 2020 data will be available by the end of September 2021 which will include information related to same-sex couple households and various other entities based on the questions that were responded to, this information should be presented by the ad hoc committee to the Commission for discussion.
The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department is working on updating the Civic Rec system (recreation management software), to collect additional data which should be available by December 2021.
October 2021:
The ad hoc committee will meet this month to discuss work plan objectives. November 2021:
The ad hoc committee will schedule a meeting with staff (Osborne) to discuss the action items for this work plan objective.
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 12
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 13
Objective #3 – Mentoring for Young Women of Color Fill in the gap to ensure that young women are exposed and enlightened to opportunities and resources that can assist in changing their trajectory. Commissioners: Jamal (Lead), Guirguis, Medel Action Items:
Research the need for mentoring young women of color. Work Plan Updates: July 2021:
The Commission approved the work plan for FY 2021-2022.
Chair Xie appointed Commissioner Jamal to lead the Mentoring for Young Women of Color ad hoc committee and appointed Commissioners Guirguis, Wright, and Medel to the committee.
August 2021:
Chair Xie shared an update from Commissioner Jamal that the Pasadena Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will be hosting the Young African American Women’s Conference (YAAWC) featuring workshops and training to mentor young women in areas of hygiene, finances, self-esteem, education, etc. The ad hoc committee will be attending their meetings in an effort to collaborate with them.
September 2021:
The ad hoc committee will be partnering with the Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. for their Young African American Women's Conference. The first meeting will be on Monday, September 13.
October 2021:
Commissioner Jamal attended the Young African American Women's Conference Committee meetings on Monday, September 13 and October 11. The Committee is currently working to confirm a date for hosting an in-person conference at Pasadena City College, but are also planning a hybrid model (in- person/virtual).
November 2021:
Staff (Osborne) will contact Commissioner Jamal to inquire about the Young African American Women’s conference date.
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 14
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 15
Objective #4 – Early Childhood Development To inform the Commission on the progress and accomplishments of the Office of the Young Child and overall early childhood development. Commissioners: Guirguis (Lead), Apodaca, Matthes Action Items:
Continue to support city staff in the Office of the Young Child.
Bring awareness of the impact from the implementation of transitional kindergarten (TK) on the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) and other early childhood providers and centers.
Provide information about Growing Together PASadena, All Children Thrive, and support the early childhood hubs.
Review the Early Development Instrument (child development assessment) and share the data with the public through the early childhood hubs.
Work Plan Updates: July 2021:
The Commission approved the work plan for FY 2021-2022.
Chair Xie appointed Commissioner Guirguis to lead the Early Childhood Development ad hoc committee and appointed Commissioners Apodaca and Matthes to the committee.
August 2021:
No update provided. September 2021:
The Commission received a presentation from the Director's Alliance about the state of the early childhood community.
The ad hoc committee communicated with Director Ree Harris of Early Childhood Programs from the Pasadena Unified School District, and will confirm a date to meet with the ad hoc committee.
October 2021:
Commissioner Guirguis contacted UCLA and they will be meeting with Commissioners Apodaca and Matthes to discuss the Early Development Instrument (EDI) results of 2020 and show the comparison for the last six years.
Commissioner Guirguis attended the Los Angeles County Commission for Women Health Committee Summit on the topic of promoting childcare equity on Thursday, October 7.
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 16
November 2021:
The ad hoc committee met and discussed the current state of early childhood development and requested to receive meeting times and updates from the Office of the Young Child on Growing Together PASadena and early childhood hubs.
The ad hoc committee will meet with a representative from UCLA (Leila Espinoza) to learn more about the Early Childhood Development Instrument (EDI).
Commissioner Guirguis met with Mayor Victor Gordo to provide an update about the work of the Commission.
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 17
Objective #5 – Homelessness To support local agencies that advocate for the procurement of temporary and permanent housing for the homeless population. Commissioners: Ford (Lead), Albrecht, Xie, Paccerelli Action Items:
Provide data to the City Council to recommend procurement of bridge housing.
Work with the newly formed Housing Taskforce to support their efforts and provide feedback and ideas.
Send a letter of support to the Housing Taskforce allowing the procurement of bridge housing.
Shed light on the increasing unhoused Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) population in order to get resources to prevent chronic homelessness.
Collect data from the local school district, including private and charter schools, to educate the City Council on the increase of youth homelessness.
Authorize a member of the ad hoc committee to obtain relevant data from Los Angeles County and the City of Pasadena related to homelessness.
Work Plan Updates: July 2021:
The Commission approved the work plan for FY 2021-2022.
Chair Xie appointed herself to lead the Homelessness ad hoc committee and appointed Commissioners Albrecht and Ford to the committee.
August 2021:
The ad hoc committee would like to connect with the Housing Taskforce in order to align the ad hoc committee's efforts with the taskforce.
The ad hoc committee will be reviewing the draft Housing Element and provide feedback at the next Commission meeting in September.
September 2021:
The ad hoc committee met and noted that the Planning Commission conducted a meeting to study homelessness as part of the Housing Taskforce’s issues, and included the development of tiny homes/villages as a recommendation.
The ad hoc committee will draft a letter of support to the Housing Taskforce for the Commission's review at the October meeting.
Chair Xie appointed Commissioner Paccerelli to the Homelessness ad hoc committee.
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 18
October 2021:
The ad hoc committee will present the draft letter of support for creating a religious facilities housing ordinance (also referred to as a congregational housing overlay) to the Commission for review and approval at the November meeting.
Members of the ad hoc committee are coordinating with Los Angeles County to receive data and identify additional funding for homelessness.
November 2021:
The ad hoc committee will meet this month to provide an update at the next meeting.
The Commission unanimously voted to approve the letter of support for the establishment of a Religious Facilities Housing Ordinance be sent to the City Council.
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 19
Objective #6 – Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Objective: To update the scoring criteria for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Pasadena Assistance Fund (PAF). Commissioners: Albrecht (Lead), Ford, Rotter, Paccerelli Action Items:
Review the scoring criteria for the Community Development Block Grants for Public Service (CDBG).
Meet with Randy Mabson (Housing Department) to learn about the creation of the current criteria.
Obtain best practices for proposals for grant projects.
Present suggestions for updated scoring criteria. Work Plan Updates: July 2021:
The Commission approved the work plan for FY 2021-2022.
Chair Xie appointed Vice-Chair Albrecht to lead the Community Development Block Grant ad hoc committee and appointed Commissioners Ford and Rotter to the committee.
August 2021:
Vice-Chair Albrecht will contact Randy Mabson (Housing Department) to schedule a meeting to discuss CDBG scoring criteria.
September 2021:
The ad hoc committee met with Randy Mabson (Housing Department) to discuss CDBG scoring criteria. The ad hoc committee will meet to develop recommendations for modifications with the goal of providing initial changes at the October meeting.
The Commission will receive an informational presentation from Randy Mabson (Housing Department) at the October meeting regarding the CDBG Program Year 2020 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER).
Chair Xie appointed Commissioner Paccerelli to the CDBG ad hoc committee. October 2021:
The ad hoc committee met and began reviewing the existing Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). The Committee will meet again to finalize recommendations and then coordinate with Housing Department staff on the changes before the NOFA is released in November 2021.
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 20
The ad hoc committee will continue to make suggestions for future changes in Spring 2022, after completing the CDBG allocation awards.
November 2021:
The Commission voted to approve the recommended changes to the scoring system for CDBG Public Service NOFA Evaluations.
The ad hoc committee will make further recommendations after the review of the 2022 applications.
HSC Work Plan FY 2021-2022. Approved July 14, 2021 21
Human Services Commission Presentation Calendar FY 2021-2022
August 2021:
Pasadena Public Health Department on the impact of COVID-19 on Pasadena – Dr. Matthew Feaster (Epidemiologist, Public Health Department)
September 2021:
Presentation from the Director’s Alliance about the “state of the early childhood community" – Melani Smith (Director, Lake Ave Preschool), Susan Wood (Executive Director, The Children’s Center at Caltech), and Toni Boucher (Chair, Child Care Director’s Alliance, Options for Learning)
October 2021:
Pasadena Public Library on how the closure of the Central Library has impacted services in the community (general information, homeless services, job placement, etc.) and contributions to LGBTQ+ History Month
Pasadena Public Health Department on activities for LGBTQ+ History Month
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Year 2020 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) Presentation – Randy Mabson (Program Coordinator, Housing Department)
November 2021:
Public Health Department on TAYLink program January 2022:
TBD February 2022:
Leaders of Change April 2022:
TBD May 2022: