Husband Abuse

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Husbands, Like Wives, are victims of Abuse too. Abused men can visit for support.


The Verbally ABUSED


This is compassionately dedicated

to the men who have fought to love and understand

in total solitude

The women that…

The women that…

Rage at them

The women that…

Rage at themCall them names

The women that…

Rage at themCall them namesCriticize their mistakes

The women that…

Rage at themCall them namesCriticize their mistakesJoke about their insecurities

The women that…

Rage at themCall them namesCriticize their mistakesJoke about their insecuritiesMock their interests

The women that…

Rage at themCall them namesCriticize their mistakesJoke about their insecuritiesMock their interestsTrivialize their pain

The women that…

Rage at themCall them namesCriticize their mistakesJoke about their insecuritiesMock their interestsTrivialize their painYell at them suddenly

Threaten them with their deepest fears

Then tell them they deserve it!

Then to top it off…

She denies it all!

If you are one of these men…

We believe in you

in your struggle

your loneliness

and your pain.

It's all very real.

You are not alone!

Here are some signs

Of an abusive relationship

But before we start…

A point of clarification:

This presentation in now way is meant to belittle even in the slightest way the

abuse that women and children are

victims of.

As a matter of fact, the following signs apply to

all abusive relationships, whether the victim is a child, a

wife or a husband.

Our intention is simply to bring to

the world’s attention that

men, like women and children, are victims as well.

Types of Emotional Abuse:

Based on:The Verbally Abusive Relationshipby Patricia Evans



When a women refuses to empathetically listen, validate, or share emotions. She withholds thoughts and feelings. She thus destroys the core of what sustains an intimate relationship, intimacy.



She negates, or counters his reality, feelings or experiences. He cannot say or do anything right.



Discounting causes partners to believe something is truly wrong with their feelings, thoughts and experiences. It causes a feeling of worthlessness.

Disguised Jokes

Disguised Jokes

Pokes at his most sensitive areas. Demeaning to his masculinity or abilities.

Blocking and Diverting

Blocking and Diverting

Blocking and diverting controls the discussion. When she BLOCKS, she will negate or nullify your statements. When she DIVERTS she will end the discussion, claim confusion, or “tiredness” with the subject. This prevents any possibility of resolving conflicts.

Accusing and Blaming

Accusing and Blaming

A verbal abuser will accuse or blame her partner for causing the abuse she is perpetrating.

Judging and Criticizing

Judging and Criticizing

The verbal abuser judges her partner’s thoughts and actions and then expresses her judgment in a critical way. By doing this, she continues her controlling behavior.



By trivializing his actions, opinions or perceptions, she is in essence saying that he is less significant that she. She thus tries to maintain her power over him.



Undermining not only withholds emotional support, it erodes confidence and determination. This makes her feel that she can more easily control him.



“Do as I say or else…”Verbally abusive threats are usually targeted directly at the victims deepest held insecurities. The ultimate statement of power and control.

Name Calling

Name Calling

Simply put, this is the most overt and obvious verbal abuse there is. Name calling is the ultimate nullification of his “self”. In other words “You do not exist”.



Abusive forgetting, i.e. “forgetting” appointments, agreements, and/or incidences is a form of manipulative denial. The abuser bluntly denies the partners existence. In doing so she shuts down any possibility of communication. Its like talking or living with a brick wall.

Ordering and Demanding

She’s in charge here…Ordering and Demanding is meant to demean a partner and tell him he is neither equal nor autonomous.

Ordering and Demanding



She feels that she in not accountable.She could read all of these categories and say "I love you, I'd never do anything to hurt you." She may even believe that herself.

Abusive Anger

Abusive Anger

By being abusively angry, the abuser is saying; “As long as I am scary and threatening to you I can have my way”.

If you are the victim of emotional abuse there is help available:

If you are the victim of emotional abuse there is help available:

Consult Your Family Doctor

If you are the victim of emotional abuse there is help available:

Consult Your Family DoctorConsult your Lawyer

If you are the victim of emotional abuse there is help available:

Consult Your Family DoctorConsult your LawyerLearn as much as you can on the subject

If you are the victim of emotional abuse there is help available:

Consult Your Family DoctorConsult your LawyerLearn as much as you can on the subjectStart the process towards a happier life!

If you are an Abused Husband


Join some friends who can relate!
