Husserl's phenomenological method in managment

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Ashish Malik and Robert Shaw Presentation at the Australia New Zealand Academy of Management


Husserl’s Husserl’s phenomenological phenomenological

method in managementmethod in management

TodayTodayThe common The common


Science still dominates Science still dominates

Husserl’s methodHusserl’s method

Some prejudicesSome prejudices

DissatisfactionDissatisfactionManagement education vsPractical management

Calls for an assistanceSkills

What is at issue

Can science explain Can science explain management?management?

What is science?

Science as theory (positivism)

Science as culture (constructivism)

Science as truth (hermeneutics)

Objects of enquiry


Husserl’s methodHusserl’s method

A European traditionA European tradition

The goal in phenomenologyThe goal in phenomenology

A little historyA little history

Phenomenological methodPhenomenological methodPhenomenology = the way in which knowledge


Hegel 1807

Husserl 1930s

Heidegger 1930s

Common method in:

Nursing ,Psychiatry

Teaching, Politics

Husserl himselfHusserl himself

Husserl - methodHusserl - methodWhat is the goal?What is the goal?

Make sense of phenomenaMake sense of phenomena

How do you practice phenomenology?How do you practice phenomenology?

An exampleAn example

Local governmentLocal government

Be withBe with

Try to eliminate thoughtsTry to eliminate thoughts

What is the essence?What is the essence?

BracketingBracketingPhenomenological reductionPhenomenological reduction

A funny kind of skillA funny kind of skill

Be withBe with

Eliminate that which you can groupEliminate that which you can group

Seek the essence within phenomenaSeek the essence within phenomena

The theory of interpretationThe theory of interpretation

= hermeneutics= hermeneutics

TraditionalTraditionalWritten textsWritten textsBible, law, literatureBible, law, literature

ModernModernVerbal, non-verbalVerbal, non-verbalGadamer Gadamer Truth & MethodTruth & Method

The personal searchThe personal search

Your own struggleYour own struggle

Insight = truthInsight = truth

Reflection on practiceReflection on practice