Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Activities in...

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Hybrid and Electric Vehicles

Activities in Austria

Ing. Michael Nikowitz, MSc.Sandton, 4th November 2015

Table of contents

E-Mobility in Austria

Market penetration of EVs/ (P)HEVs in Austria

Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Ongoing projects



E-Mobility in Austria

Austrian Automotive Sector

Automotive industry is an important

sector of the national economy

(GDP: 43 Billion €/a)

Automotive supply industry is

highly successful

>450,000 employees are working

in the Automotive sector, mainly in

the production & development of

drive trains (>175,000 employees directly involved) (700 companies)

Every 9th job is linked to the Automotive industry

Development of alternative drive trains/ fuels has become a

key factor in the competitive capability


E-Mobility in Austria

Austrian Automotive Sector (suppliers)



E-Mobility in Austria

Opportunity to substantially reduce GHG emissions and to

create a sustainable mobility system

Interdisciplinary potential of several innovation fields: energy,

environment and transport

Benefits from a highly favorable starting position (well-

established R&D- programs, initiatives, demonstration

projects, etc.) but mainly through an efficient energy system

featuring >30% renewable energy in the power supply mix


E-Mobility in Austria


Source: Climate and Energy fund

Market penetration of xEVs in Austria

Behaviour of Austrians (1/2)

Austria: >8.5 million inhabitants (2014)

4.6 million passenger vehicles ~1.6 cars per household

Study by Generali*, 2015 (n = 2,000):

44% of all car owner plan to buy a new car within the next

2 years, 20% of them plan to buy a BEV or (P)HEV

Austrians prefer to buy used cars (40%)


Diesel: 50%

Gasoline: 30%

Hybrid: 15%

Electric: 5%


* Austrian insurance group

Preferences for buying

a new car in 2015

Diesel Gasoline

Hybrid Electric

Market penetration of xEVs in Austria

New registered cars in Austria (01.01.-30.09.2015)

Total: 313,982 (-0.4% to 2014)

Passenger vehicles: 237,193 (-0.1% to 2014)

BEVs: 1,222 (+31% to 2014)

HEVs: 2,530* (+148% to 2014)

CNG: 543** (-12% to 2014)

FCVs: 3 (+200% to 2014)

Fleet total in Austria (30.09.2015)

Total: 6.56 million

Passenger vehicles: 4.74 million

BEVs: 4,610

HEVs: 15,122*

CNG: 4,978**

FCVs: 6 *HEVs also include PHEVs **also include bivalent ones


1.8% of all new registered passenger vehicles (4,298), are driven by alternative drive trains

146 223 353 989 1389 2070 3386 47482592 3559



















2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Total amount of vehicles with alternative drive train

BEVs (P)HEVs CNG (incl. bivalent)

Market penetration of xEVs in Austria



New registered BEVs in Austria 01.-10.2015

Tesla Model S (412)

Renault ZOE (220)

Nissan Leaf (152)

VW Golf (110)

BMW i3 (149)

Kia Soul (124)

VW UP! (54)

Smart Fortwo (44)

Nissan NV-200 (31)

Market penetration of xEVs in Austria

EV supply equipment and charging infrastructure

Increasing amount of alternative filling stations

~2,309 EVSE (public & private)

EVSE for cars only: 1,684 (public)

Fast charging (CHAdeMO/ Combo/ Typ 2): >67! (2014: 14 units)


Type of fuel 2012 2013 2014 2015

CNG 146 175 174 171

LPG 32 36 36 38

Biogas 1 3 3 3

E85 28 33 33 31

E-vehicle (public) - Level 2 AC 1,060 1,160 1,449 1,699

Hydrogen 1 1 1 3

Vegetable Oil 19 20 20 20

Conventional 2,575 2,515 2,640 2,622

Market penetration of xEVs in Austria

The currently ongoing implementation in Austria of EU Directive 2014/94/EU goes along

with the creation of a register indicating the geographic location of refuelling and

recharging points accessible to the public of alternative fuels.


Market penetration of xEVs in Austria

EVSE expansion

Mostly realized by company Smatrics

Located on top locations (e.g. supermarkets,

shopping malls, parking garages)

Distance between stations: < 60km (37mi)

100% renewable (hydroelectricity)

Charging rate min. 22kW/h (Charging time Renault Zoe: ~ 60min)

Focus on Quick Charging in 2015

60 stations by the end of 2015CHAdeMO/ Combo/ Typ 2 (50 kW/ 50kW/ 43kW)

New: McDonald's as cooperation partner

Net-rate: starting from €14,90/month


Market penetration of xEVs in Austria


Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Pushing e-mobility forwards

Pushing e-mobility forwards in Austria is done by:

support through promotions & funding programs and

implementation of regulatory (legalistic) measures

Since 2007, the Austrian government has more than tripled

public funding in the sectors energy research, development

and demonstration; adopted a new energy research strategy

and launched several priority programs


Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Pushing e-mobility forwards

In 2014, Austria’s public expenditure for energy-related

research and development amounted to 143,100,718 euros

(+15% to 2013; all-time high)


Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Pushing e-mobility forwards

Research areas of energy efficiency, renewables, smart

grids and storage define the priorities of the publicly financed

energy research within Austria


Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Subcategories with the highest expenditures in 2014


Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Pushing e-mobility forwards

Highest expenditures in 2014 (in million euros):

electricity transmission & distribution (21.5),

efficient residential & commercial buildings (17.8),

communities, smart cities (13.4),

photovoltaics (11.5),

energy storage (11.5),

bioenergy (9.4),

hybrid and electric vehicles (8.5),

energy efficiency (industry) (8.1),

solar heating & cooling (5.1)

and fuel cells (5.1).


Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Austrian national policies - conventional vehicles

Emission Taxation System (NoVA-Normverbrauchsabgabe)

Cars (< 90 gCO2/km) don‘t have to pay the NoVA.

The excess amount (to 90) is divided by five and gives the NoVA

tax rate (max. 32%). The calculated rate is applied to the net value

of the car. (e.g. 120 gCO2/km means a tax rate of 6% ((120-90)/5).)

Mineral oil tax

Since December 2010 the tax rates for 1,000 liter fuel are:


Gasoline Tax rate

Content of: sulphur max. 10 mg/kg, biofuel min. 46l € 482

Else € 515

Diesel Tax rate

Content of: sulphur max. 10 mg/kg, biofuel min. 66l € 397

Else € 425

Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Austrian national policies - Alternative Drivetrains

EVs are exempt from NoVA taxation system

State & communities offer many promotions e.g. purchase premiums

Many insurance companies provide a discount of 10-20% for EVs

For companies, associations & non-profit organizations, there is

support of 30% of the environment-related investment costs for the

acquisition and conversion

As of January 1st, 2013, the motor-dependent insurance tax for HEVs

and Range Extender has to be paid for the engine power of the

combustion engine only - BEVs are exempt

Until 2016, vehicles running on E85, CNG, LPG, biogas, or hydrogen,

receive a tax reduction of EUR 600 (USD 673)*


* As per 25.09.2015

Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Federal programs for funding & supporting

advanced propulsion systems


(Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport,

Innovation and Technology)

Facilitates the market launch of new propulsion technologies

Supports cooperative research projects and the development of

“flagship projects” as major pilot projects and demonstration


Overall funding volume: ~ 60 Mio. EUR per year


Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Federal programs for funding & supporting

advanced propulsion systems

A3PS (Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems)

Strategic public-private partnership for a close cooperation

between industry, research institutions and technology policy for

the development and market introduction of alternative propulsion

systems and fuels

A3PS is dealing with the following objectives and tasks:

Cooperation and Networking


Know-How Demonstration

Safeguarding interests

Orientation and Advisory function


Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Federal programs for funding & supporting

advanced propulsion systems


Agency of the bmvit

Focus on Innovation, ITS Deployment and E-Mobility

Responsible for the implementation process of AFI DIRECTIVE



Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Federal programs for funding & supporting

advanced propulsion systems

Klima:aktiv mobil

Program for mobility management to reduce CO2-emissions and to

promote environmentally friendly/ energy efficient mobility

Provides free advice & financial support to help businesses, fleet

operators and property developers, cities, municipalities, etc., to

develop & implement mobility projects/ transport initiatives

2007-2014: > 4,900 ecofriendly mobility projects were initiated

(annual emission reduction of 570,000 tones of CO2)

Annual budget*: € 12mn (FY2014)


* Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Federal programs for funding & supporting

advanced propulsion systems

Mobility of the future

National transportation research funding program (2012–2020)

Mission-oriented R&D program to help Austria creating a transport

system designed to meet future mobility and social challenges by

identifying and refining middle-to long-term improvement ideas

Including: passenger transport; transport

infrastructure; vehicle technologies and

freight transport

Annual budget: 15 Mio. EUR


Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Federal programs for funding & supporting

advanced propulsion systems

Climate and Energy Fund

‘E- Mobility to all’

‘E- Mobility Model Regions’

‘Lighthouses of E- Mobility’


Regulatory conditions and funding programs

Federal programs for funding & supporting

advanced propulsion systems

Climate and Energy Fund

‘E- Mobility to all’ and ‘E- Mobility Model Regions’

‘Lighthouses of E- Mobility’ – Flagship Projects 7th call

Development & demonstration of vehicle fleet applications for electric and

partially electric cars.

Start-up initiative for the 2017 topic “Low-Emission Electric Vehicle and

Infrastructure Design”.

Funding budget FY2015: 5 Mio. Euro


Ongoing (sutainable) projects

Linking private and public transport

Austria benefits from linking public transport systems with

e-utility vehicles, e-scooters, e-car sharing and e-bikes

A various number of e-car sharing & rental models have been

launched since 2014 (interest exceeded the supply by far)

E-taxis as a specific form of car sharing

Feasibility study on the economic impacts of BEV-taxi fleets:

conducted by TU Vienna

upgrade the existing taxi operation to BEVs could be easily realized

still a lot of hurdles to overcome (e.g. missing EVSE)

Output: start of demo projects in Vienna, Graz and Salzburg


Ongoing (sutainable) projects

Vienna starts one of the world's largest e-taxi projects

Based on the feasibility study/ following demo

projects, Vienna announced the

‘Vienna e-taxi project’ (May 2015)

Wiener Stadtwerke

(Vienna’s infrastructure provider),

together with Viennese taxi

companies, started one of the world's

largest e-taxi projects in Vienna


Ongoing (sutainable) projects

Vienna starts one of the world's largest e-taxi projects

“Vienna e-taxi project”:

1st step, up to 120 e-taxis (from 2016 onwards)

2nd step, increase to 250 e-taxis till 2019

Funded by the bmvit*, with a funding for taxi

companies of up to 8,000 euros/ vehicle and

a quick charging network (specially adapted

for the e-taxi fleet operators)

Early birds will receive free electricity for

one year at the fast-charging stations

* Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology


Ongoing (sutainable) projects

Eurovision Song Contest participants drove with e-

Taxis and e-busses

60th Eurovision Song Contest (Vienna, 2015)

Organized as Green Event (1st time)

30 e-taxis (Tesla), 120 HEVs, 12 e-busses

were used to drive artists/ delegates to the

red carpet

Vienna’s e-buses have already driven

> 200,000 kilometers without major problems

The current 12 ‘Citybuses’ mainly serve lines

in the historical (old) part of Vienna have

become a tourist attraction


Ongoing (sutainable) projects

Promotion tours


Ongoing (sutainable) projects

E-Mobility for commuters

eMORAIL (Integrated eMobility Service for Public Transport):

Pilot project of the Austrian train operator (ÖBB), offers a mobility

package for commuters - from their home to their workplace

Systematic combination of public transport & electric individual

transport (e-car, train & e-bike) for the first/ last miles

Successfully implemented and tested

To ensure high vehicle utilization,

e-cars were used operationally

during the day

(e.g. commuters

delivery services (post)



Ongoing (sutainable) projects

E-Scooters and E-Motorcycles


E-scooter “iO King Kong” by “iO”

Driving range: 70km (up to 180 kg) to 140km

used by the Austrian Post Service


About 210,000 e-bikes (most popular EVs in Austria)

In 2014, every 9th-sold bicycle was an e-bike (in Austria)


Ongoing (sutainable) projects

E-Scooters and E-Motorcycles

E-bike by the Austrian company Johammer ‘Johammer J1’

Synchronous motor (11 kW), 178 kg (empty)

Top speed of 120 km/h

Batteries (12.7 kWh)

Range between 180 and 220 km,

Fast charging time 2.5 hours (80%)

180 pieces are expected to be sold in 2015


Ongoing (sutainable) projects

Unique in the world: The ÖAMTC expanded margins

fleet to e-bikes

Since May 2015, ÖAMTC’s (Austria's Traffic Club) breakdown drivers

are using e-bikes in addition to their cars and trucks

Ensure the providence of breakdown

assistance in the fastest way possible

Area: Vienna’s inner city districts

Period: (May - September)

Equipment: e-bikes with a special

trailer (incl. a specific set of tools for

the most important margins)

ÖAMTC was able to record 499 inserts within the first two months


Ongoing (sutainable) projects

Electrified logistic solutions

A few Austrian projects focusing the goal of

e-vehicles for urban freight logistics

CITYLOG EMF (Electric Multifunctional Vehicle)

has the vision of a holistic approach concerning the reorganization of

logistic structures and the concomitant reorganization of the transport

technology of goods in sensitive areas:

E-motor propulsion: fuel-cell (H2) based

Series of ‘self-driven’ vehicles and ‘trailers’

Coupled to a train, and un-coupled for loading

and unloading operations

Every vehicle is ‘driving’ itself

Serial production expected to be ready in 2016


Ongoing (sutainable) projects

Promotion tours and social events



E-mobility as interdisciplinary issue between energy, transport and


>175,000 employees are (directly) working within Austria’s

automotive industry, mainly in the production & development of

drive trains

Research, development, and innovation up to the production of

structural components, and system-integrated solutions open potentials

employment for the automotive industry

15,323 (P)HEVs, 4,748 BEVs and 5,007 CNG (incl. bivalent) vehicles

(end of October 2015)

Vehicles, driven by an alternative drive train amount for 1.8% of all new

registered vehicles

Main focus in 2015 on FCEVs and enlargement of EVSE (Quick Charging)


Thank you for your attention!
